The Good Demon [KNY]

By Carmelizedunipn

501K 14.1K 5.8K

Akai Suisei was one of the first people Muzan changed. The young boy wanted to grow strong and proud like his... More

Part 1: The Night Everything Changed
Part 2: The Start of a Thousand Year Journey
Part 3: Cut short
Part 4: F@ck, This is Boring
Part 5: Freedom
Part 6: The Demon Slayers
Part 7: Friends or Enemies?
Part 8: Another Life
Part 9: Training
Part 10: The First Hunt (1/2)
Part 11: The First Hunt (2/2)
Part 12: We Aren't
Part 13: Advice from the Flame Pillar
The Red Comet's Bio
Part 14: Mount Natagumo
Part 15: Spider Fight
Part 16: The Boar and Sun
Part 17: Bad Memories
Valentines Day
Part 18: Mental and Physical Pain
Part 19: The Sun Breather
Part 20: Target Practice
Part 21: The Infinity Train
Part 22: What Do I Have to do Again?
Part 23: Strike Back
Part 24: How Do You Fight a Train?
Part 25: Fight Fire With Fire
Part 26: It's Cold
Part 27: Morning Training With an Unlikely Opponent
Part 27.5:
Part 28.5: Misfortune
Part 29: The Flambouyant Jackass
Part 30: Rest and Preparation
Part 31: Improv and Infiltration
Art: Akai Drinking Angrily
Part 32: Search and Sanitation
Part 33: Attraction and Deception
Bonus Part: Apologies
Part 34: Tied Up
Part 35: Not all There
Part 36: The Rage of The Sun
Part 37: Rage of The Red Comet
Bonus Part: Roommates
Imma Be Real With You...
Update/new OC?
Part 38: The Siblings (1/3)
Part 39: The Siblings (2/3)
Part 40: The Siblings (3/3)
Part 41: Breakdown
Part 41.5: Good Morning
Part 42: Self Harm
Part 43: Self Improvement
Bonus Part: Life After Dark
Pat 44: End of Training
Part 45: A New Makeover
Imma Just Ask it Now:
Bio of The Twin Comets
Part 46: An Invitation
Part 47: Hanging Out
Part 48: Tokito Muichiro Doesn't Give a Shit
Part 49: Tokito Muichiro Still Doesn't Give a Shit
Part 50: Fighting the Mist Pillar
Part 50.5: The Girl in The Hot spring (14+?)
Part 51: A Revelation
Part 52: A Letter From Your Father
Part 53: Battle With The Multiplying Demon
Part 54: Burning Resolve (1/4)
CLOSED! Halloween Event Voting
Halloween Vote Results: Pretty Dissapointed TBH
Special Part: Halloween Night (Modern AU)
Part 55: Burning Resolve (2/4)
Part 56: Burning Reasolve (3/4)
Part 57: Burning Resolve (4/4)
Part 58: The Coward's Bitter End
Part 59: Everything is Okay
Part 60: One More Mission
Part 61: Clashing Demons
Part 62: The Battle on The Mountain Continues
Voting: Vote For a Lemon
Shinobu X Giyu Lemon
Part 63: Raging Soul
Part 64: Burning Body
I Am Still Alive.
Part 65: The Demonized Slayer
The Art
Part 66: His Return...
Part 67: The Truth
Part 68: Regrouping
Part 69: Warm-Up
Part 70: Tenacity
Part 71: The Festival
Part 72: You Promised, Uncle...
Part 73: Change of Plans
Part 74: Come on, then.
Part 75: Surprises
Part 76: Power
Part 77: Hunger
Part 78: A Promise
Part 79: The Origin (1/2)
Part 80: The Origin (2/2)
Part 80.5: You Never Asked
Akai Suisei: Full Bio
Alternate History: Fear The Red Comet
Part 81: Hamon
Part 81.5: Medicine
Part 82: Poison
Part 83: Whooping
84: Tension
Part 85: Heat
Part 86: Tantrum
Part 87: Steam
Part 88: All I Want
Part 87.5: Squeaky Clean
Part 89: Regrets
Part 90: Warmth
Part 91: Embrace

Part 28: Lions and Toys

5.2K 166 65
By Carmelizedunipn

"So that's what happened, eh?" Sanemi muttered. He was currently being held down by Giyu and Genya. Akai was panting on the ground, exhausted from running for so long.

"That's right Aniki. There's no reason to be mad." Genya said.

"HE GAVE YOU HIS BLOOD!!!" Sanemi screamed and thrashed against Giyu. "YOU COULD'VE BLOWN YOURSELF UP!!!"

"Well, I didn't. And it worked out." Genya argued.

"I mean, you kinda fell apart at the end but yea." Akai muttered while making a so-so gesture with his hand.

"YOU WON'T BE DOING THIS!!! THAT'S FINAL!!!" Sanemi roared.

"Well Sanemi, if he does this, he's get stronger and he'll be harder to kill which decreases the chances of you losing your dearest brother~" Akai leaned down to Sanemi's face and said.

"..." Sanemi paused in thought for a moment.


It had been a week since their first time 'training'. With approval from Sanemi, Akai would be able to teach Genya how to use his blood. And with a bit of time, maybe even the Breath of The Cosmos.

"So, how do we begin practice?" Genya asked. He and Akai stood next to eatchother in the same patch of forest. unintentionally, the trees Akai cleared out managed to create a flat, wide space for training.

"Well I think we should..." Akai paused and thought. Then he thought for a bit longer. Then a bit longer. How was he supposed to train Genya? "Sanemi, what should be do?" Sanemi's one condition to the training was that he'd oversee it all and stop it whenever he wanted.

"Well, give him a bit and try to get him to control the output." Sanemi said.

"Okey doke." Akai nodded and pulled out a cup of blood. He handed it to Genya, who took a sip and handed it back to Akai. Genya tensed up and held his head down, trembling as his body was bathed in heat. He let a burst of steam through his mouth and bulging, orange veins appeared throughout his body. He seemed to be handling the power well.

"Nice." Akai nodded his head at Genya's progress. "Test it out." Akai ordered.

"O-Okay." Genya said. His voice had a rugged undertone to it, most likely caused by the strain and the demonic elements in his body. Genya made a fist and punched the air. The force of his punch ripped through the air and made a little shockwave. "Badass!!! Genya exclaimed and began punching the air wildly. He darted and weaved throughout the area, pursuing an imaginary enemy. After about twenty seconds Genya's body emitted a blast of steam and he was left as a normal human again, covered in sweat. Genya slumped forwards and onto the ground. He sat crossed legged as Akai and Sanemi jogged to him.

"What now?" Genya asked.

"That's enough for today." Akai patted him on the back.

Over a period of three months, Akai and Genya would train with eatchother. Practicing and honing their techniques. Akai had also improved his relationship with Sanemi and becane full friends with Genya.

Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke also had begun their recovery training. And after heading back to the estate every evening, Akai would talk to them. With all the good people around him, Akai let his rage towards demons (mostly Akaza) dissipate for the time. Allowing him to achieve peace with others and peace within himself.


Akai had an off day. Genya was off on a mission with Sanemi. Tanjiro and Zenitsu were also on a mission. And he didn't really feel like hanging out witb Inosuke. So that meant one thing was left.

He'd go to see Rengoku.

After a long walk, Akai was near the end of the path, where Renhoku's house layed. He turned a corner and saw Rengoku's house. He noticed a boy on the porch. He collected a letter from a Kasugai crow with a smile. He looked just like Rengoku. His brother perhaps?

"Howdy." Akai made his prescence clear. The boy looked up and saw him.

"Oh, hello." He said timidly.

"Hi. I'm a friend of Kyoujuro Rengoku, can I see him?" Akai asked.

"Who are you?" The boy asked.

"Well, I'm Akai Suisei." Akai answered.

"Suisei...?" The boy slowly got up and began walking towards him.

Then jogging.

Then full on sprinting.

The boy flew into Akai and began hugging him and crying.

"Thank you for saving my brother!" He cried.

"Oh. You're uh... You're welcome." Akai patted his back slowly.

After a little while, he calmed down and he sat with Akai on the porch.

"So, what's your name?" Akau asked.

"My name is Senjuro." Senjuro answered.

"They told you everything?" Akai reffered to the battle against Akaza.

"Yes! The Kakushis told me about how you saved Kyoujuro and then beat Upper Moon Three to a pulp!" Senjuro said with sparkles in his eyes.

"It was a hell of a fight. But..." Akai paused for a second and his lip curled in spite. "He got away..." He growled.

"There's always a next time." Senjuro reminded Akai.

"Hm." Akai nodded. "How's your brother right now?" Akai asked.

"His lungs are damaged. He won't be able to fight anyore." Senjuro muttered. "But he'll be able to live normal to the most part, he's just retiring." He added to lighten the mood.

"Can I see him?" Akai got up.

"Well, I'm not sure my father will let you near him. But he will be thankful." Senjuro got quieter while mentionimg his father.

"I'll go anyway." Akai decided. Senjuro nodded and led Akai to the door. They both entered the dark home.

"Smells like medecine..." Akai muttered.

"Father! I brought a visitor!" Senjuro broadcasted his voice. A man very similar to Kyoujuro and his brother came out. except he had a bit of a beard stuble and wore a casual kimono.

"Senjuro? Who the hell is this? What did I tell you about BRINGING PEOPLE INTO THE-" At first he seemed mad, but he restrained himself. It seemed he was trying to avoid getting mad at his son. "Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"I'm Akai Suisei." Akai answered and held his chin high. "Don't show weakness. Lions like weakness."

"Well fuck off. My son is too tired amd I hate visitors. You should leave before I-" The fathed Rengoku paused in thought for a second. "Akai Suisei, as in the one who was on that mission?" He asked.

"Ya-huh." Akai nodded.

"..." Kyoujuro's father was quiet as he slowly went down into a kneeling positiin. Akai raised an eyebrow at this display.

"THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY SON!!!" The Father Rengoku screamed. "AS FORMER FLAME PILLAR, SHINJURO RENGOKU, I AM SINCERELY THANKFUL!!!" Shinjuro gave his name and screamed again.

"...Aight..." Again, Akai was not used to being thanked. "Um... Can I see Kyoujuro now?" Akai asked skittishly.

"Yes, of course. KYOUJURO!!!!" Shinjuro nodded and screamed in the direction of another room.

"Wait! Nono, I'll just go over there..." Akai waddled to the room Shinjuro had screamed at.

Akai knocked on and Shinjuro left to another room. Senjuro went back outside with a broom. After a small while the door opened and a tired looking Rengoku greeted Akai.

"Akai, my boy! Come in! Come in!" Rengoku beckoned him to come in.

"Are you alright?" Akai asked.

"I'm fine." Rengoku closed the door. "Thank you for saving me." Rengoku bowed his head to Akai.

"You're welcome, Mr. Rengoku." Akai nodded back.

"I think it's time that I retired." Rengoku said sadly. He sat down on his futon. and Akai sat on the floor next to him.

"That's unfortunate." Akai saod quietly.

"Akai, I want you to have something." Rengoku said and reached into his kimono pocket.

"?" Akai raised his eyebrow.

"Take this." Rengoku handed Akai a little finger puppet of a lion. "I remembered you mentioning that you had one as a childhood toy. So in my spare recovery time, I made one." Rengoku Explained.

Akai expected something cool, but this felt amazing. it was just like the one he once had, more than one thousand years ago. Except it was super tiny, but it would be easier to carry.

"Thanks Rengoku!" Akai took the puppet and put it in his pocket. Rengoku smiled and layed back down. "Get better soon, Sir." Akai bowed with a smile.

"I will!" Rengoku patted his chest with a laugh. Akai smiled back and did a finger salute before leaving.

Before leaving entirely, Akai went back to talk with Senjuro on the porch.

"Your dad seemed pretty amgry earlier. Why is that?" Akai asked.

"Father was an alchoholic until a couple weeks prior. When a boy named Tanjiro kamado visited. they had a fight and argued. In the end, Father listened to Tanjiro and got better. Be also sends me letters." Senjuro smiled, holding an envelope.

"I know him. That's something you'd expect from him." Akai looked into the distance, deep in thought.

"Rengoku also have Tanjiro his sword's guard." Senjuro commented.

"Wait WHAT!?" Akai whipped his head to the side. "I got a finger puppet! That's so unfair!" Akai whinned, before sighing. "I'm over it."

"...You're weird." Senjuro narrowed his eyes at Akai.

"That's why I fit in with all the demon slayers so well." Akai got up and went to leave. "See ya."

"Goodbye!" Senjuro waved goodbye as Akai walked down the trail.


The sun finally begam setting, and the last orange lights began to fade.

Akai was playing with the puppet alone on his bed. He made little cat noises as he moved the puppet here and there. He heard a scurrying noise and sat up on his bed. He saw a tiny nezuko at his bedside. staring at him with those adorable, unfeeling cat eyes of hers.

"...What?" Akai stared at Nezuko, who stared back.

"Hm." Nezuko opened her hands and raised them above her head.

"What do you want?"

"Hm hmmm!!!"

"My puppet?"


"No." Akai said, dead serious.

Nezuko growled and jumped on Akai, slapping his jead repeatedly.

"Ow! Dammit!" Akai shielded his head and held on to his puppet as Nezuko fought for the tiny toy. "No!" Akai pushed her away, making her fall back onto the bed. Nezuko's eyes widenned with rage and she grew to normal size. At this point, Nezuko was trying to pry the toy from Akai woth full blown demonic strength. She managed to get him pinned with her body and had her hands grasping his.

"Wait aren't we in one of 'those' poses?" Akai thought suddenly.

"Nezuko! We're back!" Akai heard Tanjiro and his eyes widenned.

"Nezuko-chan!" Akai heard Zenitsu and his eyes widenned.

"I have to get her off!" Akai thought frantically.

"N-Nezuko! Please get off!" Akai tried to squirm under her frame. She only mumbled angrily and pushed him down harder. "Is this what you want? Here!" Akai handed the toy to Nezuko in hopes that would satisfy her.

Upon recieving the puppet, Nezuko's eyes widenned with joy and she wrapped Akai in a tight hug.

"CRAP!!! THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED!" Akai's face lit up in terror as he heard two pairs of footsteps come down the hall towards the room. "Think... THINK!!!" Akai's mind scrambled for a solution. "How can I make myself invisible...?"





"Oh yea." And with that thought, Akai shunk to the size of his finger puppet. Since he shunk, he was now naked, as he couldn't make the clothes shrink with him. He was crushed under Nezuko as Tanjiro and Zenitsu entered the room.

"Nezuko? Who let you out? Why are you emssing with Akai's clothes?" Tanjiro went to grab his sister. He picked her up and took her back to her box. She crawled inside and Tanjiro closed it back up.

Inside the box, Nezuko held the small lion toy.

Along with the little Akai.

"Nuuuuuu!!!" Akai squeaked as Nezuko began mashing him against the toy happily.

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