After I fell

By dy_bie

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"Pl.. pleaae...please.. Don't leave" I could feel the light suddenly go dark. He was going to leave me here... More

chapter 1 < My life sucks.
chapter 2< I drive my own life.
chapter3< The arrival
chapter 4< Meeting the mysterious.
chapter 5 < Introduction sucks
chapter 6 < A new enemy.
chapter 7< Rocky past.
chapter 8 < Arousing danger.
chapter 9> leap of faith.
chapter 10 > Breakthrough.
chapter 11> Bridges fall too.
chapter 12> Inescapable disaster.
chapter 13> Ignorià
chapter 14> what if i told you i love you.
chapter 15> Baby steps always.
chapter 17> Untamed venom.
chapter 18> Digging out.
chapter 19> Pandora's box.
chapter 20> Feelings are a passage.
chapter 21> unlocking.
chapter 22> uprooted venoms.
chapter 23> A break from reality.
chapter 24> Rebuilding bridges.
chapter 25 > Rise and fall.
chapter 26> Volcanic activity.
chapter 27> cheesy triumphs.
chapter 28> Ew.....disgusting!!.
chapter 29> Let's reunite.
chapter 30> Secret past, unclear future.
chapter 31> Little Mistakes.
chapter 32> Grace and gratefulness.
chapter 33> Falling.
chapter 34> Deciding moments.
chapter 35 < Bad Fate!
chapter 36> The end is near.
chapter 37> What's hope?
chapter 38> A step closer to the end.
chapter 39> An unending break.
chapter 40 < Falling but not crashing.
chapter 41< Little setbacks.
chapter 42 > Sour love.
chapter 43 > Alas!

chapter 16> Earthquakes and volcanoes.

33 6 0
By dy_bie

Our past has a wierd way of controlling our actions and the decisions we make up until the end. Maybe it's just the drive to never ever make such mistakes or a need to escape from the reality of the past and how it will affect our lives either way.

Sanè POV.

I could sense the bright lights and the white walls, especially the very annoying shinning crescent which stood right over my eyes and i started to slowly open them to get away from it.

"Hey sanè can you hear me?"
I heard a familiar voice go until i could make out her face.

"Where am i karen?"
I asked as i reluctantly stood up from the bed which was beginning to look like an hospital ward.

"You're in the hospital sanè"
She replied as she helped me get up properly from the bed.

"Well how did i get here?"
I replied as i noticed the bandage wrapped around my ribs then i felt the hurt in full force.

"Hey be careful they just stitched that. Apprently while you were lashing out you hit something that caused internal bleeding and i didn't notice till you blacked out and i had to call 911 immediately"
Karen said as she tried to help me with the pain.

"Karen did you call anyone else"
I asked her firmly and before she had the chance to reply my sister just popped out of nowhere with tears all over her face.

"Omg sanè are you okay??!!!"
Giggss askes as she hugged me with her intensely soaked and damp clothes.

"You're making what ever hurts worse"
I said as i attempted to pull away from her.

"Sanè i was so scared i thought you had died already"
She said as she broke down in tears and cried soaking her clothes even more.

"Nothing can kill me apart from you and mom"
I said that before realizing that my mom wasn't even here.

She has never been so upset with me in my entire life. I almost died??!! And she's not even here. And then i remembered everything she said to me and then it all began to make sense. The day my dad left and-

"Sanè I'm going to call mom now alright"
Gigi said as she made her way out of the ward.

"Look sanè i don't mean to pry but who's keisha?"
Karen said and i could feel the weight of the entire world on me.

"Where'd you hear that from uhn???!!!! Tell me where the hell did you hear that name from?"
I yelled at karen before realizing that i was already hurting her hand.

"Sanè you're bleeding and you're hurting me stop!"
Karen said and i snapped back into reality.

"I'm going to get a doctor sanè. Sit your ass down"
She said as she hurriedly went to call the doctor.

That name??!! Just could never be mentioned. Not around me not ever!! The memories everything came to me like a flash. How did Karen get to ever know about keisha? Did gigi say something to her out of fear that i was going to die? Did karen have other motives apart from bringing me to the hospital and comforting me? How in the fucckking hell does she know that name. Keisha! No!! No!!! No!!!i can't let anyone know not karen and not in the bloody hell lia. My keisha-

"Here he is doc"
Karen said as she directed the doctor to me.

"Mr Aguerò are you okay?"
He asked and i realized i was in a corner of the ward shakily shedding tears as i was covered in a pool of my own blood.

"Code red!!!! Get the nurses in here and help me get him up"
I could hear the doctor say faintly and all i could think of was all the earthquakes in my life and how badly i want a beer.


Lia's POV.

"Hey lia, did you hear"
Melanie asked me over the phone.
I had just woken up after long hours of rest and tears and i didn't know what to do or how to react to life until her call came in.

"Hear what mel? I'm not in the right mind for gossips and i really need you right here with me"
I replied shakily.

"Yeah no shit! the love of your life is about to lose his life"
She said and i didn't even 4realize when i fell down on the floor in shock.

"Lia you there???!!!! Lia??!!!"
I could hear mel faintly over the phone and the only thoughts in my head were this was all my fault. If i hadn't meddled with his life he wouldn't be fighting for his life. If only i had just followed him even after all he said to me.

"Mel where is he?"
I said in tears and i scrambled down the stairs to go to wherever on earth he is.

"He's in oak hospital down Brandon avenue"
Mel said and i hurriedly ended the call.

"Where'd you think you're going lia"
My dad said as he blocked my way to the entrance.

"Dad if you have any ounce of love for me or any feelings for me at all as your daughter you'll let me go"
I said in tears and i begged him while on my knees.

"Is this about that sanè boy?!"
He asked angrily as he grabbed me off the floor.

"Dad please just let me go"
I said as i began to feel very light headed and weak.

"No lia you get back in your room this instance. I didn't raise a whore"
He said angrily as he shoved me away from the door and that was all it took for me to feel the lights slip away and darkness overflowed immensely.

All the happenings became so clear to me and i felt to free for the first time in a long time. It wasn't hard to breathe, nothing was suffocating and i felt so clear like water and there he was my sanè. So vivid and bright like the sahara sun and his smile so clear and crystal just like the moon. Who wouldn't fall in love with someone so perfect i thought to myself until the skies turned grey and sanè was swimming in a pool of blood. No i have to get hin away from all of this. Sanè!!! Sane!!! Sane!!!!

"Heyy shhhh lia I'm here it's fine"
I could feel my mom's arms around me as i awoke to reality and her hugs reminded me of how she was my first pillar of strength and courage.

"Mom sanè is dying and i can feel it in every part of my being. Please help me mom"
I said as i cried into her arms.

"I've never seen this side of you and lia it makes me so scared and so heartbroken that i have missed so much of my daughter's life.i don't even know what to do to help my own daughter. I feel so useless"
She said as tears fell from her eyes and she hugged me even tighter.

"Mom all i need is to confirm if he's okay mom and to be there for him"
I replied as i tried to be strong for both of us even if my worlds were colliding and destroying on the insides.

"Alright let's get to the hospital lia"
She said as she helped me up and led me downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going!"
My dad yelled from the sitting room after noticing us as we passed.

"She just needs to see him please"
My mom said as she tries to convince my dad.

"Really??!!! You think helping her to be a whore is going to make her love you again. NO!!! Think again she's not our lia anymore"
He said and his words hurt and sank in but before he could continue my mom surprisingly slapped him.

"Never!! Never ever!!! Speak about my daughter like that. Never!!"
She said firmly as she grabbed my hands and drove me to the hospital.

"Mom are you okay?"
I asked as she drove to the hospital.

"Yes baby I'm"
She said as she shot me a smile i knew was not genuine.

As we arrived at the hospital i couldn't wait to see sanè and i got down from the car and raced to the hospital.

"Hi I'm looking for sanè Aguerò "
I asked the nurse at the entrance.

"Uhm he just left surgery he's in the intensive care unit but you can't go in except you're family"
She said and i was desperate to see him immediately.

"Yeah I'm his girlfriend. Can i go in?"
I said even if i wasn't so sure of our status.

"Uhm yeah just sign the paper work and get dressed over there"
She said and i hurriedly did all she asked of me.

"Lia I'm so proud of you and just know i love you with every fibre and soul in my body and I'm so sorry for everything I've done. I'll be right here waiting for you"
My mom said as she hugged me in tears.

"Mom thank you. I love you"
I said as i hugged her tightly.

"Alright go ahead baby I'll be here. I love you so much lia"
She said and i hurriedly went into the ICU.

As i walked in all i could pray for was one more chance to make all of this work. One more chance for sanè. One more chance at love.

"Uhm you're lia right"
I heard a little girl say and i just guessed she must be his sister gigi.

"Yes I'm"
I replied as i moved closer to have a vivid look at sanè

"Oh alright I'm gigi and the doctors are saying he might not wake up for a while and I'm so scared"
She said as tears fell from her eyes.

"Gigi he'll be fine he's a fighter. Trust me"
I said trying to comfort her.

Immediately i noticed him turn in his sleep and i moved closer to him and i held his hand as tightly as i could and i could hear him mumbling something.

He said.

And then it hit me. I was stupid for being here and i can't believe i almost lost everything just to be here with him and It turns out I've been so worried for no reason. I tried to let go of his hand and leave before he grabbed me.

"Don't leave me keisha please."
He said as tears fell from his eyes and i couldn't help but wonder who is this keisha?

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