Where my path will take me

By Flutterknight

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TMNT Episode 8 of season 1 to the last episode of the last season Which mean I am going to get less sleep 😅 More

Never say Xever
The Gauntlet
Panic at the sewer
Mousers Attack
It came from the depths
I, monster
New girl in town
The Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer
Cockroach terminator
Baxter's Gambit
Enemy of my enemy
Karai's Vendetta
The Puverizer Returns
Operation Break out
Showdown part one and part two
The Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Squirrelanoids
Follow the leader
Mutagen man unleashed
Mikey gets Shellacne
Target: April O'Neil
Slash and Destroy
The Kraang Conspiracy
Fungus Humungous
Metalhead rewired
Of rats and men
The Manhattan project
Mazes and Mutants
The lonely mutation of Baxter Stockman
Pizza face
The wrath of tiger calw
The legend of the Kuro Kabuto
Vengeance is Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
Within the wood
A Foot Too Big
Buried Secrets
The Croaking
Dream beavers
Race with the Demon
Eyes of the Chimera
Vision Quest
Return to New York
Serpant hunt
The pig and the rhino
Battle for New York
Casey Jones vs. The underland
The Noxious Avenger
Clash of the mutanimals
The deadly venom
Turtles In Time
Tale of the Yokai
Attack of the mega shredder!
The Creeping Doom
The Fourfold Trap
Dinosaur Seen In Sewers!
Annihilation: Earth!
Beyond The Known Universe
Not everything is easy
The truth and the test
The two sister
My choice
The Outlaw Armaggon
Riddle of the Ancient Aeons
Journey To The Center Of Mikey's Mind
The Arena of Carnage
The War of Dimension X
The Cosmic Ocean
A special chapter
Trans-Dimensional Turtles
The Evil of Dregg
The Ever Burning Fire
Earth Last Stand
City at War
It is my time to shine
Broken Foot
The Insecta Trifecta
Mutant Gangland
Bat in the belfry
The Super Shredder
The power inside her
Tokka vs the world
Spirit Stealer
The Tale of Tigerclaw
Scrolls of the Demodragon
The forgotten swordman
The Heart of Evil
End Times
When The Worlds Collide
Osoroshi no Tabi
Kagayakei! Kintaro
Lone Rats and Club
The Curse of Savanti Romero
The Crypt Of Dracula
The Frankenstein Experiment
Monster among us

Revenge of the Triceraton

181 6 0
By Flutterknight

"So, like, how long does it take to get to the other side of the cosmos?"Casey said as we walk in.

"You mean to the pizza ZZ3 Plural X Beta system?"Mikey said and I look back. "I can't believe you remember that, Mikey"Raph said as they sat. "What do you Pizza, pizza, pizza mean? I have an awesome memory, bro"Mikey said as I heard a bell dings.

I sat down, next to Raph. "At least it'll be the last piece of the Black Hole Generator"Leo said and Mikey threw Pizza at us. I made a tray appear and caught it. "Gonna take a while to get there. Plenty of time for "Chris Bradford and his 2 Ruff Crew!"Mikey said and I sigh as I got up. 

"Nope. I hate him. I am going to give this to Donnie"I said as I made a plate appear. I walk away and went toward Donnie. "Hmm, I estimate we'll get 27% more power out of the ship's thrusters"Donnie said. 

"27. 2%, to be precise"I said and they look at me. "Bleep, how do you know?"He said and I shrug. "I think I am able to read mind. I only thought it only was with Donnie"I said. "Anyway without your help, Donatello bloop we would not have gained that extra . 2%!"Fugitoid said. 

"Well, thanks, Professor. But I've got to admit, since we started working together, I feel barely qualified to be your lab assistant"Donnie said and I walk toward him. He grab the plate and smile at me. 

"Bloop. Nonsense! My lab assistants were robots and you are as qualified as any robot!"He said. "Uh, yeah. I'm pretty comfortable with the ship now. But I still know next to nothing about science and the universe compared to you!"Donnie said.

"Is my Donnie doubting himself again?"I said as I touch his arm. "It's not your fault. You have a sharp mind. You're quite gifted. But you grew up on Earth. So naturally you're 3,000 years behind the standard transdimensional concepts of physics"Fugitoid said.

"3,000 years? I mean, I'm... I'm a galactic idiot!"he said and he look down. "Donnie"I said as he look at me. "Not at all. You're really quite-"Fugitoid said but the alarm was heard. We ran to the main room. "Guys, the-the Triceratons tracked us down!"April said as I gasp.

*Theme song*
I look and saw they surrounded us.

"Attention Starship Ulixes! This is Captain Mozar of the Triceraton Empire"Mozar said. "Captain?"I said. "Didn't this jerk used to be an Admiral?"Raph said. "Heh, I bet the jerk got demoted 'cause of us!"Casey said and laugh. 

"Idiots! I can hear everything you say! You are surrounded. Hand over the pieces of the Black Hole Device to me. Or we will blow you out of the cosmos!"Mozar yelled. "You'll do that anyway"Leo said.

"You have my word as a Triceraton that I will allow you a three nexton head start. And then we will chase you down and blow you away"Mozar said. "Real generous, Horn Head"Raph said. "You'll have to come over and get it yourself, Mozar"April said.

"Very well, then. Prepare to be boarded"he said then disappear. A few ship came toward us. "We don't have the firepower to take those guys"I said. "Move! Go, go, go!"Leo said as we flew away. "We can't outrun their entire fleet!"Raph said.

"Maybe with our upgraded thrusters"Donnie said. "Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Floor it, Fuge!"Mikey said. "No matter what, we must keep heading towards the Plural X Beta System. We can't afford to let the Triceratons beat us there!"Fugitoid said.

"Keep focused. We can do this!"Leo said as we doge their attack. "Almost ready for Tachyon Jump. They won't be able to track us again because we're awesome!"Fugitoid said. "Everyone brace yourselves!"Donnie said as I held on the rail.

Something appear on the screen and I gasp. "No! No! Warp Engine 2 is out!"I said and they all gasp. "Incoming!"I said then we doge it. "That was close"Leo said. "We got another one"Donnie said and we doge both of the missile.

"Good work, team!"Leo sigh. "Phew! Those were planet-busters. We would have been vaporized!"Raph said as I sat down. "Yeah. Good thing they're gonna hit that moon instead of us"Mikey said. "Moon? What moooo-on, dear!"Fugitoid said.

They hit the moon and it exploded. "Thrusters, Fugitoid! Give it everything! Move this boat!"Leo said as we move away. "There's mini-moon all over the place!"Mikey said then I touch the ship. I close my eyes and imagine that there was an invisible shield around us.

"You are all doing an outstanding job. Leonardo, superb piloting! Alison thank you for the shield"Fugitiod said. "Okay! I think we're out of the bad part"Leo said. "I think you spoke too soon"I said. "They're closing in! Raph, Casey, man the cannons!"Leo said.

They nod and started to type. "Hello, Horn Head and goodbye!"Raph said the he look at me. "Alison, wanna shoot some?"he said and I gasp. "Would I?"I said then I ran toward them. "Laser cross-checking! Two nexton penalty! Can I get a what-what?"Casey said.

I type on the computer and shot two of them. "Beat two birds with one stone. Can I get a what-what?"I said as I jump, pumping my fist into the air. "What did they launch at us this time?"Donnie said.

It stop in front of us and shoot a sliver ball. It broke part of the ship and it knock Fugitoid's head off! "No! Fugitoid!"April yelled. Fugitoid's severed head lands on Donnie's lap. "Professor!"he yelled as the alarm was heard. "Got to seal the hole!"Leo said.

I used my magic to seal it off. "If that patch takes another hit, we're in trouble"I said as I look at it. "And without the Professor, we aren't gonna be able to do anything at all"Donnie said, hugging the head of Fugitoid. 

"There's got to be something we can do"April said. "Yeah! Keep this thing flyin'! We still got Triceratons on our tail!"Casey said. "On it! Mikey, divert power to thrusters! Donnie, Alison, see what you can do about Fugitoid!"Leo said. 

"Hmm Yuck! Meteor gunk? Aw, man, that's disgustin'!"Casey said and I turn around. A werid yellow-green thing came toward me and I move quickly. "Ahh!"I said. "Whoa"Mikey said. "Ugh!"Raph said as they both got out of their seat. 

"What the heck was that?"Raph said as it got out. "My ninja vibes are telling me we better follow them, dudes!"Mikey said. "Mikey's right. Those things are serious trouble. Come on!"April said. "Hurry back!"Raph said as they left.
They look inside a room.

"Hmm anybody see any crazy little space critters?"Mikey said as they look around. "Nothin' here. April?"Casey said as Selena scan the piece. Something crash on the ship and they balance themselves. "We better hurry! Let's check the rec room next! Come on!"April said as they left.
I gasp as I saw some purple cloud.

"Yes! That nebula, it's made out of gas"I said and Donnie gasp. "We can hide the ship in the clouds!"Donnie said and we went toward it. "D, A, you really think it's gonna give us enough cover?"Leo said. 

"We're about to find out"we said as we try to hide but they keep on shooting us. "Uh! The answer is no, Leo! It's no!"Raph said. "We need to cloak! Can we do that, Donnie?"Leo said. "Let's hope so! But we're gonna have to slow down to divert power!"Donnie said.

We got hit and I slide toward the chair. "Like now, please?!"I said. Donnie type something on the computer and turn us invisible. "Aw, man. I don't think we'll be able to cloak for more than like a few minutes"Donnie said. "So what do we do, Donnie?"Leo said.

"Um, okay, well, uh we we could um"Donnie said. I felt something bad. Negative energy around Donnie. I look at his necklace which glow dark purple. "We got to have power, or those Raptors are gonna find us and take us out!"Leo yell. 

"I don't know!"He yelled and Leo look away. "This ship is awesomely complex. I'm I'm not as smart as the Professor, okay? I just build stuff out of junk and and Kraang parts!"Donnie said, looking down. 

"You're smart enough to build a robot like Metalhead, right? Maybe there's a way you can rebuild Fugitoid!"Raph said. He hand him Fugitoid's head. "Oh, I'm in way over my head here"He said then I touch his hand. He look at me and I smile softly at him. 
They enter into another room and Casey slip.

He groan as he stood up. "What the heck are those things? Eggs?"Casey said. "They look more like cocoons"April said. "But they're empty"Selena said. "Where'd the little cocoon babies go?"Mikey said then the light turn off.

They scream then Selena made a ball of fire on her hand. They look around then went down the stair and found this weird creature. It hiss at them then start biting another wire. "What are they?"Casey said then one jump on Mikey's head.

He scream as he ran off. "We got to stop 'em from chewin' up the ship! Ahh!"he yelled as another one went on Casey's head. Selena gasp then she show her arm. It turn into wings and she pluck a feather. She took it and made a bow appear.

She pull the string and send the feather toward them. It set them on fire and turn them into ashes. "Thanks, April"Mikey said then it took two broken wire. They put it together and made an exploding. They groan as they stood up. "No! Those little creeps got away!"Mikey said. 

"I know where they're going the Engine Room!"April said. "Dudes, that's, like, the worst place they could destroy!"Casey said as they ran up the stair. "What are you talking about? They already took out the TV!"Mikey said then Selena pull him along.
He look as I sat next him.

"Okay, I-I think this should do it possibly hopefully"Donnie said and I hug him. "It will work. Trust me"I said. "Mmm"He said as his forehead touch Fugitoid's head. "H-h-h-h-h-hello, fellas! Phew, thank goodness my brain was in stasis. I feel so light-headed literally"Fugtoid said.

 Yes!"Leo said while "All right, Donnie!"Raph said. "Professor, we're cloaked but not for long. We need more power. We need you!"Donnie said. "Take me to the Engine Room. I have spare parts in the storage closet. You can put me back together, Donatello. I know you can"Fugitoid said.

"You got to move fast, Donnie. Sooner or later, the Triceratons are gonna find us"Leo said. "Alright. I go with you. I don't want you to doubt yourself again"I said as he smile. "Thanks you are the best"he said as I blush.
"Excuse me, guys, I don't have much time!"Donnie said as we ran then I stop. 

I grab his mask tail and he grunt. "Um, I think you're gonna want to see this, Don"Mikey said and Donnie gasp. "What in the space apples is that?!"Donnie said and the alarm rang. "Oh, no! They're destroying the engine feeds! We're gonna lose power!"I said. 

"Guys, we're about to lose our cloak! You got to do something or we're gonna get blown to pieces!"Leo voice rang. The light turn off and "Ahh!"Mikey said, jumping on Donnie. We heard evil chittering and their glowing eyes look at us. 

"Ahh! Space Gremlins!"Casey and Mikey yelled and they ran toward us. "Bring it on, you freaks!"Casey said as he attack them. "Guys, take those gremlins down before they destroy the ship!"Donnie said. "Haaa!"We yelled as we attack some gremlins. 

Some came toward me and took my dagger. I made it on fire and they stop. "You mess with the wrong queen"I said then I swing my dagger at them. They scream as I chase them. Something came on my head and I close my eyes.

I made my hair on fire and they got off of my head. "Come on. Try and land a hit on me"I said. "What's going on down there?"Leo voice's rang. "We're battling Space Gremlins, brah! Ahh! We'll get back to you!"Mikey said. "Space what?"Raph said. 

"Agh! Get 'em off!"Casey said. "A little busy"I said as some came toward me, trying to land a hit on me. "Donnie, whatever you're doing, hurry!"I said. "Um, I'm not quite sure where to begin, Professor"Donnie said. No problem! I'll guide you every step of the way. Blurp"he said as he died out. 

"Can my luck get any worse?!"Donnie said. "Phew! I think that was the last one"Mikey said then the alarm as heard. "What now?"I said. "Okay, everything just got a lot worse!"Mikey said and they quickly ran to the main room.

"Donnie, what happen?"I said. "I don't know"he said and I held his hand. "Donnie, we need Fugitoid! Now! Donnie!"Leo yelled. "Okay, Donnie, get a grip. This isn't Transdimensional Physics. It's robot-building! You got this"Donnie whisper then I grab his face. 

I kiss him with all my might then pull back. "You can do it. You are the most smartest turtle I ever known. Stop overthinking and do what you do best"I said and he smile. "Well II think I might need some help from my trusted assistant?"he said as I smile. 
We walk inside and stand beside the door way.

"Would my lady want to take a shot?"he said as he hand me his bio-staff. "I will be honor"I said and I threw it at a guard. They look at us and I put my hand on my waist as Donnie check his hand. "Surprise!"I said as Fugitoid came in.

He shot a laser beam and everyone gasp. "Hello, everyone! Miss me?"Fugitoid said as they gasp. "The Black Hole Generator! We got to stop them!"Raph said. "You guys get the Black Hole Generator. I'll pilot the ship"Leo said as they ran off. 

"We're too late! They got the pieces, Leo"We heard Donnie said. "Fugitoid, the Tri-Fleet is moving in to finish us off!"Leo said. "Our destruction would be a big, tremendous bummer. We must escape! 

I will use my fusion core reactor to give our engines the power they need, but it may fry the ship in the process"Fugitoid said. "I don't think we have a choice!"April said. "Clear of all planetary systems prepare for acceleration!"Fugitoid said and we flew very fast.
Raph look around.

"Finally looks like we're safe. Ship's barely functioning"Raph said. "We'll need to find some kind of service station and make repairs"I said as I stood beside him. "Ugh, all that, for nothing. I failed!"Donnie said as he went on his knee.

"No, you didn't, Donnie! If you hadn't gotten the Professor back online, Mozar would have gotten us for sure!"April said. "Yep, what's important is that we're still alive, Donnie. Thanks to you"Mikey said as I walk toward them.

"Donatello, you should be very proud or yourself. You used some of my spare parts in ways I would never have thought of. I think I'm built even better than before!"Fugitoid said. "And you guide me even though I made a few mistake"I said.

"And between you, Alison and me, bleep, I believe it would only take you bleep 2,000 years to master Transdimensional Physics"Fugitoid said as he hug him. "Oh, great. Well, I guess I'll get started on that right away!"Donnie said. 

"Come on, guys. We're not out of this yet. We've got to find that last piece. "That'll slow 'em down. And then we take back the other pieces, and make those Dino-Creeps pay big time. Gongala"Casey said as I walk toward Donnie and Fugitoid then I tap on Fugitoid shoulder. 

"May I talk to my boyfriend, alone?"I said and he nod. We walk out and the door close behind us. I hug him as he walk back a little. "You did it, love. You save Fugitoid and our life. I am so proud of you"I said as he smile. "It all thanks to you"He said. 

"Me? What did I do? I am not smart or other. I am just a normal alien queen"I said and he touch my cheek. "You are doubting yourself again"he said as I smile. "I was worry. About Zack and the people of Earth"I said and he touch my hands.

"Don't worry. We will save them"he said as I smile. "I love you"I said. "I love you too"He said then we kiss. "So I was thinking if we can have some alone time?"Donnie said and I giggle. "Watching some movie and cuddle?"I said and he nod. "I would love that"I said.

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