The Darker You || BNHA X Lyca...

By KonekoJr

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You were once a wolf-pup living in a Junkyard; alongside your trusted raccoon friend Kenai. Things weren't al... More

• Prologue •
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Your Description
chapter 1: The Start of it all *
chapter 2: Long live the silence *
Chapter 3: into civilization *
chapter 4: a breathe of change *
chapter 5: Spread your Shit *
chapter 6: Canine Prep *
chapter 7: The Exam (pt 1) *
chapter 8: The Exam (pt 2)*
chapter 9: I'm Diseased Aren't I *
chapter 10: physically failing*
chapter 11: Going Under *
chapter 12: I don't do shitheads (pt 1) *
chapter 13: I don't do shitheads (pt 2)*
chapter 14: true darkness *
chapter 15: third eye flexing
chapter 16: the aftermath
chapter 17: 34EX *
chapter 18: 20 Questions
chapter 19: a stuttering mess
* chapter 20: A wild one She is
chapter 21: packs of 2
chapter 22: What? When? Where?
chapter 23: a perfect life
chapter 24: Knocking on Deaths door
Chapter 25: The boarder between life and death
chapter 26: A crush, a beef jerky stick, and a shit-head
chapter 27: training interlude
chapter 28: The lanterns In the Dark
chapter 29: It's a bird!! No, Its A plane!! Actually it's a....valkyrie??
chapter 30: what do you want?
chapter 31: Even idiots Have Demons
chapter 32: Que Sad Training Montage
chapter 33: Guess The Cat's Out of The Bag.
chapter 34: Within Your prey; There Lies A Hidden Demon
chapter 35: A lone wolf, needs her independence
chapter 36: Mental entertainment
chapter 37: Tips For The Gruesome
chapter 38: Reign of the Sovereign Puppy
chapter 39: Wolves don't purr
chapter 40: The Conjoined Secrets Of The higher Order
chapter 41: Ol' St. Fen
chapter 42: Oi Oi Oi; Troubles On The Way!
chapter 43: A Lycan's Purpose
chapter 44: W-What's a Date-?? I-I mean What's the Date-?!
chapter 45: Two Dads, And A Date With The Ultimate Cutie
chapter 46: A mental Rhetorical Question
chapter 47: Attack Pupper Attack!
Chapter 49; a lost cause
chapter 50: Long Time No See
chapter 51: A forgiven saviour *
chapter 52: Let's be friends. wait, who are you anyway?
chapter 53: Wait- Don't Worry
chapter 54: Wolves don't fly
chapter 55: The Quest continues
A/N: (not a real chappie sowwy)
chapter 56: When it all comes together
chapter 00: *Bonus chapter*
Chapter 57: I can feel him (republished)
A/n: (Sorry not an update)
Authors note: sorry

chapter 48: Camp careless

344 16 0
By KonekoJr

"Alright. Give me 15%." I nod profusely, clentching my jaws- letting my body change, along with the steady stream of questions my father was currently spamming me with.




"Bring it back down to 7%"

"Now just barely, scrape 8%-"
"Barely scrape?? Like what do you mean-?"

He sighs bitterly, "Try 7.5%"
"Ohh." I nod, and carry on transforming. I felt strange, manipulating my forms like I have. It makes my body look different- I feel like somehow this is exercising my inner wolf. So maybe the extra movement might be Helping my body to grow- it's weird, because when I do feel like my humanity has somehow caught up with me, I feel gross and sick. Like my insides are literally melting due to the heat in my body.

"Show me some of those Aura blasts." I nod. I try a couple times, but at first I cough. It's mainly just my body Recreating the heat it obsorbs from anger. My anger isn't just a piece of my brain, but it's some kind of flame, burning deep inside me.

I try a few more times, coughing up only smoke. He quirks an eyebrow at me, "I'm trying okay-" I hiss, feeling a droplet fall against my hand.

"Crap." I groan, studying it carefully.

This only happened when I wasn't summoning enough of my quirk, and still this body is holding me back. I can't help but wonder what the hell fen, meant.

I wished I could just ask him. But it'd be like selling my soul to the devil. And it'd be quite literal at that point.

The flesh just won't stay on my face- like I have to be In my natural form in order to do it. My body can get blazing hot- I was hoping I wouldn't singe the grass- but I could all ready see dark foot prints trailing around the spot I chose to train in.

"Sensei..I need a minute..." He purses his lips. "And why?" I sigh, "Because uhh-" I bit my nail-

God it was getting so hot.
Why did he make me do this??

He was seriously, just begging me to set this camp a blaze. I mean, I'd already delt with enough on my way here, getting caught up with the class in that dirty cat trap.

Katsuki stepped on my tail, and I still haven't managed to comb out the tangles. I know I'm not supposed to eat anything, I mean that's why sensei couldn't find me this morning...I was stuck hurling in a porta potty. Marshmallows are certainly a no-go, but- I kept picturing myself tearing into everyone's bodies like some wild animal.

Marshmallows were all we had in sensei's pitiful toat bag. And sense I wasn't exactly supposed to eat chocolate, I inhaled them like I hadn't eaten in a thousand years.

Then I stayed up the rest of the night analysing stuff in my head about my dad. Then I got to thinking about touya.

If he's in with the league, there's no doubting he'll go down with them. When my dad's done using them...

He'll kill them all.

Then again, they are Pretty strong. I couldn't help but wonder If there was anyone in this world with the strength and power to beat my father... I couldn't be that strong.

And even if I did have that kind of power, I'd trade it for my humanity in a heartbeat.

I needed to die before I got a chance to keep Latching onto this life, but the was the thing.

I think I already have.

There it goes again, except, it oozes into my hand, not as flesh but as some kind of bitter darkness. "-Because!! I just have to!! Get Off my back will you???"

I throw him a wild glare before scrambling to the bathroom.
I reached in my bra, chuckling mischeviously. I couldn't believe I managed to swipe the damned thing back from kenai. When he hides something, it's most likely never to be found again.

But then Katsuki texted me back. And I followed my notification sound to his secret hoard. It was in some kind of hole in my closet.

Mina's pretty much showed me the vast majority of what I need to know to use this strange Device, and I used it to keep track of nearby street fights.

I wasn't really thinking about spending the money on myself, nor my habits. Actually I was going to try to quit during training camp.

I got to thinking, about touya, and about his life. If I was given the chance to have a fresh start somewhere else, and become something important- I would take it.

I was buying him a Couple of plane tickets to go see his aunt. In the past, I remember talking to him through the cellar door- the league of villains didn't really manage to keep me that long, mainly because of how hard it was to get me to break my curse.

When I did, they still tortured me. But I touya seemed different. He definetely wanted something, other wise he wouldn't be there. But still his voice was quite comforting.

He spoke of how he wanted to be a doctor. And that in some other world, maybe things could be different.

If I gave him a ticket, to leave this place. And get as far away from my father has possible, at least I'll have died knowing I saved everyone.

So that's how I was motivating myself. During the day I'd train my ass off, with sensei. And during the night, I planned on digging underground tunnels, that wound up leading all the way to the nearest town.

There were street fights everwhere now a days. I was really thankful for that.

Though i can only assume that must have been why I couldn't spout any simple Heat moves without my quirk, overworking itself. Im always on the go, even in the dead of night.

And today was supposed to be a day all of us were training independently. The strange thing about it was, Aizawa seemed like he didn't trust me on my own.

I've been on my own before- in fact that was just the way I was used to things being.

Which sort of reminded me of something Mirio once told me.

"When's the last time you combed that wild Ass thing??!" I glance at my shoulder in annoyance, slapping my tail out of his tiny hand. "Leave me alone." I grumbled through clentched teeth.

"Someones in a mood. I told you not to stay up all god-damn night. You moran." I roll my eyes, "Sleep Is for the week."

"What's with your face, it's all...."
"I was gonna say Shitty, but that works too."

I glare daggers at him. "Too much heat in my body. My face melts sometimes..."

"I don't understand my quirk at all. One minute I can use it, the next minute I'm coughing up smoke, and melting like ice cream."

"Have you tried yoga?" He quirks his brows, swishing his tail, bordom evident in his features. I purse my lips in annoyance, holding a tight scowl.

"What?? It'll do wonders for your tail bone. Have you tried the underdog?"

He sneers, before cackling. I let out an exasperated groan. "And you think I'm the reason no one likes me. Look at who I'm stuck with."

He continues laughing up a storm, as I scramble into the porta potty again.
It was dark, and it smelt like unpassed feces.

Of all places I chose to seek refuge in, why this? I have absolutely no clue. I burry my head in my hands.

my body wanted me to change.
My body needed for me to change.
But I was afraid of myself.

The only time I'm ever actually normal is when I'm around katsuki. How am I supposed to take care of myself on this crumby trip, if I'm so stuck in my head.

Maybe I just need to stop focusing on everything too much, there's only so much I have the power to accomplish over the course of a week.

I could hear my classmates groaning from the distance, each of them putting maximum effort into using their quirks. I craved that effort. I craved to train alone.

That's when I decided, exactly what I planned on doing.

I sifted through my bra before pulling out a large piece of paper. It was a map I was making to get to town, and with my numerous senses, I was planning on doing the Tunnel idea.

Then I could just say, I was working on my quirk like every one else, when secretly. I could be doing that....

I felt guilty, but everyone else was busy, no one would notice me now- I had to act fast.

Kenai swipes the paper from my hand bitterly. "What the hell is this-?!"

"Hey!!! Got you're such a Little dick!!! Give that back-" "Not until you tell me, what the hell it is."

I chomp down on my lip in annoyance, letting out an exasperated groan. "Fine!! But can I tell you on the way-?!"

He huffs, "Deal." With that I scrambled out of the porta potty, coughing over the rancid smell- I fled to the woods As far from sight as possible, rambling on to Kenai about my stupid plan.

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