The Darker You || BNHA X Lyca...

By KonekoJr

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You were once a wolf-pup living in a Junkyard; alongside your trusted raccoon friend Kenai. Things weren't al... More

• Prologue •
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Your Description
chapter 1: The Start of it all *
chapter 2: Long live the silence *
Chapter 3: into civilization *
chapter 4: a breathe of change *
chapter 5: Spread your Shit *
chapter 6: Canine Prep *
chapter 7: The Exam (pt 1) *
chapter 8: The Exam (pt 2)*
chapter 9: I'm Diseased Aren't I *
chapter 10: physically failing*
chapter 11: Going Under *
chapter 12: I don't do shitheads (pt 1) *
chapter 13: I don't do shitheads (pt 2)*
chapter 14: true darkness *
chapter 15: third eye flexing
chapter 16: the aftermath
chapter 17: 34EX *
chapter 18: 20 Questions
chapter 19: a stuttering mess
* chapter 20: A wild one She is
chapter 21: packs of 2
chapter 22: What? When? Where?
chapter 23: a perfect life
chapter 24: Knocking on Deaths door
Chapter 25: The boarder between life and death
chapter 26: A crush, a beef jerky stick, and a shit-head
chapter 27: training interlude
chapter 28: The lanterns In the Dark
chapter 29: It's a bird!! No, Its A plane!! Actually it's a....valkyrie??
chapter 30: what do you want?
chapter 31: Even idiots Have Demons
chapter 32: Que Sad Training Montage
chapter 33: Guess The Cat's Out of The Bag.
chapter 34: Within Your prey; There Lies A Hidden Demon
chapter 35: A lone wolf, needs her independence
chapter 36: Mental entertainment
chapter 37: Tips For The Gruesome
chapter 38: Reign of the Sovereign Puppy
chapter 40: The Conjoined Secrets Of The higher Order
chapter 41: Ol' St. Fen
chapter 42: Oi Oi Oi; Troubles On The Way!
chapter 43: A Lycan's Purpose
chapter 44: W-What's a Date-?? I-I mean What's the Date-?!
chapter 45: Two Dads, And A Date With The Ultimate Cutie
chapter 46: A mental Rhetorical Question
chapter 47: Attack Pupper Attack!
chapter 48: Camp careless
Chapter 49; a lost cause
chapter 50: Long Time No See
chapter 51: A forgiven saviour *
chapter 52: Let's be friends. wait, who are you anyway?
chapter 53: Wait- Don't Worry
chapter 54: Wolves don't fly
chapter 55: The Quest continues
A/N: (not a real chappie sowwy)
chapter 56: When it all comes together
chapter 00: *Bonus chapter*
Chapter 57: I can feel him (republished)
A/n: (Sorry not an update)
Authors note: sorry

chapter 39: Wolves don't purr

472 18 0
By KonekoJr

~ • ~

Sakamata's eyes, I'd practically declared war. My training was kicked into high speed, and everyday consisted of Attacks from his endless crew of crazy robotic looking humans- who Suprisingly turned out to have quirks of their own.

I started getting really bad anxiety, I never really trusted my surroundings, or that I wasn't being forced to spend the day in some sort of dark cellar, that's always Seemingly impossible to escape from- if they did let me out; I automatically assumed it would only be for training.

I've dimmed down my shapeshifting time to at least eight seconds, and I can Enforce specific amounts of my quirk. All I really Had left to work on was my anger issues. I learned how to take water head on now, despite How much it stings, mako taught me How to mix together this special oil that relaxes my Stone-like flesh, and it Allows me to clean the bacteria off my skin.

But I had to wear a muzzle. It wasn't one of those electrified water ones, but it looked like some sort of cage on my mouth, and for some reason I just couldn't for the life of me, figure out how to get it off.

After packing up my things, Mako was the one To walk me to the entrance of the agency.

She scratched my head. "Sorry this internshp must have been a real pain for you kid, I hope you find a place you can live happily, and be yourself in." I gave her a knowing glance.

She sighs in defeat, pulling my cigarettes out of her pocket, returning my lighter. I'd Never felt so happy in my life than i did in that moment.
I hugged them to my chest, practically purring against them. "Last Time I checked wolves don't purr-"

I huff Offended, "I wasn't Purring!! I was- W-Whining! Wolves don't pur. Insolent human." I pouted. She chuckles at me in response.

My ears twitch. I could hear him breathing.


HE'S HERE!!!!!

It felt like my body was quivering with excitement. I could hear his footsteps. My tail Thuds against the wall. As soon as the door opens I Tackle him In a bear-hug.

"SENSEI!!! I MISSED YOU SOSOSOSO MUCH!!!-" "-The Fuck? Get the hell off me- Damn Fleabag-!!" my eyes widen, and I back up tilting my head in confusion. "Katsuki? Why do you smell like sensei??" He scowls pointing to the ball of fluff sitting in his Suprisingly flat hair."

I beam a Bright Smile, "KENAI!!!!" I tare my trusted trash budy from Katsuki's Suprisingly rough scalp, hugging him As if my life depended on it. "Fuck! Easy twerp- You're crushing me!" I pouted, "Sorry kenai...I'm just so excited!!"

Mako waves me off. And like that we leave.

Katsuki picking me up was a pleasant suprise. I had unfinished business with him though. I just uhh.

Forgot what the hell it was.

He turns to me scowling. "What The Hell is that thing? Why are you still wearing it." I pouted. "I can't figure out how to get it off, even so I'm not allowed to take it off." My ears droop, and I mentally whine. This was a really emotional topic for me right now. I really trusted sensei sakamata, but he sort of stabbed me in the back.

And I looked up to him as a pup.

It seems the only hero living up to their kind rumors is Aizawa. Even all-might seems to have his own skeletons.

Scratch that....All might is, his own skeleton.

I looked over to Katsuki who kept his jaws Clentched together, scowling at the ground.

What was his problem?

I sigh, rubbing My neck anxiously. "Sooooo....what's with your hair??" His eyes shoot wide. He stifles an anxious cough, "Shit. Uh. Fuck, I was um. Going for a more Natural look..."
I bursted out laughing. He rolls his eyes. "Either that or, this is The wrath of best jeanist. Good lord." I had to pull myself together, but I was already in such a good mood so. It was hard.

I light up a cigarette. He tries pinching it out, and I grab his wrist, fur sprouting from my hand. "I haven't had One cigarette in almost an entire month. Touch it, and you'll lose a finger."

He glares daggers at me, pulling his hand back. "Smart move blasty."

"So what's with this shitty ass she-demon thing? Is it part of your quirk or are you just being a bitch, just because you are one?"

I snorted at his statement. "Well at first I thought it was me, but then I realised my father was playing me."

"Your father- you mean that guy who sold you Off like Fucking cattle or someshit??" I narrow my eyes, "Yeah, no. That's my fake father, I only ended up with him because- Wait. " I knit my eyebrows in confusion, "how'd you even know that?"

His eyes widen yet again. "Shit. Uhh, you fucking told me...remember??"
I shrug, "No, but i guess I'm not really remembering alot of things so that's okay I guess." A long Awkward Silence washes over us.

"So's that Bruise on your Side?" He eyes me shocked. I guess he assumed I didn't notice, but back when he saved me; I noticed there was a vibrant bruise right in the center of his side. I didn't have the chance to ask him at the sports fair due to an unexpected turn of events

He shakes his head, "What Fucking bruise I don't-" I pointed to it, pursing my lips. He shoves me away. "Its fine."

"No it's not...I hurt you...but I can fix it..." He glares daggers at me, "I said it was fucking fine. Quit acting like a pussy about it, it's my Damn body."
I pouted, letting my ears fall back.

"Okay....." his glare darkens. "Don't give me That shit- I swear it won't work."

"Fuck! Stop it with that face!!"
"What face? This is what sadness looks like. And I feel sadness because you won't let me heal you."
He groans. "Just Shut the hell up-"

"Cut That Shit Out!!"
I whine. And he covers his ears.
I nuzzle into his arm, which probably feels weird since I'm muzzled.
"Seriously?" He snarled. I respond with a pleading look.

"God Dammit Fine!! Shit- would you stop it with the face already?" He groans even more, letting out an exasperated sigh.

I beamed at him clapping. "REALLY?!? I SWEAR YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!" I wag my tail, cheerfully. He stuffs his hands in his pockets huffing, "I already am."

I pinch my fingers together, charging them up. Mako taught me this trick, since the heat my body produces is technically just life force energy I obsorbed from the full moon, I could use it To heal simple wounds like these. But this wound wasn't simple.

I headbutted him in the side when he was carrying me. So of course I would've been the only one who could heal this wound.

Only lycans can heal wounds they've inflicted upon outsiders.

I tap my horns with my index finger, my hair emitting a powerful bright light. His eyes shoot wide, and he grabs me by the forearm, dragging me into the nearest alleyway. Kenai Dangles on the tip of my tail almost falling out of my bag.

I ignore his swears, listening to Katsuki as he griped at me. "What The Hell?! I didn't mean now, I mean later- Do you wanna die?!"

He had me pinned against the wall. For a brief moment, I felt my heart flutter. I felt heat creep its way over my cheeks. I shake myself free of the trance I'd found myself in, smirking. "Is it that? Or did you just want an excuse to pin me To a wall again?"

He flushed red, his mouth agape, seemingly speechless. I roll my eyes. "You know, two can play at this game."

He shakes his head, slightly confused. I trip him, "Woah, Fuck hey-" Just like that the tables have abruptly turned- I managed to pin Him to the wall, smirking bitterly.

"Now hold still." He scowls Down at me. I gently press my lips against his cheek, and back away.

My horns glow, as I gently lift his shirt. "The Fuck-?! What are you-"
"Just hold still, or it'll burn."
I press my right horn against his wound, and he stays still. He winced slightly.

When I pull my head back I beam up at him brightly, wagging my tail.
"See? See?! I made it better! I did good." He rolls his eyes, shoving me away. "Whatever. What do you want a gold metal for fixing a wound you made?"

I narrow my eyes. "No....But....."
He quirks an eyebrow, and I let my gaze fall to the ground.

"But.....I did good so.....would you pet me??...pretty please??"

* * *

I returned home to the pack that night skeptical of my encounter with that strange feline.

Little did I know the beginning, of the end; our kind's downfall, had only just begun.

~ a few years Later ~

I returned to the cave, a sour expression brushed over my features. In my mouth; I Clentched a clipping of grass for My father's aching stomach.

I paw at the wall of the cave, the sound made a light thud; this Was what we considered To be knocking, since wolves don't exactly have doors.

I lean my head in through the entrance of the cave, peering in at my dads, sickly collapsed form.

"F-Father?" My voice came out soft, yet scratchy. I was interjected With a heavy cough. Seeing my father in such Pain; I could almost feel his suffering.
A plague has spread across the southern county, lycans are Reeling this strange disease in.

The Caribou have fled, my father claims they are afraid of catching the disease as well. I was afraid for my father's life.

It was only a month ago, we'd lost my mother from this plague. My father was on death row.

The fact that he was in his natural Human form said something. The cave was Lit only by lingering light of the moon.

I'd created a bed of Large leaves, and Sour thistle; to Ease the tension in his torso. It was hard to find at a time like this, the plague seems to have affected animals of all shapes and sizes, and it's hard to hunt without catching the virus ourselves.

I was strong, and tall now.
I've obtained my Father's build, but I am not as strong as him. At least that's what I believed.

My father's remained in this cave for almost an entire month. The pack is left helpless, packs all over I assume to be suffering.

The division of the tribes is absolutely ludicrous. I believe that all of us should come together, I believe we should all help one another. If we all come together, we can defend our kind.

At this point whose to say the humans don't already know about the plague?

His thick, heavy cough pulled me from my thoughts. I pad towards him, smiling in reassurance. "Here, This should help with the pain in your stomach."

I place The grass clippings on a leaf, the floor could have bacteria. I nudge it towards him.

He faces me, glossed in sweat. Offering a warm smile, before coughing up a handful of blood. I knit my brows In concern, "The caribou have either perished or dispersed from the forest. All that's left are rabits- We've no choice but to unite our packs we're losing recourses-"

He glares daggers at me, sitting up. "That is none of your concern child-" he heaved the deadliest of coughs, into his hand. I shake my head. "It is, the blood of an alpha runs through my veins father, I can save The pack-"

"You are Not worthy of such a title. You are my Daughter, i will not have my daughter violate The rules of the southern quarter-"

"These Rules will be The Death of our kind." I sigh, tears brimming my eyes.
He sighs as well; meeting my glossed orbs. "Our quirks, they are too different my child. The division was enforced for a reason, our curse. It keeps our kind from getting along-"

"Our quirks are Not a curse father. We were blessed with Unique abilities, abilities that deserve to be shared in unity-"

"Are you even listening to yourself?" He snarled, coughing even more. I shake my fur anxiously, nuzzling him back into bed. "Father, please don't anger yourself- you're sick enough as it is."

"I cannot stand here and watch as my kind is destroyed by such treachery. My quirk, isn't demonic....My quirk can be Used to help save our pack-"

"Your quirk cannot, and will not Be devoted to Any God forsaken role in this pack aside from My daughter, the princess Of the akuma tribe. A mother, to a beautiful litter of puppies- heirs to This throne. Male, heirs-"

"What is wrong with you?! Are you so Afraid of my becoming of an alpha that you'd let the pack die?!"

He shakes his head, cupping my cheek.
"My daughter. I want nothing more....than to protect you.."

"That is why I've enforced such a rule...I've lost your mother....I-I can't lose you too."

I feel hot tears stream down my cheeks, "but now you're dying father. And I am going to be left alone in this world. Without you."

He's speechless for a long period of time. His necks few breathes come out ragged, and hitched. "I wish to see my daughter's face before my time is up."

I shake my head, nibbling on his hand, "Father- You cannot leave me...what is a princess without a king??"

He smiles warmly. "You have grown quite beautifully young warrior. Perhaps I was wrong about you."

I stare at him longfully. Slowly but Surely I shift right before him. My bones crackle and pop, but my gaze doesn't waver.

Nudity has never bothered anyone around this pack. And he's changed my Diapers once before. It's not like it would've affected him in anyway.

"My sweet little princess. You will make a fine alpha."

Those were the words I've always wanted to hear.

From no one those words came, other than him.

It wouldn't have mattered if anyone else spoke these words.

All that mattered was him.

Tears trickle down his cheeks, and his body goes limp.


I feel his neck for a pulse.
There's nothing there.

There is absolutely no way, to describe the pain I felt in this very moment. The terror in my chest- the anxiety.

I shake my head backing away. I shifted just about as fast as possible, and bolted out of the cave.

I shove past our elders, who tried blocking me. "Princess, (l/n)? What is the matter?"

"Trouble with you're quirk again? Have you caught the plague too?"

"Get out of my way!!"

I bolt through the trail, at high speed
paws would carry me before my thoughts managed to piece together what I was actually doing.

If I wanted the strength it took to heal my people, I knew exactly what I was to do.

I was willing to do whatever it took to save my father. To save my kind. To save everyone.

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