The Darker You || BNHA X Lyca...

By KonekoJr

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You were once a wolf-pup living in a Junkyard; alongside your trusted raccoon friend Kenai. Things weren't al... More

• Prologue •
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Your Description
chapter 1: The Start of it all *
chapter 2: Long live the silence *
Chapter 3: into civilization *
chapter 4: a breathe of change *
chapter 5: Spread your Shit *
chapter 6: Canine Prep *
chapter 7: The Exam (pt 1) *
chapter 8: The Exam (pt 2)*
chapter 9: I'm Diseased Aren't I *
chapter 10: physically failing*
chapter 11: Going Under *
chapter 12: I don't do shitheads (pt 1) *
chapter 13: I don't do shitheads (pt 2)*
chapter 14: true darkness *
chapter 15: third eye flexing
chapter 16: the aftermath
chapter 17: 34EX *
chapter 18: 20 Questions
chapter 19: a stuttering mess
* chapter 20: A wild one She is
chapter 21: packs of 2
chapter 23: a perfect life
chapter 24: Knocking on Deaths door
Chapter 25: The boarder between life and death
chapter 26: A crush, a beef jerky stick, and a shit-head
chapter 27: training interlude
chapter 28: The lanterns In the Dark
chapter 29: It's a bird!! No, Its A plane!! Actually it's a....valkyrie??
chapter 30: what do you want?
chapter 31: Even idiots Have Demons
chapter 32: Que Sad Training Montage
chapter 33: Guess The Cat's Out of The Bag.
chapter 34: Within Your prey; There Lies A Hidden Demon
chapter 35: A lone wolf, needs her independence
chapter 36: Mental entertainment
chapter 37: Tips For The Gruesome
chapter 38: Reign of the Sovereign Puppy
chapter 39: Wolves don't purr
chapter 40: The Conjoined Secrets Of The higher Order
chapter 41: Ol' St. Fen
chapter 42: Oi Oi Oi; Troubles On The Way!
chapter 43: A Lycan's Purpose
chapter 44: W-What's a Date-?? I-I mean What's the Date-?!
chapter 45: Two Dads, And A Date With The Ultimate Cutie
chapter 46: A mental Rhetorical Question
chapter 47: Attack Pupper Attack!
chapter 48: Camp careless
Chapter 49; a lost cause
chapter 50: Long Time No See
chapter 51: A forgiven saviour *
chapter 52: Let's be friends. wait, who are you anyway?
chapter 53: Wait- Don't Worry
chapter 54: Wolves don't fly
chapter 55: The Quest continues
A/N: (not a real chappie sowwy)
chapter 56: When it all comes together
chapter 00: *Bonus chapter*
Chapter 57: I can feel him (republished)
A/n: (Sorry not an update)
Authors note: sorry

chapter 22: What? When? Where?

905 30 1
By KonekoJr

~ • ~

Of the Wind Blowing harshly Against My fur. The Smell of ice was Pure. This would Suprisingly make me Feel warm, Rather than Cold. The Simple smell of Shaved ice may not Seem like Something a human could smell; but I wasn't a human, or at least I wasn't at the time.

Feeling Something Damp, splash onto the tip of my nose; I sneeze; sending my Tiny body Backwards, and summer-salting into Kenai.

I landed Upside-down, But When I fell; I Rushed to my paws. Kenai merely grumbles; being stuck In a deep slumber, snoring away. His right eye eventually flaps open, feeling my curious lopsided gaze hovering Over him.

"What now kid? I'm Tired. Go back to sleep." He curls his Tail around my Tiny body. I nudge under it, Before Peering Out of The cave.

This was quite long ago, It was around the time kenai, and I were still traveling; searching for where we belong. We lived in a cave, just Nearby an old Town, With Dumpsters we'd eventually pilfer around.

The season's never changed When I Lived in the wild, it was always hot and sunny. Seeing the earth Covered in a thick Sheet of What I assumed to be white paint.



"KENAI!!" I paw at his snout, whining. He Groans, Before yawning. "Fuck- Alright alright. You win kid. Sheesh. I'm up." He stretches his paws out, before arching his back like a cat, Probably trying to wake his body up.

"Well, that's snow. There's alot of this shit in Colder areas of japan."
"But....Why does it Eat everything?" He narrows his eyes at me. "It's not being eaten knit-whit. The plants aren't completely dying, think of it as Hibernating, but for plants and trees. They live and breathe just as Much as Us; earth dwellers."

"Wow." I Felt my Tail thump against the surface of the cave, as I peer out in awe. "Does it...hurt you?" I bat, at the snow with my paw before yelping at the Abrupt intense coldness It held.

"No, it's just cold as hell. Or uh, ice."

I let my paw sink into the snow before pulling it back. I looked at my footprint. It was Really cold, and squishy. I sniff it. I try stepping into it, but it was so hard to walk with these Tiny legs. The farther I got, the deeper it Grew. Eventually I started freaking out.

"K-KENAI HELP!!" he rolls his eyes, Scrambling to my aid. He pinches the Scruff of my fur, as carefully as possible- pulling me free from the Monsterous ice.
He Throws me onto his back. I sniffle, "It Almost Ate me!!! How is this normal? I've never seen this stuff at home!!"

"It's A pain in the ass to walk in kid, but look up." I sigh at his words, before lifting my muzzle to the sky.

White Diamonds, fall from the sky. My ears twitch, I could almost hear them twinkling, like stars.
"Woahh." I Tilt my head in curiosity, as he catches one with his paw, revealing it to me. "It'll melt, and we'll see the plants again. So don't worry kid." I nodded.

What a strange Dream. It was So long ago. It feels like just yesterday Things were like that.
I miss those days. Life was so much easier back then. Until I started growing.

Now I'm like the size of a car.
And Kenai's the one riding on my back. I was stuck in that small, vulnerable form for so long, it was a while before I'd finally Changed back. I'd have to measure my growth through dog years, but still it was hard to remember. Things were hard to understand Back then, my brain was really Small, and of course so was I.

Around the time I poofed, I was about the size of a Bear. Still bigger than most of the wolves back at home, But Not as Big as I am now. I was So young though, my quirk had its limit; I could only stay in that form For so long, and I was Still just a kid.

I was forced to fight other animals, Some were like me. Others weren't Really Alive, they were made by men.

For some reason, they just Couldn't understand My quirk, I can't stay in either form For Very long, and thanks to them; my body will force me to change, if I don't do it By choice.

In this moment, I feel like I'm trapped in my own head. What was this feeling? It was so hot. I could Feel the sweat spewing from my body, but I can't move.

Is this...what it's like to be dead?

Is that Why I dreampt of my past?

Why I dreamt of Kenai??

This blazing heat, is driving me crazy. It Feels Like My Skin Is Sizzling. My bones yurn for release.

I can't move

I have To change

But I can't move

What's happening?!

Why won't my eyes just-


My bed Spits me into the floor. I gasp for air. It Feels as though Flames are Lapping At my Lungs,
"(F-F/N)!!!!! Y-YOU'RE FACE!!!"
"K-Kenai!! Where are you?!"
"I'm Right Here dunce Face!!"
"I can't see anything-"

Pain surges through my Forehead. I clenched onto my ears. Everything Burned, Even breathing burned. "S-STAY HERE!!" I snarl, grabbing my black hoodie from the closet, And locking myself in the bathroom.

I had to Push through the pain. I Couldn't figure out what was happening to me. Everything was red, the bathroom Was blood red. The Window was blood red, my claws; Red. I've never despised a colour so much in my life.

The sound of the Trickling Faucet Steals me away.

In sync with my heartbeat.









Everything else In this world Seemed to have Slown down The moment I looked in the mirror. My hood is In Flames. The pain was excruciating, yet all I could do was stare at myself, for a long Time. The anticipation of Something Coursing Inside me; It damn near sent me into shock.

A Large, dark Hand Covered with fur; and midnight black, dagger Shaped nails- faintly touches the mirror.

The pain in my head was like nothing I've ever felt before, and because of that; the flames Were ready To spread like wildfire, my face skin, oozed into my palms.

"(F/n)!! You better have a Damn good excuse why this rat Woke Me up!!' The sound of Kenai raging on poor sense's scalp could be heard.
I Felt tears prick my eyes, I couldn't let him see me all scary like this.

"U-UHH S-SORRY SENSEI-" crap that was too loud, "(f/n) open The door. You Don't Sound-" "I-I'M FIHINE!! PLEASE JUST GO AWAY!!!" I throw my hands over my mouth.

W-what the Hell-?!

I-I didn't say that-!?

"(F/n). Open the door. Now."
The pain in my Forehead Lashes At my Sight. "I'm just Worried about you- Please-".

"It doesn't matter!!!!"
I Throw my hands over my mouth yet again, only to Feel My teeth pricking the tips of my fingers.

"I'm a monster!!!"

"Don't You get it?! Not even my Own parents Wanted a damn thing to do with me THEY USED ME!!!!!"


But...This...This sounds like a very logical reason to be upset. But if I succumb to that anger, it might Push me into hurting him.

Black Knives pierce into my forehead, or at least that's how it felt. "FUCK!!! JUST LET GO OF MY THOUGHTS YOU STUPID LEECH!!"

The sound of fists pounding on the door almost drown out the conversation.


The booming fists at the door escalate with More force, and power by the second.


My heart Raked against my chest, I couldn't hear what sensei was Yelling about, I could only Hear my booming thoughts.

"Yeah Yeah whatever."

"SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!!!" Before I knew it the door was in flames, and I was Throwing myself out the window.

The sound of My clothes Tearing apart Send My thoughts Spiraling, My Paws Pound against the earth.

What have I just done to myself?

"Look at me. I'm so much more Proud of this body than you ever could be, just look at our stunning reflection-"


"Good luck, with those horns coming in, I'll be suprised you make it through the next full moon."

"How are you talking to me right now?? What are you??"

"I Am you, therefore I Have access to Your thoughts In the same Way You Have access to them. We are Apart of each other. I believe I've answered both questions at once-"

"How are you me?!? I don't think Like you...I don't talk like you..."

"I assure you, You are me. I am you. I've always been apart of you."

"You, are The light, and I am the dark. We are what seperates the lycans from Werewolves and Hellhounds."

"What The Hell do you mean?! I don't Understand Any of this!!!" I ram my head Into The dumpster Letting out a thick Roar.

"We are the Heir to A throne We weren't given a chance to lead. We are so powerful, Our growth couldnt offord to Grow Without one soul- so Ours was split."

"You are the White knight, And I Am the dark."

"I am riddled with tricks that will Surely Test your Skills if you're equipped for such a title."

"I am the Darker you, The You; that rises Fear In the Hearts of your victims. Isn't that what you want?"

"Fear, intimidation, Strength. Power."

"All of this can be achieved."

"I will accept you. But I do not trust you. Even if it means, I'm not trusting myself."


I was startled By the Sound of footsteps, drawing near me.
I whirl my gaze around, Letting out An intense Growl; it gargled, Rippling through my tonsils.

"You Think I'm Scared Of You Fleabag???!!!!"



I've honestly never been so happy to see someone in my life. I Tackled him To the ground In puppy kisses, Which Probably Looked pretty weird.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL!? GET THE HELL OFF ME!!! S-STAHAP FUHUK-" I lay my head in my paws letting out a huff. "What The fuck is your problem mutt?? Are you trying to get On Aizawa's Shitty side?" He quirks an eyebrow, "The fuck are those Things?"

I tried looking up, but, I couldn't see anything. I rushed to my paws, Stumbling around trying to look up, "HEY WATCH IT YOU OVERGROWN MUTT!! I'LL BLAST YOUR FOOT OFF!" oof, if he didn't want me To trip He should've gotten out of the way.

What was his problem. Usually Aizawa would send mirio to find me, So Why was Katsuki here?
I anxiously shake my fur, glancing down at An oil puddle.

Horns?! I Tell at the sight, Stumbling back. I tumble into a sea of Boxes and other junk. I could hear Katsuki facepalming at me.

I Felt my body slowly but Surely change back, i shuffled farther and farther In the seemingly endless pile of garbage, I didn't want Katsuki to see me.

What The Hell Am I supposed to do now?

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