Stolen moments

By amourpierce

13.6K 1.6K 73

Betrayed by a friend,life made a living hell by an ex-lover,follow Leah as she fights for her life,love and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19(A)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not an update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Note an update but very important
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Part B
Chapter 1(B)
Chapter 2(B)
Chapter 3(B)
Chapter 4(B)
Chapter 5(B)
Chapter 6(B)
Chapter 7(B)
Chapter 8(B)
Chapter 9(B)
Chapter 10(B)
Chapter 11 (B)
Chapter 12(B)
Chapter 13(B)
Chapter 14(B)
Chapter 15(B)
Chapter 16(B)
Chapter 17(B)
Important note:
Chapter 18(B)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20(B)
Chapter 21(B)
Chapter 22(B)
Chapter 23(B)
Chapter 24(B)
Chapter 25(B)
Chapter 26(B)
Chapter 27(B)
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29(B)
Chapter 30(B)
Chapter 31(B)
Chapter 32(B)
Chapter 33(B)
Chapter 34(B)
Chapter 35(B)
Chapter 36(B)
Chapter 37(B)
Chapter 38(B)
Chapter 39(B)
Chapter 40(B)
Chapter 41 (B)
Chapter 42(B)
Chapter 43(B)
Chapter 44(B)
Chapter 45(B)
Important Notice

Chapter 28

87 15 0
By amourpierce

Hunter's car👆👆(another one)

I stand at the entrance of Leah's house, looking at my wrist watch, it reads 7:25pm. The date is actually by eight but I told her to be ready by 7:30. Because its going to be a long ride. I rechecked my outfit which consists of my grey Armani suit, crispy white shirt with jeans, and my expensive Italian shoe which Cecilia (head maid) happens to find in my closet. Am so nervous right now and I don't want this date to get ruined. I have had ladies throw themselves at me that I don't need to take them out on a date in other to get them in bed, the only person I have ever done that with was Claire and- wait! Why am I thinking about her now, she is the past. Leah is my future. I knock the door at exactly 7:30 grinning but it was wiped off my face when it was abruptly opened by one of her brothers, he blocks my view from seeing inside. Oh oh... Am yet to win their heart, i mean who won't behave this way. If I have a sister like Leah, i will lock her up in the highest tower, men can be unpredictable nowadays but heaven knows I have a pure mind well not that pure I mean I will love to arrgh!!! Who cares,you know what I mean.

"Urrr... Matt right?" He glares at me as I look at his neck, ouch! Wrong twin, no necklace.

"It Max, Richy boy"

"Sorry it's really confusing sometimes-"

"Hurt my sister, and I will hunt you down, hack you from limb to limb, and feed your balls to the dogs" he threatens putting emphasis on each word, wow... That was too graphic, isn't he suppose to be the younger brother or are all brothers like this.

"Totally.. I understand .. But don't you think that was too graphic, i mean-" I  quickly shut up as he gave me the  'am serious look'. we were both quite for some minutes until he broke it.

"Nice ride though" he said moving his body from my view, i was about to reply but my voice was cut in my throat as I gasped at the goddess, no! angel in front of me, am sure am drooling, i mean God! She is beautiful and all mine... Clad in a silky wine coloured dress, which fits her perfectly accentuating her curves in the right places. It 's not too showy, covering much but still a tease. I gulped as she looks at me with her doe eyes which her brought out more by the makeup, those eyes are my weakness.

"Hi" she spoke timidly, almost shy. I cleared my throat, keep your cool Hunter, don't scare her with your immoral thoughts.

"You l..look so beautiful" she blushes as she timidly tucks a strand of her wavy hair behind her ear.

"Thank you"

"I mean" I sigh "hi" she laughs at my words, her laughs sounds like songs to my ear. But the moment was cut short again by Matt I guess. As I saw Rosalia and Mrs  Martinez were gushing in the background.

"Just to let you know if anything happens to my sister... I have a gun which am not scared of using"

"Matt.. " she groans probably embarrassed.

"And bring her back in one piece" he finished off, not looking at his sister shooting daggers at him.

"Absolutely" I nod as I carefully grab Leah's hand, still aware of Matt's narrowed eyes, I can hear Mrs Martinez telling us to have fun but not too much and Rosalia cheering us on.

We but walk towards my dark Range Rover, i quickly open the passenger door for Leah to step in, I held out my hand for her to take so that she can get in easily, she pips out a low "thank you". I quickly walk almost running to the driver seat to get into the car. What is wrong with me?! Why am I behaving like a teenage boy in love, am a college guy for Christ sake! I sighed smiling up at Leah as she smiles back, her intoxicating scent which is of vanilla filled the car. I inhaled it deeply starting the car then getting on the road, silence fill the air, she looks nervous, interlocking her fingers, as I stare at her from time to time bathing in her beauty. I cleared my throat for the second time this evening

"So.. Urrh.. Your brothers seem a little protective of you"

"Am so sorry for their behavior, it's just that they rarely see eye to eye on some issues but I was surprised this evening when they were ganging up on you, I don't think they are used to their sister going on a dinner date with someone they see as a stranger" she said as I laugh.

"They are just trying to protect their only sister"

"Oh please" she rolls her eyes adjusting her black clutch matching her black strappy shoes, she only as golden earrings with a bracelet for her jeweleries, simple yet elegant.

"Yeah... But Matt threatened me with a gun though and Max promised to hack me if I mess up" she gasps.

"Those boys!" I laugh at her expression as she apologized on  their behavior as I shrugged, knowing they were just trying to protect her.

"I love this" she said touching the interior of my Range Rover. I smirked as her eyes glitters taking everything in, so my girl is a car lover... Interesting.

"I never knew you were into cars" she blushed as I take my eyes of the road to take a glimpse at her again before returning it back to the road.

"Not really, It's not like I know the name of all the car models, my father was a car lover, although he didn't have enough money to buy everything, he never fails to admire them from afar, he always takes us to the car shows and from there I developed my love for it and it kind off rub on my brothers as well. Sorry, i can't help but blab some-"

"It's okay.. that is so cool, wait till I show you my collections in New York"

"Hmmm... Show off" she snickers

"I can't wait for you to meet Pegasus" I blurt out but cringe realizing I sounded like a little kid who wants to show off his  toy guns.


"My car, Pegasus" I said trying to play it cool as she burst out laughing.

"That's a flying horse, right?" She asks as she tries to keep her laughter down.

" yeah yeah... Laugh all you want" I smile. "It's a custom made Lamborghini gifted to me by Mason, you know with the wing like doors and super fast, he gave my baby Pegasus"

"You have weird friends"

"Mason can be crazy, but he is worth the friendship" I shake my head remembering my crazy friend.

"I hope I meet them one day" I smile at her words as she stares into space, of cos she will.

"Where are we going?" She looks around as I drive through the rich neighborhood.

"You will see, its a surprise" I said as I drive through the streets before reaching my destination, parking in the open space, i quickly opened the door while rushing to get hers, but the valet beats me to it. I glared at him as he checks her out, throwing my car keys at him which hits him on the nose, I smirk as he scrambles for the keys. I turned back to Leah who was busy staring at the first class Italian  restaurant. Her goes nothing. 

Who wants a Pegasus? Well I do.

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