The Darker You || BNHA X Lyca...

By KonekoJr

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You were once a wolf-pup living in a Junkyard; alongside your trusted raccoon friend Kenai. Things weren't al... More

• Prologue •
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Your Description
chapter 1: The Start of it all *
chapter 2: Long live the silence *
Chapter 3: into civilization *
chapter 4: a breathe of change *
chapter 5: Spread your Shit *
chapter 7: The Exam (pt 1) *
chapter 8: The Exam (pt 2)*
chapter 9: I'm Diseased Aren't I *
chapter 10: physically failing*
chapter 11: Going Under *
chapter 12: I don't do shitheads (pt 1) *
chapter 13: I don't do shitheads (pt 2)*
chapter 14: true darkness *
chapter 15: third eye flexing
chapter 16: the aftermath
chapter 17: 34EX *
chapter 18: 20 Questions
chapter 19: a stuttering mess
* chapter 20: A wild one She is
chapter 21: packs of 2
chapter 22: What? When? Where?
chapter 23: a perfect life
chapter 24: Knocking on Deaths door
Chapter 25: The boarder between life and death
chapter 26: A crush, a beef jerky stick, and a shit-head
chapter 27: training interlude
chapter 28: The lanterns In the Dark
chapter 29: It's a bird!! No, Its A plane!! Actually it's a....valkyrie??
chapter 30: what do you want?
chapter 31: Even idiots Have Demons
chapter 32: Que Sad Training Montage
chapter 33: Guess The Cat's Out of The Bag.
chapter 34: Within Your prey; There Lies A Hidden Demon
chapter 35: A lone wolf, needs her independence
chapter 36: Mental entertainment
chapter 37: Tips For The Gruesome
chapter 38: Reign of the Sovereign Puppy
chapter 39: Wolves don't purr
chapter 40: The Conjoined Secrets Of The higher Order
chapter 41: Ol' St. Fen
chapter 42: Oi Oi Oi; Troubles On The Way!
chapter 43: A Lycan's Purpose
chapter 44: W-What's a Date-?? I-I mean What's the Date-?!
chapter 45: Two Dads, And A Date With The Ultimate Cutie
chapter 46: A mental Rhetorical Question
chapter 47: Attack Pupper Attack!
chapter 48: Camp careless
Chapter 49; a lost cause
chapter 50: Long Time No See
chapter 51: A forgiven saviour *
chapter 52: Let's be friends. wait, who are you anyway?
chapter 53: Wait- Don't Worry
chapter 54: Wolves don't fly
chapter 55: The Quest continues
A/N: (not a real chappie sowwy)
chapter 56: When it all comes together
chapter 00: *Bonus chapter*
Chapter 57: I can feel him (republished)
A/n: (Sorry not an update)
Authors note: sorry

chapter 6: Canine Prep *

2.7K 100 10
By KonekoJr

*This chapter is currently under editting. If things don't make sense, I'm sorry! It will be fixed!*  

~ • ~

QUICKLY THE WEEK FLEW BY. Sensei kept ditching me with those lame teenagers. Eventually though; I found my time with them got to be something I looked forward to. It was really hard getting me used to hand-to-hand combat with other humans, fighting other dogs was so much easier. We fought head on, each fight was life or death. Street fighting was once my only way of getting by.

Nobody I ever actually fought was a ghost though. Or human for that matter. I'm pretty sure I've said that so much it's getting annoying. I was nervous about the exam, in fact I was mortified.

There was a chance I could lose control and kill people, or just flat out embarrass myself in public.

If I lose control; would Sensei ship me away? Would he abandon me like my mother did...? Would I lose myself in my anger, and run away??? I was told I had no reason to worry. I never lost control around Mirio, so I'll be fine around a whole bunch of other humans that I don't fucking know, right? R-Right--?!

'How the hell do I shut this human brain off-?!'

So many questions bubbled around my thoughts, as I scrubbed away the dirt and grime from my bouncy (h/c), hair. It was such a hassle cleaning out my ears, since they were more ontop of my head, rather than the side like the average female human body.

After I'd gotten out, I smoked another cigarette, sitting on my bed; wrapped in a pale white towel. Kenai seemed to have vanished, which he was his own animal. I didn't really want to press into that too much, so instead I just laid back on my pillow. The setting sun spilled into the room painting the walls and floor in a golden carmel.

When I got dressed, I was bored. I didn't really feel like scrambling outdoors to track down kenai, so I wandered down to 'The living space', only to find Sensei snoozing away In the floor; curled into a yellow sleeping bag.

He looked like a little worm, which I couldn't help but giggle at. I crouch down into the floor; my tail wagging profusely. I poke him in the forehead with my index finger.

"Sensei~" I muttered, but he stayed there Still as a rock. "Senseiii-" I press, poking his forehead repetitively.
"Sensei why are you hibernating?  It's not even winter yet..."
When his eyes peel open I flash a toothy grin. Sighing, he rolls over.

"I have questions!" I add, but he responded with a grumble.
"(F/n) Your questions can wait."
I shook my head, "No they can't--"

I lept onto his other side, "The exam is tomorrow...."

"What if I fail...I've only ever fought animals not humans..." I pout, and he sighs.

"You've gotten enough experience with Togata. You'll do fine. Now, why don't you go do something." I tilt my head in curiosity.

"Sensei, what should I do...?"

He Rolls his eyes, "Something that doesn't involve me, awake." I chuckled anxiously. "Alright...I'll leave you alone..." with my ears pressed back against my head, I finally stalk my way back to my bedroom, to find the window wide open.

Kenai pulled tightly on a giant black trashbag, with all his the hell could drag that thing this far up a building; I had absolutely no clue. Yet here he was.

"Will you stop staring and help me!?" He Snarls. I shake myself from my thoughts before rushing to his aid.

Once we finally managed to fit the bag in the window I fell back into the floor on my butt. I felt my heart start racing. By now I realised the sun had finally set, so it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to go out tonight. wolfing out was a major no go. I silently hoped that wolfing out this morning would be enough.

Kenai swiped the bottom of the bag with his claws, and sausages spill into the floor. My eyes grow wide, by now I could only imagine my eyes literally sparkling with excitement.

"Where did you find these--!? Millers hot-dogs are out of business--!!"

Instead of responding he dives into them, Inhaling them Like he hadn't eaten real food in years.

"There's a new guy in town. It's not a cart IT'S AN ENTIRE TRUCK with our names written all over it--!!" He crosses his arms pridefully. I only roll my eyes,

"Wait!! But Sensei said--"
"Screw what he said!! You're not just human, you're lycan; an animal. Eat it--!!" He chunks one at my face, throwing me a bitter glare.

"Alright alright, get them in the closet. If Sensei sees this mess after the broomstick incident I think he might snap!" He merely shrugs, and with that we did what we were best at. Stashing away evidence.

When we finished hiding it, my right ear twitched. Senseis footsteps were always so subtle yet audible for me. I could sense him just outside our door. I knew Kenai sensed him too, judging by that not-so-subtle twitchy right ear of his. We exchanged weary glaces; our faces tinting dark blue.

He rushes to shut the closet door whilst I scrambled to peer into the hall. I almost immidiately made direct eye contact with him, as he walked passed my bedroom. He halted in his tracks, and we sort of just stood there staring at each other for an awkward seven minutes. Silently I was cursing myself for even opening the door, he was obviously just passing by. I made things worse by even acknowledging him.

Seeing him, my tail always wags. I could feel Kenai rolling his eyes at me, sticking out his tongue, a subtle 'bleck--!!' escaping his lips.

"Sensei! wh-what a pleasant surprise--!!" I chuckled anxiously. I felt something pinch my tail, and a surge of pain shoots up my spine. Judging by Kenai's demonic little chompers, I knew I must've said something stupid. but did he h-have to fucking bite me--?!

"I do live here." Sensei deadpans. At this I merely nod awkwardly. "O-Oh yeah duh!! I know that pfft. Gotta love that human stuff--!!
I-I mean we're not hiding any human stuff, that'd just be weird-!!" I laugh deliriously, and he merely stares at me. Accept, It was like I could feel his midnight black orbs piercing into my waking soul.

"Oh well...good night Daaaaaaahhhh-"

'I totally wasn't about to call him Dad right? That's just the paranoia talking-!!'


I embarrass myself even more by shifting my words.

"Daaaaaaaaaat sleeping bag of yours...u-uhh, it looks like a glow worm-!! See-you-tomorrow!"

I slammed the door, my chest rising and falling at the sudden shock. "What the hell was that?!" Kenai snarls. I purse my lips, hiding my features yet again behind my bushy tail.

"I-I got nervous!" I squeaked. He Narrows his eyes, giving me that, 'You dun went too damn far this time, ya little rat--!!' kind of look. I sort of felt like he was just a little jealous. I didn't really mean to call Sensei my dad, it sort of just slipped out. Instead of responding to his icy glare, I scoop him into my arms, nuzzling his fluffy ears. With that I fell into bed, giggling.
He gritted his teeth, but eventually sighs in defeat sinking into the pillows.

I tossed and turned all night; the grease from that food not entirely aggreeing with me. I finally closed my eyes and let myself drift into The dark abyss that is my dreamscape, when I found my body suddenly quivering tirelessly.


"Fight you damn mutt!"

"Kill him! Kill him, or we'll kill you!!"

"Why are they talking to me like that? I'm not....evil."

My gaze wavers from the semi robotic opponent before me; to the glass where multiple scientists have gathered to observe the bloodshed. But why?

"You w-were nothing, w-without me weren't you, dear s-sister?" My opponent cackles, his voice coming out glitchy; like static. His flickering robotic eye Sent chills down my spine.

He was larger than me. Much larger than me. I was merely a puppy, so of course it made sense.

His teeth were like daggers. I was so afraid, I wanted to throw up, but my stomach was completely empty.

There was another voice. The voice of my captor. I couldn't see him, but I could hear him. I could feel him, as well as I felt my opponents vibrating vocal chords; speaking to me through clenched teeth.

"Oh how I've m-missed northern
t-tERRitory--" He drags his claw against the floor, chuckling demonically.

"--and the w-way mother
a-abandoned me." It took me a while to really obsorb his features. I swallowed back the lump in my throat,

"(B-B/n)--?! H-How are!" Flashbacks hit me; like a wave of light; flickering in my eyes. I shook my head,

"Never mind that. We need to work together to escape--don't you see-?! This's destroying you--"

"Nonsense. In fact, t-this place has d-dONe much m-m-more than help me."

"I ran a-away. I f-found this place. I found father--I figured out why mom l-loved you so much
m-more than me."

"Father, h-had a plan for you.
N-Now's my ch-CHAnce to d-destroy you for good."

I shook my head in disbelief backing away, "F-Father? You mean...the evil man that brought me here?"

He sneered, dragging his massive claws against the floor, a loud screetch shattered the lingering silence. It was obnoxious; like nails on a chalk-board.

"You s-seriously think that
s-sleazy scumbag, was y-your father?"

"He w-was just a-aNoThEr piece. Just a-another pawn in f-fathers plan."

"Mother p-pLAced a spell on you. S-She tried to h-hide your abilities, b-by changing you."

"T-Then s-she a-abandoned
y-you. just l-like me."

"Y-You're oblivion w-will be the death of y-you my sister." He launches at me. He'd pounced on me. His dagger like fangs pierced into my spine. He glared down at me.

"Y-You will s-submit to me, tribrid. Or you w-will die-" I was thrown into the wall--with a thunk my body ricocheted colliding with the cold metal floor.

As I pushed myself back onto my paws, I glared up at him. I could feel my eyes changing. I barred my fangs. He did the same.

The world around me just slowed down. Before I knew it, my body towerred over his. I could taste blood. I could literally feel the darkness consuming my body.

For just that brief second, I watched his life slip from his eyes.
Just that split second, I craved nothing more than his blood and guts--to watch him writhe miserably in pain. Just that moment--I wasn't a puppy anymore. I was the same eightfoot tall beast, I was in my flashbacks.

And then, I changed back.

Staring, at his bloodied form, I pawed at his lifeless body; quivering.

"(B..B/n)....?" My voice shook. It wasn't long before I was blinded by the tears pooling down my cheeks.

"(B-B/n)--?!" I squeaked again, pinning my ears back against my head. "I...I-I didn't mean it (B/n)--!!" My voice shattered, and I sank my tiny face in the fur, on his neck; staining it with tears.

"Please--!! Please wake up--!! I-I didn't do this...I couldn't have--!!" I hiccuped, and squealed; tears bursting from my sockets like water from a dam.

"I-I'm a monster." I whimpered, sniffling, as I gazed into his lifeless orbs--as well as the robotic eye; now in shambles.

It wasn't long before the scientists started piling back into the room to whisk me away.

But suddenly, the floor beneath me; just shattered. I was falling, slowly. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think I couldn't speak. I could hardly move. It was like I was stuck in some sort of void. I couldn't figure out what was happening.


I WOKE UP TO KENAI SWIPING ME IN THE FACE, with his claws. "Stop whining, ya damn mutt--!!
I neeeeed sleeeeep!!" He groans before dispersing into the fluffy pillows. I rushed forward my heart still raking against my chest. Instead I drag him back out, and scoop him into my arms like a little teddy bear. And while it was with a look of annoyance--he let's me carry him.

My body was pouring sweat.
Robotically I left the room, I just couldn't be In there right now. I was shakey, and my throat was so dry. I was dizzy, and overwhelmed. I knocked lightly on sensei's door. I didn't really need to worry about stumbling all over the place upon searching for his room; lycan are equipped with night-vision.

I could hear him let out an exasperated sigh. "This is why I never had kids." I couldn't help but wonder. wasn't he supposed to be a teacher? That didn't really seem all that different from being a parent to me....

I cracked the door open, peering in at his exhausted form. "U-Uh Sensei...I-I had a really bad nightmare..." I burried my anxious features In Kenai's fluffy ears; my own ears, pressed back out of worry.

"So what do you want me to do about it?" He groans. I sigh,
"U-Uhh...n-nothing..." I trail off. I stood there for a moment, rocking on the balls of my feet. Eventually he sighs in defeat. "Fine." He grumbles, lifting the blanket with a huff. My tail wags, and my face robotically lights up. I anxiously climb into bed with him. Kenai groans, sleeping in the pillows, while I found myself awkwardly nuzzling into his back. I felt safe, and calm. I fell asleep in a matter of seconds, this time I wasn't really scared or anxious. I was just tired.

And then, I was asleep.

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