The Darker You || BNHA X Lyca...

By KonekoJr

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You were once a wolf-pup living in a Junkyard; alongside your trusted raccoon friend Kenai. Things weren't al... More

• Prologue •
▪ Song Playlist ▪
Your Description
chapter 1: The Start of it all *
chapter 2: Long live the silence *
Chapter 3: into civilization *
chapter 5: Spread your Shit *
chapter 6: Canine Prep *
chapter 7: The Exam (pt 1) *
chapter 8: The Exam (pt 2)*
chapter 9: I'm Diseased Aren't I *
chapter 10: physically failing*
chapter 11: Going Under *
chapter 12: I don't do shitheads (pt 1) *
chapter 13: I don't do shitheads (pt 2)*
chapter 14: true darkness *
chapter 15: third eye flexing
chapter 16: the aftermath
chapter 17: 34EX *
chapter 18: 20 Questions
chapter 19: a stuttering mess
* chapter 20: A wild one She is
chapter 21: packs of 2
chapter 22: What? When? Where?
chapter 23: a perfect life
chapter 24: Knocking on Deaths door
Chapter 25: The boarder between life and death
chapter 26: A crush, a beef jerky stick, and a shit-head
chapter 27: training interlude
chapter 28: The lanterns In the Dark
chapter 29: It's a bird!! No, Its A plane!! Actually it's a....valkyrie??
chapter 30: what do you want?
chapter 31: Even idiots Have Demons
chapter 32: Que Sad Training Montage
chapter 33: Guess The Cat's Out of The Bag.
chapter 34: Within Your prey; There Lies A Hidden Demon
chapter 35: A lone wolf, needs her independence
chapter 36: Mental entertainment
chapter 37: Tips For The Gruesome
chapter 38: Reign of the Sovereign Puppy
chapter 39: Wolves don't purr
chapter 40: The Conjoined Secrets Of The higher Order
chapter 41: Ol' St. Fen
chapter 42: Oi Oi Oi; Troubles On The Way!
chapter 43: A Lycan's Purpose
chapter 44: W-What's a Date-?? I-I mean What's the Date-?!
chapter 45: Two Dads, And A Date With The Ultimate Cutie
chapter 46: A mental Rhetorical Question
chapter 47: Attack Pupper Attack!
chapter 48: Camp careless
Chapter 49; a lost cause
chapter 50: Long Time No See
chapter 51: A forgiven saviour *
chapter 52: Let's be friends. wait, who are you anyway?
chapter 53: Wait- Don't Worry
chapter 54: Wolves don't fly
chapter 55: The Quest continues
A/N: (not a real chappie sowwy)
chapter 56: When it all comes together
chapter 00: *Bonus chapter*
Chapter 57: I can feel him (republished)
A/n: (Sorry not an update)
Authors note: sorry

chapter 4: a breathe of change *

3.1K 105 28
By KonekoJr

*This chapter is currently under editting. If things don't make sense, I'm sorry! It will be fixed!*

~ • ~

TO SAY I WASN'T WORRIED, would be the biggest freaking understatement of the year. I was terrified. Aizawa Knew it too. He tried reassuring me that no matter what choice I made; I was going to be okay, but deep down I knew, n-nothing would be okay.

My life would shatter. I could just imagine him ditching me to parent some other wolf-girl. Even worse....what if he went and found a cat-girl?! What if he names that cat-girl after me, and ships me across the world for being the worst hero ever--?!?!

I shook my head vigorously; my face tinting dark blue as I laced my claws through my hair. He was the only one around who would be able to watch over me.
He was the only one who could Stop me from hurting myself, or the people around me because of my reckless quirk. I could imagine my life without him, but now it seems every time I try to everything sort of comes out bleak and depressing. W-Why did he h-have to be so F-FREAKING nice to me--?!

Last night I was a little more antsy than usual. I'd instinctively snuck out because I needed to stretch out my paws, and of course Kenai tagged along.
We stopped by the junkyard.

There was a boy there. He was, destroying everything...well at least what I would consider destroying. I hid In the bed of an old broken down truck, peering out at him through the window. I hoped he couldn't see me.

With my size, it's hard to hide.
Fragments of life before the days I spent with Kenai resurface every now and then. I remember being the biggest wolf back at home, my paw prints made it easy for native packs to track us down if we tresspassed. So I'd usually patrol around the inner quarter, my cousins would take the outer. It was the only way we could keep our food from leaving, and the only way others couldn't steal it.

I guess that's why I'd gotten so attatched to the junkyard, maybe I was just homesick, but I befriended some stray dogs. Most of my friends don't usually survive for more than a year though. Aside from Kenai.

He put so much effort into cleaning up the garbage. The same effort I put into living in it like I have. There was a pit in my heart; this was just an emotional night for me. The beaming moon captivated me in a trance, this urge to devote a song to the moon Irked my soul. Kenai aggressively tugs on my ear,

"If he didn't see us before he's definetely gonna notice now!
(F/n), I swear don't pull this shit!!" I give him a teary eyed look. He glares at me, but then pats my chin.

"Come on you big titty baby, lets go steal that hotdog cart." I nod pitifully, and nuzzle him onto my back. With that we dispersed into the night to cause more trouble


That's the first thing that came to my mind when my eyes gently fluttered open. I woke up sore, I probably shouldn't have ate so many hotdogs last night. I think I swollowed a quarter, or maybe like a bottle cap or something?

Kenai was something else, he always managed to pull out my inner animal. I know what you're thinking. 'You're supposed to be adapting to human life reader, why relapse for hot-dogs?'

I wasn't feeling it last night. Nor am I feeling it now. Don't judge me. Or...yourself...?

Anyways I also sort of woke up In the floor, and by the sight of Kenai using my paw as a blanket, I realised I'd fallen asleep in my natural form. It was going to be a pain in the ass to change back now. I groaned, which sounded more like a whine, as I guiltily pulled my paw away from Kenai. I nudged a pillow under his tiny head as replacement; carefully sliding away.

I stumbled into the bathroom, trying to avoid ramming my head Into the ceiling fan again. Once managing to stuff my body into the tiny space, I kicked the door closed with my back paw. the changing process lasted for about ten minutes, and my back felt like It was ready to cave in.

When I finished, I threw up. I threw up alot. My nose was bleeding really bad, I was shocked to find the toilet paper was on a different metal bar. This one was dimmer, it's shade was darker. I couldn't see my reflection like before.

Then it hit me. I peer back into the bedroom I'd been using, and realize everything is all different. The sheets were softer. They appeared much darker than before. The pillow cases were pale grey rather than plain white like they once were. There actuallu wasn't a ceiling fan, so my avoiding the ceiling was actually pointless. The roof was a little higher.

'I'm so stupid. He didn't do this, he's a pro hero. He's a rich person.'

'He paid someone to fix it.'

'Ugh. It's not even been three days and he's already buying shit for me! I'm not a stray ass animal--I'm a human too--fuck I owe him after this.'

'Me and my fat wolf butt. Like WHY-?!'

I growl clenching the doorknob to the bathroom in adgitation, before locking it. The stress melted away, as I exhaled the toxic smoke into the air around me. After I finished I sprayed what I thought was airfreshener around the bathroom.

I opened the bedroom door, only to be startled by Sensei who was literally standing right there, for quite possibly a while now. Patches of fur, sprouted from the corners of my face. I throw my hands over them; offering an anxious smile in response to his evidently infuriated black orbs.

"Where were you last night?" He presses. 'Way to get to the point pops. Sheesh.' I mentally groan.

"I-It was a full moon..." I fibbed. Yeah it was a full moon, but everyone knows Lycan aren't physically affected by such a thing. Or at least, every lycan knew. Humans have only recently discovered the existence of lycans as far as I know.

"I-I was..homesick..." I added. That part was truthful; I really was homesick. Sleeping in a bed was so much harder than sleeping in a dumpster. I ended up killing the bed on my first try--another damned thing Sensei had to pay for.

He hesitated before responding, which was unlike him. Usually he was blunt and straight forward, but...this time he merely sighs. "Just tell me next time before you leave like that, alright?"

I felt my eyes widen for a brief second before allowing myself to nod profusely.

"Today I've got things to do to prepare for the exam. You're going with a special hero group to train, or at least get some excersize since you're having so much trouble controlling your quirk."

It was painfully true. I was having a really hard time controlling when and where I shift. My body just forces it. I have these instinctive urges--every time I see a car through the window. Dear god; I just wanna chase it, and tear the bumper clean off. I chewed up the broom, and hid the remains in my closet, I ended up killing the alarm clock too.

My ears fell back against my head, and my gaze dropped to the floor. I think he somehow sensed my sorrow, because he decided to change the subject.

"I'll make you lunch before we leave, I'm not trusting you with money your probably going to spend on that disgusting habit of yours." I blush slightly, staring at the ground.

"I know--!! I didn't mean to chew up the broom Sensei I'm so so sorry--" he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"No, that's not--just. The smoking, its gotta stop at some point." He exhaled through his nostrils.

I nodded in understanding. "I'll try not to smoke so much--!! Sorry Sensei..." I play with the tip of my tail anxiously; my walleyed gaze not once wavering from his piercing black orbs.

I had my own money stashed away just in case. I wasn't really worried about that. There was a serious match going on downtown this saturday, I could make alot if I win. I can use that to support my personal needs.

"You shouldn't be smoking at all. You're still a minor, and you're already destroying your lungs, before you have the chance to--"
"My lungs are fine." I Interjected. "You can't kill a killing machine." I stated bluntly, shrugging.

Smoking helped me adapt to human life. It was a little baby step, but It was a step nonetheless. I started smoking a few years after Kenai helped me through the change. I started growing rapidly, and it got harder and harder for him to really control the choices I made. A raccoon-dad can only do so much.

I just wasn't giving smoking up anytime soon. After all, I wasn't entirely human...nor was I entirely my quirk. I was both. Bad habits are comforting. Because they entertain you when your stuck feeling alone. I couldn't figure out whether my bad habit was shapeshifting, or smoking. Maybe it was both. The conversation sort of just ended there, as I dispersed back into my room to get ready. I got the feeling Sensei would probably press onto that topic in the future.

Midnight--another Alpha, or...teacher at the school Sensei does human work for--had completely decked out my wardrobe, but the most I found myself wearing were black skinny jeans. I couldn't wear the same black hoodie I wore back at the junkyard, considering it was already torn up, and Sensei just wasn't going to let me leave the house wearing something that literally came right out of the trash.

So I wore a simple (f/c) hoodie. I had to slice open patches of fabric in order to fit my ears in. The same went with the jeans. My fluffy (h/c), tail took almost thirty minutes to shove through. Then I had to comb the knots out of my fur, so that took ages. I only had four cigarettes left, so I was going to have to use my last bit of money which really sucked.

My anger, and agitation immidiately dispersed when I found that He'd made me something to eat for the meantime. My (e/c) orbs grew wide; practically shimmering in

I assumed since Sensei was rich he'd have servents to prepare food for him. Kenai said my mother was a princess--therefore servants would hunt for her, and prepare her meals when she was just a pup. She hunted for her own food when she came of age though. 'Maybe I should hunt for Sensei one day as a thank you....' I solemnly thought to myself. 'Kenai said all life was precious though, so I'll probably have to choose what I'd hunt, wisely.'

He bought Kenai dog-food, so he Scarfed that down. We actually ate together. His kitchen was massive. We sat at something called a counter, And we sat on a chair that Sensei called a stool. It was much mort comfortable than sitting on an old pail or bucket. I'd eaten so fast I almost choked. My tail happily thumped against the stool with each bite. Sensei quirked an eyebrow when I started coughing.

"Don't eat so fast--it's not going anywhere." He stated bluntly.
"I-I'm sorry!" I squeak before slowly pinching the food with my chopsticks, and placing an eggroll in my mouth. "Not that slow." He growled startling me.

My jaws snapped shut, and the chopsticks shattered in my mouth. I sort of just shrugged and kept chewing. Sensei pinched the bridge of his nose sighing.


With each confident stride, my tail swishes in sync with my steady heartbeat. I found myself humming the whole way. I don't really know what it was, but going on a walk with Sensei was just the funnest thing in the world to me. It seemed to other humans his silence was boring, but I found it to be quite interesting, and somewhat entertaining.

He was never really mean to me. He wasn't nice either; sort of like Kenai, but as a human, and more sophisticated, and smart. He was definetely intelligent. Sensei knew alot more about the humans then I did. He also knew alot about quirks, and special abilities. I couldn't help but wonder what life was like through his eyes though.

When we finally made it, to wherever it was he was taking me; which happened to be the school. He ditched me with a group of kids I didn't even know.

"Please don't leave me with these people--!! Let me go with you!!" I whined clinging to his arm. Kenai peers out of my bag, flashing a look of annoyance.

"Let go (L/n)-it's only for a few hours, we can sneak off and--" Sensei interjected with an icy glare. Kenai rolls his eyes sinking back into my bag.

A tall male human with blonde hair offers me a bright confident smile, waving my way.

"Come on, we don't bite!!" "Technically she's the one that could bite, look at those fangs!!" A girl with lavender colored hair interjects. It seemed like she was trying to make the statement sound like a compliment, but it sort of made me...uncomfortable.

I glance back up at Sensei with pleading (e/c) orbs. "Pretty please Sensei--!!" he shrugs me off, letting out a bored sigh. I groan, kicking the dirt with my shoe.

"You'll be fine kid." Rolling his eyes he pats my head. My tail damned tail swishes vigorously. I couldn't disobey a direct order from an Alpha. So I merely nodded--still pouting--although my tail wouldn't stop wagging until he recoiled his hand.

His gaze wavered from me to the three teens behind me, he seemed to have flashed an icy 'You're in for it If she's hurt.' kind of look. Which sort of relieved me.

The boy with deep salor blue hair made me anxious. He wouldn't look me in the eye, and for some reason it just stressed me out a tad bit. He was really cute though.

The girl kept waving her hands around me, and I knew it was out of expression, but I just wanted to snap her hand clean off.

I only felt comfortable walking next to the blonde haired boy. His cobalt blue orbs relaxed me. When he smiled at me; I felt my cheeks heat up. I wasn't afraid to let go of his arm; it was just that new people made me anxious, so I sort of just kept hiding behind him.

He didn't really seem weirded out by me at all, in fact none of them did, which was strange because humans tend to do that alot. Eventually through time, I ended up relaxing a little bit more. I just had this bitter feeling in my gut that things might go south if I used my quirk around them. And Sensei was really set on me working in some training today so....this was going to be Really complicated.

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