Six: The Old Version

By ArtytheDragon

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(this stories plot changes continuously, the story is a draft of several ideas that make a loose plot.) Homes... More

An introduction to the Characters (glitched out)
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4 (End of Act one)
Number 5 (Begin act Two)
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
A fabulous Intermission
Number 10 (End of Act Two)
Intermission: The Trolls
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15 (End of Act Three act One/Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 1)
Number 16 (A3A2A1)
Number 17 (End of Act 3 act 2 intermission 1 begin act 3 act 2)
Number 18
Number 19
Headcanons 2.0
Number 20
Not an update but a letter
Number 21 (End of Act 3 act 2)
Help ;-;
Number 22 (Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 2)
Number 23 (Begin Act 4 Act 1: A4A1)
Number 24
Number 25 (end of act 4)
Number 26 [BEGIN ACT 5)
Number 27
Number 28
Number 29
Number 30
Number 31
Number 32
Number 33
Number 34: Story for The Zetas Part 1

Number 9

32 3 7
By ArtytheDragon


Also, all of you Drizzt fans listen up, I got an idea from it and all of you who have read the series you know what I am talking about.


"oooh! Cool!" I said pulling a blue-tooth out of my sylladex. I forgot I had it. Holy crap I look so cool in this. I put it one and giggled excitedly as I connected it to one of my friends to test it out, I tried Finn, becuase he's mysterious enough.

He didn't answer.

Disapointed I contacted Gail because she had some fancy gear. She didn't answer. I called all of my friends and I was finally able to contact Sage. I giggled like a complete phyco.

"eeee!!!! I can actually talk to people!!!!!!" I said. I heard Sage's voice for the first time. It was higher pitched. Like REALLY high pitched,
"Hahaha yeah, I found a headset in my room. Who knew I had this stuff?"
"OMFG!!!!!!" I said jumping up at down, "Im just glad I can talk to someone!!!!! HAHAHA!!!" I said somewhat insanley,
"Wow your voice is kinda cute." Sage said. I giggled, "well what are you doing?" 
"Sitting in my room, I came back down to it so I could rest." 
"Oh you know your going to have to climb up again!" I said laughing and laying on my most recent floor. I was proud of myself for a weird reason because I completley beasted some of those larger enemies. I realized that....I was bored.
"Well can't you connect to your server player and build more?"
"Gail? I guess I could, as if we have anything to do these days."
"So...while you are in your bedroom..." I said walking around on the roof. My little dragon buddy was flying somewhere, the lights in the sky seemed to be brighter as I got higher.
"yes?" Sage asked,

"I dunno, maybe you should change clothes or something."
"Because, haven't you've been wearing them for days?"
"Yes I have, but I don't smell bad..."
"Sure Sage." I said laughing.
"Well what are you wearing."
"A Gold sleeved raglan t-shirt. Has a star on it"
"Cool, that sounds cute."
"Hah, it is."
After a few minutes I heard the shuffling of drawers and a rustle of fabric on skin.
"Did you change?"
"Mmhm. I wasn't going to listen to you until I realized I had a beautiful silk green skirt. It has little gold spirals on it."
"So its colorful? Like all of your clothing?"
"Yes." Sage laughed, "It is colorful like everything in my wardrobe."
I smiled, "Well I think I should be connecting to you."
"Okay." Sage said. I got out my laptop and started to pester her.


We now examine a conversation Gail is hving with CG. It is mid way in the conversation.

CG: :. Okay so you see, all of your gaurdians Sh!t? .:
RS: Yeah
CG: :. Some of it fell into your planet below .:
RS: And?
CG: :. IM pretty sure I saw some rad sh!t fall out of there. .:
RS: I don't think my mother horded weapons
CG: :. Gail, I don't care about what your human mother "horded" or what ever .:
CG: :. Just hurry up because i got a Dream Queen to kill .:
RS: Dream Queen?
CG: :. None of your f*cking buiness Caller .:
CG: :. Just go to the surface of your planet and gather some cool stuff. .:
CG: :. Your blue sword is good and all but your going to need some powerful weapons to defeat larger enemies. .:
CG: :. Now I need to go .:

RS: Wait Finn told me once that your title was the Spy of Blood right?

CG: ...
RS: And you said you have to kill someone?
RS: So Im thinking, you kill people to gain power? For a reason...
RS: As in you kill people for a reason. Like if your session was doomed because this "queen" was going to kill all of you and you wouldn't allow that?
CG: ...
RS: Oh
RS: Did I make you uncomftorable?
RS: Im sorry, I didn't mean to
CG: :. Just get your f*cking sh!t .: 
CG: :. And f*ck off .:

---CastersGem [CG] ceased trolling RiseoftheSun [RS]

I didn't understand why she was so angry at me. I had asked a question! Was I being to nosey? A few minutes later I connected to Finn and he said he would build while I searched for some of the things that fell from my house. The sky was filled with stars making spirals like mini galaxies. It was so beautiful. I loved it. I walked on the soft grass and followed the foot prints of the animals, sometimes animals will take modern materials to make nests or something. It took a few minutes for me to realize that these tracks where thousands of years old. I saw no recent tracks. 

The soft glow of the stars made it enough for me to see where I was going. And see four eyed wolfs starring at me in the distance. 
They didn't bother me, just looked at me curiously. They must be hunting down the hundreds of birds on this planet. I kept looking around for certain things I could use, and I saw some things, being taken by a large bird. I rose my eyebrow to see that it was a scimitar. Wow my Ma was weird.
I got closer to the bird and it hissed at me. I stepped back,
"Easy there tiger." I said, "Im not going to hurt you."
I made sure my sword was in reach in its sheathe. I might have to kill this thing. I stalked around it looking at the scimitar the bird had taken. It watched me from the corner of its eye. I saw its sharp beak and strong talons. Im sure that I don't want to mess with this guy. Maybe I could get it a different way....
I saw some of the wolves glowing slightly in the light, they where silent, making no noise  looking at the large bird. The four eyes of the wolfs glinted with intelligence as they gracefully went into pounce position to attack. I closed my eyes. There was squawking and some growling from the wolves, but the squawking ended within minute. 
I opened my eyes to see the bird dead on the ground royal blue leaking from its wounds.  One of the wolves had a scratch, the blood color was bright red. The dim light however made it seem like darker red, burgundy. The wolves dragged the cadaver away, leaving the scimitar in plain sight. I picked it up an examined it, hmmm....

I put it in my sylladex (ScimitarKind) and looked for more materials. I found a rifle, and a pistol. I also found some food dye. Heh. 
I kept looking around but thats all I found. I headed back to my house and closed the door behind me. I felt like it was a normal day, just at night. And that I wasn't in this game and that my mother was somewhere sleeping on one of the many horded couches. But that wasn't true. It was quiet. No life in here but me. And the soft thud of walls/stairs being placed. 

I climbed the stairs to my attic hang out and went to my alchemiter. Lil' Festus clicked and squeaked when she saw me, her saphire eyes seemed to show happiness. I petted her and went to the alchemiter. The small golden dragon snorted a mist that I thought was smoke, and I looked at her confused.
"What are you doing girl?" I asked. Lil' Festurs snorted again and she pulled the scimitar on the alchemiter. The whole thing started to shake. Im not sure that was healthy for it......
A few seconds later infront of me was a gold blade, saphire hilted scimitar. I looked to see if Lil' Festus was alright. She was. I smiled. I'm glad that I had a smart companion. I looked for something to stab. An old chair that Lil' Festus layed on to rest seemed good. And she didn't seem to mind. I stabbed the chair and around it formed a slight frost. I looked back at my dragon friend and she snorted again. 
I realized that it wasn't smoke, but cold mist. She breathed ice. Which was another difference between Festus from HOO and her. 

I put that scimitar as my second choice weapon. I messaged Finn,

RS: Im going to sleep, I haven't slept in weeks
ST: Damn, okay you do that.
RS: Yeah, night, 
RS: Aren't you tired?
ST: No I slept yesterday, Im good.
RS: Okay

I walked into my room and crawled into my bed. Not even bothering to put the sheets over me, I had thought I would have a dreamless sleep, since my dreamself was dead.
I was terribly wrong. 

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