Six: The Old Version

Per ArtytheDragon

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(this stories plot changes continuously, the story is a draft of several ideas that make a loose plot.) Homes... Més

An introduction to the Characters (glitched out)
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 5 (Begin act Two)
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
A fabulous Intermission
Number 9
Number 10 (End of Act Two)
Intermission: The Trolls
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15 (End of Act Three act One/Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 1)
Number 16 (A3A2A1)
Number 17 (End of Act 3 act 2 intermission 1 begin act 3 act 2)
Number 18
Number 19
Headcanons 2.0
Number 20
Not an update but a letter
Number 21 (End of Act 3 act 2)
Help ;-;
Number 22 (Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 2)
Number 23 (Begin Act 4 Act 1: A4A1)
Number 24
Number 25 (end of act 4)
Number 26 [BEGIN ACT 5)
Number 27
Number 28
Number 29
Number 30
Number 31
Number 32
Number 33
Number 34: Story for The Zetas Part 1

Number 4 (End of Act one)

41 3 2
Per ArtytheDragon


All I could do was wait and maybe alchemize some things. Finn had a lot of grist and I wasn't even sure how he got that much!
I alchemized my phone and an old light blue glove and I got a PhoneGlove. It was cute and had a little screen that I could open and close with a zipper flap. When the flap was closed it was like a normal glove, and when It was open I had  a computer screen that I could not fold my hand over.
Who knew this was so cool, but that my family was not coming with me? I decided not to focus on the sad things and put on my glove. I sat on a couch and started drawng on my computer, and both my glove and computer start bothering me,
at the time I had know idea who this guy was.

---GrimCaller [GC] began trolling RiseoftheSun [RS]---

GC: H3ll0.
RS: ?
RS: Um hi!
RS: Oh your one of them aren't you...
GC: 1f y0u m34n by tr0ll th3n y35, th4t 15 wh4t 1 4m.
RS: Oh my god your quirk is funny XD
GC: y35. 
GC: 1m 5urpr153d y0u d0n't h4v3 4 qu1rk
GC: T0 m3 y0u s33m, "q1rky"
RS: Lol! Nice play on words!

I look out the window and see some shooting stars. Some smaller meteors most likley. I enter my room and while talking to them, I put all of the useful tools inside my backpack and sylladex. 

GC: 50 1 4m pr3tty 5ur3 wh3n y0u 3nt3r, th1ng5 4r3 g01ng t0 g3t cr4zy.
RS: ....
RS: Um...
RS: Im confused
GC: 51gh.
GC: 1t5 0k4y.
GC: Ju5t 5tay 5af3.
RS: Okay....?

---GrimCaller [GC] ceased trolling RiseoftheSun [RS]---

I wondered what the heck they wanted but honestly I didn't care. I started to get worried. What will be crazy? What will be insane? Whats going on?
I decide to go check the tree that was on my roof. The one I had created about an hour ago, there was still not even a blossom.
I leaned against the machine that made it and looked at the sky, more shooting stars. The sun was slowly setting. I wondered why this was such a horrible way for the world to the distance they looked so...
In my backyard, a larger meteor landed smack in my yard. It shook me so hard I almost fell off the roof. I held on with my hand. I climbed back up and sat on the roof. I looked over. The tree that was in my backyard was now crushed and burning.
Yeah. Not so beautfiul now I thought.

I texted Finn:

RS: Was this supposed to happen?

After a few seconds he answered,

ST: Yeah, pretty sh!tty right?
RS: Totally!
RS: I mean the sun was setting, there was meteors in the distance, I thought it was very pretty, until this bucker of sh!t landed in my yard.
ST: Hmf. 
ST: Okay well you took your time on the tree
ST: Because the meteor is an hour away.

I almost dropped my glove,

RS: WHAT!!!!????
ST: Calm down, A blossom on the tree is forming
ST: It will take about 56 minutes
RS: Thats Barely any time to leave!
ST: What you need to do is bight the apple and hold it in your mouth for thirty seconds
ST: You will be telaported.
RS: Ugh
RS: I hate this game
ST: hey. The Apocalypse would have happened anyother way
ST: You should be glad you are going to survive.
RS: =P
RS: Ergh how is she bothering me again?
RS: Yes!
ST: I dunno they are really weird.
ST: They get through our blocks.
ST: I had her blocked too but she still bothers me sometimes.
RS: >=(
RS: Well I had enough of her!
RS: She's always so mean and sassy!
ST: I know I know.
ST: Now stop yapping about her and wait for the apple
ST: Look its starting to form.
RS: Good.

===> Gail: be the boy with awesome red shades.

You can't be him yet. We still have....this act and two and a half more until we meet him! Wow. Just wow. Lmao
Be Alec instead.


It started to rain. HARD. The leaves shook on the canopies and wind whistled everywhere. A meteor had landed some where far but had started a fire. The news said the rain would burn it out. Then life is like:
Guess again.
So basically I need to sit and do nothing for a while and WAIT until my friends "join". And like I know what that means. So I sat in my bedroom on bed and a blanket wrapped around me. I began chatting with Ryan, my server player, who didn't have to do anything for now since I had everything I needed.

---PostApocalypse [PA] began pestering TimeBound [TB]---

PA: augh, when will I enter....
TB: Soon my friend
TB: Gail is literally just waiting for the apple to drop.
TB: Or thats was Finn says
TB: We need to wait for her to bite it and enter. 
TB: Finn is the leader Btw
PA: I've noticed

The power goes out. F*CK.

PA: God damn
TB: What
PA: My power went out.
PA: But I have a beast computer so I have ten hours of charge at 100 percent.
TB: What charge are you at?
PA: 99 percent
PA: So I have like 9 and a half hours.
PA: Im good.
TB: Okay because you can just alchemize your phone charger and your computer to get a computer charger...
PA: :P
PA: Thanks for the idea but I wil worry about it later
TB: Easy enough.

===> Switch to Future Ryan

You cannot be Ryan because he is dead. And you cannot be past Ryan because past Ryan knows to little for it to be interesting. AND you cannot be present Ryan because he is busy talking to Alec, and there would be spoilers of the names of  GC and CG and other people. You cannot be them, silly.

===> Alec: Be GC
B!TCH WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! You will never be him and you will never know it. Because when you are him or one of his friends it will say: Unknown Perspective. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

===> Admin: Stop being  an internet troll and change characters

You are now Finn. You haven't been Finn much so its good that you can be Finn. Don't worry, More Ryan will come soon. Just we need to pass time from that conversation....
===> Finn: Be past Finn
Hours in the past...but not many.

As you know reader, Finn was talking to a person named FishingUnderwater. He is his bro that Finn argue with but is there for internet hugs. Yes He calls him "douch bag" because thats what he is. for past Finn.

---FishingUnderwater [FU] began trolling StarTraveler [ST]---

FU: Your fronds have the game right.
FU: Because they need to enter reely soon
ST: Yeah Im working on it fish bone head
FU: 8[ But frooond, I trout you loved me 
ST: I do man, your my bro
FU: 8]
ST: Anyway, so are you doing anything?
FU: No. Nofin reely.
FU: I'm waiting around with my teammate/leader
FU: Who has one shella problem.
ST: she arguing with RS?
FU: Yep. Cod there must be somfin wrong with her, she's so glubbin' perched latley you know?
ST: Perched?
FU: *pissed
ST: I think she's a b!tch. Like she knows she's doing this but she dosen't care.
FU: No, (name was mentioned so I delelted it lol) would do that on porpise.
ST: So thats her name
FU: yeh
FU: Is that bad?
ST: Nah Its just you guys don't have a lot of S names you know?
FU: Bro, I know clam.
FU: I was wondering if you had any krilliant plans?
ST: Not yet man
FU: God damn glub f*ck (for future referance the shorter version of that frase is GDGF)
ST: Are you mad?
ST: Do you want CUTTLES?
FU: Omc you used my fish-fun man.
FU: No. No cuttles for me.
FU: Thats more a CC thing
ST: Yeah...oh inspeaking of CC, she's bothering me.
FU: Huh
ST: Huh what?
FU She usually has nofin to do with you humans 8P
FU: But she probubbly is board our of her mind.
FU Im pretty swimming sure its krillin her
ST: Okay I'll talk to her

---FishingUnderwater [FU] ceased trolling StarTraveler [ST]---

And as usual, reader, you will not be CC or read this conversation. To many spoilers. Now for more Ryan.


After I finished that conversation things started getting really unstable at my house. Earth Quake. Yay. Usually we never get  earthquakes where I live, but screw it the world is being f*cked up. 
Anywho, I just layed there knowing it would pass. And everything valubal was packed away in my sylladex. If My house didn't make it, my basement would. So I headed there and waited. SInce we where Server players we couldn't enter first or last, except if your the leader, so we have to go in a specail order. I remembered what Finn told me before I agreed to this:
The Order is
Gail, Sage, Alec, Zuri, You then me. 
Its this way because we don't have server players and we need to enter in a certain way. I don't know if Im right, but its most important that the space player enters first and is safe.
Something changed at that moment,

---StarTraveler [ST] began pestering TimeBound [TB]---

ST: She's in man. Gail is in. Now the Sh!t can start
TB: Oh is she okay?

I was worried about her

ST: She's fine, shes just sleeping
TB: Good, few.
ST: You need to enter now man.
TB: How?
ST: Look. Okay so first you need to go to your basement
TB: Im there
ST: Okay now you need to sleep. 
ST: Once you sleep, you will wake up in the medium.
ST: What happens when you sleep Ryan is that you are teleported along with your basement because I had it set for its course two years ago.
TB: Two years ago?
TB: Damn
ST: Look time is weird here okay?
ST: I'll explain later
ST: Now you need to sleep and the teleporter in your house (don't ask will explain later, we don't have time) will teleport your basment and first floor.
ST: Now I got to go and figure out how I will get in
ST: sh*t
ST: Never thought about that
TB: Be safe man
ST: I will, trust me
TB: Okay.

---StartTraveler [ST] ceased pestering TimeBound [TB]---

Now for a quick story snap.
Okay so stop the confusing stuff and this is how the derse kids entered.
Gail is Zuris server player, while Zuri is Sage's.
Alec is Finns server play while Finn is Gails
And Sage is Ryans server player while Ryan is Alec's
Ryan dies from a teleportation misshap which will be explained later.

Purple Curtain Close

Continua llegint

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