By arios2004

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"But I fear your futures are now joined forever. She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love."... More



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By arios2004

42. A New Champion


        Just a fortnight later, Annalys and Robb were lying naked in bed together, fast asleep due to it being so early in the morning. Robb was laying on his back, Annalys' head on his chest with Robb's fingers tangled in her blonde hair.

However, their slumber was soon interrupted with a knock on the door. The duo groaned in annoyance as they were forced to wake up. Annalys lifted her head, looking in the direction of the door. "Enter," She spoke up groggily and soon enough, the door opened.

  Qyburn ended up being the one to enter, looking alarmed. "Your Grace. Euron Greyjoy is here. With Lord Tyrion."

Hearing his words, Annalys and Robb exchanged a shocked look. They both wasted no time standing up, ready to get dressed.

In the streets of King's Landing, the commoners clapped and cheered loudly as Euron rode through. He rode on his horse, Tyrion following behind him while tied up and dragged by ropes. He felt uneasy, cursing under his breath at his failure to escape.

Euron Greyjoy grinned widely at the people's reaction to his victory. He watched in amusement as food, among other things, were thrown at the Imp, who remained silent. He made his all throughout King's Landing until he reached the Red Keep.

He ended up entering, riding his horse into the throne room, where many subjects clapped for the Greyjoy man.

Tyrion looked ahead, finding Annalys sitting on the Iron Throne a few feet ahead. She wore her crown, for once, and practically smirked at the fact that Tyrion had been captured.

In all honesty, she couldn't even think of what Tyrion could be charged for in his upcoming trial, but she wasn't going to admit that. He turned his head, spotting Jaime standing at Annalys' side, feeling uneasy. He wanted to be pissed at Jaime, but he knew he couldn't. If the previous years taught him anything, it would be that Jaime loved Annalys more anything in the world, even more than Cersei, believe it or not, just in the same way.

After all, Annalys was Jaime's daughter, his firstborn. And if Jaime already chose Annalys over Cersei twice in the past, it meant he would surely choose Annalys over Tyrion.

Tyrion continued to glance around until his eyes locked on the children. Eddard looked disappointed in himself, as did Olyvar. Joanna looked to be on the verge of crying while Torrhen and Rickard looked as they couldn't care less. Lyanna's expression was different than any of them. Her expression was unreadable and when comparing her to Annalys, he knew it meant she was planning something, something to either help him or harm him. It just depended on whose side she was on at that moment.

   Euron grinned, climbing off his horse. He turned and moved toward Tyrion, grabbing ahold of his chains before bringing the Imp toward Annalys' throne. "My Queen, please accept this gift on behalf of all your loyal subjects on the Iron Islands," He announced loudly and Annalys stared down at Tyrion contently.

"I thank you, Lord Euron. For what you have given me, I will reward you. But first, I must give this man a trial," She explained, glaring down at Tyrion, "Are you ready for your trial, Uncle?"

"It isn't like I have much choice in the matter," Tyrion responded in a calm tone, "We all know I'll be deemed guilty at the end of it, no matter what is revealed."

"Rise, Lord Tyrion," She ordered in a calm tone and Tyrion was forced to obey.

He rose to his feet, finding his way in the middle of the throne room, several feet in front of Annalys and Robb, who now stood beside each other instead of sitting.

"Lord Tyrion Lannister, you stand accused of treason against your queen and the entirety of House Lannister. Have you anything to say?" She questioned her uncle, who looked up at her with a mocking look.

"Yes, I pledged myself to Queen Daenerys, but I did so when my father was still Lord of Casterly Rock and Hand of the King. You were still just a bastard princess who was favored by my father and the future lady of Casterly Rock. My father tried to have me murdered in a trial by combat. If it hadn't been for you, I would've died after I was accused of murdering King Joffrey, something that had been done by you or has it been that long?"

Robb cursed under his breath, noticing the people whispering amongst themselves. Of course, many people assumed Joffrey had been killed by his sister, but it had never been proved. However, if Annalys was correct, there were people in the capital conspiring against her family and they could easily use Joffrey's murder as an example.

"I pledged myself for Daenerys when I had nothing left. I wanted to take my father out of power, but I didn't intend to harm you. Years passed before I learned that you were Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. By then, there was no way I could have betrayed Daenerys to take your side. That would mean I had no honor and why would I do that to myself when my own brother was still being punished for betraying the Mad King?"

"What about the murder of Lady Jeyne Crakehall?" Annalys suddenly spoke up, "You were freed in order to make peace between the Targaryen Queen and I and how did that end up? My handmaiden was murdered right before my eyes. Are you saying you had nothing to do with that either? What about the murder of all those soldiers, including Randyll Tarly and his son? Did you have nothing to do with that either?" She questioned Tyrion, who sighed in defeat.

"Is this how justice is done under your rule, niece?!" Tyrion shouted in disbelief, glancing around at each person in the large room, "You accuse me of things I had no control over and when I deny them, you make up lies in order to make sure I am deemed guilty. Now, I am beginning to believe this isn't just about what I did. Yes, you were angry with me once, but I believe now, after all these years, you're just angry that I left you in the capital alone and fleed for my life while you were stuck defending the family alone. You also don't enjoy that someone in this castle freed me and you have no idea who it was, nor how long I had truly been gone. After all these wars, you're left with no rival and that it why you've resulted to petty rivalry with the Imp, a person everyone will always be against."

"I cannot win this trial when you're not judging fairly," Tyrion announced loudly, "So I will demand something else. A trial by combat."

Annalys began to smile in amusement at his request. "So be it," She replied in a calm tone, "It isn't like anyone would be foolish enough to fight for you." She paused, turning to some guards, "Take him away. The trial by combat will tomorrow at noon in the dragonpits."


In his cell, Tyrion stood next to Jaime, who had come to visit him. Tyrion turned to look at Jaime, who happened to be in deep thought. "I know that look, Jaime. Don't give up on me just yet. I survived two trials by combat, even though you weren't there to save me in either of them."

"I can't save you this time either," Jaime admitted, a disappointed look on his face.

"And why is that?" Tyrion questioned his brother, raising a brow at him.

"Because I won't betray Annalys like that," Jaime replied in a calm tone.

Tyrion looked disappointed but didn't say a word at first, giving himself a moment to think over what his elder brother had said. "Because she's your family?" He found himself asking Jaime in a whisper, "And I'm not?"

"Because she is my queen and I am sworn to her, not you. No matter much how I don't want you to die, I cannot betray her. She believes you're guilty and deserve to be punished so that is exactly what will happen," Jaime explained before smiling softly, giving Tyrion a sincere look, "Serving Annalys has been my greatest gift as a member of the royal guard. She allowed me to finally be able to serve a ruler with pride, to fight for someone I truly believe in. It's a relief after the last four rulers I served. Two of them mad, one of them a drunk, and one a mere boy. Only death will relieve me from my sworn duty to Annalys."

Tyrion sighed, realizing he could never convince Jaime to think otherwise and despite wanting to be angry, he wouldn't. After years of seeing Jaime unhappy and his whole world revolving around Cersei, he had a new purpose. He finally got to serve in the Queensguard and truly enjoy it without using it as an excuse to be around Cersei. He was truly happy serving Annalys and there was no way Tyrion would allow himself to take that away from his brother.


That same day, Tyrion sat in his cell and looked out the window. Soon enough, the door to his cell opened and Bronn, of all people, entered after Tyrion not seeing him for several years.

"My lord," Bronn greeted Tyrion, who was quick to notice Bronn's fancy attire.

"You have new clothes since the last time I saw you," Tyrion admitted before shrugging his shoulders slightly, "That was years ago, though."

"Do you like 'em?" Bronn questioned Tyrion, who hesitantly nodded his head, "Eh? Gloves are doeskin. Softer than a virgin's thighs."

"I had them send for you days ago," Tyrion complained, sounding deeply annoyed.

"I've been a bit busy," Bronn admitted, earning a scoff from Tyrion.

"Doing what?" He questioned, not believing it to be the truth. What could have possibly been keeping Bronn so busy all this time?

"My lonesome bachelor days are over. I'm wed to Lollys Stokeworth," Bronn informed Tyrion, who seemed surprised by the revelation.

"Lollys Stokeworth?" Tyrion asked, an almost disgusted look on his face, "She didn't strike me as your sort of girl."

"I wouldn't say I had a single sort of girl," Bronn retorted as he shrugged his shoulders.

"She's dim-witted," Tyrion complained, causing Bronn to quietly scoff.

"If I wanted wits, I'd marry you," Bronn argued, much to Tyrion's annoyance.

"When my niece arranged this love match, did she mention that Lollys had an older sister?" Tyrion found himself asking, but by the look on Bronn's face, he had the feeling the man already knew.

"Falyse," Bronn revealed, nodding his head, "Aye, I did know about the older sister. She's dead, though."

"Your doing?" Tyrion found himself asking, only to have Bronn shake his head.

"Annalys'," Bronn suddenly revealed, causing Tyrion to scoff, "What? Ladies fall from their horses and snap their pretty necks all the time. And that is what happened."

"You and my niece deserve each other. Why did you bother to come here?" Tyrion asked Bronn in annoyance, watching as the man sat across from him.

"To snap some sense into you. No sane man will fight for you, you idiot. We all know whoever Annalys is naming her champion, no man will be able to match him. I'm betting on Ser Edric Dayne. Now, I'd be a fool to go up against him for you," Bronn explained in a calm tone, earning a small sigh from Tyrion.

"Does he frighten you so much?" Tyrion questioned, which was the dumbest question he could have asked.

"I'd be a bloody fool if he didn't frighten me. You haven't seen him do what I've seen. I've seen him cut a man's head off with one swing, all to protect your niece. Why should I risk it?" Bronn found himself asking Tyrion, who felt himself becoming a bit uneasy.

"Because you're my friend," Tyrion reminded Bronn, as if it were to make a difference.

"Aye, I'm your friend. And when have you ever risked your life for me?" He found himself asking Tyrion, who remained silent and looked down at the ground, "Well, Annalys has. She did the moment King's Landing was taken by Stannis after the second battle of the Blackwater. She gave me and Pod a shit ton of gold and sent our asses to Casterly Rock. There, she made me a position on her council and gave me even more gold. Now, she's given me a wife and a castle and a seat on her small council. What have you done other than give me empty promises of castles, gold, and wives?"

Bronn let out a small sigh, standing up from his seat. "I like you, pampered little shit that you are. I just like myself and what being loyal to Annalys means more."

"I understand," Tyrion confessed, nodding his head as he tried his best not to look saddened.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way," Bronn genuinely apologized, realizing there was a chance no one would fight for Tyrion.

If only he knew.

"Why are you sorry? Because you're too smart to defy my niece?" Tyrion found himself asking Bronn, "I don't blame you. No man in their right mind would. I suppose you're right. I might just have to fight myself and you and I know how that'll end. But at least I won't have a boring death."

Tyrion let out a small sigh before extending his hand outward, which Bronn immediately shook. "We had some good days together," Bronn told Tyrion, who smiled sadly and nodded his head.

"Yes, we did," Tyrion agreed and Bronn patted him on the arm, just before leaving.

Only a few torturing moments passed before Tyrion had been gifted with another visitor. He didn't understand it. He was getting more visitors that day than he had gotten in the two years prior that he had been imprisoned by his niece.

The door opened and Lyanna suddenly entered, bearing a torch due to it now being night time. "I imagined you'd be in bed sleeping at this hour," Tyrion commented, causing Lyanna to shake her head.

"I couldn't fall asleep," Lyanna admitted in a calm tone, "Thought I'd come visit you instead."

"Lucky me," Tyrion confessed in a sarcastic tone, earning an annoyed look from Lyanna.

The Lannister girl placed down her torch before taking a seat near Tyrion. "Like my father, I believe in justice and I don't believe my mother is being just when it comes to your trial."

"You and me both, but there's nothing we can do about it, is there?" Tyrion found himself asking Lyanna, which made it obvious to the girl that he had lost all hope.

"I disagree," She confessed, rising from her seat as she moved closet to her uncle, "I think I've come to the perfect place for justice. I will be your champion."

"What? You can't possibly do that!" Tyrion exclaimed, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Think about it. If you name me your champion, there's no way Mother will name Ser Edric her champion as she plans to. There's no way she'll let her heir die in a Trial By Combat that's only happening because she yearns to see her uncle dead for betraying her so many years before," She explained, but Tyrion continued to look hesitant.

"Why? Why would you do this?" Tyrion asked Lyanna curiously, knowing there was no way she was doing it for him, "You don't even know me."

"Joanna does," Lyanna found herself confessing, causing Tyrion's eyes to widen, "I know about how frequently she used to visit you in these cells. She cares for you. You're her family. She won't take it well when she's forced to watch you die, especially after she lost that cat she used to love so much. I can't bear the thought of her going through any type of loss ever again. She is my sister, my baby sister. I may not get along with her at times, but I still love her more than anything. I refuse to let her go through that. She is innocent and I fear your death will ruin her innocence. She'll become just like me and Eddard and I cannot let that happen. She's too pure, too good for that to happen. If that means I have to fight for you to keep you alive to keep her innocence intact, so be it."

Despite feeling hesitant, Tyrion found himself nodding his head in understanding. "You're a good sister, Lyanna, and a good person."

"I don't believe that is true, but that is not why I've come here. Will you agree or not?" She asked impatiently, clearly wanting to get the whole ordeal over and done with.

"I will name you my champion, but you must be careful," Tyrion warned Lyanna, earning a scoff from the fourteen-year-old girl.

"Telling me to be careful is like telling my mother to swear off vengeance," She retorted, much to Tyrion's amusement.

"Then I take back my words," Tyrion jokingly replied, causing them both to look amused.


Some of you got it right! Lyanna will be fighting for Tyrion.

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