Struck By Lightning (1)The Fl...

By allynmck1

233K 5.5K 749

"Dude, you lived with Bruce Wayne that is awesome" "Yeah, it was pretty awesome" A story about a girl who tri... More

Struck By Lightning
1-Wake Up
2-Not the Only Ones
3-That was the Lightning
4-You have No Idea
5- You Two Are Not Bulletproof
7-Zombie Scale
8- Rest of the Story
9-Brilliant Insight
10-Captain Cold
11-She's Pure Evil
12- Perform a Lobotomy
13-Walk On Water
14-Crazy Steel-Plated Man
15-Flash And Bolt
16-He's Late
18- Flash Vs Arrow Prt 1
19-Flash Vs Arrow Prt 2
20- The Brave and The Bold prt 1
22-The Brave and The Bold prt 2
23- Hot Cocoa
24- Some Kind Of Yellow Suit
25-Merry Christmas!
26-Bring It or What
27- See Into the Future
28-Count As A Selfie
29- The Last Word
30- Beam Me Up
31-Likes To Wear Leather
32-Burning Man
33- Meet You or Batman
34-I need a Change of Clothes
35-Just Don't Pee On Me
36-Call It Brain Freeze
37- Sonic Screwdriver
38- Does He Seem Weirder Than Normal
39- I Don't Deserve To Be Here
40- Crazy Psycho Clown
41- Look Good In Red
42- Bee Careful
43- Not as Creepy as it Sounds
44-Road Trip, Baby
45- You are Such a Dork
46- Mad Freaky
47- Hanky-Panky
48- Pizza And Movies
49- Telepathic Gorilla
50-Radio Shack
51- Just On Time
52- Ace
53- Legit

17- Never Be Late Again

3.3K 97 17
By allynmck1

It doesn't take Katrina long to catch up to Barry, "Don't stop me Kat" he says to her.
"I'm not trying to, I am your back up" she tells him.
"Let's just hope I am not going to get us killed" he says as they head down a hall. As they turn the corner they see Farooq, "Hey, whoa, whoa, I'm not gonna hurt you" Barry tells him.

"You can't hurt me" Farooq says lighting in his hands. "Where is Harrison Wells?" he asks.
"Look, we know what happened to you, the night of the accelerator explosion, it changed you. It changed us too"  Barry tells him.
"You were the ones in the red and blue suits, I fed from you. I have to keep feeding" he starts to take a step toward them.

"We know this has to be teffifying, that's why we want to help you" Katrina says to him.
"The night of the explosion when the light hit me, it stopped my heart, Jake and Darya" he says.
"They were your friends" Barry says.

"I woke up and they were beside me, dead. They tried to give me CPR, they were touching me and I electrocuted them" he tells them.
"That was not your fault" Barry says to him.
"I know" Farooq says to them as he creates lightning in his hands, "Wells did this to me" he says.

"Farooq, please listen to us" Barry says a bit of panic in his voice. That's when Farooq blasts both Barry and Katrina. The two of them fall back to where the others are hiding, as Cisco quickly grabs a leaver closing the doorway.

"Not sure how long that'll hold" he calls out,.
"Done being noble, Mr. Allen" Wells says to him, "Caitlin get them to the treadmill" he orders them.
"Cisco, bring the generator online. Make sure Barry and Katrina get the charge" Wells says as they head to the treadmills.

Caitlin helps get Barry and Katrina to the treadmills, Caitlin looking over thier wounds, a worried look on her face.
"We're not healing fast anymore are we?" Katrina asks Caitlin who just shakes her head at her.
"That's unfourtant" Barry says.
"Don't worry" Caitlin says as she starts to plug the treadmills in, "When Dr Wells has a theory, he's usually right" she adds.

"What if something happens to Joe and Iris first?" Barry then asks as they hear a noise. They look out the window and see Farooq has entered the area. The three of them get low to the ground and hide behind a wall hoping to not be seen.  Before he can get into the room they make their way to another room and hide inside.

"Did you know the human body gives off electricity?" they hear Farooq say, "The average person gives off 342 watts, and I can smell it coming from you" he says as he starts to try and open the door to the room they are hiding in. Caitlin reaches over and takes Katrina's hand as Katrina takes Barry's all three of them scared. Suddenly the lights begin to come back on, distracting Farooq. Once they know its clear the three of them leave the room.

"Turn on the treadmill" Barry says.
"You're both still hurt" Caitlin tells him.
"We don't have time" Barry tells her, as the two of them step onto the treadmills.

"Caitlin please" Katrina says as Caitlin stands by the power switch.
"I can't" she says.
"We don't have a choice" Barry tells her.
"If I turn this on, it kill the both of you" she tells them.
"And if you don't, we might all die" Katrina tells her.
"I already lost someone I cared about in this building, I can't do it again" she says worry in her voice.

"Listen" Barry says to her, "Someone once told me that I was struck by that lightning for a reason, that it chose me, chose us" he says looking at Katrina, " I'm not sure I believe it, right now it doesn't matter what I believe. " he says as he grabs onto the treadmill, and Katrina does the same, "What do you believe?" he then asks Caitlin.

Very slowly Caitlin reaches up, and hits the lever, jolts of electricity go coursing through Katrina and Barry. They both scream out in agony when they are tossed back, and roll into the wall. Slowly sitting up, Caitlin rushes over to them, "Are you okay? Did you feel anything?" she asks panic in her voice. Barry and Katrina hold their hands up and they begin to shake, but not at a fast enough rate.

"It didn't work" Barry says to her. Just then they can hear noises coming from the other parts of the lab, they look at one another, as they slowly get up and start to follow the noise.  As they enter a hallway, they see a body go flying into it. Rushing over they realize its Tony, out of the pipeline.

"Tony, Tony, what are you doing?" Barry runs up to him asking.
"Come on, you know me Allen. I never run from a fight" he says to him.
"All right, well stay with me, okay? You're good" Barry says trying to help him.

"Run" Tony then tells him as he starts to go back down.
"Hey" Barry says to him, "No" Barry says as they realize what has happened. Just then they hear footsteps and look up to see Farooq coming into the hallway, "Barry, Katrina" Caitlin says as she grabs the both of them and they get out of there.

They get to where Cisco is, trying to get the power restored, "You're winded, that's not good." Cisco says as he sees Barry panting.
"I need to take your blood figure out what happened" Caitlin says to Barry, and Katrina.
"I can't believe he's dead" Barry says as the two of them roll up their sleeves.

"Dr. Wells" Cisco quickly asks.
"No, no, Tony Woodward" Barry tells him as Caitlin takes blood.
"He must have escaped the pipeline when the blackout hit" Katrina says wincing when Caitlin pinches her with the needle.

"Not possible, the pipeline was designed to withstand a power outage. Someone had to have let him go" Cisco says.
"I did" they then hear Wells say and all four of them look over at him in disbelief. "I released him" he adds.

"What, why?" Katrina asks him, pulling her sleeve back down.
"To divert our intruder's attention while we worked to restore your speed" he explains.
"You used him as a distraction?" Barry asks him.
"An unnecessary one as it turns out; it seems the plan has failed" he says as he moves away.

Barry looks down at his shirt, "I have his blood on me. How could you do that?" Barry asks Wells upset.
"Your showing a lot of sentiment for a man who tormented you as a child" Wells says to him.
"Tony may have been a bully then and now, but he didn't deserve to die" Barry says mad.
"Does Caitlin, or Cisco, or Katrina or me or you?" Wells asks, "I had a choice to make him or us. I chose us without a second thought" Wells says to him.

"Well, all your talk about miracle cures and scientific breakthroughs, but you don't care about the people at all" Barry says to him.
"Maybe you care too much, I know being a hero is more important to you and I respect your ideals. I just don't have the luxury of sharing them" Wells argues with him.
"I forgot your game's chess" Barry says to him, "We're all just pawns to you right"

"Barry" Katrina says quietly  trying to get him to stop.
"So, what's your move, doctor. Which one of us gets sacrificed next" he says to him.
Barry steps back, and Katrina gives him a hard look, as Caitlin tries to figure out what happened with Katrina and Barry.

"We need to get out of the facility" Wells says.
"We just left him on D-level" Barry tells him.
"We'll never make it to the main entrance from here" Caitlin says.
"What about the garage? The mobile lab van?" Cisco ask as he comes away from the door.
"It's my move, Mr. Allen, and I say we make a run for it" Wells says to him.

"Oh my God, Barry, Katrina look" Caitlin then says pointing to her computer, "Your cells are rapidly regenerating" she tells them.
Both Katrina and Barry hold their hands up trying to get their speed to work, their hands vibrate, but not at full speed,

"We still don't have our speed"  Barry says upset.
"It must be mental" Wells says and they look at him, "Not physical" he tells them .
"Ho-ho-ho, you two have the yips" Cisco then says smiling.

"The what's?" Barry asks.
"You know when a second baseman all of a sudden can't throw to first, or a golfer tries to putt and they get all embarrassed and upset, and then that makes the yips even worse, and it's a hot mess. They feel like even more of a failure" he tells them.

"Cisco, that isn't helping" Katrina says.
"Look, you aksed if I believed you were struck by lightning for a reason, if you were chosen. I believe, you should too" Caitlin then says to Barry. Barry looks at her, then at Katrina, who smiles at him. Just then they feel the room shake.
"Let's move" Wells then says to them, and they all nod in agreement and make a break for it.

Getting to the garage  Barry and Katrina get out there first, " Second van, keys are inside" Cisco shouts at them. The two of them get to the right vechile, and get inside, Barry starts the van up.

"Come on, get inside, now!" Katrina shouts at the others as they make their way to the van. Suddenly the van stops, as does the garage door. Well's wheelchair also stops moving, as Barry keeps trying to start the van.
"He's here" Wells says and they look to see Farooq enter the garage. He aims a bolt of lighting at the van, Barry and Katrina jump out just in time, and roll across the ground.

"Barry, you okay?" Katrina asks him.
"Did he hit you?" Caitlin comes over asking, along with Cisco.
"Yeah, I'm okay" Barry says, "You?" he asks looking at Katrina who just nods at him.

"Guys" Caitlin then says getting their attention to see Farooq coming closer to them, "Oh My God, no please" she cries out.
"Hey!" they then hear Wells shout, and he gets Farooq's attention, "You're here for me" he says to the man,.

"Finally, you show your face" Farooq says.
"Well, I wasn't exactly eager to be killed" Wells says to him as Farroq starts walking toward him.
"Neither were my friends" Farooq says.

"I know, I hurt a lot of people that night" Wells says.
"People, you don't even know their names" Farooq says as he gets closer to Wells.
"Jake Davenport, Darya Kim, Ralph Dibney, Al Rothstein, Grant Emerson, Will Everett, Bea De Costa" Wells says as he then looks at Caitlin before speaking the next name, "Ronnie Raymond, I know the names of every person who died that night. I know they all mattered, and the fact that the world is now deprived of their potential is something I have to live with every day, but these people" Wells says looking at the four of them on the ground, " These people have done nothing wrong. You wanna punish me, fine let's do that. But let these people live" Wells says.

"You died that night too" Farooq says as he sends electricity at Wells, making Harrison fall out of his chair.
"NO!!" Barry shouts and Katrina holds him back.
"You just didn't know it till today" Just as Farooq is about to attack again, Katrina feels Barry speed away, and in his place Wells is set down.  Katrina just smiles as Barry takes off reappearing in his Flash suit.  They watch as he speeds away from Farooq's attack, before finally allowing Farooq to try and take all his powers. They watch as Farooq is overloaded with too much and dies.

Barry then takes off, wanting to check on Iris, Katrina looks at the others.
"You guys going to be okay?" she asks them.
"Yes we deal with him, what about you is your speed back?" Wells asks her. She smiles at them then speeds around the garage.

"I had it back before Barry, I didn't say anything cause I didn't want him feeling like more of a failure" she says.
"Good thinking Miss Ivory, he needed the right push" Wells says as she then takes off to catch up to Barry. Katrina finds Barry back in normal clothes, as he's about to enter CCPD, which seems to not be under a hostage situation anymore.

"You got your speed back too" he says smiling at her.
"Uhh about that Barry, I had it back right after Caitlin flipped the lever, but I had seen you didn't so I didn't want to say anything. You needed the right motivation, and seeing me have my powers back before you would not have helped that." She says as they enter the station.

"So you didn't have any mental problems with getting your powers but I did" he says.
"Barry, I've been fighting bad guys my whole life without these ablitites, so I was prepared to do this without them" she says. As they enter the main lobby of the station, they see Captain Singh walking along with paramedics and see Eddie on a gurney being wheeled out. As they continue walking around they see the strange man from earlier in the day that had mentioned Barry's watch. He's being escorted by two police officers and has what appears to be a gunshot wound to the leg. Barry looks around in a panic, when they see Iris and Joe seated on the stairs. Joe holding his daughter and they are both safe.

"I knew they would be okay" Katrina says to Barry.
"Yeah they are" Barry smiles at her and they both decide to head back to STAR labs to check on their friends.

Caitlin is in the pipeline, zipping the body bag up, "We could have named him Blackout" Cisco says.
"Cisco, he had a real name" Katrina says.
"I'm still not sure what happened?" Barry then asks, "Why didn't he just siphon all my powers like before?" he also asks.

"Because" Caitlin says as he takes a tablet from Cisco, "You finally stopped thinking about your powers and just connected to them " she tells him,  "Look, this is a sample of your blood from just after you were struck by lightning" she shows Barry on the tablet, "Now your cells are generating more energy than ever before" she says as she swipes the tablet showing a new display.  "It was more energy than the meta could safely handle, it's almost like he chocked on you"

"What does that mean?" Cisco then asks.
"I think it means you've kicked it up a notch" Wells says to Barry.
"Look at that Barry, your powers are better than mine" Katrina says to him as he just smiles at her. Cisco and Caitlin then start to leave the pipeline followed by Barry and Katrina when Barry stops.

"Dr. Wells, what I said about how you don't care about people" Barry starts to say.
"No, look, Barry" Wells says turning his chair to face Barry, "There is a reason that my biography describes me as arrogant, prickly, brusque" Wells says.
"At times, contemptuous" Barry adds, "I read it twice" Barry smiles.

"You were right, I don't care much for people. I find them misinformed, shortsighted" Wells says.
"So why do you do what you do? Why get up in the morning?" Barry asks him

"Because I believe in a better future, one that I very much want to see, one that you and Miss Ivory are a part of. I might not much care for people, Barry, but I care about the two of you" Wells tells him . Barry just smiles at Well's as the two of them then leave the pipeline.

"See, he isn't so bad after all" Katrina says as she links arms with Barry.
"Yeah he isn't" Barry says, "Listen I was thinking that we might want to stop at the hospital, see how Eddie's doing and find out what happened" he says to her.

"Sounds good, want to race" she says to him.
"I'll give you a head start" Barry smiles at the two of them take off for the hospital.
Barry arrives before Katrina, "Beat you" he smiles at her as they go inside.
"I will get just as fast as you Barry" she says as she then manages to swipe some flowers and they make their way toward Eddie's room. Barry knocks on the wall as the two of them enter to see Joe and Iris in the room.

"Hey, Allen, Ivory" Eddie says happily to them.
"Hey, Eddie" Barry says.
"Flowers, that's so nice" Eddie says laughing.
"Where were the two of you all night?" Iris asks as she hugs Katrina.
"We were at my place, I asked Barry to come over and help eat all my ice cream before it melted" Katrina lies.
"I love ice cream" Eddie laughs.

"He is on pain meds" Iris tries to apologize. "Lot's of them but he's going to be okay" she adds. "It's been some night, I am gonna get some coffee, I'll be back" Iris says as she then leaves.

Barry walks toward Eddie, "Do it" Katrina then says to Joe. Joe walks toward the vase of flowers and knocks them over. Both Katrina and Barry go to the vase and catch it before it can crash.

"Awesome, I guess you two are feeling better" Joe says to them.
"Oh, yeah" Barry and Katrina smile at him.
"Did you guys see that?" Eddie suddenly says and they look at him.
"You are just high, partner" Joe says hoping Eddie will believe it.
"Right I forgot" Eddie says laughing again from the pain meds.

"You two might want to explain yourselves to Iris" Joe then suggests to them and they nod, before leaving and coming back to the hospital in their suits. They find Iris at the coffee machine, and she notices them as soon as they arrive.

"Oh, now you two show up" she says to them.
"We're sorry were weren't there for you tonight, it couldn't be helped." Katrina tells her.
"It's okay, a girl's gotta be her own hero every now and again" she says as she starts to walk toward them.
"We promise we'll never be late again" Barry tells her.
"My best friend is always saying that, and he is always late" she says to him.

"You're worth being on time for" Barry says to her, and those words hurt Katrina, as she thought something was starting to form between the two of them. Barry and Katrina then take off, changing back into normal clothes and getting back to Eddie's room. As they then hear foot steps and see Iris enter a smile on her face.

"Honey, you okay?" Joe asks her.
"Yeah, why?" she asks him.
"You forgot your coffee" Joe says to her.
"Uh yeah" she says. Barry then smiles at Joe and Katrina.

Katrina and Barry eventually leave the hospital, "So I guess Iris didn't need her hero after all" she says as they head down the street.
"You mean Heroes" he says to her.
"Barry, I can tell she only likes the Flash, I think she might be developing a crush" Katrina says.
"Kat, Iris is in love with Eddie" he says to her.
"She may be in love with Eddie, but she is falling for the Flash, which you must just enjoy" she says.
"No, the thing I had for Iris, it's in the past" he says as they continue down the street.

"Really, Barry Allen the boy who has been in love with Iris West all his life, has moved on" she says to him.
"Yeah I think I have" he smiles at her and the two of them continue heading off into the night.

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