After I fell

By dy_bie

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"Pl.. pleaae...please.. Don't leave" I could feel the light suddenly go dark. He was going to leave me here... More

chapter 1 < My life sucks.
chapter 2< I drive my own life.
chapter3< The arrival
chapter 4< Meeting the mysterious.
chapter 5 < Introduction sucks
chapter 7< Rocky past.
chapter 8 < Arousing danger.
chapter 9> leap of faith.
chapter 10 > Breakthrough.
chapter 11> Bridges fall too.
chapter 12> Inescapable disaster.
chapter 13> Ignorià
chapter 14> what if i told you i love you.
chapter 15> Baby steps always.
chapter 16> Earthquakes and volcanoes.
chapter 17> Untamed venom.
chapter 18> Digging out.
chapter 19> Pandora's box.
chapter 20> Feelings are a passage.
chapter 21> unlocking.
chapter 22> uprooted venoms.
chapter 23> A break from reality.
chapter 24> Rebuilding bridges.
chapter 25 > Rise and fall.
chapter 26> Volcanic activity.
chapter 27> cheesy triumphs.
chapter 28> Ew.....disgusting!!.
chapter 29> Let's reunite.
chapter 30> Secret past, unclear future.
chapter 31> Little Mistakes.
chapter 32> Grace and gratefulness.
chapter 33> Falling.
chapter 34> Deciding moments.
chapter 35 < Bad Fate!
chapter 36> The end is near.
chapter 37> What's hope?
chapter 38> A step closer to the end.
chapter 39> An unending break.
chapter 40 < Falling but not crashing.
chapter 41< Little setbacks.
chapter 42 > Sour love.
chapter 43 > Alas!

chapter 6 < A new enemy.

67 9 0
By dy_bie

You know i always heard that everyone in this life has a person that's always out to get him or her more like an arch nemesis. I always believed that all that was a myth or a fantasy fairytale or something someone tells him or herself to feel important or somewhat but all that went puffff..... when i laid my eyes on this BLOOD SUCKER!!!
yes that's the nickname I'm definitely going with.

Lia's pov

"Oh there you are rottweiler, we meet again"
he said as he made himself as comfortable as he could like he owned the entire fucking place.
Urrrggghhh the guts he has just makes me sick straight to ny stomach.
" look I'm going to say this once so listen up. I love science and I'm an A student in this course and unfortunately for me you're my partner but i believe all hope is not lost yet, so what do you say A partners?"
I said firmly with a dry smile while trying to get his stuck up feet from the top of the desk.
"Okay i heard blah blah blah.... partners"
He said and almost immediately he hit my shoulder and laughed very hard.
"Oucchhh! What was that for?"
I replied wincing in pain from the blow i just received from this blood sucker.
" cheers to us being partners"
He replied.
" so you couldn't reach out for an handshake You dimwit"
I replied fuming as hell.
" oh so you're a sucker for body contacts. But i don't like your type"
He replied while running his eyes through my body with an irritated look on his face.

Wait a minute did this blood sucker just insinuate that i wanted something more like the 'S' word from him. Omgggg disgusting perv.
"Look you're not even that good-looking and you smell bad" i replied knowing fully well that I'm not being completely honest.
" Wait wha-"
He was about to say something before Mrs. Saltzman caught him off by asking him a question and the dumb ass couldn't even answer right.

The rest of the day went well and was less suffocating mainly beacuse there was no bella hart , jack or blood sucker to irritate me and i was beginning to feel fulfilled until ....
"Wait is that liaa" bella went on as she ran towards me with a distorted look on her face.
Oh can't you stop fuckking with me you devil.
"Oh hi bella" i replied as uninterested as i could while trying to walk away from her before i finally lose my cool.
"Did something happen in your wardrobe overnight"
she replied as she boldly stood waiting for a reply from me and she was definitely going to get it.
But then my subconscious added " she looks well dressed in her floral skin tight dress and her wavy and shiny blonde hair and her stilettos were looking flawless what can you say to her looking like vomit just walk away for the goodness of the lord" and then i listened.
"I'm not doing this with you bella, have a nice rest of the day "
I replied as i happily walked away from her and i could tell from the look on her face she was shocked she didn't get to me.
But she did I'm just a better pretender.
It was almost the end of schools hours when i finally laid my eyes on my runaway bestie.
"Heyyy liaaa"
mel said as she ran towards me to pull me into a hugg.
"I've been looking for you all over the entire school it's like you went under or something " she went on .
Sometimes i wish we were both majoring in the same courses but mel wanted to be a fashion designer so she majored in clothing and textiles while me on the other hand always had the feeling that i could save the world so i majored in law and sciences.
"Mel today is just not my day and i can feel it"
I replied feeling too tired and lost.
"Oh my poor little pine, everything will be fine but i hate to tell you i did tell you this outfit was a no no" she replied as nicely as she could.
"Yes yes you did"i replied as we both laughed off it and walked towards her car.

Sanè pov
"I can't even believe she said that to me" i thought to myself as i came out of the shower after taking a shower for the fifth time since i got back from school.
"I thought you were about to be a merman"
gigi said sarcastically.
"Oh i didn't know you were there"
i replied while making my way to my closet to get some nicee clean clothes.
"Yeah i figured. But what's with the intense showering "
Gigi asked looking veryy interested and curious.
Sometimes i wish i could lie to her or curve her but i can clearly remember her birth day and how i was when she fianlly opened her eyes and smiled for the very first time. It was just like yesterday and i love her like my own life but how can i explain to her that a silly pesty icy queen called me stinky.
"Oh wait don't say anything. It's a girl right? She denied your touch "
Gigi said as she immediately burst into laughter and continued laughing for a very long time.
" Wait no. No girl can ever deny my touch besides this one isn't even my type she's just a pest"
I reply trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Okay let's just say i believe you"
She said as she continued laughing.
" oh whats her name?"
She asked.
"I don't care to be honest but i call her icy queen"
I replied and almost immedaitely a knock sounded on the door.
"Hey dickface" jace my best buddy walked through the doors of my room and i couldn't contain my excitement.
"Yo my man what's good?"
i replied pulling him in for our signature greeting.
"Oh I'm pumped i couldn't help but overhear your conversation. So who's the chick"
he replied as he jumped on my bed .
"There's no chick man she's just a pesty little swine she legit called me stinkyy"
I replied before realizing I've spilled more than i should have infront of gigi.
" wait man " jace burst into laughter and he was accompanied by gigi.
" i don't know her but i already like her"
Gigi laughed .
" yeah i agree with you giggs" jace said and they both burst into laughter.

I swear icy queen was going to pay dearly for this.

Lia's pov.

"I can't believe he will be my partner through out the school year".
i replied to mel on the other end of the phone.
"Look you're fighter and a bitch and i know you don't back down atta girlll".
mel replied.
"Alright girl I'm about to go inside now".
I replied
" Hit me up later girl"
Mel replied before she ended the call.
I walked in my residence and noticed all sorts of decorations and a lot of wierd people around arranging here and there and i couldn't undertsand the hell that was going on.
"You're back from school" my dad said from a corner in the house with his strict face and it was obvious he wasn't really exicted about that.
" yes sir"
I replied and tried to escape from his presence when my mom suddenly appeared.
" darling welcome back"
she replied and she hugged me tightly.
"Uhm hey mom..what's going on here"
I replied .
"Oh darling don't tell me you have forgotten. "
She said looking dissapointed.
"Uhmm yeah i guess"
I replied looking confused as hell.
" okay fine today is my company's launching "
She replied expecting a reaction from me and i was lost.
"Uhm okay mom have fun I'm heading upstairs"
I replied and attempted to leave before she held me.
" you really have forgotten haven't you? It is a joint company the one we both talked about when you were six."
She replied looking so sad and dissapointed in her daughter.
Wow i can't believe she remembered that and i can't even believe i forgot. She was my role model, my love, my friend ,my companion, and my every thing . But all that disappeared when she suddenly decided her career and her husband was much more important.
"Uhm mom I'm tired"
I replied as i hurriedly left as the tears began to take control of me.
I couldn't control all the emotions and all the feelings that came over me.
And i just couldn't phantom how much life has changed and how my happy family became so sour.
I woke up around 6.00 pm with a serious migrane and a red eye after falling asleep from serious crying and i needed water immediately.
I was about making my way for the kitchen when i received a messge from an unknown number.
Hey icy
And immediately my mind went to the one and only blood sucker.
How the hell did you get my number blood sucker.
I replied and made my way to the kitchen. I noticed all the decorations and all the arrangements seemed to have been cancelled or taken down. I looked down on my phone and realized that i have a new notification
* one new message*
"You're a rotten child "
My dad said looking at me with so much hatred and i just couldn't stop the tears.

Hiii guysss 😩😩😩pleaseee keep readingg😭 and keep commenting😭 and please kindly vote😭for my book . I'll try to keep updating and keep y'all on your toes. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ dy_bie

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