Across The Galaxy By Nori Ela...

بواسطة SJN2019

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His path was sealed...hers unknown....though space, time and distance kept them apart. Their differences and... المزيد

Cold Hardships....Part 1
Practice Part 2
Home Part 3
Their Arrival to one Another Part 4
Apprehension and Revelations Part 5
Touch Part 6
Uncertainty.....Part 7
Organic Joining Part 8
Warmth.....Jealousy Part 9
Yautja Blood Part 10
Trophies Onboard Part 11
Yautja Prime Part 12
Same language, No communication Part 13
Despondent and Depressed Part 14
Escape From Faux Fantasy Part 15
Returned Part 16
Bliss and Tension Part 17
Yautja Supreme Beings Part 18
Copper and Iron Part 19
SPLIT......Lasher Part 20
Separate Journeys Part 21
Mexicana Ambush Part 22
Into an Inferno Part 23
Enraged Hearing...Part 24
Doth Mine Eyes Deceive Me Part 25
Eerie Familiarity Part 26
Entrapment Part 27
Jealousy and Stone Part 28
Female Yautja Attention Part 29
Intense Mating Part 30
Safety Of Our Ways Part 31
Foolish Threats Part 32
Rewriting DNA Part 33
Decimation Part 34
Interrupting Time Part 35
Kainde Amedha Part 36
Anguish Part 37
Not Fast Enough Part 38
Revealing Truth Part 39
Decimation of Hope Part 40
Powerful Heartbeat Part 41
Meeting Again Part 42
Reasons Part 43
Return to Solace Part 44
Cold Play Part 45
Anxious Glands Part 46
Clarity Part 47
Pushing It To The Brink Part 48
Yautja Healing Part 49
Only You Part 50
Training and Cunning Part 52
Yautja Tongue Part 53
Guards and Guarded Part 54
A Yautja Introduction Part 55
Mated and Joined Part 56
Our First Night Part 57
Space and Commitments Part 58
Breaking Him Part 59
Sensual Reassurance Part 60
Skittles....Part 61
Cold Love Part 62
Spoiled Rotten Yautja Part 63
Drunken Dominance Part 64
Drunken Assertive Takeover Part 65
Covetous Sacrament Part 66
Misplaced Protection Part 67
Science Fiction is Real Part 68
Scars Claim Part 69
Departing Their Sanctuary Part 70
Where They Started Part 71
Traveling Home Part 72
Artful Epilogue Part 73

Bands and Cake Part 51

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بواسطة SJN2019

Lex and Scar descended the ship and headed back to the cabin. They were both starving. Lex went to work cooking. She made a mixture of foods; bacon, lamb, green vegetables, sweet cornbread, brown rice and custard pudding. Scar sat watching her while sharpening some of his weapons he wanted her to have. She'd asked him to relax but he never seemed to relax unless they were in bed. She kept touching her necklace. She wanted to purchase a ring for Scar. Did Yautja wear rings? Well, they adorned themselves with skulls and chopped off fingers! Maybe a ring wasn't too out of the ordinary. Would Scar wear a ring? She could go into town and purchase one. That would require a great deal of patience on Scars part. He would be unable to stay here while she shopped. She could grab a few more items for their departure.

Scar watched her....she was in deep thought. He needed to know. Lex served them and they began to eat. She'd suddenly lost her appetite. Scar devoured every last bite. He was famished. Lex ate slowly. "Scar..." He glanced up at her. "I need to go into town. For a few items. I need a couple of things to take with me before we depart." He sat, unmoving and unblinking. She dreaded this. She wanted him to understand.

"Why?..." He asked innocently. "Well, I need a few items. Only a couple of things. I've run out here and I didn't see them in the storage room onboard your ship." She stated. "Our ship! What sort of items?" He queried. She smiled. "Well pregnancy tests....." "I will know if you are with child. Your scent will tell me everything I need to know. The moment conception takes place, I will know and I will be.....overjoyed!!!!" He stated plainly and directly.

Lex had to think quick. "The moment?..... that's amazing!!" She fidgeted with her hands under the table. "I also need a new journal,..............I WANT A CAMERA!!!!!!!" She yelled excitedly! "A camera?" Scar was familiar with the word. "Yes, I want to document EVERYTHING. I won't take pictures of you if you're uncomfortable but I want to take pictures of space!! Planets I may visit! I need to capture these memories for myself." She said trying to sound as convincing as possible. Scar was not comfortable with her leaving. He was going to tell her he didn't want her to leave. "Lex......." "Plus, I want to purchase a reef for my father's grave. I want to write him a letter and bury the bottle of black sand I collected for him from the beaches here in Iceland at his gravesite in Colorado." She lowered her head. She knew he couldn't, he wouldn't refuse her this last request.

The protest on Scars tongue died...he couldn't deny her this last time to visit her father's resting place. He promised to return her to Earth but space travel was time consuming. Missions changed. He couldn't say no. He lowered his head and let out a deep sigh. Lex knew she had him! "Very well. Will you be long?" "No, a few hours at most. Longest part will be the drive. I'll be quick." He stared at her and nodded. " promise to stay here, right?" He stared at her. His eyes were bright and focused. "I will not lie to you, I will probably follow you." " Scar!" "I will do my best to remain here. However, my patience is short and my trust in humans other than you is nonexistent." He said clicking!

"Scaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!" She whined.

"I will be ok." Lex told him in exasperation. Scar stood, towering over her. Lex moved back in her chair, fearful. He reached for her and picked her up like a child. She clung to him. "I love you. I would be..........." He clicked and chittered in annoyance. "Devastated.... that is the word I am trying to say. I would be devastated if you were in danger, hurt or......." Scar lowered his eyes. Lex leaned forward and hugged him. Rubbing his back. She only wanted to purchase him a ring. "You have no reason to fear me, please..... do not draw back from me in fear." She nodded in understanding.

"Stay, please. I'll be fine. No spying!" She begged him. He rolled his eyes and she couldn't help but giggle. He squeezed her. He lowered his head and grazed her face with his mandibles. He chittered and growled.

Lex started her jeep and waved to Scar. He stared at her. She adjusted her mirrors and looked back to the door and he was gone...... "UGH!! ARGGGGGGGGG!!!.... He's a mess! True menace!" She said in a low voice. She shifted gears and began to drive. She tried to listen or feel for the ships vibration. She didn't detect anything. 'Maybe he'll stay!' She drove on and planned her trip. She wanted to visit Orrifin for his ring. She'd measured his finger in his sleep. She needed to stop by Kringlan and visit The Body Shop for a few essentials, Aveda for a couple of hair products, she would purchase the lot!!! She wanted to purchase him a cake, the cake would be a treat, if he behaved! Lex also wanted to visit Augad for sunglasses, too much sun could hurt her eyes. She wanted to purchase him a sweater. Although, he probably wouldn't wear it. He certainly didn't need it. He could keep it near, just as a keepsake.

Scar paced his ship.....he paced....and paced then decided to train. Her errand was taking a long time. He worked his muscles until they burned. He crushed the droid and exercised until he could feel his muscles bulging. He pushed himself. He needed this workout. His training was becoming ever more intense. His nerves pushed him to lift and climb his obstacle wall. He couldn't wind down. He paced.....until he broke...

Lex walked the mall quickly. Purchasing items and supplies. She'd made 3 trips to the truck. Orrifin would be her last stop. She'd written everything out for the jeweler, so she wouldn't have to speak. A lovely greeting, his ring size, type of metal she wanted and the engraving. She'd also written out a thoughtful thank you and paid the salesman. Just in case Scar was in stasis, listening!!

Lex allowed the ring shop to work their magic. She exited and went in search for a reef or something thoughtful to leave at her father's gravesite. She found a lovely artificial floral arrangement and a small picture frame inside of a waterproof case. She would add a photo of herself and bury it along with the black sand she'd collected from the beach near the hot springs. She was starting to feel the weight of her choices to leave Earth and marry an alien....and not a benevolent alien. A hunting killer.

Lex walked back to Orrifin and collected the ring and tipped the jeweler. It was a lovely gun metal grey made of steel. Very masculine. Not flashy. Nothing like her ring which seemed to draw attention everywhere she went. The ring was dark. It would blend in with his colouring. She'd acquired everything she could think of. A couple of cameras and all the Polaroid film she could find, along with a plethora of other items. She loaded up her jeep and headed back. Scar watched her. He felt separated from her for the first time since returning days ago. He couldn't accompany her and it hurt him to realize he....she..... they both could be in danger if his existence was discovered.

Lex drove back. She was pleased that he hadn't made an appearance or interfered with her errands. Scar trailed her jeep from the sky. She was almost home. He flew ahead and landed his ship. He quivered, his nerves felt raw. He remained seated, trembling at the controls. He didn't understand what he was feeling. This small female ooman caused him so much grief, so many emotions! His love for her was palpable.

Scar watched her. She pulled up to the cabin and started unloading the bags. Lex searched for him among the vast expanse and wondered where he was. She tried to brace herself. Just in case he decided to scare her. Lex hauled the bags over her forearms and that's when she heard him trill. She paused and smiled. Scar reached for her waist and she felt him take the bags. He was cloaked and relieved. "You did well, I'm very proud of you. I'm sure this was.....difficult." She told him. He chittered and squeezed her, pulling her to him. "Yes...."

They ascended the stairs and walked into the living room. Lex closed the curtains and placed the cake on the table. She looked around but didn't see him. "Scar.......come on." He uncloaked and stood across from her. She smiled at him. "Are you ok?" She asked. "Yes..." She stared at him. His body language was unreadable. Lex walked to him and lifted her arms. "Up" He picked her up and held her. She pulled back and stared into his mask. "Off..." He removed it slowly. He looked glum. "Talk to me!" She asked worried. "I am fine. I missed you. Not being able to go with you made me feel.....truly separated. I do not like the feeling." He told her. "I understand....I am sorry. I wish you could have accompanied me as well. It's ok, I do not feel that I am missing anything. I'm back. We're together now. Other than hunts and missions our time apart will be limited." Lex said hopeful. "Yes..." He shook his head in agreement.

"Let's eat and shower. Hungry? Bored? Tired?" She asked. "A bit hungry." He told her. "Aaaahhhhhhhh can you wait for about an hour to eat?" She asked him. "Yes, of course. Very well." "Ok, great!" She exclaimed excitedly. She hugged him. "Down please." She asked sweetly. He stood, still holding her. "Ok, well carry me to the bedroom." She asked him. He walked her to the bedroom. "I need clean clothes. I'll shower first and prepare dinner while you shower. Ok?" He shook his head. She kissed his mandibles and squeezed his shoulders. Touching him everywhere. "Ok, now let me down but give me kisses first." She kissed him and he trilled softly. He opened his mandibles and licked her lips. He nipped her, wanting her tongue. She forced her tongue in his mouth and licked him, delving deeply. She rubbed his neck and pulled his tendrils. He trilled lowly, whining. They broke for air and she caught sight of his shoulders. She started removing his armor and her eyes fell upon his chest. "What......have you been doing?" She whispered. "Training..." "You are......" She squeezed him and ran her fingers along his arms. His eyes watched her. She looked at him. "Ok, put me down." He lowered her to the floor. She snatched up her pajamas and darted for the bathroom. Scar tried to follow her. "Ah ah stay here! In this room! Sit down and wait for me!" She instructed.

Scar did as she said. Lex quickly showered. She could barely stand up straight. She didn't even bother with the pajamas. She was horny! His body had turned her on. His muscles looking bigger than usual, set her on fire. She just wrapped a towel around herself. She entered her bedroom and Scar stood at full attention. "All done, your turn!" "Lex, is everything well?" "Yes.....go!" She demanded. Scar studied her. She pointed to the bathroom impatiently and he went to shower. Lex went to the kitchen and prepared a huge pot roast with potatoes, onions and carrots. It really only needed warming, she set an off timer on the crock pot, made a pot of instant rice and they would have cake. She went to the hall and picked up the large mirror. She walked back to the living room and positioned it across from the couch. She cut him a slice of cake.

Scar showered and felt his muscles relax. He thought of his upcoming meeting with Elder Shomir. Scar prayed to Paya that he and Lex would have safe travels and that the other Yautja would be accepting. He knew that Elder Shomir would see to it that Lex was respected and protected. She was already known throughout the Yautja clans as the amber ooman who helped defeat a queen kainde amedha and had killed her own kainde amedha during his Chiva. Not to mention her two kills and bravery during his last mission in Mexico that coincided with the Chiva for Fuldex, Nelkir and Wikker. He was proud to have her as his mate. Elder Shomir had acknowledged her himself! Scar had claimed and marked her as one of their clan.

Lex gathered his engagement/wedding ring, his cake and wrapped herself in his cape. She waited for him on the couch. She was nervous. Scar dried himself and made his way to the living room. Lex saw him and swallowed thickly. He wore only his lion cloth. He was definitely bigger, like he'd been pumping iron. 'His training this afternoon must have been extensive.' She thought. He walked to her and sat down. She stared at him. He reached for her and she moved to sit across his lap. She was nervous. She turned to straddled him, still wrapped in his cape. "Scar....I..... have something I want you to have." She dropped her eyes nervously. "Yes..." She reached inside his cape and presented him with the box, she opened it before him.

Scar sat, watching her. He was incapable of speaking. "I went into town because I wanted to have a wedding band made for you. I'm not sure if you even want it or will wear it but I purchased it for you. I just.....I want you to feel special and loved. I want you to know that I have and will acknowledge you and all of your efforts to be with me. I'm still a bit shocked at all of this. I'm nervous but I'm so grateful to you......"

Scar lifted her chin. "Lex.... Thank you. This is a grand gesture. I am honoured." He smiled and leaned forward to kiss her. He trilled and purred into her mouth. Lex instantly felt herself warming. "Do you want to wear it? On your finger? If you don't want to, it's ok. I just wanted you to have it." Scar placed his finger over her lips. "Lex, I love you. Yes. I want to wear it." She looked up at him and he smiled. He offered her his left hand. She placed the ring on his finger and it fit!! She was delighted! Scar admired the quality, the colour, how durable it felt. He touched it, twisting it around his finger. He was utterly pleased.

Lex teared up watching him. Scar reached for her chin. He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. She rested her head on his shoulder and held on to him. Scar caressed her upper back. He purred and he felt her sink into his embrace. He leaned back and held her. Lex was thrilled!! "You have pleased me. I am grateful for this extraordinary gesture. A gift of all gifts!" She moved to face him. He stared at her. She shed his cape and Scar feasted his eyes on her nakedness. "I'm horny......" Lex told him while touching his arms. He swallowed, he didn't move. His timid behavior was alarming to Lex. "Scar.... what's wrong?" "I.... how are you feeling?" "No..... none of this! I'm fine!" She touched his hands. He shifted as if he was going to stand. "Scar...." "Lex.....I was too rough." He dropped his eyes. "'re gentle. Yes, this last time was intense but I'm fine. I don't expect you to make love to me like a human male. You're not!....... you' alien. My alien. We are different but I can tell that you need me in a different way than I'm accustomed to. It will be fine. Touch me, please." She reached for his hand but he held himself still. Lex sighed, she was growing impatient and full of sorrow. She took a deep breath.

"Lex, I do not want to hurt you."

She tried once more to use his hands to touch her body. He wouldn't touch her. Lex covered herself and climbed from atop him. She moved to sit on the cocktail table across from him. Scar couldn't touch her. He was fearful of repeating his actions. She looked at him and slid back onto the table, pushing his slice of cake to the side. She removed his cape and decided to lie back looking up to the ceiling. Scar sat frozen....watching her.

Lex lifted her legs, planting her feet on the table and opened herself to his gaze. She reached down and touched her thighs, rubbing and caressing herself. Her sex glistened and her arousal was evident. Scar could smell her.......he wanted her. She touched her sex, gliding her fingers over her opening. She grazed over her clitoris and moaned. The sound went straight to Scars cock, he was hard and ready. His erection strained against his stomach, stretching the loincloth from his body.

Lex continued touching herself. She ran her finger over her clitoris and down her slit, stopping at her opening. Scars breath hitched when he caught sight of her ring. She circled her opening and slowly inserted her finger, she moaned while taking deep breaths. Her finger gathering her juices, she continued inserting her finger and pulling it out slowly. Scar sat with his mouth open, his mandibles hanging lowly, his mouth watering and his nails digging into his knees. Her moans filled the room.

Scars breathing was deep and his held breaths escaped him in great huffs. He was tense and stiff and his cock ached. Lex lie back fingering her cunt aggressively. Her juices dripped from her, she gathered the wetness and pushed a finger inside of her asshole. Over and over she penetrated herself. Scar was incapable of movement. She pinched and pulled her nipples roughly. She bent her head to lick her nipple while looking into his eyes. He began to take deeper breaths. He struggled with the impulse to reach for her. Her breathing was erratic and she felt herself growing more aroused. "Scar....." She whispered. Her voice barely breaking his concentration. "Please......touch me. I need you. I want your hands on me. Please touched me. Touch your pussy..." She breathed deeply. Scar sat watching her pleasure herself.

Saliva dripped from his mouth at her words. His eyes were glassy and fixated on her sex. Lex looked towards him, she could see his erection straining against his abs, his nails digging into his knees and she could see him salivating over her wet cunt. " you want me?" "Yes..." He trilled softly and growled. "Please...." Lex pleaded with him. His face was disturbed. Lex rolled over and presented her bum to him. He took several deep breaths. She continued to touch her asshole, moaning loudly. Scar was about to break.

Lex pushed her finger in and began to fuck her asshole deep and fast. Her actions caused her ass to shake. Her groaning was his breaking point. He stood up and tried to grab her hips. Lex listened for him to approach her. Before he could touch her, Lex turned over. "Ah ah!" She looked him in his eyes and pointed downward, then patted her clitoris. Scar dropped to his knees and took her thighs into his hands. He spread her legs wide and leaned forward to taste her. He licked her completely. Her scent and taste imprinted onto his senses once again. Over and under he licked her. Lex swiped her finger across the cakes frosting and spread it over her cunt. Scar watched her. He pulled her legs over his shoulders and flared his mandibles, he licked her clitoris and tasted the frosting mixed with her arousal. The mixture of her arousal and the frosting tasted scrumptious. He pushed his tongue into her cunt and passed through to taste her deeply. He devoured her sex, centering on her most treasured pleasure point until Lex began to quiver with delightful torture. He licked her hard and slow, lapping at the sweet texture. Using his tongue to add pressure until he licked her clean. His mandibles grazed and rubbed her nether lips. She moaned and he pulled back to looked at her. Her sex was wet, swollen and beautiful. Scar licked downward and tasted her asshole, the sweet taste still on his tongue. He pushed inside of her. She was warm and he felt her constrict around his tongue. Her scent excited him. Lex squeezed his shoulders and pulled his tendrils. She shook from his tongue entering her repeatedly and deeply.

Scar wanted her.... Lex could feel him trembling. She sat up and touched his head, maneuvering him backwards. Scar stopped and stared at her. She shoved him backwards. "Lex...." She didn't respond. She shoved him once again, pushing him. Her increasing strength was evident. He moved back and Lex stood from the table. She walked to him, causing him to back up. She reached for him and pulled him up, then pushed him to the couch. Scar sat and she moved to sit on top of him. He reached for her waist, guiding her over his rock hard cock. Lex positioned herself, grabbed his cock and guided him inside of her. Scar braced himself and Lex slowly sank down onto him, impaling herself. She cried out at the sensation. He moved his hands to palm her bottom. Lex looked up at him and pulled his head down. Scar bent down to kiss her. They rolled their tongues over each other's and Lex began to bounce on top of him. She sucked his tongue and rubbed his neck. Scar held her cheeks and pulled her down onto his shaft.

The feeling of being inside of her left him feeling weak and intensely aroused. He broke their kiss and leaned his head back over the couch, holding her ass and trilling lowly. He panted and Lex could see him salivating. He was in heaven. She touched his arms and leaned forward to lick him. She sucked his chest and bit him. Scar growled. Lex held his shoulders and rode him hard. Grinding down onto his cock in a frenzy, she moaned and threw her head back, riding him wild and hot. Scar could barely breathe. His mandibles were flared open and he trilled in his throat.

Lex reached for his tendrils and pulled his head down. She lifted her mouth and sucked his neck, the feeling of her sucking caused him to gasp and trill. Scar noticed that he could see her bouncing on his cock in the mirror. She was beautiful and so exotic. Her ass grinded onto him and slammed down repeatedly. He was speechless and he couldn't stop looking. She licked him and sucked harder and he moaned, chittering his pleasure. Scar squeezed her ass and pulled her onto his cock harder, causing her to bite him. She sucked him while riding him. He watched her ride him hard, the sight intensified his need. Scar groaned and he felt his balls lift.

Scar couldn't hold out much longer. He wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled her down over and over. He stared at her body. Her skin was beautiful and her ass was truly spectacular! His hands touching her and pulling her onto his cock caused him to nearly choke. His mandibles were clicking and flaring. He felt an intense need to orgasm. Lex could feel his intensity and ran her hands in his tendrils. Pulling gently and rubbing her fingers along his scalp. The feeling of her fingers across his scalp made him moan. Lex began to breathe deeply and her breathy moans near his auditory senses was his breaking point. She licked his tiny outer ear and Scar growled. She rode him faster and he felt his seed burst from him. He squeezed her tightly into his body and roared his release. Lex jumped but held onto him, allowing him to ride out his pleasure..... He grabbed her bottom firmly, urging her to slow down. She slowed and stopped, feeling his warm seed bathe her cervix.

Scar held her for several minutes. Rubbing her back and thighs while purring into her ear. The vibration through his chest lulled Lex into a deep-seated moment of relaxation. Scar leaned back, holding her closely to him. He leaned his head back and took in several breaths of air.

Lex stirred. Scar seemed to have fallen asleep with his head resting backwards onto the edge of the couch. He held her tightly. She was tired and hungry. She lifted herself from his lap. Scar woke and peered down at her. He didn't speak. He touched her mark. He was weak and tired. She kissed his mandibles softly. She moved up from her haunches and felt his cock leave her body. She moaned softly. Scar felt his cock go cold immediately after leaving its warm home.

"Food?" She asked. Scar bowed to her. She walked to the hall and donned her robe. Scar put on his loincloth and waited for her. "Stay there Baby." She told him quietly. He clicked. Lex made his plate, silently said grace for his food and brought it to him on a tray. She placed it over him and smiled. He reached for her, pulling her down and grazed her face. She placed his coconut juice on the table next to him. "Eat, don't wait for me." He smelled the pot roast and the aroma warmed him. Lex made her plate and joined. Scar hadn't started without her. She smiled.

They ate, both ravenous in their devouring of dinner. Scar finished first. He sat back stuffed and happy.......

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