Across The Galaxy By Nori Ela...

By SJN2019

76K 3K 1K

His path was sealed...hers unknown....though space, time and distance kept them apart. Their differences and... More

Cold Hardships....Part 1
Practice Part 2
Home Part 3
Their Arrival to one Another Part 4
Apprehension and Revelations Part 5
Touch Part 6
Uncertainty.....Part 7
Organic Joining Part 8
Warmth.....Jealousy Part 9
Yautja Blood Part 10
Trophies Onboard Part 11
Yautja Prime Part 12
Same language, No communication Part 13
Despondent and Depressed Part 14
Escape From Faux Fantasy Part 15
Returned Part 16
Bliss and Tension Part 17
Yautja Supreme Beings Part 18
Copper and Iron Part 19
SPLIT......Lasher Part 20
Separate Journeys Part 21
Mexicana Ambush Part 22
Into an Inferno Part 23
Enraged Hearing...Part 24
Doth Mine Eyes Deceive Me Part 25
Eerie Familiarity Part 26
Entrapment Part 27
Jealousy and Stone Part 28
Female Yautja Attention Part 29
Intense Mating Part 30
Safety Of Our Ways Part 31
Foolish Threats Part 32
Rewriting DNA Part 33
Decimation Part 34
Interrupting Time Part 35
Kainde Amedha Part 36
Anguish Part 37
Not Fast Enough Part 38
Revealing Truth Part 39
Decimation of Hope Part 40
Powerful Heartbeat Part 41
Meeting Again Part 42
Reasons Part 43
Return to Solace Part 44
Cold Play Part 45
Anxious Glands Part 46
Pushing It To The Brink Part 48
Yautja Healing Part 49
Only You Part 50
Bands and Cake Part 51
Training and Cunning Part 52
Yautja Tongue Part 53
Guards and Guarded Part 54
A Yautja Introduction Part 55
Mated and Joined Part 56
Our First Night Part 57
Space and Commitments Part 58
Breaking Him Part 59
Sensual Reassurance Part 60
Skittles....Part 61
Cold Love Part 62
Spoiled Rotten Yautja Part 63
Drunken Dominance Part 64
Drunken Assertive Takeover Part 65
Covetous Sacrament Part 66
Misplaced Protection Part 67
Science Fiction is Real Part 68
Scars Claim Part 69
Departing Their Sanctuary Part 70
Where They Started Part 71
Traveling Home Part 72
Artful Epilogue Part 73

Clarity Part 47

1.1K 42 33
By SJN2019

Morning shined in through the cracks in the curtains. Scar woke and listened to her breathing. He felt such peace. Lex woke feeling groggy. She turned and caught his eyes. He stared at her. She moved to lie on his chest. "How are you feeling?" Scar asked her. Lex sighed. "I'm ok...I want to bathe." She said. He took a deep breath. She stood up and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

Scar plugged in his gauntlet to charge it and paced. He decided to stretch and work his muscles while Lex showered. She stood under the water for over 15 minutes, transfixed by her ring. She held her necklace and she thanked God he had returned. Her body was a bit sore. She washed her hair and tried to calm herself, she was nervous and a bit on edge. Lex went to her bedroom and dressed in a graphic tee and jeans. Scar finished and stood listening for her. She walked to the living room and Scar was there standing at full attention. "Do you want to shower? Are you hungry?" "I will shower. I am not hungry." He said to her. "Ok..." "Thank you for dinner." He said clicking. "You're welcome." She said quietly. He took the pouch from his armor and walked to her, he held her and he felt tension along her body. She hugged him and sighed. "You shower and I'll straighten up." He studied her and nodded, then walked to the bathroom. Lex collected their dishes and took them to the kitchen.

Scar leaned against the shower wall, cramped and worried. He felt a disconnection from Lex. He thought maybe she didn't want to marry him after all. Yautja did not marry. They were hunters. Taking such lengths for a mate was not a priority or necessity. Yet he felt that he would perish if they weren't together. He lingered for a while longer. He washed himself and tried to understand why she seemed upset and distant. He finally exited the shower and dressed.

Lex gathered all of the pots and dishes and began to wash them. Her mind was in a daze, staring at her ring. She tried to enjoy this time with him but the anxiety was making her feel fretful. As she began to stack the washed and dried plates, Scars gauntlet chimed an alert. Lex dropped the plates to the floor. It caused a loud clatter and the plates broke into sharp jagged pieces. Lex bent down to try and clean up the broken glass. She cut her fingers and her feet stepped on small pieces, embedding the glass in her soles. Blood was everywhere. She began to cry....her emotions finally erupting to the surface.

Scar heard the glass shattering and ran to her. Lex was on the floor trying to pick up the broken pieces. Her fingers were bleeding and her feet were bloodied. "Lex!!!" "I dropped the plates. I'm just trying to clean the mess." She said through wracking sobs. Scar reached for her hands, they were scarlet and oozing blood. "Please stop. Allow me to do this. You are hurt." "I'll be fine." Scar looked at the blood and roared. Startling her. She flinched and froze. His mandibles flared, opening wide, his mouth opened to reveal his tongue. His breathing was erratic. He stood, reached down and gathered her in his arms. He carried her to the bedroom and sat her on the bed. He turned on her bedside lamp. There was very little natural light peeking through the curtains. He kneeled and lowered his head over her lap. He was fuming. His body shook and his tendrils trembled.

Lex's fingers were covered in blood. Her feet....blood began to drip onto the floor. Scar saw the blood and he stood up, his eyes lowered to her. He walked to the bathroom and wet a washcloth. Lex sat still. He returned and wiped her feet as best as he could. He used his nails to remove a few pieces of embedded glass. He cut his tongue on his fangs and licked her soles. Coating her in his blood. Lex watched him as he wiped her fingers. They were drenched in drying blood and she felt pain. He pulled her hand to his mouth and licked her fingers clean. They continued to bleed. Lex could feel her feet healing. Scar cut his tongue again and drew blood. It flooded his mouth. He pulled each of her fingers one by one into his mouth and coated the cuts with his blood. Her fingers glowed green.

Scar sat back on his haunches and looked up at her. Lex appeared distraught. She didn't want to talk. Scar began to speak to her but Lex stood and made to leave the room. Scar stood instantaneously, he grabbed her arm but she snatched away. "I need to clean up the mess." She said walking to the door. Scar marched passed her and slammed her bedroom door. Effectively blocking her exit. She started breathing deeply.

Scar tried to remain calm. He didn't want to hurt her or make the situation worse. "Lex, please. Help me understand what has changed between us." He spoke seriously through clenched teeth. His mandibles clicked in sheer frustration. She stared at him. Not moving or speaking. "Please..." He begged. She dropped her eyes. "Scar..........I do not want to talk." She said in agitation. "Lex, I love you so very much. This.....your mood. This is affecting me. This is affecting us."

"When are you leaving?" She asked bitterly. He eyed her confused. He didn't understand. She took his silence as an admission.

"Right! Exactly.....we're suppose to be engaged....getting married. Whatever that means to a Yautja." She moved to the door and tried to grab the knob. He seized her hand but she tried to pull away. His patience was weaning. "Scar, please let me out of this room." He felt himself becoming angry. "I DON'T want to talk....." She yelled walking to the side of her bed. "I am not doing this.....I don't need anymore conversations." She spoke harshly. Scar walked to her and pulled her to him. "What do you need? Please Lex, tell me the truth." She shrank in his arms. Trying to pry him from her. He pulled her again and she hissed from the pain of his embrace.

"Let me go. I don't want to have this conversation. I'll just deal with it like I've been doing. You do whatever you want and I just wait." He stared at her. "Scar, let me go. I don't need this right now." She asked backing away from him. "This is your truth? It does not make sense." He told her. "I DIDN'T ask you if it made SENSE because I DON'T want to have any conversations! It's not important. YOU DON'T CARE!" She shouted, crying. Scar snapped. He picked up her lamp, forcefully pulling the plug from the socket and threw it into the wall next to them.

"Of course it is IMPORTANT! How can you say this? OF COURSE I CARE! What is WRONG?" He growled angrily, seething.

"YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE ME!!! It's going on your third day, you never stay longer than 3 cycles. Your beeped.....chimed...while you were showering. The filled me with fear, which is why I dropped the plates. I'M DREADING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SUFFER when you're not HERE. You don't know how BADLY! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! You just returned after 6 months!!!!!! Your computer...on your alerted you. I have felt major anxiety since. I feel like I'm dying when you leave. I can't talk to you at all while you are away....I look at this ring and it just reminds me that I'll be alone while you go on your hunts! There is honestly no place for me in your life."

Scar pulled her to him and he towered over her.

"Alexa, I will never leave you. I suffer as well! Hunting does not make my life easier when we are apart and of course I understand!!! Such things you say.....When I depart from Earth, you will be with me. I can not be without you. I love you more than myself! I will hunt yes, I will collect trophies, yes, but you will be with me. I would not want you hunting with me, until I train you. Then the decision to participate in certain hunts will be yours but you will surely accompany me aboard OUR ship, until I return if the hunt is too dangerous. I want to train you to fight and fly our ship. I am not leaving you. Any alerts from my gauntlet are most likely reports. The transmission I received on my ship was an approval from Elder Shomir to oversee our It will be small and private. Only 3 Yautja, including myself and you. I hope that is acceptable to you. I want to ensure your protection as well as my own. There are many skills I want to teach you. Please.....know that I am not leaving you. The ONLY way I will leave you on Earth is if there is a cataclysmic disaster elsewhere in the galaxy, then you would be safer here." He inhaled a deep breath.

Lex felt herself go weak. She couldn't speak. Scar gathered her to him and moved them to the bed. He moved to lie down next to her. Their clothes were an annoyance. He stood and undressed leaving only his loincloth, which he eventually shed. He kneeled on the bed and took her jeans off. She sat up and he pulled her shirt over her head. He held her for a long while, spooning. He was always warm!!! He could feel her tension and her crying. He rubbed her shoulders and her neck. He moved his hand down and massaged her belly. She sighed. "I love you." He whispered in a deep voice. "I love you." She said in return.

Scar held her tight. Her fingers were healing. "Thank you." She said with sorrow in her voice. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. "Do not apologize." He told her. "I want you to feel safe, in every way possible. Please talk to me when you feel this way. I worried.......I started to think you did not want me or want to marry. I felt fear! It was torment!" He told her. Lex turned around and looked at him. She rested on his bicep and he rubbed her bottom lip. She shook her head in understanding.

Lex stayed in his arms. "Lex..... is there anywhere you would like to visit before we leave?" Her eyes went wide. "Are we leaving soon?" "Yes. Soon. We have time still...." "How soon?" "It will be a while before Elder Shomir will meet us half way, however, I want to prepare for it and if there is someplace you would like to go, we should." Lex thought hard..... "Scar, there are many places I'd like to see. Japan again, the rainforest in Brazil, Borneo......" "Then we should." He said, his voice deep and rich. She smiled then dropped her eyes and sat up.

"No, I think it would be......dangerous. I know you probably don't fear anything but I do not want to put us in any danger! Flying there in a spaceship, cloaked or not is dangerous. Anything could happen. Lord forbid you are discovered. I know it would be difficult to capture you but the possibility is there if we are foolish enough to put ourselves in the situation. Heaven forbid we come into contact with hostile civilizations. You would start a war and I cannot imagine if I were injured, hurt or captured by anyone in those countries. I think the safest course of action is to stay here and wait until we can leave." Her mind raced. She thought of Derrick and his knowledge of Yautja aliens. The government and their knowledge. She didn't want to mention this to Scar. She didn't want him to worry or leave. She just wanted to protect him and their relationship. As long as they were smart and didn't endanger themselves they could remain together in secrecy.

Scars face was a mask of emotions. She was right. He would turn a simple expedition and exploration into a war if someone injured her during their time visiting. "Please say something." She said. He paused, his face had a look of reflection. "I......think you are right. If you were hurt or taken from me in any way, I" She took a deep breath and lowered her head. She nodded. "I have you, that's's everything to me." She said softly. "I do not want you to feel stifled by our coupling." Lex looked at him......... "I don't. I worry about that for you!" She said sadly. He touched her knee. "I do not feel that way. I never would!" She sat in deep thought. He watched her. She was so beautiful.

"Scar....aside from hunting. What else do you like to do? Enjoy.....well......are good at?" "Technological development. My ship wasn't brand new. I worked on it for about 22 cycles. I wanted it perfect for would accept being my mate. I repaired the hull, tracking, sat coms, transmissions relay and hyper-speed. It was a tedious process but I used the time to listen to English in preparation for seeing you again. Which is why I was......enraged when I could not repair the ship without parts I did not have on board and I could not repair certain systems while in motion or extended flight." He explained. Lex nodded slowly in understanding.

"There are elements of the ship that are not standard, especially for a newly blooded warrior." He said. "Like what?" She asked. "The bathing pool. Not standard on a ship for a newly young blooded. I found an old discarded pool. I restored it and installed it. I wanted you to be comfortable. The tank for our water and the filtration and purification systems. Not standard. Most Yautja ships for newly blooded are small and basic. I bartered for many of the additions and modifications with trophies and goods I acquired during my subsequent hunts after my recovery."

"I see....your efforts are extremely thoughtful and impressive. The ship looks brand new. I would have never guessed...anything else?" "There are plenty...the sterilizer for your clothing, food storage, bedding....none of that is standard. I bartered for those items on distant planets. There are many more..... The wardrobe for your clothing and storage for your personal items." "Wardrobe and clothing? You have more clothing for me?" She asked bemused. "Yes, more nightshirts and a few other garments." "Where did you find the clothes?" "Keishll was gracious enough to give them to me for you." He clicked. "You told her about me?" She asked. "Initially, no. I asked for something different and female. I never mentioned a mate. She later scented me and smelled you. She knew then that I had found my mate. She knew you were human and she was not judgmental." He explained. Trilling lowly. "I see. That makes me feel a bit more comfortable!......She scented you?" "Yes. She knew I had returned to you and we.....mated." He told her. Lex was a bit shocked and embarrassed. "Wow..." She breathed quietly. "Were you embarrassed?" She asked him. "No...." Lex looked at her ring.

"I am not embarrassed by anything that pertains to you or I." He said with sincerity. Lex nodded. She leaned forward and kissed his mandibles. "Does anyone else know?" She asked curiously. "Elder Shomir. He is the Yautja Elder who presented you with my father's ki'cti-pa, his combi-stick." "WHAT!!!" She asked excitedly. Scar laughed. "Yes, it was my father's. It was a surprise to me as well. Elder Shomir knows that we have mated. He smelled your scent on me and my...our ship." Lex was stunned.

"Elder Shomir is sensitive to our coupling having lived a similar experience. Not with a human but with an alien of a different species. She was taken from him and he never saw her again." Lex let out a pained gasp. "My goodness. That's devastating.........he smelled my scent on your ship?" "Yes..." Scar looked positively complacent. "Smug bastard..." Lex grabbed a pillow, straddled him and smothered him, while playfully hitting him in the ribs and biceps. Scar grabbed her waist and lifted her high in the air away from him. Lex screamed and giggled. He held her high up, above him. "Oh my God you're strong!" "Say it!" "MERCY!" She yelled. Scar chuckled. He slowly lowered her to the bed. Lex laughed. "You're so beautiful..." She smiled.....he leaned down to kiss her but she spoke before he could make contact. "I want sweet fruit, naxa......please." He pulled back. "Yes. Very well." He moved to her and grazed her face with his mandibles. Lex licked him in return.

"Let's dress and go outside..." She suggested. "Very well." Scar wanted to mount her. She was still naked as he was. He wanted to stay in bed. He watched her move from the bed. She dressed quickly. She bent down to gather her pants and Scar saw a glimpse of her asshole. He groaned.......

Lex went to brush her teeth and wash her face. She applied a bit of makeup and combed her hair up into a high ponytail, she slicked her edges and gathered a little bag of toiletries to take with her to the ship. She would start taking things little by little until they left. Maybe she should take clothes now. Scar suited up, cleaned the broken dishes and her dried blood then waited. He was painfully hard and aroused. He wanted to take her but he would wait.

Lex found a small box and put her things in it. "Scar..." "Yes...." "Is it ok if I....." She stopped and stared at him. "Awwwww Scar..." She walked to him. She touched his arm. "Whew.....ooooooohhhhh you look absolutely miserable. You're horny! That's so cute." Scar couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes.." He said plainly. She rubbed his arm, reached up and pulled his head down to hers. His tendrils were warm. She kissed him and he couldn't help but pull her to him and touch her all over.

She dropped her box. He squeezed her and touched her breasts. Massaging her and groping her everywhere he could. He grabbed her ass and pulled her against him. Lex felt him begin to lift her and she broke their kiss. "Ok, let's go to your ship....sweet fruit...remember!!?" Scar shook his head no and pulled her against him. He gripped her tightly. Lex felt herself go weak. " Let's go." She breathed....panting. Scar pulled her closer. Lex turned away and moved from his grasp. He pulled her back feeling her ass. She leaned her head back on his chest and hummed her enjoyment and protest. Scar reached for her breasts and squeezed them, dipping his fingers inside of her shirt. ...Lex moaned. "You're so bad!" She whispered. She moved from him and he whined. She moved to the other side of the table. He walked to her. Cornering her.

"Scar.....I'm hungry." "So am I!!" He trilled. She laughed. He touched her lips and inserted his finger in her mouth. She sucked it lightly. He watched her. She opened her eyes and stared at him. He wanted to devour her. He moved closer to her and she bit down on his finger. He frowned and dropped his head, his tendrils curtained his face. She pulled away from his finger and touched his chest. Rubbing her hands all over him. He closed his eyes and she could see how aroused he was. His body trembled and he breathed deeply. She pushed him against the counter and licked between his netting, teasing him. He groaned deep in his throat. She could see his muscles flexing. He touched her neck and rubbed her mark.

Lex enjoyed toying with him!! "What do you want?" She whispered. "You..." He answered. "Off..." She instructed him to remove his codpiece. He removed parts of his armor, his loincloth and codpiece. He leaned down to hold her and tried to lift her. "Ah ah" She touched him, grasping his cock and pulling. He moaned leaning his head back. She stroked him, squeezing and tugging him roughly. He hissed and bared his teeth. His chest rising and falling had her feeling excited. The muscles and arteries in his neck strained with primal lust and need. She moved closer to him. Rubbing her crotch on his thigh.

She stroked his cock with one hand and rubbed his back with her other hand. She ran her hand from the nape of his neck downwards. Digging her nails into his back as she went along. Scar trilled and snarled his pleasure. She pulled his tendrils and squeezed them. He began to breathe harder. Lex stroked him and moaned as she humped his thigh. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. He reached down and grabbed her ass. "Lex.... Please..." He begged. "Tell me...tell me you're spoiled." She whispered. He shook his head yes. She tugged harder....he whined and whimpered. His cock was rock hard. "Tell me..." "I am spoiled..." "and" "I love you." He whispered. She smiled.

Lex stroked him long and slow. Scar whined and clicked. "You're greedy!" She said seductively. "Yes...." He shook his head in agreement. "Why are you so horny?" She asked teasing him. He leaned his head back exposing his neck. He groaned. "I want you to tell me!" She demanded in a whisper. "Seeing you...." "Seeing me what?" She asked. He paused...feeling shy. She stopped stroking him. His trilling protest was just precious! "Seeing you leaned down to pull up your pants and I saw.....I saw your asshole. It aroused me." She rewarded him with a long stroke. His precum lubricated her hand. She glided easily over his shaft. He cried out and squeezed her, panting.

Lex moved from him. Her cunt was soaked. She moved him to sit down. He sat in the chair and she kneeled in front of him. She moved his cock to her lips and licked his head. Scar moaned. He purred and her actions caused him to tremble. Lex felt his reaction and hummed her satisfaction. She took Scar into her mouth and began to suck him. Long deep strokes with her tongue. He was so big. She managed to fit as much of him as she could into her mouth. She licked and sucked up and down in a steady rhythm.

Scar couldn't help but close his eyes and try not to pass out. He felt her warm mouth and the feeling caused his cock to jump. She sucked him deep into her mouth, trying to swallow his cock into her throat. The tight sensation caused Scar to roar!!! He gripped her ponytail and moved her head down onto his shaft. He wanted to dominate her. He stared down at her. He watched her lips suck him in and her tongue flick over his head. Her mouth drenched him in her saliva. He gripped her ponytail and wrapped it around his hand. He brought her down hard onto his cock, watching her swallow him. Lex took deep breaths through her nose and allowed him to guide her. She unbuttoned her jeans and moved them down to touch her clitoris. She touched her cunt, she was soaking wet and sensitive to the touch. She rubbed herself and fingered her opening while she moaned her pleasure.

Scar smelled her cunt and he trilled loudly. Lex continued to rub her clit, bringing herself to orgasm quickly. He gripped her hair and moved her mouth deep onto his cock. He could smell her orgasm and the scent drove him mad. Scar released her hair and looked at her, he reached down and lifted her up to him. He sat her on his lap, then ripped her jeans from her thighs roughly. Lex could feel the scrape of his nails along her skin. He pulled her up and lifted her shirt over her head. He broke the clasp on her bra and moved to lick her nipples. Going back and forth between the two. Squeezing and tugging her nipples roughly. Lex moaned and growled at the pain. Scars mandibles grazed her breasts, gripping and squeezing her. Drawing her entire areola into his mouth. He gripped her ass, digging into her flesh and brought her over his cock.

Lex cried out as he impaled her. He forced her down, his cock splitting her walls. Her cunt clenched at the pain. She was still unaccustomed to his size. He lifted her and brought her down several times, coating his cock and properly lubricating her opening. She squeezed his shoulders, finding balance. He lifted her and bounced her on his cock in a primal race for release. She leaned back allowing his cock to hit her spot just right. She bucked at the sensation. Her hands went to his tendrils and they were hot! Her g-spot was being stimulated. Scar held both of her ass cheeks and moved her harder on his cock, thrusting into her wildly. She held her breasts, squeezing her own nipples and rubbing herself. Scar watched her. He was pleased with her eagerness.

She moaned and his thrusting caused her to gush creamy cum all over his cock and groin. He looked down to see and his cock was coated white with her cum. It made wet squishing and slapping noises and the friction caused her to produced more cream. He could see it flow over his groin and melt onto her inner thighs. It was a beautiful sloppy mess. The sight made him gasp, saliva dripped from his mouth, falling into the mess made already. His sac lifted and he felt his seed erupt from him. He bounced her hard, allowing his cum to milk from his body. His grip on her hips and waist was strong and secure.

Lex leaned forward panting and gasping for air. She hummed her released and collapsed onto his chest. Scar moved to hold her lower back and rested his mandibles on her head. They were wiped out. Neither wanted to move.

Scar held her for a long while until she started to shiver and her flesh produced goosebumps. He lifted her off of him and cradled her in his lap. He stood and carried her to the bedroom. They needed a nap. Lex just wanted to sleep and Scar wanted to rest as well. He held her and they drifted. He would take her for sweet fruit when they woke.

Lex woke a few hours later to Scar lightly snoring. It made her smile. She was in his arms and they were spooning. She glanced downward and she studied their differences. His scaly, reptilian skin, his claws, his warmth....Her thoughts ran rampant. 'Why...... was this feeling not possible with a human male? This commitment.....his claim.....grand gestures and love.' She asked herself. She loved him. She thought about his devotion to her.

"Your thoughts will cause you anxiety. I love you. Let that be our guide." He said in a deep voice. Her face snapped around to look at him. He was staring down at her. She let out a deep breath. "I thought you were sleeping." She said softly. "I was, until your breathing pattern changed. Your diaphragm trembles when you are nervous or anxious." He clicked and chittered. She rolled her eyes. "Wow." She said. "Is something wrong?" He asked confused. "No, I just find it fascinating that you even notice that." She said intrigued. "Of course I do. I am trying to understand you completely." He said honestly.

"I see, you noticing that my diaphragm......trembles, is that something that Yautja are normally used to observing. Changes in anatomy, respiratory control?" "Yes and no...I am in bed with you. You were breathing normally then your diaphragm began to shake. I am holding you, I can physically feel it. I can sense or hear it if we are not touching and if I have on my mask, I can change between different infrared fields of vision." He explained. "That's absolutely incredible. Don't be alarmed Scar. I'm only thinking. I'm ok. Just thinking about us." "Is there anything I should know?" He asked. "No...." She answered.

"Sweet fruit?" He asked. She smiled. "Yes, please." "Very well." He said. He rubbed her stomach and inhaled. She blushed and he purred. Lex instantly felt hot. Scar moved from bed. He pulled her to him and they embraced. He held her and rubbed her hair and back. They dressed, although Lex felt icky. Maybe he would bathe with her on the ship.

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