Across The Galaxy By Nori Ela...

By SJN2019

79.5K 3.1K 1K

His path was sealed...hers unknown....though space, time and distance kept them apart. Their differences and... More

Practice Part 2
Home Part 3
Their Arrival to one Another Part 4
Apprehension and Revelations Part 5
Touch Part 6
Uncertainty.....Part 7
Organic Joining Part 8
Warmth.....Jealousy Part 9
Yautja Blood Part 10
Trophies Onboard Part 11
Yautja Prime Part 12
Same language, No communication Part 13
Despondent and Depressed Part 14
Escape From Faux Fantasy Part 15
Returned Part 16
Bliss and Tension Part 17
Yautja Supreme Beings Part 18
Copper and Iron Part 19
SPLIT......Lasher Part 20
Separate Journeys Part 21
Mexicana Ambush Part 22
Into an Inferno Part 23
Enraged Hearing...Part 24
Doth Mine Eyes Deceive Me Part 25
Eerie Familiarity Part 26
Entrapment Part 27
Jealousy and Stone Part 28
Female Yautja Attention Part 29
Intense Mating Part 30
Safety Of Our Ways Part 31
Foolish Threats Part 32
Rewriting DNA Part 33
Decimation Part 34
Interrupting Time Part 35
Kainde Amedha Part 36
Anguish Part 37
Not Fast Enough Part 38
Revealing Truth Part 39
Decimation of Hope Part 40
Powerful Heartbeat Part 41
Meeting Again Part 42
Reasons Part 43
Return to Solace Part 44
Cold Play Part 45
Anxious Glands Part 46
Clarity Part 47
Pushing It To The Brink Part 48
Yautja Healing Part 49
Only You Part 50
Bands and Cake Part 51
Training and Cunning Part 52
Yautja Tongue Part 53
Guards and Guarded Part 54
A Yautja Introduction Part 55
Mated and Joined Part 56
Our First Night Part 57
Space and Commitments Part 58
Breaking Him Part 59
Sensual Reassurance Part 60
Skittles....Part 61
Cold Love Part 62
Spoiled Rotten Yautja Part 63
Drunken Dominance Part 64
Drunken Assertive Takeover Part 65
Covetous Sacrament Part 66
Misplaced Protection Part 67
Science Fiction is Real Part 68
Scars Claim Part 69
Departing Their Sanctuary Part 70
Where They Started Part 71
Traveling Home Part 72
Artful Epilogue Part 73

Cold Hardships....Part 1

4K 86 14
By SJN2019

                           Across the Galaxy
                               By Nori Elan

Tingling. Tingling and cold. Lex had been asleep for hours. She rarely slept anymore.

      Since Bouvetøya, Lex hardly allowed herself to rest. Fatigue was an understatement. She often felt herself drift off only to snap back into consciousness. Some nights she was plagued with nightmares. She would wake screaming. Alert, heart racing and perspiring. She hardly ever perspired.

     Today had been a long day. She'd cleaned out the shed to store supplies, chopped wood until her hands burned, driven into town to purchase gasoline for the back up generators and her pickup truck and she’d adjusted the solar panels on the roof and side of the cabin. She also stocked up on groceries, water, lean meats, soup and other non perishables to last her through the winter and impending snow storm. She wanted to be prepared. Here in the mountains of Reykjavik snow hardly ever disappeared. She preferred it this way. No one had ever bothered her here.

     Lex was to escort a molecular anthropologist and his business associates inside the ruins of the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacán in Central Mexico in the coming weeks, most of the expedition was to be traveled by land. Lex wanted to challenge herself. She needed a distraction. The expedition was the perfect opportunity. The scientist had been granted special permission to visit the sites with no tourist interference. She wanted to enjoy her time here at home before she left for Mexico and dealt with the heat. The area had a rumor of guides and their travel companions disappearing. She thought it just a rumor.

       All of the hard work had finally exhausted her! She dozed shortly after her hot bath and turmeric tea. She'd been asleep now for 6 hours. More than she'd slept since leaving Antarctica.

     Lex dreamed of him every time she closed her eyes. She saw him, she could smell him. She often thought of him touching her. She often felt phantom hands embrace her while she slept. She wondered what it would be like to spend time with him in a less dangerous situation.


Imposing and formidable....

     Lex felt sadness that always turned to devastation at the thought of him dying. He'd fought so bravely. He'd protected her. He'd fashioned her with her own weapons and educated her without words about the black serpents. Demonstrated the toxicity and lethal effects of their acid blood. Had even mocked her; or to her, more like playing around when he cut the skull from the black serpent and released its second mouth from the outer mouth. Causing her to jump and stare at him with a brief look of annoyance. Through his trilling she deduced Scar was laughing at her. Finding humour in her reaction. She didn't understand what the black serpents were or what Scar was. It was all utterly confusing.

She had questions and she knew she would never learn the answers.

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