Fighting for Life | ✓

By sakaimorwyn

32.4K 1.3K 645

She doesn't fit in the family. Her family is perfect if you don't include her. Her family is overprotective o... More

1 | I've got a company
2 | Lonely between mine
3 | The new student
4 | He caught my act
5 | I collapsed
6 | Thank you, Finch
7 | Breakfast with Him
8 | Curious person
9 | Do they love me?
10 | A dream
11 | New car
12 | Most beautiful eyes
13 | Am I worth loving?
14 | The project
15 | Hanging out with 'strangers'
16 | We are not pussies, Harvey
17 | Drug dealer?
18 | Watch me succeed, father
19 | Why, Arianna?
20 | Late night visit
21 | Kissed him
22 | Half Italian breed
23 | His story
24 | He needs you
25 | Stay at Fletchers'
26 | Girl Talk
27 | Unexpectedly surprised
28 | Happy Birthday
29 | Gifts
30 | Him & I
31 | Is that my dad?
32 | Father-daughter time
33 | I need you
34 | Promises and Home
35 | In love
36 | The need
37 | Control
38 | A lie
39 | Distant and graduated
40 | Trouble in paradise
41 | Hot and sweaty
42| Unexpected visit
43 | It's time
45 | Leaving
46 | With him
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Frost and Fire | Levi

44 | Really cool

303 17 1
By sakaimorwyn

Days passed in a blink of an eye since my family opened up to me. And we have been working on our communication skills. I try to tell them what I think, and they try to be who they really are with me.

Turns out my mum and aunt know how to drive, in fact, my mum loves the thrill of speed as if she were a race car driver or a rebellious teenager. My favorite time with her is when we go driving together.

There was this time when she was driving us to the mall for shopping for when I leave for college, she just passed the speed limit and was driving insanely. I really didn't know she had it in her, but she does. Guess, I got that from her.

"Mom, slow down a little will you?" I told her because I obviously didn't want us crashing into someone, and it was the first time I saw my mum drive. I was bound to worry.

"Oh, shush. You know you love it," she winked at me and accelerated even more.

She was right. I love speed and the way she was going, I loved it. So I just sat there enjoying the speed, the thrill, and my mum. She was amazing, I realized. In reality, she was the complete opposite of the Dana Fletcher I knew. This new person was the real her, I realized.

My aunt, she loves cooking with music blasting through the speakers at the top and dancing. It's always fun to see her cook. She would dance and sing at the top of her lungs and cook the most delicious meal.

My dad likes to go swimming every now and then. He has this really strange craving where he would want to swim. As he likes to call it, 'the water calls him'. He would swim for hours until he was satisfied at the beach or in our pool.

There was this time when I couldn't sleep, so after Raiden fell asleep on the other side of the phone, I went downstairs to the backyard and exhausted my body by working out.

I was halfway through it when I saw my father emerge from the back door of the house in a pair of swimming shorts. It was three in the morning and I was really surprised to see him.

"Dad, what are you doing here at this time?" I asked

"I could ask you the same," he answered, still half asleep.

"I just couldn't sleep," I shrugged

"Oh, everything alright?" He asked worried,

"Yeah," I answered, "Dad, you are clearly half asleep. Why don't you go back to sleep?"

"You see? I want to swim. The water called me," he chuckled and dived in the pool.

My uncle loves rock climbing. He even took me with him a few times. At first, it was really awkward because well, I never really did something like that with my uncle. Or hell, with anyone. Plus, I never spent time with him. And he was adamant to spend time with me.

The more time we spent together, the more comfortable I was with him and the more I got to know him. I knew my uncle was a really cool person, but I didn't know he was an extremely laid back and amazing person.

Now that I think about it, the image I had of my family in my head was the complete opposite of what they are in reality. They are such amazing people, I can't believe I missed the whole eighteen years of my life of them.

I'm just glad I got to know the real them.

I and Raiden have been spending a lot of time together too. Sometimes he would pick me up and we would just drive anonymously to through Miami, sometimes even out of it. It was really nice just being with him even if it was for working or doing nothing.

We bungee jumped together and boy, it was so much fun. The thrill, the adrenaline rush you have when you're in the air, is just inexplicable.

Sometimes, I would go to his place or he would come to mine just because we wanted to be near each other. We call every night before sleep if we aren't together just so we can sleep.

He's warmed up with my family too, he was kind of cold towards them after he saw how was I when they told me about the lie. He was scared and angry, so he acted the only way he knew how to. He guarded himself with them, like the first time he met them.

But with the amount of time he spent with them, when he saw how my family was to me, he started warming up slowly. And I couldn't fall in love with him more.

Harvey and Iris are in their own little world. The fact that they are going to be separated in a few days because of college has been hard on them. They knew it, yes, but it didn't sink in until a month ago.

So they have just left Miami and went god knows where to spend time with each other. Every now and then, I talk to both of them and I knew they both are really happy together. Every time I ask them where they are, they say nothing. I don't know what the big deal is. It's not like I'm going to book the next fight there and bust their time together.

No, I totally would because I miss those two like crazy. And now that in a few days we'll be on our separate ways, I want to spend as much time as I can with them.

But they both need their time too.

Oh, god...

Everything has been packed that I need to take to Boston. My dad has already taken care of the apartment and all. He said he will take care of the bills and the maintenance. He paid for my tuition too.

"You just focus on your studies, your dreams and I'll take care of other things. If you need anything, any help, I'm right here," he said, and I couldn't be more grateful for what he did for me.

Everything is ready, I just have to drive to Boston. Raiden will be coming with me too, it turns out he has something he needs to show me. I told him to show me there, but he says he can't because it's not in Miami.

Okay, then.

I couldn't leave my car in Miami, and I didn't want them to transport it in Boston. Besides, where's the fun in that?

I know it's going to be a long exhausting drive, but it's okay. It's okay just because. Driving helps me think, yes, but hell, nearly two days on the road is so going to mess with me and Raiden.

We sure as hell are going to complain about it later on, but now, we just want to enjoy it.

The good thing about the drive? Raiden is going to be with me.

My first long drive with him.

First of many.


Hola, mi Gente!

I know I said I'll update soon, but my work and studies are really catching up to me and it's kind of hard to take time to write. But I try.

Anyway, here we see and get to know the real family of Arianna. And what are your thoughts about them? And Raiden?

Let me know and comment below!!

Don't forget to vote and comment! And share, people!

Love you, Amores!


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