His best friend

By oceanstxm

57.4K 959 181

I'm Jess, Jess Arreaga. Brandon's sister. - First chapter: October 12 2019 last chapter: February 24 2020 - A... More

new book !


1.9K 30 3
By oceanstxm

I'm in the car with Brandon on our way to Zion's house. I'm scared but also excited. 'Did you bring you're bathing suit?' He asks me and I nod. 'I put it into the group so why wouldn't I bring it then?' I laugh and he lifts his shoulders. 'I don't know' he says as he drives into the driveway.

'Y'all ready for this swim party' Zion screams. 'Addy isn't here yet' I say. Not a minute later I hear the doorbell.

'Addy, my wifey' I say as I hug her. 'Who's Ready to swim y'all' Addy yells as everyone runs into the backyard except for me and Nick.

'So can we talk now?' He asks me and I nod. 'Yes of course'

'So I just wanna say sorry, I don't even know what happened to me' he explains. 'I don't even know what to think about it Nick, it's fine really' I say to him.

'What do you think you would do if Brandon didn't shout us down Tuesday?' He asks me. Not again. 'Nick, I don't know what I would've done. I don't even know how I feel about you. Are we just friends? Or is there more then just friends? I don't know' I explain.

I feel like I've made it so awkward now since I said that 5 minutes ago. He hasn't said a word to me.

'Should we go swimming too?' He asks me. Is that what he's gonna say, really?

'I just said I may like you and you say that? After 5 minutes of silence, dude' I say as I walk upstairs to Zion his room.

'Can I come in?' I hear Nick say. 'Yes' I sigh as he walks in.

'Look I'm sorry, I just don't know what to say to you. I've liked you for literally years and now you say to me you don't know how you feel anymore, if you like me or not. I don't know how to react to that Jess' he says.

You're telling me Nick Mara has liked me for years?

'Nick, why did you never tell me you liked me?' I ask him. He sits next to me. 'Because I know you wouldn't like me back plus Brandon is a pain in the ass about that' He's right about that. Brandon would murder us, mostly him.

'You're right, but don't you ever say I couldn't like you back because everything is possible Mara' I say to him and smile. 'Now let's go swimming'

I take off my clothes and run downstairs to jump in the pool.

'Where were you?' Brandon asks and I jumped. 'Dude you scared the crap out of me' I say. 'I was upstairs changing'

'Fine I guess, now go swimming then' he says. A second later Nick comes downstairs. 'Sure you weren't with him?' Brandon asks as he looks at Nick. 'No I wasn't' I sigh as I walk away to the pool.

He really thinks he can control me. He thinks he can control my life? He is such an amazing brother but he is a pain in the ass.

I ran up to the pool and jumped in it. 'Finally you're here' Austin laughs. 'How did it go?' Addy asked as she swims to me. 'Fine I guess' I say and go underwater. I don't wanna talk about it right now. 'Brandon ruined the moment' I sigh. I've already had enough of this pool party. I get out of the pool and walk upstairs to take a shower.

I get under the shower and just drown all my feelings away with the warm water. Brandon ruins everything, always.

After hours in the shower I'm out and walking downstairs. 'Dude where did you go?' Brandon asks, again. 'Relax, I went to take shower' I laugh.

'This party is over, we're going home' he says then. Where did this come from? 'Why?' I ask him. 'I'm not feeling it anymore' 'Brandon you always say that after I had some alone time with someone other than you, don't you trust me?' I ask him. 'Of course I do but I just don't want you having to much alone time with Nick Mara' he says as he looks at Nick. 'We missed like 2 minutes of the party plus for the second time I was getting dressed in those minutes, I wasn't even with Nick he just changed at the same time as me' I explain.

I don't understand why he won't trust the boys. They are like brothers to each other. Why is it so bad for me to date one.

'Fine but we're still going' he says and walks away.

After a car ride that felt like ages we're home again.

'I just wanna say I love you Jess, I don't want you seeing heartbroken over some guy ok?' Brandon says and hugs me. 'I know Brandon but one day I will meet someone you know that right?' 'I know, but for now I still can look out for you'

'Goodnight Brandon'

'Goodnight little sister'

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