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4 months later

Today is the day we leave for tour. I've packed so many bags I'm surprised it fits in the bus. 'You couldn't pack less bags?' Brandon asks and I shake my head. 'I'm gonna be gone for 6 months so no plus one bag is for Loki' I say and grab Loki and put her in the bus. 'One whole bag for a dog?' Zion says and I nod. 'Yes Zion, one bag' I say and get in the bus. They're management had to arrange a bigger bus because we couldn't fit in the bus before this one. This one is so much bigger and way more chill then the other one so I don't mind at all.

'Everyone got everything?' Austin asks and everyone nods. 'Let me say bye to Addy and Damon quickly' I say and get out of the bus. 'Hey guys' I say and hug them tightly. 'You're gonna gone for 6 months dude, that's a long time man' Addy says and let's me go. 'I know, but I'll be always texting you guys' I say. 'We wanna know everything that happens' Damon says and I nod. 'I will, I have to go now since we are leaving. I love you both so much and I'll see you in 6 months' I say and hug them one last time. 'Bye babe' they both say as I disappear in the bus.

'Ready everyone?' the driver asks and everyone says yes. 'Let's go then' he says and starts the bus. We're with many people and it's so cozy and fun. Maggie joined us too which is amazing, now I have someone to talk to besides the boys.

'I really think it's amazing of you to join the tour too because otherwise I wouldn't survived' I say to Maggie and she laughs. 'Brandon didn't ask me at first but then he wanted me to come but I didn't know and then I just said yes and now I'm here' she explains and I smile. 'I'm glad you're here Mags' I say and hug her. Maggie and I share a room too so that's gonna be amazing.

These 6 months are probably gonna be the best time ever in my life.

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