My Brother Was Destined To Be...

By ChinksSoriano

1.5M 26K 3.7K

Rachelle and Trent grew up together. When Trent reached the age of sixteen, their family decided to move and... More

My Brother Was Destined To Be My Lover??
Chapter One - Goodbye
Chapter Two - Trent And His Thoughts
Chapter Three- Dealing With A New Family
Chapter Four- Having A New Friend
Chapter Five- Signs?
Chapter Six- Secret Moves
Chapter Seven- A Brotherly Love
Chapter Eight- Getting To Know Them More
Chapter Nine- The Lady In Red
Chapter Ten- The New Her
Chapter Eleven- Beginning Of The Best Summer
Chapter Twelve- Strange Acts By Me
Chapter Thirteen- Playing With The Players
Chapter Fourteen- Unexpected Actions
Chapter Fifteen- A Day To Remember
Chapter Sixteen- No Secrets Are Safe
Chapter Seventeen- My Trust
Chapter Eighteen- Mr. Player And Me? Best Friends?
Chapter Nineteen- The Over-Protective Mr. Player
Chapter Twenty- His Match Making Plan
Chapter Twenty Two- Prince Got My Back
Chapter Twenty Three- The Romantic Mr. Sparks
Chapter Twenty Four- Sunset Wish
Chapter Twenty Five- We'll Never Know
Chapter Twenty Six- Lost
Chapter Twenty Seven- Promise To Herself
Chapter Twenty Eight- Trying To Be A Professional
Chapter Twenty Nine- A Date With Mr. Unexpected
Chapter Thirty- Two Dates In Two Days
Chapter Thirty One- Opening My Ears After A Long Time
Chapter Thirty Two- The Modern Romeo And Juliet
Chapter Thirty Three- Bitchiest Bitch Encounter
Chapter Thirty Four- Just For Her
Chapter Thirty Five- That Miracle Bullet
Chapter Thirty Six- After All Those Years

Chapter Twenty One- Confession Under The Rain

36.5K 693 97
By ChinksSoriano

Relationships work best when you drop the luggage from the past and live life forward with no regrets.

Chapter Twenty One- Confession Under The Rain

I don't really like what happened at lunch. Jake thanked Trent for introducing his friend. That lunch was supposed to between me and Jake. Who would want that to be ruined?

Yeah. None other than the master of all jerks.

I don't want to have another argument with Trent that's why I just stayed silent a while ago. And that 'I love you' that he worded. I'd lie if I said I didn't hope for more.

I realized I have to admit it to myself because there's no point in denying it...

That I am in love with Trent.

I wouldn't wish to see him everyday, think of him every minute, dream about him and so on if I am not in love with him.

It's my secret and i'm keeping that to myself. I know that he'll never fall for me considering the fact that he doesn't even know what love is.

He said he's starting to like someone. That girl is too lucky. I wish I was her. I wonder who is she? Trent is very secretive when it comes to that matter. When he mentions a girl as a chick, that means it's for fun. But no, he's referring to a girl.

The sun came down and I already had my dinner. I also had a two-hour conversation with Faith. We just talked about how things are going so far. She even told me that Kyle went to our house to ask me out. Ethan forgot to tell me about that so she's the one who told it to me. And since Faith was my only girl best friend, I confessed my feelings for Trent to her.

She's not surprised at all. She wants me to tell it to Trent like ASAP before another girl ends up confessing to him before me. I can't just go and speak to Trent and say: "hey, I like you and I want you to be my boyfriend" right? That is going to be so absolutely, epically awkward.

Maybe i'll tell him soon. But when and how? I only have three weeks. Is that even possible?

The doorbell for the room service of my suite rang interrupting me from my thoughts. I opened the door to check what they needed. I don't remember requesting anything from the hotel service anyway.

"Ms. Richardson. This is for you." The attendant handed me a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear.

"Tulips." That's my favorite flower. "Who sent me this?" I totally have no idea.

"There's a card inserted on the bouquet ma'am. The delivery boy just sent this on the front desk of the hotel telling us to send this to your room number." The boy stated clearly with his British accent, I think.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." I replied, a bit confused.

"You're most welcome ma'am." I cocked my head to the right a bit and closed the door.

I walked back to the sofa opening the small envelope. It says;

"You're scent was the most intoxicating aroma i've ever smelled, you're gaze makes me feel heaven on Earth. I won't say who I am not wanting to be mysterious but maybe you already know me.

PS: sorry i'm no good in rhymings but I hope you like the flowers and the bear.

Love, the guy that wants to be your prince xx "

I found myself smiling as I read the note. I'm not sure but something tells me that it's from Trent. I blushed at the thought. I hugged the the teddy bear. It's colored light pink and as big as the one I have at home. Another sign saying it's from Trent. Maybe he bought this to be the partner of Ben, the one that he gave me before.

I decided to prepare for the clubbing later. I don't really like going to places like that. Geez. Why did I even told him I want to go there? Ugh.

As usual, I took a bath then put on some make up. It's dark out there so I put on a darker eyeshadow and lined my eyes with the liner. I wore my party dress and my favorite silver heels and my leather halfway jacket. And bam! I look like a cutie rock star! Wohoo. I applauded myself for the masterpiece I just made. It was my first time to experiment on something edgy and dark. I usually play around with pastel colors. I'm actually surprised to see that it looks good on me.

At around nine, I went down the hotel lobby, which is near the front desk to wait for Trent. After six minutes, he arrived. I entered his car and he froze with eyes wide opened, staring at me.

"Earth to Trent." I giggled.

"Oh, sorry. Umm you look so gorgeous." Now that's a compliment!

"Thanks, you look handsome yourself. Anyway, what did you do a while ago? After lunch to dinner before you go here?" I asked him changing the subject and to make sure he's the one who gave me the flowers and bear.

"Well let's see, after lunch, I went back to the house and sleep and Heather called me, I think, yeah, that's Heather, she went over to the house since mom and dad are not home." Geez. Why does he have to be a player?! I can't help myself from being a bit disgusted about that. "After a good time with that chick, I ordered some Chinese food for my dinner then umm.. Relaxed a bit and prepared for picking you up and of course, drove to the hotel. Why did you ask?"

"That's all? You haven't been to the flower shop or something?"

"What? Haha. Why would I?" Yeah right. How stupid of me to think that he's the one who sent me those.

"Oh, nothing, never mind." I shrugged.

"Why did you ask that? There has to be a reason." He turned his gaze on me perplexed about my question.

"Okay, you see, someone sent me flowers and a teddy bear a while ago." He eyeballed me inquisitively.

"Really? Who?"

"I don't know. That's why i'm asking you." He whispered something that I didn't hear. 


"Nothing. Maybe that's one of your admirers." He assumed.

"So that's not you?" He chuckled. My cheeks burned. Geez Rachelle! Why do you always over think!

The car stopped and we're already parked infront of our destination. Trent went out of the car to run on the other side and opened my door.

"Thanks." I muffled. He closed the car door and meandered with me with his hand wrapped around my waist until we entered the club. He's the one who paid for the entrance fee.

We took our seats on the bar.

"Sancerre for me and one Welch Sparkling for this lady beside me please." Trent spoke to the bartender.

"Trent will you do me a favor?"

"It depen-" I stopped him by holding his hands.

"Please say yes. For me?" He was about to say another word but I tighten my grip on his hands. He deeply sighed.

"Okay. Yes." Yes!

"Please, let me enjoy this night and let me meet some people. Let's pretend we don't know each other and stuffs. Don't ask questions." I just don't feel like dealing with his over protectiveness after that little embarrassment I had in the car a while back. "Please, just now?" I gave him my puppy dog looking eyes. I know he can't resist that!

"I hate it when you get so persuading. Okay, okay. You won. But let's have a drink first, can we?" I nodded and stayed until our drinks were served and until we both emptied our glasses.

"Have fun, best friend." I removed my jacket and gave him a quick peck on his cheeks and started walking on my way to the dance floor.

I began dancing and swaying my hips with the beat. There are lots guys who's eyes were glued upon me but I didn't mind them.

I wouldn't enjoy the night without some alcoholic drinks. I just want to feel the teenage night life since this is my first time to go on a place like this.

I ordered some vodka and sat for a while as I search the club for Trent. And there he was, dancing with a blonde haired girl. After few minutes, the girl started kissing him and he's kissing her back. Jealousy zapped through my body and I gulped my vodka to remove his name out of my head. After emptying the glass I ordered another one and a guy came towards me.

"How can a lady as hot as you be drinking alone?" He mouthed.

"You don't care."

"Feisty, are we?" Since my alcohol control is very low, I felt my confidence boost up.

"Maybe? You may also drink if you want." He ordered himself a drink too.

After having a common conversation with him, he asked me to dance. I took a last glance to where Trent is and I saw him with another girl. I don't know but the alcohol gave me this strange feeling of my stubborn side dominating.

I danced with the guy that was named Paul, I think. He's got some good moves too. We sat on the side couch-like seats on the side when I felt tired and tipsy.

There, he kissed me. I didn't pulled away and kissed him back. He tasted like alcohol but I didn't care. If Trent can kiss random girls just like that, well I do too.

His hands started exploring my body and it went lower and lower. I didn't feel comfortable with what he's doing so to drift away his concentration on touching me, I slowly pulled away.

"Why did you stopped?" He asked.

"Umm. Nothing." He once again kissed me, more forceful this time. I tried to pull away but he's way too strong for me. A tear dropped down from my eyes and I felt his tight grip on my body being released.

"Don't you dare touching her!" I heard a familiar manly voice yelled in anger.

The next thing I knew, Paul was lying on the floor with his nose bleeding. Trent pulled me out of the club with his other hand holding my jacket.

"Trent! What are you doing?!" He turned his piercing blue eyes on me.

"You're asking me what am I doing?! Fuck it Rachelle!" This is not good. He called me with my first name. "Why did you get along with that pervert guy! And you smell like alcohol! I thought you already learned your lesson not to drink because you can't control yourself when you had liquor. What do you think you're doing?!" He's mad. So mad.

"S-sorry." I looked down not knowing what to say.

"Why did you do that Rach? Tell me.." His voice softened hearing my fearful voice. He held my chin up so he can see my face. "Please speak to me. I did that to protect you."

"I can't tell you why." His brows creased in confusion.

"Why not? I am your best friend."

"That is why I can't tell it to you! I don't want to loose you. I am so afraid that you'll end up avoiding me. I, I just can't." I ran away, as fast as I can with my heels. Good thing I didn't wear my highest stilettos.

The rain started pouring and Trent chased after me. I kept on running. But of course, he's faster than me.

"Rach, please stop." I didn't listened to him. My dress was soaking wet. It's too cold and the rain poured even harder.

He pulled me from my waist and twisted me with all his might and his hand cupped the side of my face and the other on my waist. I felt his soft lips touching mine. My whole body was turned on with the electrifying shock that was running with every fiber of me. My stomach was doing knots and my heart was doing quick flips.

There I was, kissing him back. He slightly bit my lower lip asking for entrance and I let him deepen the kiss. The feeling was far too different from our previous kiss. The heat was even intensified when the kiss deepened. I want the moment to last forever.

We slowly pulled away to catch some air. Our eyes locked, blue to blue green. He tucked the loose, wet strand of my hair to the back of my ear.

"Whatever i'm feeling maybe wrong, but i'm willing to commit all the wrong things just to have you here with me. Rach, I think i've fallen for you..." He said with his voice low and husky.

"B-but I thought you're starting to like someone?" I asked, baffled with what he said.

"That's you. None other than you. You are the only girl that made me go crazy like this. I tried drifting my attention to other girls and went back to being a player to forget my feelings for you but I realized that i'll probably die if I see you with another guy." Is he crying? I can't see it through the rain but I can tell that he's sincere with whatever he's saying. "I am willing to change for you. We only have three weeks left and I am taking this chance to say this to you." He bent down so his face was only inches apart from mine.

"What?" I whisper-asked. He held my hands and placed it on top of his left chest where the heart is located. I felt his heart beat beating fast.

"I never knew what love is. But not until I realized that what i'm feeling for you is different and that's where I figured out the meaning of love. I love you, Rachelle Richardson. I never thought that it's possible. I don't even know how, why and since when. But yes, i'm in love with you. Do you love me too?" I couldn't fathom what to say. "Please answer me. I'll completely understand if you don't love me like how I love you but I just want to hear it from you. I'll accept whatever answer you give me."

"Yes. I, I love you too Trent." A huge billionaire smile played on his face as soon as I blurted my answer out. He hugged me tight and kissed me once more, passionately. Both of us feeling hungry and wanting for it. My hands were resting on his shoulders and his hands hugging me on my waist.

We are both gasping for air when we pulled away from the kiss. His forehead above mine, eye to eye, nose to nose.

I felt extremely cold on my dress with my teeth stuttering.

"Let's get back to the car now." He mouthed and his hands slightly rubbed circles on my back. We shoved our way back to the car. He handed me another jacket that was placed on the back of his car to keep me warm.

"Is mom and dad home?" I suddenly queried.

"Nope. They'll not be around for the whole week due to their business trip. Why?"

"I can't go back to the hotel like this. I don't want people thinking that i'm a crazy or naughty teenager after all. I can't put a shame on Ray's name. I respect them so much."

"I understand. You can sleep in the house." He drove me to their place and we entered the house.

I went inside my room to take a shower and I started to feel dizzy. Maybe because of the rain and the alcohol. I still tried to shower though. I grabbed Trent's old shirt that was inside my closet and put it on with a lady boxer shorts. I'm thankful that it was garterized so it fits any size.

Trent knocked on my door and I opened it. He already took shower as well. He's wearing his Superman boxers and his white shirts that says "I love carrots" a grin escaped on my lips when I saw him wearing that.

We sat on the edge of my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He touched my cheeks and touched my neck with the back of his hands. "Oh shit. You have fever. Wait here."

He brisk walked to exit the room and came back with paracetamol in his hand and a glass of water.

"Here. Drink this." He handed me the tablet and the water. "Remind yourself next time not to drink alcohol..." He kissed my forehead and fixed my pillow so I can lie down comfortably.



"Please don't leave me." I grope his hand with all the strength I have.

"I'll stay here with you. You're sick and I promise to take care of you."

"I love you." I murmured. He smiled widely.

"Promise?" I nodded. He lied down beside me and I rested my head on his chest. His other arm was snaked around my back to the edge of my shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?"


"So, the flowers and teddy I received. Did those came from you?" He chuckled once again hearing my question.

"That, yes. I hope you liked it."

"I don't like it. I love it." I kissed his cheeks.

"I knew you would. I bought the bear to be the partner of the other one I gave you few years ago. I didn't saw that in your room so I assumed you brought it to New York."

"Yeah. I did. It reminds me of our happy times together." I cheerfully uttered.

"I wish summer to last longer." I can see that sadness was wrapped in his voice. So do I. I want this summer to be endless.

"Me too. We can still talk to each other, right? Ray said I can go here anytime using the private jet."

"I hope so. Let's just talk about this tomorrow. Can we? As of now I want to enjoy the feeling of lying down on this bed beside the first and only girl I love. Now go to sleep my princess. Don't you worry, my love for you will never fade even in the next morning." He gave me a quick peck on my lips and whispered another I love you on my ears.

If this was just a dream, I don't ever want to wake up. I'll never get tired of hearing him say I love you to me.


A/N: *Jumping on my bed giggling like crazy* I LOVE YOU ALL!  :)) What can you say about this chapter?? :) hihi. the best so far, i think? :) Hey, it's not yet over! Haha. We're not even halfway yet. =)) THERE's MORE! promise :) Watch out for the party next chap and so on :) So please give me votes and comments aryt? :)

Sending my love to: @desiree2010 @Blackrose821 @JessicaMariano9 @Hey_a202 @D_A_R_K_l_O_V_E_R @missvampire15 for leaving their comments on the previous chappie :)

 *ALL OF MY CHAPTERS ARE NOT EDITED. Only the prologue was so sorry if you found lots of mistake.*

->@aprilgrace014 is my Twitter <3

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