Best I Ever Had (Sequel)

By AnonTheWriter5H

185K 6.7K 1.1K

Sequel to Final Five. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
New Story!

Chapter 50

1.9K 90 3
By AnonTheWriter5H

Your POV

"Okay but why didn't you tell me Shawn was going to do that?" Lauren asked as I threw my keys in the bowl and followed behind her and into kitchen.

"He wanted it to be a surprise." I shrugged as she was now leaning up against the island looking at me with an amused expression. "He told me weeks ago not to say anything to anyone."

"So, for once you actually kept the secret." She grinned now as she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me closer to her.

"Excuse me..." I laughed a little myself as she held onto my shirt. "I seem to remember keeping the fact that I was going to propose to you a secret."

"You did mange that." She smirked. "But you could've at least told me I was gonna have to stay here tonight."

"As if you weren't already planning on it." I stated causing her to slap my arm before getting serious again.

"So, I did have a question." She spoke a little more seriously now.

"Okay, shoot." I responded as I wrapped my arms around her waist as she began playing with my hair.

"That guy earlier seemed to really throw you off." She stated and I couldn't hide the fact that the mention of him bothered me. "What happened with him?"

"It's a long story babe." I answered as she was clearly trying to read my expression. "Just some stuff happened between us before but it's all in the past now."

"When are you going to tell me about all this stuff?" She questioned looking a little upset. "I mean every time something like this comes up you avoid talking about it."

"I don't want you to know some of the things I did." I answered honestly. "I'm ashamed of some of it and I don't want you to think of me any differently because of it. We're just getting back to a good place."

"I know baby." She reached up and touched my cheek. "But I also want you to be able to talk to me about these things. You've come so far and I want you to be open about it with me, I know you weren't yourself for a long time and don't blame you for anything."

"Okay." I nodded for a second as I thought about the night I'd fought with Simmons at the club. "Can we just get changed first? I really wanna get out of these jeans." I asked as I pulled away from her.

"Why?" Lauren smirked again. "They make your ass look fantastic."

"Oh yeah." I asked moving so that she could see it before looking over my shoulder as if I was trying to look. "You really think so?"

"Definitely." She smiled slapping my ass before leaning in a pecking my lips. "I love it."

When I finally looked at the clock it was four thirty in the morning. I looked at Lauren who was still looking at me with the most tired but understanding expression, she was just taking in everything that I was telling her, and not judging me at all. Not that I thought she was going to judge me, I was just worried that telling her certain things was going to change her opinion of me and I didn't want that to happen.

"I haven't spoken to Josh since I got out of rehab and I don't ever plan on contacting him again." I stated. "I really should've listened to Ariana and Justin when she told me he was bad news."

"You made a mistake." Lauren responded looking at me sympathetically. "You were in a bad place."

"I know." I smiled at her before it fell again. "I just wish I didn't make so many. I mean what did I do during those months that wasn't a mistake."

"You made the choice to go to rehab." Lauren stated. "You got better."

"I'm still working on it." I admitted out loud for the first time. "It's a lot harder than anyone would believe."

"I know." She nodded as her thumb ran over the back of my hand. "Just admitting everything that you've told me tonight, is a huge step."

"I love you Lauren." I stated after a moment of silence. "I know it's never been easy for us but I really do love you and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life, or even where I would be today."

"I love you too." She smiled before leaning in a kissing me.

"We should get some sleep." I stated pulling away from her. "I mean Ally's going to be pretty upset if we're late for Thanksgiving."

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired." She yawned as I stood up and held my hand out for her she stood up and looked at me for a second. "Thank you for letting me back in." She stated wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you for giving me the chance." I responded.
Laurens POV

"It smells amazing in here." Y/N stated as we walked into the kitchen of Ally and Jason's house.

Ally and Jason were cooking while everyone else was stood around talking and laughing, just like every Thanksgiving we all came here before going our separate ways for the holidays. I could see Camila holding John while Dinah and Normani admired her new ring. I smiled at the sight of my family as I followed behind my girlfriend into the house.

"Aunt Y/N!" I could hear Ryan yell as we were greeted by everyone.

"Hey buddy!" She bent down to give him a hug as he ran into her arms. "I've missed you."

"Hi Lauren." He smiled up at me, he's grown so much in the last year.

"I got a new game for my birthday, do you wanna play?" He asked and Y/N stood up with a smile.

"Of course." She agreed as the young boy become more excited. "Just give me a few minutes to say hi to everyone."

"Okay! I'll go get ready!" He excitedly ran off into the other room.

We greeted everyone for awhile and were talking to Camila and Dinah when Y/N was dragged away by her very impatient nephew. I watched for a few minutes as he explained the game to her, Mason and Shawn before turning my attention back to my bandmates. 

"She seems to be doing well." Dinah stated. "Did she tell you what happened between her and that guy from last night after?"

"She did." I answered remembering the conversation that we had had last night. "She told me pretty much everything when we got home last night." 

"She's really trying." Camila stated with a smile. "She reminds me of the girl we knew before the accident."

"She's more mature." I stated and the girls looked at me. "I mean she's not worried about the same things she used to. It's not about people liking her anymore, it's more so that she wants to like herself."

"I really didn't think we would get her back." Dinah stated as I glanced at my girlfriend who was smiled back at me before turning her attention back to the game. "She was so far gone."

"She was never gone." I responded. "I could always see that she just need help. She just needed to realize that she had to do it herself."

"Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Dinah asked. "I mean what happens if she relapses or something? Do you want to go through that again."

"Of course she is going to be okay." Camila stated. "We should be supporting her not wondering about what's not going to happen."

"It happens Mila." Dinah stated. "I just wanna make sure Lauren's okay with that."

"I know it's going to be tough and I'm not saying that everything's going to be all rainbows and butterflies from here on out but I know that I love her and she loves me." I responded. "We'll get through it."

"As long as you're sure." Dinah smiled. "I still ship it."

"Of course you do." Camila laughed. "They're goals."

They continued talking for a moment but I found myself looking of in the direction of my girlfriend who was now laughing as she was playfully fighting with her nephews. A small smile made its way onto my face at the sight. Last year she was upset because she couldn't even play with him, now she's laughing and wrestling. She's great with kids and always has been.

"You guys are going to have the cutest family." Ally spoke from beside me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "She's going to be a great mom."

"I know." I smiled as I looked back at the interaction.

"You're still going to marry her right." Jason asked with a smirk as I looked back toward the couple who were cooking.

"I mean as long as she still wants me to." I laughed a little. "I don't know when that will be."

"She'd marry you today if you asked her to." Jason responded wrapping his arms around Ally's waist and kissing her cheek. "You're the best thing that's happened to her."

I smiled in response as I took another sip of my drink and the returned to their cooking. I mean we would be married right now if  her accident hadn't happened and the past year didn't happen the way that it did. Maybe we're too far past the taking it slow part to be doing that again, maybe going back to where we were before would be a good idea.

"You look really deep in thought." Ashley smiled as she leaned against the counter next to me. "What's on your mind?"

"Oh nothing." I shook my head a little still smiling as I noticed Y/N getting up from playing her game with the kids. "How about you? Still seeing someone?"

"No." She laughed a little. "I just was trying to see if Dinah would react to me saying that I was."

"Okay...." I laughed a little and rolled my eyes. I moved so that I could look at her now.  "Dinahs into you and you're into her. Why are you playing all these games?"

"Because Dinahs to stubborn to admit she's actually got feelings for me." The blonde twin stated raising her eyebrow a little. "She's always playing with me so I figured why not."

"Look you just gotta tell her how you feel Ash." I smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Trust me she's waiting for it."

"Who's waiting for what?" I could feel a strong set of arms wrap around my waste now.

"Nothing." Ashley gave me a look which caused me to laugh again. "We were just talking about when the food would be ready."

"Yeah, I'm getting a little hungry." I agreed turning toward my girlfriend and placing a quick peck on her lips.

"How'd your game with Ryan go?" Ashley asked. "He kicked my ass earlier."

"Same." She responded. "Kids a genius. Definitely doesn't get it from his father."

"I heard that." Jeff responded glaring at his little sister. "I'm the engineer you know."

"Yeah and I have a platinum albums." She smirked as he rolled his eyes. "You're point?"

"I take it back..." He smirked now. "He definitely doesn't get it from this side of the family."

There was a little more banter among all the siblings as usual, which was always entertaining. It wasn't long the until the food was served and everyone had eaten. I was washing the dishes when I'd caught myself thinking again. Just as we finished up I decided to go find my girlfriend who I knew would be watching the game with the boys.

I walked into the living and she was sitting in the chair with John asleep in her arms. I sat on the arm of the chair and wrapped my arm behind the back of her neck as she looked up at me. She smiled as I leaned to peck her lips.

"Can I talk to you when you get a minute?" I asked as she nodded but looked a little confused.

"Something wrong?" She asked glancing between me and the sleeping baby.

"No." I smiled rubbing the back of her neck. "I just wanted to talk to you that's all."

A/N: This is the beginning of the end. I finally figured out how I wanted to end this. There will be 2-3 more chapters. Sorry about that long wait. Thanks for the continued support.

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