I Won't Break My Promise. (RW...

By HeadCanons

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An amatuer RWBY Bumbleby fanfiction. (-Contains MATURE themes- I'd say 18+ Ever watched Gen: Lock? Exactly. T... More

"It's Complicated"
"A Much Needed Talk."
"Godammit, Sun."
"Party Favors"
"Tired of Running Away"
"Tired of Running Away" Part 2:
"Bees Under The Trees" Part 1:
"Bees Under The Trees" Part 2.5: Light
"Bees In The Trees" Part 2: Dark
"The Bird & The Bees" Pt 1
"The Sun, The Sea, and The Bees"
"Now THAT'S A Katana!"
"Menagerie" Pt 2
Menagerie Pt 3
"Mischief" Pt 1 1/2
"Mischief" Pt 2
"The World Is Still Spinning."
A Monkey, A Crow, A Cat, A Lizard and A Dragon (oh and Neptune)
"Up In Smoke"
World of Remnant: "War Isnt A Good Bedtime Story"
"Poked The Bear"
"It's Not Time To Say Goodbye"
"The Atlasian Station"
It's Not Goodbye (Prolouge to HomeSweetHome)
"Home Sweet Home" ?
"This'll Be Fun."
"The Chapter To Get The Next Chapter"
Intro: "Date Night!" Pt1
"A Small Favor"
"Guess What..."
"Back In The Day."
"A Start Of A Reunion" Pt 2
"The End of a Reunion"
"Incoming" Pt 1
"Incoming" Pt 2
"Danger Close"
"Danger -Very- Close"
"Fired Up"
"Painting The Town Red"

"A Start Of A Reunion"

582 13 10
By HeadCanons

Finally, the time of the reunion was upon us.

Hundreds, dare I say, thousands of different faunas and humans were scattered around Beacon's new and improved courtyard.

Team RWBY had already greeted Glynda Goodwitch and focused on socializing with people they haven't seen in a long, long time. Two of those people being Coco and Velvet. Weiss and Blake were pretty much awing over the couple.

They were newly engaged and pretty excited to talk about it.

Velvet's ears happily moved around as she smiled at the two girls admiring the the ring that adorned her finger.

Yang had congratulated them already but was more focused on how giddy Blake was for them. It really wasn't like her.
She truly loved Blake but any thought of that honestly scared her a little. Sure, she'd joke about it but that was most certainly a huge step.

Coco slid her shades off to look at the heiress. "I guess it even fits your fancy standards." She chuckled.

"Ha. Ha." Weiss replied with a roll of her eyes.

Her brown eyes turned to Yang. "..and you look like you've just seen a ghost."

The blonde was brought out of her thoughts and her eyes widened; her feelings being involuntarily shown on her face.

"Oh, uh..haha. Just thinking."

"I see."

Coco smirked, throwing an arm around the blond's shoulder as she began walking her across the courtyard. "So..how have my favorite lower-classmen been doing?"

"I dunno...good?"

"Great, but let me rephrase. You and Blake? Do I hear wedding bells? I mean, you guys are invited to ours so It's only fair I get an early invite eh?"

Coco stifled her fit of laughter in lieu of looking at a pair of surprised violet eyes.

"I'm just teasing."

She continued.
"Wherever you two stand, I'm just glad the tides turned in your favor. Plus, It didn't hurt that I made some easy money off of that bet."

"What bet?" Yang asked, puzzled.

Another smile formed on the brunette's face before glancing at the silver-haired girl walking up to them. "Oh you didn't know?"


"Well our buddy, WEISS, would know all about that BET."


Coco twiddled her fingers in a wave as she walked off. "Toodles."

Yang stared at the shorter girl for a moment, making her sigh in defeat.

"It was all Nora!"


The dance hall was cleared out for the gathering and to later be used for the dance. As big as the building was, it only seemed smaller with the multitude of teams and people piling in.

With Ozpin completely gone and..not having a body anymore, the whole thing was hosted by Glynda alongside some other staff and the remainder of Team STRQ; Tai Xiao-Long and Qrow Branwen.

Glynda started her speech, which Blake tuned in and out of. Yes, she spoke meaningful words but to some students, there are things you choose to not want to remember.

Some students. Some wanted to remember Beacon's fall as a war scar and others, who ran away the first chance they got, shouldn't even be there..celebrating the school they failed to protect, being revitalized.

I guess you can't blame them.

"-and kids like you are the reason I became a professor to this school. I see so much growth amongst all of you and I am happy you are joining us today as better people, not letting past hardships define you as a whole. That's what this is about, growth."

Her words swam through Blake's head as her eyes closed.


The feel of cool metal caught her attention. Opening her eyes, she noticed a bright yellow arm around her and was met with a warm smile.

She told herself not to look at the arm and instead focus on her smile and to smile back.

Don't think about that.

"I'm not gonna ask what's up, I have a feeling I already know." A thumb grazed under the faunas' eye, gently wiping away the slight moisture that tried to present itself.

Blake jerked slightly at the sudden movement, unaware of any tears there, and momentarily forgetting Yang's habit of wiping them away.
Something that she explained had started with Ruby; little red would cry for her mother and Yang was the closest she'd get while Tai was away.

Yang could be good at reading someone if she wanted to and yet, she didn't even have to do much reading to see that Goodwitch's speech was striking some chord in her.

Yang continued. "None of that. You'll get me started and we have to focus on beating Nora, remember...and we totally will."

Blake smirked at the blonde who fist pumped to herself. She did appreciate the smooth change of subject. Although, she still decided to poke fun.

"Is that all you care about today? Winning?" Blake asked with a raise of her brow.

Well it actually wasn't but apart of Yang really wanted to win that title and beat Nora, not just because of her smack talk either. She wasn't even 100% sure on as to why but she planned on them winning and being best couple, showing off that deed to everyone dammit!

The brawler had enough experience to know what not to say at least.


"Nooo...?" Her voice seeped uncertainty, unsure on how to answer.

"I believe Yang meant to say, not at all, and to also keep PDA at a minimum because we get enough of that at the house." Weiss chimed in, placing a hand on Blake's shoulder.

"Yeah, but I'm only agreeing to half of that."

Weiss sighed. "Of course you are." She glanced at the faunas, then back to the blonde. "I'll just warn you, prematurely, that Nora is really on her A-game."

"-and you and Neptune? Happy couple yet, hmm?" Yang bore a wide grin.

The heiress glared at her before defeatedly walking back towards her "date".

"Ya think she's mad at me?"

"It's Weiss."

"Okay, super mad at me. Got it."

Blake giggled and they finished their conversation as everyone else slowly dispersed since the speech was over.

Those who still hung around, like Oscar and Ruby for example, were being terrorized by Tai and Qrow.

"But Dad, that's not fair! I never get to do anything." Ruby whined.

"You never get to do anything? Are ya serious kid? You've done more than some huntresses do in their lifetimes."

"Uncle Qrow, you're supposed to be on my side!"

Blake stared blankly at Yang, fully aware she overheard everything as well as she did. She knew what Yang's responding stare was and considering she thought of Ruby like a sister more and more, she had the same idea.

After a quick nod they both strolled over to the scene consisting of an annoyed Ruby and a coy Oscar.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about Ruby at the after party. She'll be with me the whole time anyway." Yang cut into Tai's lecture.

Yeah, this part of the reunion may have staff but the after-party wouldn't and that was widely known. Tai-Yang, however, did not like the idea of his baby girl alone with this farm boy and some unruly young adults.

Yang thought this to be her fault, possibly traumatizing her poor father with her antics in the past; causing him to strengthen his fatherly grip on his youngest.

Tai put both hands on Yang's shoulders. "Listen, I love you to death but that honestly doesn't make me feel any better."

She chuckled to herself. Touché.

"Actually..." Blake started. "I'd be with Ruby the whole time, if you don't mind that is. It'd be no problem."

"I'm not a little kid!"

Tai examined innocent amber eyes and thought for a moment. "You'd keep an eye on her?"


Ruby groaned at the fact they were talking about her like she was an infant, ignoring it seeing as Blake was actually trying to help.

"Alright, I trust you. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Ruby."

"Eh, yeah. If anything this one and the princess are good kids." Qrow interjected, breaking his silent, intense stares.

"I am perfectly good." Yang replied.

Qrow nodded his head towards Blake.
"Probably because of her."

"Shut up."

"No, you shut up."

"Both of you shut up, c'mon Qrow."

Ruby stared and waited as the two men walked away before speaking. "The leader gets saved by her henchwomen again...thanks, Blake!"

"Excuse me, henchwomen?" Weiss questioned, joining the conversation as she walked by.

"Yeah, I am your exalted leader and you are my subordinates!" Ruby grinned wide at that, posing with both hands on her hips.

Yang stifled her laughter and Blake wondered how Weiss still couldn't tell when Ruby was fucking with her. She got half of those big words from Weiss anyway.

The dance came pretty soon with varying lame music, everyone powered through because the "old people" would be gone and the after-party would be even better.

In other words, the room was filled with a bunch of uncomfortable kids slow dancing in a not-so-romantic setting. Nobody feels like getting watched by some of their own teachers and trainers.

Although, Blake was more amusedly concerned with Yang's inability to slow dance. The party girl was more used to faster-paced dancing and anything Blake taught her previously always goes out the window.

Blake just settled with being held as they rhythmically rocked back and forth; the best she could do.

"How taught you all the fancy dancing anyway? I thought you were the sheltered kid?" Yang asked.

The truth was, she wouldn't know how if it wasn't for Adam. That's a memory she'd rather keep in the back of her mind, gods forbid actually bring it up. Before the relationship turned sour, the guy was actually a romantic believe it or not.

"How'd you learn all the unfancy dancing?" She replied, changing the subject.

Luckily, she didn't pick up on it or at least chose to ignore it.

"Wellll..as you already know I was kind of-"


"I wouldn't say bad, I was...adventurous."


Yang glanced down at the slightly shorter girl and her sarcasm. Blake returned the look for a moment before resting her head back on the blond, only responding with a muffled laugh.

"Yeah yeah yeah, laugh all ya want but those random people at the places I snuck out to taught me more than my mom did. You know..street smarts."

"I guess I can't judge. I did sneak out from time to time."

"You snuck out for protest stuff. That doesn't count, Blake. That doesn't sound fun at all."

"Yup! Who knew rallying for equal rights wasn't going to be a blast?"

Yang smirked. She was glad Blake was coming out of her shell more but it was obvious she had rubbed off on the faunas.

"If you don't stop with the sass..."

"You're gonna what?"

Yang raised an eyebrow at the words that weren't coming from Blake's mouth.
Both girls turned to a familiar voice that belonged to a different feline faunas effortlessly gliding on the dance floor.

Pulling away from Yang, Blake's happy demeanor dropped a little.

Neon skated circles around them before coming to a stop beside the brawler. "Hi there."

Briefly remembering what Blake had told her, Yang stole a quick glance at her before turning back to Neon. "Hey, what's up?"

"Not much. Flynt is around here somewhere with his girlfriend soo I'm just bored. Ya know, I'm feeling a bit sassy myself and I wouldn't mind being punished by Yang Xiao Long." She chuckled.


Blake knew that Yang was being cordial for her sake and she herself had been every time. She was trying her best; no drama, but Neon was honestly beginning to push her buttons. It wasn't even about jealousy, but she really had some nerve to act like nothing happened with Sun then blatantly flirt with Yang every chance she got.

"I'm going to go find Weiss..and make sure Neptune is still breathing." Blake responded, walking off.

"You guys are cute, I actually didn't expect that you'd both still be together."

"What makes you say that?"

"Oh nothing, you two just seem worlds apart."

"I could say the same about you and Sun." She thought to herself.

Yang shrugged. "Maybe we are. Opposites attract though, right?"

Neon smirked. "True. Speaking of-"

"I don't like the look you're giving me, so I'm gonna stop you right there."

The rainbow-clad faunas brought a hand to her hip.
"I guess people don't appreciate jokes anymore."

Yang scoffed.
"Look who you're talking to, I do, obviously. Just not the jokes that would intentionally piss off my girlfriend."

"I'm getting the feeling Blake is still holding a grudge against me? Hmn, she hid it well at the party before then. She really needs to let loose."

The blond shook her head.

This girl really had no filter whatsoever; speaking her mind to the point where it just sounded a bit arrogant and even insensitive. Neon wasn't a bad person but she just wasn't good at thinking before speaking- or thinking before doing for that matter.

"Look, I dunno the whole story but being back at Beacon brought up a lot of different memories for people, Blake being one of them. Just...cool it, okay?"

"I wasn't aware they were together back then. Also, that was the past. How is it my fault that she can't handle her insecurities? If anything, she might need some relationship advice."

Yang tried her best not to get upset, she really did, but she felt herself getting annoyed.

Blake and Ren even taught her some anger management exercises.
Right now though? She felt like punching the dude who invented breathing in and out and counting to 10 because whoever said that worked has obviously never been mad before.

She tried it anyway.


Count to- oh great, here comes Sun.

"Neon, what are you doing?"

His tail swayed innocently as he scratched at his hair. It was obvious he walked in on a conversation that held some tension.

Yang glared daggers at him.



"Am I missing something...?" He thought.

"What, did Neon say something?" Sun laughed nervously.

"You know what? I think I hear Blake calling me."

Sun watched her walk off and anxiety began to creep up his neck.

"Does she know? I mean..she knows but does she know about Neon? I thought Blake and I squashed that..."

Neon cleared her throat, breaking him from his internal rambling.

"Remind me not to be your date to anything else. Until then, wanna dance?"


He always felt guilty for that mistake of a one-night stand and being reminded of it at the place where he first asked Blake out didn't help. Beacon held a lot of memories, both good and bad. He really thought he and Blake were happy, but she wasn't. He wasn't the one she was meant to be with and he appreciated that she at least tried with him..then he went and fucked that up too.

Sun felt like all he did was mess up the entire time he'd known her. Apologizing loses its value if you don't change anything.

Now that he thought about it, bringing Neon as a date kind of seemed like a slap to the face. She had Yang, she didn't care who he went with, but he knew it was the principality of the situation.

Sun glanced over towards the couple. Yang seemed to have calmed down a bit, only to entertain Blake, who now had a smile on her face.

His mistakes only pushed her further to Yang, but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.

A/N: Pt 1 and also hi
-edited, I did an oopsie.

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