Their Astronomer

By cem-dr

224K 6.8K 1.4K

Anoki Heishi, a fighter, astronomer, and Luffy's first mate. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 7

6.9K 234 15
By cem-dr

Anoki was back into her outfit with Nathari draped over her shoulders. She lightly swayed back and forth on her toes, not really paying attention to her captain and crew mates as they all made small talk with Johnny and Yasaku about the Baratie. Zoro and Nami who have been casting glances at the tall woman were silently gushing at her cute lost expression. 

"Anoki...I think you were correct when you said the restaurant would look like a fish," Ussop sweatdropped as the Baratie soon came into view. The entire restaurant looked like a giant orange fish. But a classy fish. As the Going Merry came closer to the fish, a navy boat soon was right next to them. A man with pink hair strolled up to the railing to get a good look at the group.

"Ne what's this? A new pirate group? You all look weak. I'm lieutenant Iron-Fist Fullbody, who's the captain of this crew?" Fullbody questioned with a smug smirk plastered across his face. Luffy and Ussop both answered the lieutenant saying they were the captain which caused an irk mark to appear on the pink haired males face. 

"Are you mocking me? Why I oughta..."

"Baby calm down," a sultry voice spoke out as a woman draped her arms over the pink haired male. "Let's just go inside the restaurant," she cooed, sliding her pointer finger across his jaw before walking away with a sway in her hips. Fullbody grew a cocky smirk at this and started after the attractive female. 

"Alright sweetheart, sink em' boys!" Fullbody called out as he helped his date into a dinghy before having navy soldiers row them closer to the restaurant. Ussop and Nami started to freak out at this, clinging onto each other. Zoro and Anoki had unimpressed looks on their faces while Luffy just chuckled at this. Johnny and Yasaku were hiding behind the door to the cabin with fearful looks on their faces. Anoki cast a glance towards them and smirked sinisterly while laughing to herself. 

"Leave this to me, shishishi!" Luffy called out while blowing on his thumb to inflate his body. He clutched onto the mast and the railing of the Going Merry as a cannon ball came barreling towards his large inflated body. The cannonball bounced off Luffy, but his grip on the railing slipped causing his body to shift and redirect the blast towards the Baratie, causing a blast on the restaurant. Everyone sweatdropped at this and didn't even attempt to help Luffy as a swarm of chefs came out and took their captain away to figure out how to deal with the damages done to the restaurant. 

"Should we wait here for Luffy or go get something to eat?" Anoki asked out with a head tilt while tapping Nathari on her shoulder. 

"Might as well go inside to check it out and wait for him there," Ussop answered while preparing a dinghy for the group to get on. 


Once the group entered the Baratie,  the group was stumped at what they were witnessing. A blonde man held Fullbody by the collar of his shirt above the ground while the marine lieutenant was beaten and bruised and calling out for mercy. As the blonde man got into an argument with on of the other chefs with big forearms, Luffy suddenly dropped through the ceiling with a man who had an extremely tall chef hat. They fell on top of the arguing duo, cutting them short. 

"Head chef! Sanji is at it again with hitting the customers, teach him some manners!" the chef with big forearms cried out. The head chef glared at him before turning his attention towards the blonde and pink haired men. He growled lowly before picking up his leg that had a peg-leg and smacking his fake foot into the pink-haired mans face. 

"Get out of my damn restaurant and Sanji for god's sake stop fighting the customers!"

"Shut up old man! He was wasting food and I won't allow that..." by that time Anoki has completely blocked out the arguing pair and made her way towards Luffy who was watching the pair while picking his nose. 

"Luffy, what do you need to do to pay for the damages?"

"Ah Anoki! I need to work here for a month, but don't worry I'm trying to change the old man's mind so we can set off for the Grand Line quicker," Luffy answered his tall first mate. Anoki nodded at his words before tapping Nathari against the floor boards. She let out a frustrated sigh and let her fingers flow through Luffy's dark locks. Luffy hummed happily at the affection being showed and leaned into her hand more. Anoki chuckled at this and let Nathari lean against her shoulder before allowing both of her scarred hands to cascade through her captain's wild locks. Luffy was blushing a pretty red while grinning happily at the girl. 

"Chore boy let's go! You have a debt to pay off so no slacking off is allowed," the head chef yelled out, causing Luffy to whine before standing up. Luffy wrapped his rubber arms around Anoki's waist in a quick hug before scampering off towards the head chef. Anoki laughed as she stood taller with her grip tight on Nathari again while making her way towards the table her group claimed. 

"I want ravioli," Anoki bluntly stated as she sat next to Zoro and Nami at the circular table. Everyone minus Luffy and the bounty hunter duo who were guarding the Going Merry looked at the tall tattooed woman with a strange look.

"You're so strange," Ussop murmured, which caused Zoro and Nami to glare at him. He whimpered under their glares and whispered a 'nevermind' towards Anoki who looked like she hasn't even heard what he said in the first place. Nathari was now resting in the crevice of Anoki's neck as she held onto Zoro and Nami's hands with a loose grip, allowing them to take back their limbs if they wanted to. Neither of them did. Zoro had a large blush across his cheeks as he looked out of the window grumpily while Nami was gushing and squeezing Anoki's hand back. The group was soon served a large amount of dishes while Anoki got her ravioli. 

Nami was quick to spot Luffy coming down the spiral stair case and with a sly glance towards Ussop and Zoro she called out towards him, "Hey waiter boy!" Zoro chuckled alongside their navigator, "Hey is it ok if we change the flag and pick out a new captain?" Luffy had the face of utmost betrayal plastered on as he watched his crew eat and make fun of him while he was working away. 

"Hey how come you guys get to sit and eat yummy dishes while I have to work," he whined out as he made his way towards the group. Zoro chuckled and leaned back in his seat. "Anoki wanted ravioli so we got her some. Maybe we should make her captain while you stay here as we make our way towards the Grand Line," Zoro teased. Luffy huffed angrily while picking his nose. Zoro kept his eyes closed as Luffy dropped his nastiness into his water while Nami and Ussop began choking in their laughs in the background. Zoro brought the water up to his lips, almost teasingly before forcing Luffy to drink it down, keeping his head in a lock so their rubber captain couldn't escape. 

"WHY DON'T YOU DRINK IT!?" Zoro shouted while Ussop and Nami howled with laughter, banging on the table, catching the attention of most of the Baratie who scoffed at the groups horrible manners. Anoki was humming in delight with a cute flush across her cheeks as she enjoyed her ravioli, not paying attention towards her friends who were screaming with laughter. This also caught the attention of the blonde Casanova who was pouring wine into a woman's glass. His singular visible eye  nearly bulged at the sight of Nami and Anoki before passing the bottle towards the woman's date,

"Finish pouring it yourself"


The group's laughter died down as the blonde man known as Sanji sauntered his way up to Nami with a rose, praising her beauty before he turned towards the happy Anoki with her ravioli. Everyone at the table gushed at the cute first mate as she happily ate her meal. 

"Madam! Your beauty is like that of an angel's! It makes my heart throb with joy knowing I am in the presence of such a beautiful goddess! My sweet, may I know your name?" Sanji flirted out, going onto one knee to hold onto Anoki's hand and gently lay a kiss across her knuckles. Anoki looked over at him and swallowed her piece of ravioli before answering. 

"Anoki Heishi," she murmured with a light blush. Sanji swooned at her shy reply before pulling a rose seemingly out of nowhere, "My dear, please take this rose whose beauty cannot even compare to yours," before he could flirt anymore with the one-eyed woman, the head chef kicked him in the back of the head. 

"Stop flirting with every woman that you see!" the head chef shouts with another kick which sends Sanji flying into the table and Anoki is quick to save her other ravioli and garlic bread. "Damnit old man..." Sanji hissed out as he picked himself up from the floor. 

"Why don't you join them as pirates. We don't need you here anymore."

"You stupid old man I'll stay here until you're dead!"

"Dumb brat I'll live another hundred years," and with that the head chef walked up the spiral stair case, leaving Sanji to clean up the table and give everyone tea, but giving Nami and Anoki cute little parfaits. 

"I'm so sorry my loves, I hope you accept these parfaits as an apology," Sanji cooed out as he lifted a piece of Anoki's hair behind her ear and smiling a charming smile towards the two females. 

"Hey what about us?" Ussop cried out. Sanji shot the sniper a dead look, "The tea is all you're getting." 

"Damn you! Zoro go get him," Ussop yelled while pointing a finger at Sanji. "I'm not a damn dog," Zoro grumbled as he took a sip from the tea. Nami smiled sweetly at Sanji and batted her eyes at the cook.

"Excuse me, the food is delicious but I'm afraid it's a little too expensive for me..." she cooed out while rubbing underneath Sanji's chin with her pointer finger. 

"It's free for you and my angel," Sanji answered with a perverted smile on his face. "But you two still have to pay." Zoro didn't bother to answer but Ussop yelled out in anguish before telling the blonde cook off again. 

"Please, don't fight over me..." Nami said in a sickly sweet tone which caused Anoki to sprout a cute blush and Sanji to become a tornado of flailing limbs. 

"YES MY SWEET!" and with that Sanji yelled at Luffy to get off his lazy ass before he flew up the spiral stair case again. 


By now it's been four days since Luffy has been working off his debt. Everyone was lazing around the ship as Ussop spotted Luffy taking out some trash.

"Hey Luffy! Hurry up we want to leave already!"

"Sorry guys but that old man is hard to convince. Stay patient with me, we'll get to the Grand Line in no time," Luffy answered before making his way back into the restaurant. Everyone let out a huff before making their way back into the Baratie, this time without Nami who stayed behind with the bounty hunter duo. Ussop, Zoro, and Anoki were walking up the spiral stair case to snoop around before they heard a woman shriek in terror and a wine glass drop on the floor. The trio watched on with curiosity on to what's happening before their question was answered. 


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