Where my path will take me

By Flutterknight

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TMNT Episode 8 of season 1 to the last episode of the last season Which mean I am going to get less sleep 😅 More

Never say Xever
The Gauntlet
Panic at the sewer
Mousers Attack
It came from the depths
I, monster
New girl in town
The Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer
Cockroach terminator
Baxter's Gambit
Enemy of my enemy
Karai's Vendetta
The Puverizer Returns
Operation Break out
Showdown part one and part two
The Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Squirrelanoids
Follow the leader
Mutagen man unleashed
Mikey gets Shellacne
Target: April O'Neil
Slash and Destroy
The Kraang Conspiracy
Fungus Humungous
Metalhead rewired
Of rats and men
The Manhattan project
Mazes and Mutants
The lonely mutation of Baxter Stockman
Pizza face
The wrath of tiger calw
The legend of the Kuro Kabuto
Vengeance is Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
Within the wood
A Foot Too Big
Buried Secrets
The Croaking
Dream beavers
Race with the Demon
Eyes of the Chimera
Vision Quest
Return to New York
Serpant hunt
The pig and the rhino
Battle for New York
Casey Jones vs. The underland
The Noxious Avenger
Clash of the mutanimals
The deadly venom
Turtles In Time
Tale of the Yokai
The Creeping Doom
The Fourfold Trap
Dinosaur Seen In Sewers!
Annihilation: Earth!
Beyond The Known Universe
Not everything is easy
The truth and the test
The two sister
My choice
The Outlaw Armaggon
Riddle of the Ancient Aeons
Journey To The Center Of Mikey's Mind
The Arena of Carnage
The War of Dimension X
The Cosmic Ocean
A special chapter
Trans-Dimensional Turtles
Revenge of the Triceraton
The Evil of Dregg
The Ever Burning Fire
Earth Last Stand
City at War
It is my time to shine
Broken Foot
The Insecta Trifecta
Mutant Gangland
Bat in the belfry
The Super Shredder
The power inside her
Tokka vs the world
Spirit Stealer
The Tale of Tigerclaw
Scrolls of the Demodragon
The forgotten swordman
The Heart of Evil
End Times
When The Worlds Collide
Osoroshi no Tabi
Kagayakei! Kintaro
Lone Rats and Club
The Curse of Savanti Romero
The Crypt Of Dracula
The Frankenstein Experiment
Monster among us

Attack of the mega shredder!

287 7 0
By Flutterknight

I was sitting on my knee as Splinter watch me. 

"Control your magic in you. Feel your energy"he said as I sigh. I could feel it. It is wild, trying to get out as I close my eyes. This morning, Splinter ask if he could train me. He wanted to help me with my power. He noticed that I been using simple power.

I told him it was fine but he want to know where I am at with my magic after that whole kraang stopping my magic. I sigh as I try to control it. It made a silent scream as I try to hold it in. "Keep holding it"he said. The chain I thought, it keep on warping around it then it stop. 

"I think I got it"I whisper. "Good"he said then I started to feel light. I saw color and figure. One that look like Master Splinter threw something at me and I blast it. "Good! Again!"he said then I felt heavy. Something else was thrown toward me and I put my hand out. 

I caught it then someone appear. "It is not time. You are abusing your magic"it said and I open my eyes. I fell down and I look at him. "I see. You get tried after you used one spell"he said. "I don't get it. I remember I used more spells before when I first turn into my goddess form"I said then he hum.

"It must be for a reason"he said as he help me up. "It should be but what is that reason?"I said then someone did a fake cough. "Alison?"Donnie said and we look at him. "Leo need you"he said and I nod. "Practice and find that reason"Splinter said and I bow at him.

*Theme song*
"I say full frontal assault. We bash our way in. Take no prisoners!"Raph yelled.

"Remember last time? We couldn't even get through the front door!"I said, putting my hand on my waist. "All we need is better stealth! Which leads me to present my latest invention"Donnie said, showing us a trash bin? "What's with the mess?"Leo said.

"That's my latest invention. The Mark X-1 Experimental All-Terrain Urban Stealth Vehicle"He said. "You invented a dumpster?"Raph said. "That's the point, Raph. It's supposed to blend in perfectly with um the other trash littering New York City. Come on, let's test it out!"He said, happily.

"I thought you were fixing the Turtle Mech. How's this thing gonna help us?"Leo said. "Look, if you wanna break into Shredder's lair, this baby's the thing to use, not a giant lumbering robot they can see coming from a mile away. The Foot will never see us"Donnie said.

Someone farted and flush. We turn around and saw Mikey, sitting down on the toilet. "Dude. It's got full flushing action. Nice"Mikey said as the other shook their head. "Come on. Let do this"I said as I shook my head, chuckling.
"Worst. Invention. Ever"Leo said inside the trash bin.

I had to be outside because there wasn't enough space for me inside there. I dress differently so nobody will know it is me. Not my word but Mikey's word. "Ugh, and I thought this thing smelled bad on the outside"Raph said.

I had an ear piece so I can hear the plan or what is going on. "Okay, guys. Let's do this"Donnie said and I saw the trash bin moving slow. "Remember the plan. We break into Shredder's lair, steal one of those brain worms. Donnie reverse-engineers it, and we save Karai"Leo said.

"Doesn't sound too hard"I said after I pop my bubblegum. "Hey there sweetie"said a voice and I turn around. Boys and by the smell of it, drunk. They came near me then I put my fist up. "Come with us. We can show you a good time"they said.

I growl then I kick him with all my might. He fell back as the other two glare at me. "Any slower and this thing would be going in reverse. What is that noise?"Raph said as one of them ran toward me. 

"It just me, taking care of some stuff. Someone got to show them some manners"I said as I grab a broken stick. I spin it around then lift one guy up and threw him into a different trash can. The last guy glare at me then ran toward me. 

"Haven't you learn?"I said then I threw him to the wall with my magic. "Wanna try that again? Or you really want me to show you what a real girl can do"I said. They look at each other then ran off, screaming. They made the right choice.

"Is it me, or is this thing getting heavier the more we peddle?"Leo grunted. "Mikey, check the periscope. Alison, can you check it out?"Donnie said as I clean my pants. "Aye, aye, captain"I said then I saw a homeless guy. 

"Uh, we got a stowaway, Cap'n. He's eating a Choco-log. I love Choco-logs"Mikey said. "He is right"I said then I walk off. "What? Give me that!"Donnie said and I chuckle. "Whazza-frazza?"The guy said as he fell off.

We got there and I knock on the trash bin. "Firing sausage cannon"Mikey said and the sausage hit the a footbot in the face. The other look and went toward the trash bin and me. "Here they come, dude"I said then I made my fist glow.

One of them walk toward me as the other check the trash bin. It brought out a sword and I brought mine out. "Let dance"I said then we ran toward each other. Our blades hit and I move a little to the right. 

Our blades hit again. "Here comes number two"Mikey said. "I got this one"Leo and I said and I jump up a little. I wink then kick him. It walk back and I sliced it. "You see? No fuss, no muss. The perfect city stealth vehicle"Donnie said

"Now let's head for Stockman's lab and capture a Brain Worm. Stealth only, ninjas"Leo said as we nod. We quickly ran until "Whoa!"Mikey said as he trip. We look back. "Sorry, sorry"he said then he look at us. "I'm sorry"he whisper. 
"Almost to the lab"Leo whisper. 

"We're gonna make it this time"Mikey whisper. "Ugh!"Raph said and we look up. "Oh, dang! We got some tresspassin' Turtles up in here!"Bebop said then he move away, revealing Rocksteady. "Surprise, Turtle freaks! This time we squashes you heads like blueberries!"he said.

"Four turtles with one magic princess versus two complete morons. We got this"Leo said. "Well, well, well. I see the gathering has just begun"Tigerclaw said, appearing out of now where. We ran toward them and I help Leo.

"Leonardo, I am going to savor tearing the shell off of your body"Tigerclaw said as he push him away then block my attack. "And you! I will make sure I will prove you it better for you to stay here with me"he said.

I saw Leo in the air and I move back. "You can try, cat-man"He said then I chuckle. "Try. There is nothing you can do to try to join the dark side again"I said. He growl then try to grab me. I walk back then aim my gun at him.

He gasp as he put his hand up. I have the upper hand now. He walk back then he knock it out of my hand. He swing his sword at me but Leo block it for me. "You wanna take on my sweet moves, Bebop? Bring it on!"I heard Mikey said.

"Ninja, please. Oooo-hooooo"Bebop said then I threw one of my dagger at him. "Anyone ever tell you rhinos have terrible aim?"I heard Raph said as I doge Tigerclaw's attack. Rocksteady roar and started to shoot more.

"You just had to tick him off!"Donnie said then I did some black-flip. I landed on Rocksteady shoulder and cover his eyes. He roar as he try to get me off. "Alison!"Leo yelled as I laugh. "This is fun!"I yelled then he shook his head.

"Oh, not these freaks again"Raph said then a claw appear around my waist. "Oh no"I whisper then they threw me to the wall. I stop myself then float back down. "Guys, there's too many of them. Get out of here!"Leo said as I ran off.

"Retreat?"Raph said. "Tactical retreat"Donnie said as I doge Tigerclaw's sword. I check the floor and saw a strand piece of my hair. That was too close. "Block the doors. Do not let them escape!"Tigerclaw said. "Ah!"Someone said and I turn around. "Raph!"I yelled. 

"Raph"Leo said as he ran toward him. He help him up and Tigerclaw slowly walk toward them. I quickly ran and went in between them. I glare at him as he gasp. "Booyakashaaa!"Mikey said, throwing a smoke bomb. Through the smoke I saw sadness on his face.
I quickly help April to help the turtle.

I put an ice pack on Donnie head. "Hold still, Raph. I think it's sprained. You're gonna have to stay off your feet for awhile and heal up"April said. "I'll heal later. Right now, I'm down for a little sweet revenge"Raph said. 

"You proved your foolishness once, there is no need to prove it again"Splinter said. "Sensei, we have to get one of those brain control worms. It's the only way Donnie can create a cure for Karai"Leo said.

"I appreciate the effort. But you must remember your lives are just as important to me, my sons. And because of that, no missions until Raphael's leg heals"Spinter said. "What?"Raph said. "Not again"Mikey said. 

"Don't sideline the rest of the team cause I'm down, Sensei!"Raph said. "I have made my decision. Rest and get well, my son"Spliner said then walk away. "Sorry, guys"Raph said, looking down. "Don't worry about it, Raph"I said.

I pet his head and he smile at me. "You are standing on the couch right?"he said and I nod. "We can't rely on technology to get us in there"Leo said as he walk off. "So what are you proposing then?"I said, putting my hand on my waist.

"There were too many of us. I need to go alone without tech. Solo"Leo said and I gasp. "Solo?"Donnie said as he look at me. "Love does make you do crazy thing"I whisper as I look at him. I am going after him.
I change into the clothes I wore during the exam.

I put my hair up and look at my door. I look at my picture of my parents and sigh. "Mom, Dad...I am going now. I am going to protect them"I said then I ran out. I bump into someone and saw it was only Mikey.

"It is just you"I sigh. "Leo already left"he said. "Thanks"I said then he held my wrist. "Let me come too"He said. "Alright but be quiet"I said and he nod. We ran out and we caught up to Leo. "Leo!"Mikey said and Leo almost fell if I didn't caught him.

"Phew. Mikey, Alison, what are you doing here?"Leo said. "Backing you up, brah"Mikey said. "It's too dangerous. It's better if I go alone"Leo said. "Dude, I just straight ninja'd you, son! You had no idea I was up here. I don't care what you say. I'm going. I'm here for you, dude!'Mikey said.

"You know we aren't going to leave unless you take us"I said and he sigh. "All right then. Let's capture a brain worm"Leo said. "Yes"Mikey said as we high three each other. "Alison"Leo said then I snap my finger.

We transported inside his lair. I went on my knee and they help me up. "Are you okay?"Leo whisper. "I am fine. It just after with that Kraang machine thing, I think it stole some of my magic. I just I am back to first base"I whisper.

We saw two of shredder's goon and Leo put a finger on his lip. We nod and walk quietly past them. "Ah"Mikey said then Razhar put a hand around Mikey. He whimp then we pull him slowly away from Razhar.

We got to the lab and found it was empty. Leo and Mikey went toward the brainworm and I look around. Something is not right here. "There they are. Caught ya, suckers! I've been losing a lot of beauty sleep cause of you Turtles!"Bebop said.

"Da! Shredder making us keep the eye out 24/7. Is no fun! Is boring!"Rocksteady said, pointing his gun at him. "Easy, fellas. Look, we're putting our hands up"Leo said as we put our hand up. "I say we make the turtle and wolf girl borscht!"Rocksteady said.

"Best idea I heard all day. Do your dealio, Steranko"Bebop said then Rocksteady look back. "Wait. I thinking maybe mutagen soup instead"he said. "I love that idea, G"Bebop said then they laugh. We look at each other and I gulp.
We are in a cage and under us was mutagen.

"You're gonna make one freaky three-headed mutant turtle. I can't wait to see this"Bebop said as he laugh. "What, you just wanna make a turtle and wolf mutant? That's boring. Why not throw more stuff in the mutagen?"I said as I lean on the cage.

"Create a super mutant"Leo said as he nod. "Hmm, I like that idea. Let's add something to spice up the mix. Like shrimpy over there"Bebop said, pointing at the shredder shrimp. "Why not add more?"Leo said. 

"Leo, Alison, what are you doing?"Mikey whisper. "Stalling for time"I said. "Maybe up ante? We make turtle, shrimp, crab, and lobster mutant!"Rocksteady said. "Come here, little buddies. It's dinner time, freaks!"Bebop said.

He threw a can of sardine into the mutagen and they went inside. "Oh, we creates the five-star megamutant, da!"Rocksteady said as they high five. The ground begin to shake as we all look at the mutagen. 

"You messed up big time, Steranko. I blame you. It was a stupid idea! Let's go. Ah! Run! Run!"Bebop said as they ran away. The cage shook as I look down. "Leo. Any time now"I said then he open the door.

He grab me by the waist and we escape from the lair. Maybe it is a bad idea but hey at least we escape. We got outside and we saw this ugly looking creature.  "It's some kind of Mega-Shredder! Ah!"Mikey yelled. 
Everyone ran as we hide.

"We got to distract it away from the people"Leo said then pull me aside when a taxi cab almost hit us. They ran toward it. "You're going down, Mega Shredder. Yeah, boy!"Mikey said as I stare at the monster.

"Okay, come on. Time for me to become a goddess"I said as I close my eyes. I open my eyes but nothing? Come on, come on! I need to help them! "Ah!"I heard someone yelled and I look up. "Mikey!"I heard Leo yelled.

Did they...ate Mikey?! I need to save him! I yelled as I float up. "You didn't just ate my brother!"I yelled then made some orange wave appear. I scream as I send it toward their faces and they scream. "Nice job Alison!"Leo said.

I made a ball appear and sent it to them. It exploded in their face and they hit me. "Alison!"Leo yelled as I fell to the ground. Smoke appear as I cough. I slowly stood up and saw they had Leo. "No! Leo!"I yelled.

Something made them fell and let go of Leo. I ran toward him and help him up. We look and saw Donnie's turtle mech? The monster slowly stood up and I hug Leo. I float off and place him on the roof top. "Readying more explosives. Fire!"Donnie yelled.

They threw a barrel at it and it exploded in their face. We11 watch from above then I sat on the floor. "What are you doing?"Leo said. "I am trying to get my goddess form"I said. Everything slowly turn into darkness.

I look around then saw their aura. "Incoming!"I heard Casey yelled. "Donnie, how do we stop that thing? What do we do?"I heard April said. "I don't know. Press more buttons"Donnie said then they yelled. I need to help them.

"Hello"said a voice and I saw a white glowing little girl. "Who are you?"I said. "I am your inner power. You were supposed to meet me when you are in age"she said. "So do you know why I can't call my goddess form?"I said.

"Yes. It because you don't have a reason to call on your goddess form. You used it before because you were in danger. If you can give me a reason why you should have the power of the wolf goddess, I will allow you to have your magic and your strength back"she said.

A reason? "I should have the power of the wolf goddess because...because I want to help. I would do anything to protect my family, my friends and my parent. I love them so much that I can't bear them to get hurt.

Do you know how hard it is that you are useless and you need someone to save you? I want to help the people that I care and know. I am the princess and I need to protect them. I want to become a better person and well my real reason is for love"I said.

"So you are doing it for love?"she said and I nod. "That is...the most weirdest answer I ever heard but it is the honest one. I love your answer and it is different from other princess"she said then made a gummy bear appear?

"Eat this and you will get your strength back. Oh and Alison?"she said. "Yes?"I said. "I will meet you again but not like this. You will see my true form when we will meet again"she said then I ate the gummy bear.

"Ah! Get this thing moving. Now!"Casey yelled and I open my eyes. I scream as a white beam came out of my chest. "Alison?!"Leo yelled and they look at me. I felt my clothes quickly transform into a white goddess dress.

I float down a little and they gasp. I look at myself as I saw I have a lot of golden jewelry and I am glowing bright yellow. "Let's see how he likes a hot mouth"I said then I blast some fire at his mouth. "Ah! Whoa!"They yelled as they were thrown away.

The human tongue point at his bald head and the monster blew the fire away. "It's the tongue, Leo, Alison. The brain is the tongue"Donnie yelled. "I'm on it"Leo said then I float in front of him. We held hand and float toward it.

"Now it's worse"April said then it ran after them. "How do we stop this thing?"Raph yelled. "How am I supposed to know?"Donnie yelled. I quickly went between them and blasted fire at them. They scream as I glare at it.

I heard something fall and I look back. They are down! And they got Leo! I flew toward them and help them pull Leo away from them. "Mikey's the kaiju fan. Where is he?"Donnie said. We heard something crack. "Hmm?"Leo said. "Huh?"the tongue man said. 

"Cowabunga!"Mikey yelled adter he broke it teeth. "Mikey, I can't believe it!"Leo said. "Booyakasha!"he said and slice the tongue. It scream in pain as I put the guys down gently. "Now's our chance to finish this thing"Raph said but I put my hand up.

"Let me do this"I said then tap my grey flats. I drew a diamond above the monster then I look at them. "Fire!"they yelled then I punch it. It made the monster exploded and green rain fell on us. I made a shield around them as they cheer

"Pretty awesome, guys"I said as I float down. "And we even captured a brain worm. Not a bad day after all"Leo said as we smile. I giggle and hug them with my wing. "And you got your goddess form back! How awesome!"Mikey said as I laugh.
Hey guys, it is Flutterknight

I am still taking a break, it just I got bored and since nobody wanted to talk to me, I spend that time on this during my lunch break. Anyway always stay strong and be positive because u are special!

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