Where my path will take me

By Flutterknight

39.2K 541 72

TMNT Episode 8 of season 1 to the last episode of the last season Which mean I am going to get less sleep 😅 More

Never say Xever
The Gauntlet
Panic at the sewer
Mousers Attack
It came from the depths
I, monster
New girl in town
The Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer
Cockroach terminator
Baxter's Gambit
Enemy of my enemy
Karai's Vendetta
The Puverizer Returns
Operation Break out
Showdown part one and part two
The Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Squirrelanoids
Follow the leader
Mutagen man unleashed
Mikey gets Shellacne
Target: April O'Neil
Slash and Destroy
The Kraang Conspiracy
Fungus Humungous
Metalhead rewired
Of rats and men
The Manhattan project
Mazes and Mutants
The lonely mutation of Baxter Stockman
Pizza face
The wrath of tiger calw
The legend of the Kuro Kabuto
Vengeance is Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
Within the wood
A Foot Too Big
Buried Secrets
The Croaking
Dream beavers
Race with the Demon
Eyes of the Chimera
Vision Quest
Return to New York
Serpant hunt
The pig and the rhino
Battle for New York
Casey Jones vs. The underland
The Noxious Avenger
Clash of the mutanimals
The deadly venom
Tale of the Yokai
Attack of the mega shredder!
The Creeping Doom
The Fourfold Trap
Dinosaur Seen In Sewers!
Annihilation: Earth!
Beyond The Known Universe
Not everything is easy
The truth and the test
The two sister
My choice
The Outlaw Armaggon
Riddle of the Ancient Aeons
Journey To The Center Of Mikey's Mind
The Arena of Carnage
The War of Dimension X
The Cosmic Ocean
A special chapter
Trans-Dimensional Turtles
Revenge of the Triceraton
The Evil of Dregg
The Ever Burning Fire
Earth Last Stand
City at War
It is my time to shine
Broken Foot
The Insecta Trifecta
Mutant Gangland
Bat in the belfry
The Super Shredder
The power inside her
Tokka vs the world
Spirit Stealer
The Tale of Tigerclaw
Scrolls of the Demodragon
The forgotten swordman
The Heart of Evil
End Times
When The Worlds Collide
Osoroshi no Tabi
Kagayakei! Kintaro
Lone Rats and Club
The Curse of Savanti Romero
The Crypt Of Dracula
The Frankenstein Experiment
Monster among us

Turtles In Time

301 4 0
By Flutterknight

We were on the rooftop.

"Give it up, Leo. There's nothing we can do. It's been weeks since we last saw her. When she poisoned us!"Raph yelled. "Yeah, Leo. If we can't find a cure, we might have to let Karai go"Donnie said, leaning on the door. 

"It's not that easy, Donnie. You should know"Leo said then he look at me. Why is he looking at me? " 'Cause you're still hung up on April. Just a guess"Mikey said. "Actually I am not. I am in love with someone else"he said then he look at me. I blush and look away. "Sometimes you don't have a choice. You think about someone. A lot"Leo said. 

"Dudes, I'm never gonna have a crush on a girl. Uh-uh. No way, no sir. This turtle's dedicated to one thing and one thing only. Ninja-ing. Oh, yeah! "Mikey said then did some ninja moves. Raph open the door.

"Yo, Mikey. I got a little ninja-ing for you right here"Raph said then aim the hose at Mikey. "Whoa!"Mikey said. "Raph!"I said as he soak me. I laugh as I try to move away. "Shell soaker!"Raph said, aiming at Leo.

"Aah! All right"Leo said as he walk off. Raph soak Donnie next. "Hey!"Donnie laugh. "Look at you. Go back into your shell"Raph said, trying to aim at one of us. "Whoa. Huh?"Raph said as he look up and stop.

We look up and saw this girl floating. "Whoa!"I said then her staff doesn't work. "Aah!"she said as she fell down. Mikey ran to catch her but they crash. Oh that got to hurt a lot. "Whoa, are you okay? Huh?"Mikey said as he stare at her. 

"Whoa. The leader, Leonardo. The warrior, Raphael. The inventor, Donatello. The magic warrior princess, Alison. And the cute one, Michelangelo!"She said, looking to each one of us. "Well, that's me. She knows us, dudes!"Mikey said. 

"I found you. I actually found you. The Turtle Warriors of Legend and the warrior wolf princess. This is so grokking cold!"She said. "Us? Legends? What the heck are you talking about? Nobody even knows we exist"Raph said.

"Nobody knows. Yet. But I come from the future, and wow. You guys are, like, so famous. Meeting you is way more interesting than meeting Genghis Khan or Billy the Kid or Socrates!"she said and I look at her. 

She does look like she is from the future. "Please. You're saying you're from the future, and we're important enough to be in history books? You expect us to believe that?"Donnie said. "Yes. You save the world. Many times"She said. 

"Awesome! High-three!"Donnie said as we did a group high-five. "Hey, there. The name's Michelangelo. But you can call me Mikey. Angelo is my middle name. What's yours? Let me guess. Future Girl? Amazonian Princess? Wonder Warrior?"Mikey said.

I am guess he is flirting with her. "Uh, nope. My name's Renet. I'm a Time Master"she said, putting her staff in the air. "Oh! Aah! Oh!"she said as she almost trip and drop her staff. "Okay. Assistant Time Master in training"she said.

"More to the point, Headdress. Prove to us you're from the future"Raph said. "Oh, right. Almost forgot why I came. I was kind of followed by an evil freak from the future who wants to control all of time and space"she said. 

"Uh, wait a minute. What did you just say?"I said then something light up on the sky. We look up and saw this werid looking creature. It remind me of a satyrs but the one that go to the gym everyday and eat beef jerky. "It's him. Savanti Romero"she said

*Theme song*
He landed and look around.

"How droll. The early 21st century. Why would you pick this era?"he said. "Oh, I see. The Turtle Warriors and the wolf princess . Of course. But you must realize they can't defeat me. Your history is wrong. Give me the time scepter and I shall let you live"he said.

We took out our weapon. "Ninjas, let's welcome this freak New York-style"Leo said then we ran toward him. This yellow bubble appear and we got stuck on it? He move his hand to the right and we flew off.

"Give it to me, girl"he yelled as I hit a wall. "Not this time!"she said and blast him into the portal. "No!"he yelled and it close. "Whew. Wow. That was like, the most evil Time Master ever, right?"she said then her staff drop.

"No worries"she said as she pick it up. "I sent him in a thousand year in the past"she said as she look at us. "I think I speak for us all when I say we have no idea what is going on!"Donnie said. 

"Oh, right. Yeah, sorry. Let me explain everything. In the future, we Time Masters are the protectors of time, space, and reality itself. I'm apprentice to the top guy in our order, Lord Simultaneous. 

Last night, someone tried to steal the Time Scepter, a piece of tech so advanced it can not only control time, it can bend reality itself. It was Savanti Romero, the evil mutant Time Master. With the scepter, he could rule all of reality, changing history to suit his cruel whims. 

So I took it from him, and I used to to lure him to the one era he could be defeated in: Now, by the famous Turtle Warriors"she said as I blink. That is a lot to process. "But we didn't defeat him. You did. So history was totally wrong"Leo said and her staff glow up. 

"Oh, grok. This isn't good. Savanti is making changes in the past. He's trying to wipe us out in the present"she said. "He can do that?"I said. "Oh, yeah. That happens a lot. I guess I should have let you guys defeat him like history said. Can you help me?"she said.

"Help you? We don't even know you"Raph said. "Come on, guys. One day we're going to be famous for doing great things. This is one of them"Mikey said then something happen to the sky. "Renet!"said a voice. 

"Lord Simultaneous? Aw, man. I'm so busted"she said. "Foolish child, what have you done?"it said. "We gotta get out of here. Lord S is gonna kill me!"she said as she made the portal appear and went inside. "Renet, wait for me!"Mikey yelled, running after her.

"Mikey!"Raph said. "Booyakasha!"Mikey yelled as he went in. The other look at each other and went inside. What are they doing?! "Renet, you cannot escape me. I will find you. Aah!"He said then I went inside.

We fell down to the ground. "Where the heck are we?"Mikey said. "More like when are we?"She said as she stood up. "Avalon. Camelot. The Tower of the Demon? This is not good"Donnie said. "Um, guys? Look"Leo said, pointing at a village.

"We're in Medieval times!"I said. "England in the year 980 A. D. That is so cold, right? Isn't that what you say in your time? Cold?"She said. "It's actually "cool. " And no, this is not cool. At all"Raph yelled. 

"Um, well, I meant to send him back 100 million years. You have to help me stop him"she said as she look at us. "It looks like we have no choice, guys. We gotta save history"Leo said. "Yes! You guys are such groovy daddy-Os"she said.

"Oh, snap"Mikey said then push Raph aside. "Renet, I got a rad idea. Check this out. Mmm"he said, doing some werid move and pointed at us. She laugh as I put my hand on my waist. "The scepter can do that. It's just a little quantum manipulation"she said.

Her staff glow and she tap on the ground. It light up really bright and I close my eyes. I open them and saw I saw wearing the same clothes when we went LARP in the sewer. "Oh, not again with the costumes"Raph said as Mikey laugh. 

"Come on! We need to blend in, dude. Plus, I wanted to look extra sweet for Renet. It's the elf ears. Chicks dig 'em"Mikey said and wink. "Yeah they sure do"I said and giggle. Knight appear and we look at them.

"Halt, strangers. This land belongs to the King. What business have you here?"one of them said. "By my blessed horse, I think the little green ones are orcs"said another one. A horse look close at Raph. "Whoa!"he said as he fell down and I laugh.

"Aye, that's a right ugly one right there, it is"he said, pointing at Raph. "Who you calling ugly?"Raph said. "And look at this one. The fiercest of the lot. I bet he eats children for dinner, he does"another one said, looking at Mikey.

"I don't eat people, dude. I'm a pizzatarian"Mikey said. "Do not fret, maidens fair. We will free you of your evil orc captors"another said and I glare at them. "Ugh"Renet said. "Maidens Fair? I can save myself thank you very much"I said.

They took out their weapon. "Attack the pizzatarians!"They said. They fought each other as I sigh. I have to do nothing? Man, how does princesses do this? "Attack!"Another said. I look and saw I have a bag of smoke-bomb.

"Bingo"I said then look at the knight. "Aw, man. He's got, like, 50 armor class. Oh!"Mikey said then the knight raise his sword. "Hey!"I yelled and he look at me. I threw the smokebomb inside his helmet. "I always wanted to do that"I whisper. He cough as he fell on his knee. 

"It's cool, little brother"I said. "Let's take this guy"Raph said as they attack him. "Ugh!"Renet said as she punch him. "Whoo! Looking good, Renet!"Mikey said. "Foul goblin! Yeah"One of them said as he fought Leo.

Leo heard the horse coming and doge it. He walk back and I clear my thoart. He look at me as I walk toward the horse. He smile and went on it. He put his hand out and I grab it. He pull me in and I rode in the front.

"Hee-yah!"I said and we rode. Leo grab the lance. "I got this!"He said then we saw the knight. I glare at him and rode toward him. "And now you shall perish!"he said. He hit the knight and he fell down from the horse.

"Aah! I hate orcs"he said. Leo got off the horse and he help me off. "Whoa! What magic is this?"one of them said and we saw they were floating. "Please, sir knights. You must understand. These turtles are not orcs. They are friendly goblins from the uh, Western Realms"Renet said.

She slowly put them down and one of them walk toward us. "Oh, I see. Friendly goblin, will you live in my cellar and make shoes?"One of them said. "I can make your face into a shoe"Raph said and I put my hand on his shoulder. 

"Good sir, we are trying to find the tower of Savanti Romero"I said in most medieval time voice as possible. "Egad! You do not want to go there. You don't even want to speak his name, lest you summon him"the knight said. 

"Who? Savanti Romero? That punk? Please. I can take that horn-headed freak in my sleep. He's chump change. A crump snatcher. I'm not scared of him in the he's right behind me, isn't he?"Mikey said as we walk back.

"Fools!"he yelled then he hit Mikey. "No! Ugh!"Renet said as he took the staff and push her out of the way too. "Finally, the scepter is mine!"He said and laugh evilly. " 'Tis the Demon of the Tower! Run away! Run away!"The knights said as they ran away. 

"The Time Scepter will never stop the Turtles! So maybe you'll give it back?"she said. "Never! You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!"he said then zap us. "Get him!"leo yelled but he disappear. 

"You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!"Savanti Romero said. "Get him!"leo yelled but he disappear. "You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!"he said and zap us. "What the heck is going on?"Raph said.

"Yeah, didn't this just happen?"Mikey said. "Savanti must have stuck us in some kind of time loop"Donnie said then we fade away. "You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time!"Savanti Romero said again.

"Dudes, I'm starting to think we'll be forever stuck in the confines of time"Mikey said. "Well, Headdress, you got us into this"Raph said then it repeat"Raph said as Renet look at her hands. "You shall be forever stuck in the con - Aah!"he said as Renet punch him.

A bubble appear and shatter. "Oh! Ugh. You punched out the time loop? That is awesome!"Donnie said, hugging Renet. "Come on, we have to find Savanti"she said, pushing him away and we went toward the horses.

Each one of us rode on one. Donnie look at me and put his hand out. He pul me up and I warp my arm around his waist. "Aw, man. Turtles on horses? This is just so weird. Aah!"Raph said when a horse scare him. I giggle and we rode off. 

"Let's try that way. Come on!"Leo said, pointing straight. "Ah, easy fella! Aah! Aah!"Raph said and I laugh. "Donnie get me close to Raph"I said. We rode close and I pet the horse. "That is a nice horse"I whisper and it calm down.

"Thanks Alison"Raph said. "No biggie"I said then we rode back with the gang. "So now we're riding a horse together. Is this our first date?"Mikey said. "Mikey, aren't you a little old for me? I haven't even been born yet"Renet said and I giggle.

"What are you so happy mood?"Donnie said, smiling. "Mikey. He is falling in love and it is kinda cute"I said as I put my head on his back. "Not as cute like you"he whisper and I look at him. "I am sorry. I mean you are with my brother and"he said and groan.

I pat his arm softly. "It is okay. We broke up"I said, looking away. "Oh I am sorry to hear that"he said. "It doesn't matter. We were okay with it"I said and he bend down to his side. What is he doing? "Got it"He said as I push my glasses back.

He look back and place something on my hair. I slowly reach for it and touch it softly. A flower? "You know I'll always be here for you, right?"He said and I sigh. "I know. Thanks Handsome"I said as I close my eyes
"Savanti's tower is just past this uber-creepy cemetery"Leo said and I hug Donnie. 

He look at me then back on the road. "Can't we go, like, around the uber-creepy cemetery?"Mikey said, hugging on Renet's cape. "Big bad elven prince scared?"Raph said. "Aah!"he said as he fell out of his horse.

"Fools! Do you think you can sneak up on the greatest Time Master ever? Savanti Romero rules everything, even death"He said as he lift his staff. "Oh, no"Renet said. The horses got scare and threw us off. "Aah!"Donnie said as the skeleton grab his face. 

"Dudes, this is like my worst nightmare times ten"Mikey said as he help Renet up. "Even worse than a world without pizza?"Donnie said and Mikey stare at the undead army. "Okay, second worst"he said and we took out our weapon.

I quickly used my dagger to slice their head off. Five of them came behind me and I jump backward. They look at me and I wink at them. I blast them into ashes then landed on my feet. More came toward me and I took off my cape.

I threw it at them and ran off. I grab my sword and started to blast them. "I always hated this!"I yelled then slice some more. I pant then look back. Some of them are getting back up and I gasp. I walk back and bump into Renet. 

"Well, my Energy Knuckles have burned out. I grok the only weapon I have left is a single entropy dart. One last resort to destroy the scepter"Renet said. "Destroy the scepter? But we'll be trapped here forever"Donnie said. 

"Hyah! Ha!"Leo said and came, riding a horse? "Come on, Turtle Warriors of Legend! Let's ride!"he said and the other horses appear. Donnie went on it and quickly pick me up. I warp my arm around his waist. 

"Ai yai yai yai yai yai yai!"Renet yelled and we rode off. Donnie look at me and hand me my blue cloak. I gasp and grab it. "You got it back for me! Thank you!"I said. I kiss him on the cheek and place it around my neck.
We watch from above.

"Come on, attack. I haven't got all the time in the world. Most of it, yes"he said, looking at his staff. We jump down and he freeze us. "Toys are such fun"he said and tap on it. We move back to the top. 

"Okay, guys. We'll sneak across on that chandelier chain and wait, didn't we just do this?"Leo whisper. "Aw, no. He's messing with time again"I said. "Get him!"Raph said then we jump down. He zap us and put us in bubbles.

"You make it all so easy. Hmm, shall I freeze you in time forever? Devolve you back into four little sea dinosaurs and a monkey? Ooh! Or, perhaps, primal sludge"he said as he walk around us. "Primal sludge doesn't sound so bad"Mikey said. 

"Primal sludge is real bad, Mikey"Renet said then whisper something. "I think I'll simply wipe you out of existence"he said. "Don't use it. We'll never get home"Donnie said and she pull back but aim it again. 

"Whoa!"They said as they pop the bubble. "What? Ugh"He said as Mikey tight him up. "Aw, yeah!"Mikey said as we were free from the bubbles. "No! Ugh"he said then the ground shook. The wheel started to turn and bring out steam.

What is going on here? We fell down and landed on these huge wheel. "Oh, no!"Renet said and she went to grab it but he push her away. "Aah!"she said as she fell down. "Forget it, freakjob! Wah!"Mikey said as he kick him across the face. 

"Oh!"Mikey said as he grab his face. He threw him to Donnie. Raph and I attack him but he doge it. He press something an a bubble apear around him. It push us back and I fell back. "He's invulnerable!"Raph said.

He went down and we follow him. She almost had t until he blew fire and knock them off again. "Whoo! Aah!"she said as he walk forward. "Renet!"Mikey yelled and we keep on following him. We fought him but he keep making his bubble appear. 

"Oh, come on"I yelled as he made his bubble appear again. I swing my sword around and aim at him. I try blasting him but he burn my blast?! He grab and threw me off. I scream until I hit the other wheel. This is getting tiring! 

I scream as I try to hit him but he block it with his bubble again! "We just need to ugh!"Donnie said and he pick him up. "Donnie!"I yelled. "Need to do this!"Raph said, breaking his thing. The wheels stop turning and we glare at him as he went on his knee. 

"Oh, dear"he said. "Hyah!"Mikey said as he kick him across the face. "Aah!"he said as he fell down. "It's the blue button, Donatello!"Renet said. "Oh!"he said when he saw DOnnie holding the staff. "Let's see how this thing works"he said. 

"Turtle, let's talk before you make any rash decisions"Savanti Romero said then Donnie hand it to me. I took it and he gasp. "Oh please great warrior wolf princess! Please um remember what you said? Everyone deserve a second chance?"he said.

"Yeah I like that quote"I said and he sigh. "Only to does who deserve it and don't try to hurt my friend!"I said as I made a time portal appear. "Oh! No!"he said as he was pull back. "So, are you sure this time? Is he gone for good?"Raph said as we look at Renet.

"Absolutely. Sort of. 69 percent?"She said then the white faceless mask appear. "Renet! You must come back to the future now. You are grounded"he said. "Oh, grok. On my way, Lord Simultaneous. Just got to drop off the Turtles and the wolf princess first"she said

"Oh! The Turtle Warriors of Legend. And the wise warrior wolf princess. Very cold"he said then disappear. "Okay, everybody. Let's go home"she said. "Renet, um, can we kick it in the future together? Just you and me? For a little while?"Mikey said, being all shy. 

"Aw, I would love that, Mikey. Maybe someday. Wah!"she said as she kiss his cheek. He swoon and laugh. I giggle then I look at Donnie. He blush as I wink at him. "Let's go home, Turtle heroes. Cowabunga! 

"Oh, no! Time interference! Something's wrong"she said then we were pull back. "Guys!"she said, trying to pull us back. The forces were too strong and we were pull in. I close my eyes then we fell down. I open my eyes and saw we hit the ground.

We groan as we slowly stood up. "Ugh. Where the heck are we now?"Raph said. "The time stream must have been messed with. Now we're in"Leo said as we look at a city. 

"Japan? Well, at least we're back in modern times"Donnie said then arrow appear. We stood close as something or someone surrounded us. "Dudes. Ninjas"Mikey said as we took our weapon out. "I think we're in deep trouble"Leo said as we glare at the ninja. 

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