Alastor x Reader Oneshots

By MichieWrites

242K 4.6K 3.4K

Art Cover Credit: rndoodli I CHANGED MY MIND THIS ISN'T OVER LOL. So it seems I have been inspired by all t... More

Let's Dance, Shall We?
Almost Human
The Most Wonderful Discovery
Hurry Up and Drive (1)
Hurry Up and Drive (2)
Summer Heat and Baby Talk
A Tourtured Artist
Night Terror
In the Cellar
Only You (+18)
Our Photos (1)
I Will Wait
His Weakness
Put Your Head on My Shoulder
The Jester's Folly
Our Photos (2)
Day at the Carnival (+18)
In His Care
Just Like Mother
He's An Angel
The Cat's Meow
Our Parenthood
She Has Me Swoon
She's An Angel
Vanilla Bean, Pretty Please
My Little Kitten (+18)
A Mermaid's Tale


7.5K 164 125
By MichieWrites

Art Credit: fuckhazbin

WARNING: Hints of sexual interaction of two characters and mentions of vomiting.

NOTE: Before y'all get on me for anything...I know people don't know they're pregnant right after having sex one time. This fanfiction kinda hints that there was quite a bit of sex before this took place. AND THIS IS A LONG ONE YA'LL. Also, I feel like it sounds rushed at the end, but I did my best. Anyways, enjoy!

The morning after for Alastor was always pleasant since he rose much earlier than (Y/N) did.

In this point of the morning before the sun had even risen up fully he would watch his peaceful darling snooze or mumble softly to herself. Sometimes he would watch and maybe fall back asleep himself to the sight of her dreamy face or pull her limp body into his arms and bask in her presence.

The couple both were graced with a day off in their jobs at the Happy Hotel, so sleeping in was definitely a must. Alastor did tend to wake up earlier, but with (Y/N) it really never took long for him to fall back out since she made him so peaceful and calm.

In fact, the Radio Demon's whole mannerisms took a turn ever since she descended into hell. Not a significant turn, but he could tell he was changing in the smallest of ways.

For reasons he couldn't figure out why.

At about noon, the two demons forced their way out of the comfort of a warm bed to get ready and grab some food. It was one thing to sleep in for once, it was another to completely fuck up your sleep schedule in one go.

On this particular day, Alastor felt a bit more on the lazier side of himself, so he settled on a simple red button up with suspenders, black slacks, shoes, and a belt to finish it all off. This was his version of lazy. As Alastor deemed himself finished he turned to exit their shared walk-in closet, but (Y/N) stopped him with a small hand.

"Ah-ah-ah, wait just a minute." she cooed, visibly relaxed and satisfied after the night they had and the great sleep that followed after. Her bright (e/c) eyes flashed to her husband's stash—cough—collection, of bow ties. He even had a cute one for each of the holidays, God only knows why. His eyes trailed her feminine movements, the way her hips swayed as she walked. He found certain thoughts cross his mind but he tried to wave them off, even if the silk red nightgown she was still wearing did almost nothing to hide all the areas he wanted so desperately to squeeze.

She passed him, and picked out a favorite of his. This was of course a red bow tie, more of a merlot in nature. Within its body was embroidery of black swirls and intricate designs. He smiled warmly toward her, as she took the tie and began to fasten it around the collar of his button up. As she focused on putting this item on her husband, he couldn't help but notice she was absolutely glowing as of recent.

(Y/N) had just finished with her work when Alastor leaned down his capture her lips. She smiled into the kiss, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck.
"You need to get ready..." he pulled away only for a second to say. She hummed with a hint of annoyance, still wanting to stay here. However, her hungry stomach told her otherwise.

With another groan, she finally pulled away from his embrace and went to get ready.

By the time the couple, arm in arm, reached the dining hall it was pretty much empty save for the few other patrons getting food or having a quiet sit down. (Y/N) now in her favorite slip on dress with a gorgeous (f/c) color, and matching three inch heels, she found this was another thing she enjoyed about the Happy Hotel. Most of the demons here had come willingly so they may have a chance at redemption. It was much more peaceful and safe when demons weren't fighting and stabbing at one another whilst you were trying to eat your cold eggs and overcooked sausage.

Here, the food was good and warm, and demons had the goal of going to heaven.

One demon for example, (Y/N) had the pleasure of meeting registered himself in the Happy Hotel to see his wife and children once again. They had long passed on after his death, but he had killed and sinned for the sake of his family. He was sent to hell the day someone took a bullet to his head. It had been so long, he hoped and prayed that one day he could see them again, if he was just good enough.

As much as (Y/N) hoped to also go to heaven one day, she didn't even know if that was a possibility.

She knew about Alastor's intentions. He wanted to see his dear mother even if it were for just a moment, and (Y/N) found herself in a similar boat. Like Alastor and the old man she had been acquainted with at the hotel, her goal was to one day see her parents and siblings in heaven once they died. 
She worried however, that her father may not reach heaven since he was in the military, and he had admitted to killing people during his duty. She wasn't sure if that was a gray area, but she herself was refused that paradise, so she feared her father might share the same fate.

By now, the couple had gotten food and were silently enjoying their meal. As (Y/N) took a bite of the cooked venison on her plate, she coughed, feeling the food she had just swallowed begin to come back up.
She stood suddenly, dropping her utensils and even startling Alastor who looked extremely concerned.

"D-Darling?" he asked.

She didn't answer, as she dashed quickly out the dining hall and straight to the women's washroom. After all the food she ate was flushed away, there was no room denying her suspicion. She was already late in her courses by a week and a half and she never really got sick like this so easily. She also had to admit the lack of protection they used...

She almost felt like vomiting again, but this time it was due to worry.

She was indeed pregnant, and she was worried about how Alastor would feel with the news of a baby. She had always wanted one. Would he feel the same?

She came back in a weak state, looking a tad more green in comparison with a paper towel wiping the bile from her lips. (Y/N) sat down with a sigh, noting the way Alastor's eyes watched her carefully. She knew behind that smile his eyes were frowning. He was still very concerned.

"Sugar Honey Iced Tea, (Y/N) what happened?" he set his fork and knife down gently, reaching out to take her soft hand. She gulped, reaching over to take a sip of water while holding his hand with her other. Maybe that would calm her raging stomach and her nerves.
With a feeble smile, she tried waving off both his and her uneasiness.
"It's alright Al. The food must've not settled well. I think I'm fine." she desperately wanted him to accept her lie.

He was about to say something in retort when there was a loud cry from another table.

A cry?

Alastor and (Y/N) turned to see a couple with a crying infant. This came as quite a shock since many demons didn't have the ability to produce offspring like they could when they were alive. Only a select few and very powerful demons were able to manage this feat. (Y/N) watched the three, and couldn't help the contentment spilling over her. The babe's tears glistened on the corners of her little eyes as she was held tightly by her mother. Her father looked down proudly at her, and Alastor couldn't help but turn to look at (Y/N) who was staring at the family with a longing look.

Her glow, and her sickness...

Then it clicked.

"NO WAY!" he cried joyfully, standing up with the biggest smile on his face. (Y/N) looked up to him in shock, her eyes wide like a pretty doe. By now, everyone who was dining was watching, and that included the Happy Hotel gang who were relaxing as well on their day off after coming in sometime after (Y/N) and Alastor.

Charlie who was sitting next to Vaggie and Angel looked up from her soup with a raised brow.

"What is he on about?"

"(Y/N) DON'T PULL MY LEG, ARE YOU SERIOUS??" this is probably the first time anyone had seen Alastor yell the way he was yelling but he really couldn't care less. (Y/N) covered her mouth with her hands, feeling tears prick her eyes. He didn't even have to say it aloud as she knew what he was talking about. She nodded quickly, his reaction washing away the fear she had.

"It's true!" she laughed when he did as he rushed over to pick her up in a hug and spin her about.

"I'm going to be a father!"

That was when Angel choked on his food. You know what? I think everyone choked on their food when they heard that. Vaggie was next to scream and she excitedly shook her fists with a smile.

Entire pandemonium in the dining hall followed.

Through the commotion as friends began to rush over, Alastor gave his darling wife a gentle kiss on her lips. He smiled down at her. She giggled at his smile, shrugging her shoulders in front of him.

"Surprise my love." she said.

Indeed a surprise it was, she thought happily to herself as she rested in the arms of her love, placing two warm hands on her soft tummy.



"Ay dios mio, Charlie calm down." Vaggie rolled her eyes, still smiling at her partner.

Charlie watched her with beaming eyes, grabbing the gray skinned demon's hand with her own.
"What if we have a family someday Vag? Wouldn't that be swell?" she commented, turning to Alastor and (Y/N) with a smile. Vaggie flushed a bright red, but also turned to look at the couple who were being congratulated left and right. Vaggie could only squeeze Charlie's hand, looking very closely at Alastor in particular. Even with her suspicions and doubts of him at first, he noticed his change as (Y/N) introduced herself in his afterlife. Now, as he hugged her with all his might, she barely caught the sight of his misty eyes as he looked adoringly toward his now pregnant wife.

In moments like these, redemption even for people like Alastor became more and more possible.

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