Riverdale Oneshots

By ihavemovedsorry

63.8K 886 321

These are here to give you all of the Riverdale storylines you want to see happen but don't because Roberto l... More

1) Cheronica
2) Bughead
3) Surprise Party
4) Varchie
5) Beronica
6) Cheronica (hella gay)
7) Choni
8) Joavin
9) Choni
10) Cheronica
11) Joavin (Part 2)
12) Tangs vs Choni
13) Kevin and Fangs
14) Bughead
15) Heather
16) Choni vs Cheronica
17) Kevin and Fangs
18) Cheggie
19) Jarchie
20) Kangs vs Joavin
21) Karchie
22) Choni vs Cheronica (Part 2)
23) Bughead
24) Beronica
25) Varchie
26) Karchie (Part 2)
27) Choni
28) Cheronica (Part 3)
29) Joavin (Part 2)
30) Kangs
31) Mevin
32) Cheggie (Part 2)
33) Swangs
34) Couples Getaway
35) Choni
36) Cheronica
37) Joavin
38) Veggie
39) Missing
40) Mevin
41) Cheronica

42) Cheronica vs Lopaz (MAJOR plot twist)

496 6 2
By ihavemovedsorry

Monday. The most hated day of the week. However, it is the day Cheryl Blossom learned to love, and it was all because of her. Veronica Lodge.

Everyone use to believe that Cheryl was a loveless monster but that all changed when one fateful Monday morning when Veronica Lodge walked into the front doors of Riverdale High.

Cheryl became somewhat obsessed with Veronica. Not in a creepy way. Her obsession was with how Veronica moved and talked and dressed and even how she breathed. Cheryl wanted nothing more than to make Veronica hers but things kept getting in the way. However, the Blossoms don't give up that easily.

First period. The first class Cheryl had with Veronica. They sat next to each other. Most of the time Cheryl would silently admire her but today felt different.

The bell rang and class was over. All of the students got up out of their desks and collected their things.

"Hey," Cheryl says with a bright smile, gaining Veronica's attention.

"Hey," Veronica replies, "what's up?"

"Not much. I was just wondering if you would want to come over to my house to study after school since we do have a big test coming up in calculus and I suck at math. Maybe you could help?"

"Sure," Veronica returns a smile. "But, only if you help me with the new cheer choreography since I was sick pretty much all of last week."

Cheryl nods. "Of course! I'd love to help."

"Is 4 okay?" Veronica asks.

"Yeah," Cheryl says, "that's perfect. You could even stay for dinner if you'd like."

Veronica smiles. "I'll think about it." She then walks out of the classroom and heads to her next class.

Cheryl does the same but walks the opposite way that Veronica did.

It was now lunchtime. The second time of the day Cheryl got to spend with Veronica apart from just seeing her randomly in the hallway.

Cheryl, Veronica, Betty, Jughead, Archie, Kevin, Toni, Peaches, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Moose, and Joaquin all sat at one long table together inside of the cafeteria.

Today Toni was sitting next to Veronica. Cheryl noticed how they always acted differently when they were around each other but tried not to be jealous.

"So what's the tea," Kevin asks the gang as he sits down with his lunch.

Betty leans over and whispers something into his ear.

"No way!" Kevin nearly screams.

"Shh," Betty whispers, "don't tell anyone."

Veronica looks at them suspiciously. "Hey, what is the whispering about? I want to know!"

Betty looks at Veronica. "You already know! I told you this morning. Just shush. No one else needs to know until later."

"You didn't tell me anything this morning," Veronica replies.

Betty sighs. "I'll tell you again later."

Jughead chimes in. "Babe, why can't you tell me?"

"Listen," Betty says, "it's a surprise and if you all keep bugging me about it you're going to ruin it!"

Toni places her hand on Veronica's arm. "What is it?" she whispers just so Veronica can hear.

Veronica turns her head to Toni. "I honestly have no idea," she says with a laugh which in turn causes Toni to giggle a bit as well.

Cheryl watched all of this happen and within a matter of seconds she instantly got jealous and hoped to make Toni feel the same way.

"Hey, Veronica," Cheryl says, "are you still coming over this evening to study."

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Veronica asks.

Cheryl smiles. "Just making sure."

"Can I join?" Toni says with a smile. "I'm pretty much failing Spanish."

Veronica smiles "I can help with that!" she says but then looks over at Cheryl who was desperately trying to hide her jealousy and anger. "Cheryl, can Toni come too?" Veronica asks.

"Sure. The more, the merrier." Cheryl says through gritted teeth.

Of course not many people noticed this conversation happening because of their own chatter with each other but Betty was very observant and saw the whole thing unfold in front of her.

Lunch finally ended and as everyone was walking away Betty caught up with Cheryl who was seething as she watched Toni and Veronica walk to class together.

"Hey," Betty says in a calming tone, "are you alright?"

"No, Betty! Do I look alright?" Cheryl screams, gaining the attention of those walking around her.

"Follow me," Betty says as she drags Cheryl into the office of The Blue and Gold.

"What do you want?" Cheryl asks, more calm now.

"I want to know what's wrong. I could guess and be about 99% accurate but I'd rather you tell me what's going on." Betty explains.

Cheryl paces in front of the door. "You can't tell anyone."

"I won't," Betty assures her.

"Okay." Cheryl takes a deep breath. "I like Veronica. Like, I really like her. Toni just seems to be her number one and that bothers me because I want to be her number one. That stupid Serpent scum is always-."

Betty cuts her off with a cough. "My boyfriend is a Serpent, you know."

"Right, sorry. I got a little carried away," Cheryl apologizes.

"It's alright. Just think before you speak. If you like Veronica I can help you get closer to her considering I'm her best friend and, just to be clear, I'm her number one but that's beside the point. The only thing I can't do is get her to like you. If Veronica doesn't want to date you that's not anyone's fault that's just how it is. Okay? I don't even know if she's into girls."

"Okay." Cheryl agrees.

"So it's settled," Betty says. "Also, just a helpful tip, don't try to push Toni and Veronica apart. That will just make them want to be near each other even more."

"Got it."

The girls then end the conversation and head out into the hall and to their classes.

Once the bell rang and school had ended, Cheryl nervously headed home. It was 3:00 meaning she had exactly an hour before Toni and Veronica showed up to her house to study. Cheryl spent the hour cleaning up and plotting the perfect plan to get Veronica alone and ask her out.

Soon, Veronica knocked on the door and Cheryl opened it only to be disappointed because Toni was right behind Veronica.

"Hey, guys." Cheryl tries to fake her enthusiasm.

"Hey," Veronica says with a smile as her and Toni take off their shoes.

"Follow me," Cheryl says as she directs the two girls to the living room where she had laid out snacks and her studying materials.

Cheryl sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her for Veronica to sit down. Veronica obliged and took the seat and right after Toni sat down next to Veronica.

"So," Toni says, "what should we work on first?"

"History?" Veronica suggests.

"Sounds great," Cheryl says as they all open their history text books and begin to quiz each other. After about a half and hour of that, they were over it and decided to move on.

Cheryl rummaged around in her bag. "How about we go over Chemistry next?"

Toni and Veronica were fine with that and they began trying to memorize the elements and all of their symbols.

"Hey, Cheryl," Toni interrupts, "could I use your restroom?"

"Sure," Cheryl replies with a smile, "just go down the hall over there, turn right, and it's the fifth door on your left."

"Thanks," Toni says as she walks away.

Cheryl was finally satisfied now that she had Veronica alone.

"Hey," Cheryl says to Veronica once she was sure that Toni was out of ears reach.

Veronica places her book on the table and turns to look at Cheryl. "Yeah?"

"I need to tell you something."

Veronica looks at Cheryl, concerned. "Okay."

"I don't want this to make things weird between us but I need to get this off of my chest. I've thought about it a lot and I honestly don't know how to go about telling you this," Cheryl begins to confess.

Veronica interrupts her. "Listen, you know you can tell me anything. You are one of my best friends which legally means that you can tell me absolutely anything and I'm not allowed to get upset with you about it." She ends that last sentence with a laugh.

Cheryl giggles a bit too but quickly returns to her serious state. She takes a deep breath in to prepare for what she is about to say. "I want you to know that I'm in love with you."

"Cheryl, I-," Veronica tries to speak but is interrupted.

"What!" Toni stops in the doorway and almost yells.

Cheryl's cheeks start to turn a deep red color. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." She stands up and starts to walk away.

Veronica quickly stands up and grabs Cheryl's arm to keep her from walking away. "Cheryl, I'm sorry."

Cheryl looks back at Veronica. "Let me guess, you're in love with someone else?"

"Well yeah," Veronica says.

"I knew it," Cheryl says quietly. "I knew I'd lose you to her." Cheryl looks over at Toni.

"Wait, what?" Veronica says in confusion.

"You like me?" Toni, who is also confused, asks Veronica.

"Guys!" Veronica yells to get their attention. "I'm straight. I'm not attracted to women."

"What?" Cheryl and Toni say at the same time.

"Wait a second." Veronica says. "Both of you thought that I liked girls? What made you think that?"

Cheryl sighs, "I've seen the way you look at Toni."

"Yeah," Toni agrees, "and I see the way you look at Cheryl. Also, the first time my gaydar ever went off was when I saw the way you looked at Betty."

"Plus, remember the time you and Betty kissed," Cheryl adds. "That was the gayest thing I think I've ever seen."

"You watched Betty and Veronica kiss?" Toni asks.

Veronica looks over at Toni, "Cheer tryouts. Don't ask."

They all stand there in silence for about 30 seconds until Veronica spoke up.

"Well then, I should probably get going." She packs up her books and starts toward the door, slipping her shoes on. "Bye guys," she says as she slips out of the awkward situation and leaves.

"Well," Cheryl says as she sits down on the couch.

"That was a lot to take in." Toni sits down too.

"You know," Cheryl says, "I think everything happens for a reason. I'm actually kinda glad that didn't work out."

"Why?" Toni asks.

"This is going to sound crazy but I think the only reason I was pining for Veronica so desperately was to gain the attention of someone else that she had become close to. I wasn't jealous of you, I was jealous of Veronica. I wanted to be her because I wanted to be close to you."

"And to think, I thought you hated me."

Cheryl laughs, "You probably hate me now. I wouldn't blame you."

"Maybe," Toni says, "but I forgive easily."

Cheryl smirks. "Want to go grab a bite to eat a Pop's?"

Toni smiles. "I'd love to."


Bet you didn't think THAT was going to happen.

Wow, I haven't written in a long, long time (which explains all of the unnecessary parts of this story that don't make any sense but we are just going to ignore them). It feels good to be back. I don't know how much I'll be updating these days but to be fair I now have over 40 chapters so you can always go back and reread those masterpieces.

How have y'all been? Let me know in the comments.

Much love to all of you guys and I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season.

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