Alastor x Reader Oneshots

By MichieWrites

242K 4.6K 3.4K

Art Cover Credit: rndoodli I CHANGED MY MIND THIS ISN'T OVER LOL. So it seems I have been inspired by all t... More

Let's Dance, Shall We?
Almost Human
The Most Wonderful Discovery
Hurry Up and Drive (1)
Hurry Up and Drive (2)
Summer Heat and Baby Talk
A Tourtured Artist
Night Terror
In the Cellar
Only You (+18)
Our Photos (1)
I Will Wait
His Weakness
Put Your Head on My Shoulder
The Jester's Folly
Our Photos (2)
Day at the Carnival (+18)
In His Care
Just Like Mother
He's An Angel
The Cat's Meow
Our Parenthood
She Has Me Swoon
She's An Angel
Vanilla Bean, Pretty Please
My Little Kitten (+18)
A Mermaid's Tale


12K 191 275
By MichieWrites

Art Credit: Unknown (I can't read the @ for the artist and I can't find who made this amazing work so if you do know, PLEASE credit them in the comments!)

WARNINGS: Violence, blood, gore, torture and angst. Also the story line of this oneshot is fake and not apart of the canon story of Hazbin Hotel. Good ending though!!

It had been almost a week since (Y/N) had last seen her husband and greatly feared radio demon, Alastor. He, Charlie, Husk, and Cherri Bomb had left to confront Lucifer for his wrongdoings for demon-kind in hell and his sabotage to the happy hotel. Even though he was made to abuse and torture sinners, he was stopping Charlie's plans to redeem souls that will cease extermination entirely. Although (Y/N) desperately wanted to go with them she was unable to due to the fact she was nearly due in her pregnancy with her and Alastor's first child. Vaggie, Angel Dust, and some others were left behind to watch over the hotel and care for (Y/N) who was very heavy with child. Looking at her swollen belly with sad eyes, Vaggie walked over to the pregnant demon, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"(Y/N)..." the gray haired demon watched her intently, taking note to the tears pricking the other females eyes. (Y/N) sniffled, wiping her eyes with a tissue.
"I...I just I'm so scared for my Al, for everyone. They went to face Lucifer unprepared....t-they..." she bowed her head, not wanting to think anymore of it. Instead, she cried and cried on Vaggie's shoulder, wishing her husband was there by her side.

"Poor thing." a voice like venom hissed in the darkness, kicking an already down Alastor in his ribs. Dark blood dribbled down his lip and his mind spun. He could make out the figures of Husk and Cherri Bomb.


Charlie, in chains behind her fathers feet, a cloth around her mouth with hot tears streaming from her face. She tugged and the metal that bound her and yelled harshly, trying to pry herself free.
"Father please don't!"

"It's bad enough I have pesky demons like Alastor here that think they're all bad...but what's worse—" Lucifer grabbed the deer demon harshly by the throat, enjoying the gurgling sound coming from the limp demons mouth.
"My own flesh and blood, betraying me." Lucifer growled, throwing Alastor on the ground with a harsh thud. There was no smile on his face. His eyes were dull and void. The only thing keeping him grounded was the thought of his (Y/N) and their baby.

(Y/N) let out an ear piercing scream, the searing pain of birth making her want to pass out, throw up, and kill someone all at the same time. She sobbed Alastor's name loudly, wishing he was here with her. Angel Dust much to his dismay was assisting Vaggie as they delivered (Y/N) and Alastor's child.

Twelve hours of labor, and then there he was. Their little one. (Y/N) held onto her son tightly as she fed him her milk. Her eyes filled with tears, she admired the red hair from Alastor on their son, the (s/c) skin that matched hers and his eyes. Bright and red. Absolutely beautiful.

"Vaggie..." she breathed, looking up to the gray demon who had blood on her gloved hands.


"Watch over my son while I'm off. I'm bringing everyone home." (Y/N) gently gave her son to Vaggie who watched her flabbergasted.
"A-Are you kidding me? You just gave birth to your son! You have to rest." the female demon spoke adamantly, but the other female was having none of it.

"Angel, please grab me my belongings." she whispered as she manifested the radio staff her husband also wielded. No matter what, she would bring them all back home.

"Daddy no, stop please! You have to let the demons in hell get a chance to redeem themselves. It's wrong to keep them like pigs to the slaughter!"

"Do you seriously think I, Lucifer, care at all about these sinners? They are here for a reason, and I'm going to make them suffer." The blonde ruler of hell slammed his foot on the deer demons chest. There was a sick crunch and a weak cry. Charlie let out a louder cry, the chains holding her protected by magic she couldn't break.

"(Y-Y/N)..." Alastor whispered shakily, still on the ground. He felt heavy, tired, and broken. Dark tears escaped his face with his love and child on his mind. If he was to go right here right now, he would have the ones he loved the most on his mind.

"It's time for our old buck to meet oblivion."

Suddenly, the ruler of hell was thrown across the room by a powerful blast, slamming him into the wall.
"(Y/N)!" Charlie cried, making Alastor slowly look up. There in fact was (Y/N), but no longer with child like he left her in. She held tightly onto his staff, the only other being that was able to activate and wield Alastor's magnificent radio staff. With a tearful smile she leaned down and kissed his dry, bloodstained lips.

"Hello my l-love...I'm so sorry I'm late." (Y/N) whispered, holding Alastor tight to her chest. From the rubble on the wall where Lucifer was slammed into he shook himself off, stumbling to his feet. Blood dripping from his head and his nose, he wiped his face with a gloved hand, glaring at the interrupting female demon.

"I love you..." was all the deer demon whispered back. She kissed him again, told him to stay down, and stood to face the king of hell. Spinning the staff she and her husband shared in her hand, she bared it and her teeth at him, growling.

The blonde male chuckled darkly, opening his arms wide.

"Another demon who thinks they can best me? Fine then. Show me what you got."

The last thing Alastor saw before it all went black was his darling wife and the ruler of all hell charging at each other.

When Alastor woke up, he felt sore all over but otherwise fine. Not only that, he felt a small warm bundle shifting slightly on his chest. His eyes flew open, and that's when he faced his only son.
"O-Oh...oh my little fawn." a smile broke out on his bruised and beaten face but it didn't faze him at all. He felt his sons small plump hand take his large finger and squeeze it.

"He's gorgeous Al...we made a beautiful baby boy." (Y/N) watched, sitting right beside the bed. She held onto his arm which was bandaged. Most of his body was bandaged and there were still some bruises.
"(Y/N), oh (Y/N) my darling love of my life...w-what—how—" there was so much going through his mind. His son, his wife battling Lucifer.


"What about—"

"He's taken care of. That's all you need to know for now. Everyone is safe and back at the hotel." she leaned in to kiss him, and their baby stirred slightly, opening his eyes. Their baby gazed up and the two in complete awe, captivated by the large people he saw. Alastor looked at his wife and son and nearly began to weep. He kissed his wife again, and again, and again.
"I love you, I love you..."

"I love you too my buck. By the way, I waited to name him till you woke up. What do you think we should call our son?"

Alastor glanced down, smiling at his son and then to his wife.

"Oh well, I'm fine with whatever you'd like to call him, darling."

"Alright...what about _____________?"


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