I Won't Break My Promise. (RW...

By HeadCanons

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An amatuer RWBY Bumbleby fanfiction. (-Contains MATURE themes- I'd say 18+ Ever watched Gen: Lock? Exactly. T... More

"It's Complicated"
"A Much Needed Talk."
"Godammit, Sun."
"Party Favors"
"Tired of Running Away"
"Tired of Running Away" Part 2:
"Bees Under The Trees" Part 1:
"Bees Under The Trees" Part 2.5: Light
"Bees In The Trees" Part 2: Dark
"The Bird & The Bees" Pt 1
"The Sun, The Sea, and The Bees"
"Now THAT'S A Katana!"
"Menagerie" Pt 2
Menagerie Pt 3
"Mischief" Pt 1 1/2
"Mischief" Pt 2
"The World Is Still Spinning."
A Monkey, A Crow, A Cat, A Lizard and A Dragon (oh and Neptune)
"Up In Smoke"
World of Remnant: "War Isnt A Good Bedtime Story"
"Poked The Bear"
"It's Not Time To Say Goodbye"
"The Atlasian Station"
It's Not Goodbye (Prolouge to HomeSweetHome)
"This'll Be Fun."
"The Chapter To Get The Next Chapter"
Intro: "Date Night!" Pt1
"A Small Favor"
"Guess What..."
"Back In The Day."
"A Start Of A Reunion"
"A Start Of A Reunion" Pt 2
"The End of a Reunion"
"Incoming" Pt 1
"Incoming" Pt 2
"Danger Close"
"Danger -Very- Close"
"Fired Up"
"Painting The Town Red"

"Home Sweet Home" ?

702 14 8
By HeadCanons

The house wasn't destroyed but it sure was a big mess.

A huge mess.

"What the hell!"
Yang's exclamation was made heard again.

"Who exactly is gonna clean all of this up?" Blake sighed.

"Not me."

"Guys!" The blonde called out.

Weiss, Ruby and Jaune who were all cowering in a corner somewhere jumped right up and ran to them.

"Look, Nora-"
"Nora is absolutely nuts."
"Yaaang! She fried Jaune's butt like a steak."

Yang leaned her head back against the wall, already feeling herself stressing out. "One at a time, calm down."

"Nora has been going through her...hormones." Weiss answered.

"Is being that bi-polar normal?" Ruby looked towards the ceiling really debating the question.

Nora was pretty crazy on her own.

"She's going through a tough time. At least it'll only be 5 months since she unlocked her semblance. 7 if she was a faunas."

"Woah really?" Yang questioned.

Blake nodded and looked around to see one other person was missing. "Yeah, erm, where's Ren?"

"He's been out a lot to provide for Nora and the baby." Jaune explained.

"And Nora?" Blake asked.

Ruby's eyes widened at the thought. "Ren paid for her to relax a bit, spa stuff. He should be picking her up soon."

Yang pondered over that. "Relaxing for a change. That actually doesn't sound half bad."

"Well, we've been through a lot and didn't except to come home to chaos."

Yang inched closer to Blake. "I have an idea."

Blake looked at her quizzically.

"Not all of my thoughts are dirty, Blake. I meant a date! So..you in?" She suggested.

"I'm in, pick a day." Blake shrugged.

It seemed like the perfect distraction, whenever they had time to do it at least.

"Doubt it'd be anytime soon with Ruby wanting us to stay together."

"Speaking of."

They glared were met with the rest of their team and Oscar sitting on one couch watching some show together.

The loveseat was occupied by a somewhat docile Nora who sat on Ren's lap.

From what they had heard, they expected a ferocious animal instead of a normal pregnant woman.

After a moment, Ruby turned to see her sister standing there and shot out of her seat as her silver eyes lit up.

"You're back! Are you gonna tell us what happened yet? I wanna know everything! Did you fight a Nevermore?" She squealed in excitement.

Yang watched her slightly bounce up and down, ruffling her cape.

Ruby hasn't really gotten the chance to do too much and when she could, most of her team would be absent. She could understand that she wanted to live vicariously through her. Plus, ever since she was little she loved hearing about the Sunny Little Dragon's adventures.
Needless to say, the blonde got into a lot of trouble back then.

Yang put a hand on her shoulder, ceasing her bounces. "When I said I'd tell you..I kind of meant later and not right after our date."

"But we've all been waiting for you guys to come back! Oh, and we saw you on tv!"

"You did?" Yang turned to Blake as they both shared a look of confusion.

"Yeah, we had to stay here while you got to party at a festival...lucky." Ruby whined.

"I wouldn't call it a party at all. It ended horribly, I-" Blake quickly nudged her, shaking her head.

"It was nothing."

Weiss was the next to come forward, pulling the two to the side with a serious look on her face. "I'd hardly call it nothing."

Weiss always found out everything.

The ex-heiress pulled out her scroll to reveal a video of a reporter with a background of recently ended festivities and scared citizens. "They may have saw the festival but I watched it in it's entirety."

She pressed a button and the reporter resumed speaking.

"It has been a traumatic day in this small town as normal annual festivities celebrating the huntsmen and huntresses of our generation ended in a nightmare."

Yang's eyes glued to the screen. "We were there, nothing happened...Ilia's incident happened outside of festival grounds." She thought.

"-it has been reported that over twenty-five citizens were injured along with five huntsmen. The death toll has risen to ten, tourists included. I am your field reporter, Louis Lavender, back to you Lisa..."

"Grimm attack?" Was the only answer the came to Yang's head.

With that amount of damage it had to be.

The names and pictures of the fallen citizens began to roll down the screen and a certain young boy caught the blonde's eye. Swiftly taking the scroll from Weiss' hands, blocking it from Blake's view, she sighed.

It wasn't an uncommon thing to see in their occupation and as sad as it was, you get accustomed to it.

"That's terrible...that must've happened after we- after we left." Blake said.

You can't save 'em all.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Weiss vocalized, looking at her taken scroll.


Weiss and Blake shared a look of confusion at the weird behavior before Yang walked off like nothing happened.

"What'd you think that was about?"

"It's your girlfriend."

Ruby and company got comfortable at they sat down at listened to Neptune explain the trip with loaded exaggeration and multiple corrections from Yang.

Blake just wondered how he even got in here. He always did that, you'd think his semblance was invisibility.

"Soo, sis, how'd it feel to be leader?"

"Wasn't a huge deal, I'm not Weiss."


"But in all honesty, I think I'm better off where I'm at. The only one who really listened was Blake. Never again."

Ruby gave a cheeky smile at the sudden respect for her job. She was the youngest after all, who had to tell three other older girls what to do.

Weiss was envious and snobby at first.
Yang was too cocky.
Blake was too stubborn.

Most would've quit while they were ahead, but there were great leaders like Coco and hell if Jaune could do it so could she.

Neptune loudly and annoyingly cleared his throat. "Did the girls tell you how I single-handedly took out a bandit from twenty feet away?"

"It was barely five feet away..."

"If you're gonna lie at least make it believable." Weiss commented.

"How about how I caught a fish with only one tridant throw?"

"That was a piece of paper." Yang corrected.

"Wow, I feel attacked." He replied as he nonchalantly made himself comfortable, basically sitting on top of Oscar on the couch.

As first order of business as a leader with a team who reunited yet again for like the one-hundredth time, Ruby had already planned for everyone to be normal teens and young adults instead of huntresses and huntsmen.

Everyone was already here, even the uninvited like Neptune.

After a quick smack on the side of the head, the blue-haired boy switched seats- giving Oscar his precious oxygen back.

The day went on, pals sat and talked together while the couples were..well, they were coupled. It went off without a hitch considering Nora was busy snoring instead of being absolutely nuts. For now.

Meanwhile, the blonde brawler ever-so-slightly side eyed the little farm boy as he slowly inched closer to her sister.

"You aren't slick, buddy."

As everyone else was either in conversation, or into whatever what was on the television, she couldn't help but notice him.

-and Blake couldn't help but notice her.

"You think you're being subtle when you're doing that but you aren't."

"Hmn?" Yang looked down at the pair of golden orbs staring back at her.

She didn't even think she was paying attention. Man, that girl's senses were on point.

"You scared everyone away at Beacon and you're doing it again."

"Good. Then it just weeded out all the scared little boys and girls."

"Look at him, Yang. Does he look assertive? If he likes her he'll do it on his own. Probably."

"Mhm." She simply nodded in response, still glaring at Oscar.

She felt like a huge mom but she couldn't help when that side came out of her, considering for a part of Ruby's life she basically was a mom.

Who else was gonna do it? Raven?

Nope, she wasn't having ANY OF IT.

"What if what you're doing is ultimately stopping Ruby from having what we have?"

Oh, she just had to say that.

Yang shifted uncomfortably in her seat, not making eye contact with the faunas and her dumb Im always right face.

"She's young. She has like a billion chances for that still." Yang whispered back.

Like previously mentioned, Blake could be real stubborn. Further proving how catty she truly was. Pun intended.

Blake changed spot from her lowered position on the lounge, to laying on Yang's shoulder making sure to make cocky eye contact.

"You're not that much older and you know I'm right. For all you know she could like him too."

She knew she was right about that too.

Ruby was definitely in between a girly-girl and a tom-boy. Never really vocal about love interests or anything in that area. She would gush over cute puppies and talk about weapons of mass destruction not too long after. She was all over the place and Yang never really got a good read on her, she didn't even know what she was into.

Ruby could be a talker but in some areas she was shyer than you'd think.

There were some days back at Beacon, after Ruby had gotten used to everyone and vice versa that Yang had some ideas. She thought she had a crush on Vomit Boy before, imagine that. There was even a time she was totally sure she had a thing for Weiss and that one isn't really crossed out yet as odd as a combination as that may seem.

Maybe she should just let Ruby explore for herself and if something did go wrong, there were tons of rivers nearby.

Across the room, Weiss seemed unaware of Vomit Boy scooting closer to her purposefully stretching out in a feign yawn.
He had the subtlety of a seizure but the ice queen didn't seem to pay any mind until she felt a hand hanging loosely around her shoulder.

A single glare was all it took for him to quickly retract his arm, causing Ruby to giggle as she witnessed the whole thing.

The whole thing must've made Oscar lose some of his confidence because he leaned back followed by an awkward cough.

"He probably has a better chance with Ruby than Jaune would with Weiss." Yang thought.

Jaune's eyes pretty much explained every emotion he had, if his demeanor hadn't already said enough, and Weiss did feel a small tinge of guilt.

A very small one.

He tried to recover himself and responded silently with a crooked smile. Jaune might've been a little goofy for her taste but one thing she did like were his eyes.

They weren't an icy-blue like hers, a deep ocean-blue like Neptune's, or a greyish-blue like Nora's. They were expressive and always had a hint of innocence to them, although that slowly diminished after the fall of Beacon.

It wasn't hard to feel bad.

Weiss was far from letting him put an arm around her but she settled for giving him small smile back.

"I see Weiss still has some Ice Queen left in her." Yang whispered.

"You're changing the subject."

"Ugh, can we not talk about my little sister's love life?"

"Fine. For now."

"Uh oh look over there." Yang whispered, pointing a finger towards Renora settling in on the recliner.

The hammer-wielder stirred out of her sleep and set her eyes around the room. It wasn't hard for her to pick up Oscar's sly romantic antics.

"Aw cute boy Oz is trying to get into some rose pedals." She shouted randomly.

Ren stayed silent with a slow blink.

The statement nearly made Oscar jump out of his seat.

Now it was Yang's turn.

"You like my sister, huh?" She added.

Yang got up out of her seat, leaving Blake to fall over with a scowl on her face. She headed towards the farm boy and heavily plopped down right beside him.

He shrunk into his seat and didn't respond.

"You guys..." Jaune pleaded.

"Shut up, Jaune. I wanna know!" Nora exclaimed.

"Nora..." Ren's calm reprimand was sure to go in one ear and out the other.

Ruby also stayed mute as she watched the scene with a confused look. Oblivious as always.

Yang sighed and turned her head to him, making full deadly eye contact. She could feel Blake's disapproving eyes burn through the back of her skull.


"Let's get to the nitty gritty!" Nora added, as she bounced with a random bout of energy on Ren's lap.

They all know he's had worse.

"Let's talk about it" Yang smiled a crooked smile, presumably making Oscar want to wet himself.

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