Time Capsule

By FaithHopeandNiall

225K 6.7K 1.4K

WARNING: Drug references, violence, abuse, and sexual content!!! * * "I was thinking last night, and I though... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 52

2.2K 73 14
By FaithHopeandNiall

Time Capsule

Chapter 52




When I walked off the stage, I saw Niall smiling brightly at me and giving me a thumbs up. I could still see the aggravation in his eyes, but overall, he was proud of me for making it. But, Niall...I didn't. I pushed the thoughts away as I smiled back, waving my diploma at him, while he did it back. I made it back to my seat, and sat down wearily, knowing what might come when I do. I turned to try to see Louis and Eleanor, but I saw nothing but a black mass.

A hand on upper thigh caused me to snap forward. "Remember what I told you." He quietly muttered in a mocking voice. "Ten tonight." I wanted nothing more than to disappear. "If you don't show up, we'll come find you. And believe me, Princess, you don't want that to happen."

The way he said 'princess' sounded so vile. I wanted to puke upon hearing it. He didn't deserve to use loving pet names like that.

The ceremony ended, and all the students jumped up, throwing their caps in the air and cheering. I, however, bolted out of my seat, nearly stepping on everyone's feet as I squeezed through the row, and charged down the aisle. I saw Niall quickly coming out of his row and heading towards me.

When I reached him, I threw myself at him. He caught me as I wrapped my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck. The tears came out at full force as my emotions mixed together drastically. I was so relieved to be away from Nick, and in Niall's arms. I was so shaken up from what I endured for the past two hours, and I was absolutely terrified for what was going to possibly happen next.

One of his hands was supporting me from under my upper thigh. His touch felt so right and helped to relieve a lot of my pain. I could feel the filth shedding away as it was replaced with Niall's gentle fingers. His other arm wrapped tightly around my waist to keep me as close to him as possible. "Are you alright? Did he do anything?"

I tried to respond, but all the words got caught in my throat.

"Don't you even think about telling Niall...If you even try, I will murder you. But not before giving you the most brutal fuck you'll ever endure. Are we clear?"

"N-no." I stuttered.

He leaned back to examine my face. "No you're not okay? Or no he didn't do anything?"

I tensed as I felt a third hand on my back. I relaxed when I turned my head to only see Harry. "Annabelle, did he do anything? I tried to watch but I couldn't see anything. It was too dark and the people next to me kept blocking my view."

Niall set me to my feet, but kept me close. I opened my mouth, thinking of what to say.

"Annabelle, please. If he did anything, even if he just accidentally brushed against your arm, tell me and I'll kill him." Niall looked stressed and desperate. He needed to know I was okay. But he couldn't know that I wasn't.

"He-he didn't do a-anything." He saw right through my lie and clenched his jaw.

"Annabelle. What did he do?" He hissed.

He knew. He knew something was done without me having to say anything.

"I-he." My eyes met his. He stared into mine with a pleading look. "H-he touched me." I croaked out, making sure to exaggerate the word so he knew exactly what I meant without having to say it.

By the furious look that overtook his face, I could tell he knew exactly what I meant. Harry's face matched his as he stormed off. Most likely to find Louis and then Nick. Niall looked like he was ready to kill and was about to storm off as well, but my face twisted and I let out a choked sob. He looked like his heart had just been broken, and he pulled me into a hug.

"Let Louis and Harry take care of it. Just don't leave me." I cried. He held me tightly while I sobbed quietly into his neck. The loud chaos was suffocating me. I just wanted to get out of here. "Please. Take it away." 

He pulled away, but still held me close. "Let's go find the others before we lose them in this commotion." We started to push through the large crowd of students and parents. I felt trapped and enclosed. I needed to get out. We didn't bother to apologize for accidentally pushing, or for walking into pictures. We just tried to get out as quickly as we could. I clung onto Niall's waist for dear life.

We finally made it outside, and the mess was even bigger out here. People getting to their cars, more families that couldn't fit inside during the ceremony, students trying to find their parents.

I just wanted to scream.

We finally saw Melanie and Eleanor standing in a less crowded area. They were nervously scanning the crowd. When we approached them, they looked slightly relieved, but still really tense.

"Where's Louis?" Niall asked before either of them could speak.

"Harry just stormed over looking pretty pissed and just nodded at Louis. Then the two of them stormed off looking ready to kill. What happened? Something happened. They're looking for Nick, aren't they?! We couldn't see anything the whole time, what happened?!" Eleanor shrieked in a completely panicked state.

"He did do something." Niall spat as he looked angry again. "The fucking bastard had the audacity to touch her." He seethed. The two of them gasped, knowing exactly what Niall meant.

I felt sick to my stomach hearing him say it.

"I'm going to fucking skin him alive." Melanie growled.

"Don't worry about it. Louis and Harry are taking care of it. Let's just get her home." Niall muttered angrily. I knew he was concerned about me, and wanted to be by my side. But I also knew that he was beyond infuriated, and that he wanted a hand in beating Nick to a pulp for causing me such physical and emotional turmoil. I almost wanted him to. In fact, he deserved to. After all the damage he caused, I wanted Niall to release his bottled up anger on the scumbag who was about to ruin my life even more than he already did.

I just didn't want to see it. That was the problem, and why I got so terrified last time. "Niall." I cracked, causing him to look at me. His angered eyes softened at my sad expression. "Go find Harry and Louis."

"What?" He looked confused. He was unsure whether I meant to leave Nick alone, or to go join them. 

"I know you want to, just go." I whispered, not wanting to say the words. I'd never been one to wish violence on others, especially because of what I've been through, but I wanted Nick to pay for what he's done. Sure, Logan, Connor, and even my father, did it too, but he was the first.

He left the first scar on my purity. He ruined my innocence first.

"But Annabelle, I thought you-"

"Please, Niall." I lowered my voice to a whisper as I stared into his eyes pleadingly. "Make him pay."

That one sentence made him go completely stone. His jaw clenched, his nostrils flared, and his eyes went to slits as he stood up tall and threatening. He glanced at Melanie. "Take her to your house. We'll be back later." His voice was so low and dangerous. His accent intensified with the raspiness of his rage that he was bottling in for Nick.

He took off his gown and handed it to Eleanor, then stomped off on his mission. I watched him leave and instantly wanted him to come back when I saw what was in the distance. My father was standing by his rusty old pick up truck. He had an evil smirk on his face as he held up ten fingers, indicating what time I was told to be there. I felt my knees go weak and grabbed onto the closest thing to me so I didn't fall. It ended up being Melanie.

"Come on, let's go." She said softly.

I got in the backseat with Eleanor, and did nothing but eat myself up with my horrid thoughts the whole ride.




I was honestly really surprised when Annabelle told me to go fight him. I thought after what happened last time, she wouldn't want me to. When those words came out of her mouth though, the shock vanished. Absolute rage filled every pore. I was so glad she gave me the consent, because my fists were absolutely itching to connect with his face.

Make him pay, I will.

After about five minutes, I spotted the back of Harry's tall figure and curly head roaming through the crowd. I pushed my way through and reached the front of him. "Where the fuck is he?" He didn't have time to answer, because Logan had conveniently been walking by. I grabbed him by the collar of his nice shirt. "Where the fuck is he?" I repeated.

"Where's who?" He smirked at me.

I yanked him closer so our noses were touching. "I'm not playing any fucking games! Where is he?" I spat.

"I don't know man! Calm the fuck down. Whatever he did, he was just having some fun." He said defensively.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I heard Louis nearly yell from behind me.

"Do I really need to spell it out for you, moron?" I snarled. "Where. The. Fuck. Is. Nick?" I was losing my damn patience.

"Last time I saw him, he was smoking behind the building." He answered. "Now let go of me."

I released his shirt and scoffed. What an asshole. I met Louis and Harry's matching furious eyes, and the three of us took off towards the back of the building. Sure enough, the slime-ball was all alone, leaning up against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

By the time he noticed the three of us approaching, I already had him pressed against the wall with my hands gripping his collar. "How fucking stupid are you?" I seethed. "Did we not make it fucking clear to you?" I shouted in his face.

I was beyond angry, and so ready to bash his face in. Harry and Louis both stood on either side of me, equally as infuriated and ready to kill. "Did we not make it clear enough, that you thought it was okay to finger fuck her?!" I screamed.

"You did what?!" I heard Louis screech from next to me. It then occurred to me that he was unaware of what had been done. Harry must've not said anything, just given him the red flag. "You didn't just say what I think you did, Niall." Louis growled. "I must have been mistaken in my hearing." He said in a dangerously low voice.

"No, Louis, you heard me correctly." I answered while glaring into Nick's beady little eyes. "Tell him what you did, Nick. Better yet, tell me. I haven't heard of all your fun yet." I snarled sarcastically.

"I did. And I did it good." He smirked. I wanted to punch him right then, but I wanted to hear what he had to say first. Annabelle was vague. I needed to know exactly what he did. I needed to know precisely what damage had been done. "She was trembling so hard in her seat. I practically had her melting in the palm of my hand...well, fingers." I was about to break. He was taking this as a fucking joke. I could feel Harry and Louis both shaking with rage next to me. "She has some really soft skin. Did you know that, Niall?" My fists clenched tighter around his shirt. "I really wish I could feel that soft skin under my palms as I fuck her...again."

I blacked out.

Everything I did from that moment on was completely uncontrollable. I swung like there was no tomorrow. The pain in my knuckles wasn't felt by me at all. All I felt was release. I was grateful that Louis and Harry stood to the side. I knew they were dying to have a go at him too, but I was glad they were being respectful enough to let me get my anger out. I ended up on top of him, and at one point he managed to roll us over. I wasn't even aware that he had gotten a few hits in himself. I was too blinded by my rage.

Louis and Harry lifted him off of me, threw him against the wall, and held him up by his arms. I stood up and took a minute to regain my composure. I spit some blood out of my mouth that had seeped in from my nose. "Come on, Horan. Is that all you got?" He taunted.

I started to cackle like a mental patient. Was he serious? Was he seriously provoking me? Did he not realize that he was nearly beaten dead? I examined him and saw that, in fact, I did one hell of a job for only getting started.

I slowly started to walk closer. "You know, I think back to that day a lot. I can still hear her screams in my head. Her sexy as hell screams." He lazily smirked.

Louis punched him in the side at the same time that Harry smashed his fist into his other side. They both felt the sweet release of finally hitting him, I could tell. "Shut the fuck up! No one asked you to speak!" Louis forcefully shouted.

"If you knew what was good for you, you'd shut your mouth." Harry added in a threatening voice.

He was losing energy, but that didn't stop the stupid smirk on his face, or the words that spewed from his mouth. "You know, it's a real shame you weren't there that day. You missed out on all the fun."

"Hold him still." I ordered to the two of them while walking slowly towards them, ignoring Nick.

"You were such a huge part in conjuring up the plan too. What a shame." I froze. My whole body stiffened and I couldn't move. He took that as an advantage and kept talking. "Have you told your friends here? I'm sure they'd love to hear it." He sneered, thinking he had the upper hand. 

What he didn't know was that they already knew the full story. They knew exactly what happened and they helped me sort my emotions about it. "What was it that you said again Niall?" He paused and waited. I glared at him as he continued. "Oh yeah. You said, 'When are we just going to fuck this bitch. I'm tired of waiting.' It was something along the lines of that. Right?"

"Shut up, Nick." I warned. I didn't want to remember all the cruel things I said and did in order to distract my broken mind. "Just shut up."

"Why, Niall? They were your words, not mine." He taunted. "Remember that day when you were going on her dry in the bathroom? What was it that you said to Logan? 'Nick's a lucky bastard, are we sure he gets it first?' I sure recall you saying that." I despised the stupid fucking smirk on his face.

And the fact that he was right.

"Is that what it is? Jealous cause I hit it and you didn't?"

"Shut the fuck up, Nick." I growled. My fists clenched at my sides as I shook. The guilt and remorse I was able to let go of, was starting to creep in and drown me. Don't feed into him, Niall. He's trying to provoke you.

"Don't deny it, Niall. You miss the sound of her moans and pleas as she trembled underneath you. You miss being in control while you did whatever dirty things you wanted to her.


"You miss hearing her whimper your name while she begged you to stop."

"Stop it."

'Niall. Please stop. Don't do this.'

'Niall, please don't hurt me.'


Her screams started swirling around my brain. All the horrid memories flying in at once.

'N-niall. Please, no.'

'Niall, you can't do this.'

"That's who you are, Niall. Don't deny it. You're one of us."

"You don't know shit about who I am!" I shouted.

"I know that you loved every minute of it.

'Ow, Niall, stop. You're hurting me! PLEASE!'

"I know that you loved to assault her with your long fingers as much as I do."

'Niall, please stop!'

"Niall, what are you waiting for? Punch him!" Louis shouted at me, obviously not wanting to hear anymore of this.

I didn't either. But I couldn't move.

"I know that you never got the chance to violate her with your tongue yet, but you're dying too. I did, and let me tell you-"

I cut him off by finally breaking from my frozen state, and lashing at him like a mad-man. I went crazy on him again. My vision was blurred with red and from the angry tears that burned in my vision. I could hear bones cracking with every swing. I could hear Louis and Harry shouting words of encouragement towards me, and words of disgust towards Nick. I could hear Annabelle's screams echoing in my brain. The screams I inflicted.

I was broken from my actions as Harry and Louis released him. He fell to the floor, and I switched from punching to kicking. I heard him gasp and cough with every kick. I knew he'd end up dead if I didn't stop soon. I'm okay with that.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

I stopped and turned to see Logan and Connor walking towards us. Perfect. They never got their payback for what they did to her. I turned to Louis and Harry who had been angrily watching me beat the shit out of this scum. I knew they were dying to release their rage too. "Take care of them." I spat. They immediately started walking towards them, well aware that they had an equal part in ruining her innocence.

My attention went back to Nick. I bent down and grabbed his neck and started to squeeze. "If I ever see you near her again. I will end you." I growled in the darkest voice I could conjure up. I continued to squeeze, and finally let go once he passed out. I stood up and spit on him.

Stumbling over to the wall, I leaned against it to catch my breath. I viciously wiped away the blood and tears that covered most of my face. I felt so much release and so much lighter after finally putting him in his place again. The remorse of what I had done to her was still lingering slightly, but I released most of it on Nick. I watched, satisfied as Louis mercilessly pounded Logan, and Harry avenged Annabelle on Connor.

They were shouting profanities at the useless garbage under them, while the two dead men were uselessly trying to fight back. I watched for a few more minutes before the ache on my body really started to bug me, and I just wanted to get back to Annabelle.

"Alright, guys. I think that's enough."

"Enough?! After what they did to her, rotting in hell won't even be enough!" Louis seethed.

"I agree. But they're nearly unconscious now, my body is starting to hurt like a bitch, and I just want to make sure Annabelle is okay." My voice got progressively quieter.

They both softened their features. "You're right. Come on, let's go." Harry said.

And with that, we started walking away, not bothering to glance back at the filth who ruined the innocence and purity of my angel.




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