Where my path will take me

By Flutterknight

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TMNT Episode 8 of season 1 to the last episode of the last season Which mean I am going to get less sleep 😅 More

Never say Xever
The Gauntlet
Panic at the sewer
Mousers Attack
It came from the depths
I, monster
New girl in town
The Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer
Cockroach terminator
Baxter's Gambit
Enemy of my enemy
Karai's Vendetta
The Puverizer Returns
Operation Break out
Showdown part one and part two
The Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Squirrelanoids
Follow the leader
Mutagen man unleashed
Mikey gets Shellacne
Slash and Destroy
The Kraang Conspiracy
Fungus Humungous
Metalhead rewired
Of rats and men
The Manhattan project
Mazes and Mutants
The lonely mutation of Baxter Stockman
Pizza face
The wrath of tiger calw
The legend of the Kuro Kabuto
Vengeance is Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
Within the wood
A Foot Too Big
Buried Secrets
The Croaking
Dream beavers
Race with the Demon
Eyes of the Chimera
Vision Quest
Return to New York
Serpant hunt
The pig and the rhino
Battle for New York
Casey Jones vs. The underland
The Noxious Avenger
Clash of the mutanimals
The deadly venom
Turtles In Time
Tale of the Yokai
Attack of the mega shredder!
The Creeping Doom
The Fourfold Trap
Dinosaur Seen In Sewers!
Annihilation: Earth!
Beyond The Known Universe
Not everything is easy
The truth and the test
The two sister
My choice
The Outlaw Armaggon
Riddle of the Ancient Aeons
Journey To The Center Of Mikey's Mind
The Arena of Carnage
The War of Dimension X
The Cosmic Ocean
A special chapter
Trans-Dimensional Turtles
Revenge of the Triceraton
The Evil of Dregg
The Ever Burning Fire
Earth Last Stand
City at War
It is my time to shine
Broken Foot
The Insecta Trifecta
Mutant Gangland
Bat in the belfry
The Super Shredder
The power inside her
Tokka vs the world
Spirit Stealer
The Tale of Tigerclaw
Scrolls of the Demodragon
The forgotten swordman
The Heart of Evil
End Times
When The Worlds Collide
Osoroshi no Tabi
Kagayakei! Kintaro
Lone Rats and Club
The Curse of Savanti Romero
The Crypt Of Dracula
The Frankenstein Experiment
Monster among us

Target: April O'Neil

403 5 1
By Flutterknight

*Theme song*
I was hanging out with April in my human form.

April was amazed that I can transform into a mutant and back as a human. I was glad too but why hasn't it change me completely? Maybe only half of it went on me? April look back and we stop. "What wrong April?"I said.

"Nothing. So tell me, do you like anyone?"she said and I blush. "Kinda but he has eyes on someone else. I don't think he might like me back"I said, hugging my new books. "I am sure he does and if he doesn't then he can't see how a great girl you are"she said.

"You are so right"I giggle then we stop. "I know you're following us. Come out so I can see you!"she said as we went into fighting position. She threw fan and Donnie appear from behind the trash bin. "Donnie?"I said.

"Funny us both passing through this shady back alley at the same exact time, huh? So, um, h-how have you been?"Donnie said as he hand April her fan. "Oh, you know, the usual. Homework, chess club, dealing with a father who turned into a homicidal mutant bat!"she yelled at him.

"April, it wasn't completely our fault. But I'm sorry that-"Donnie said but "Not as sorry as I am! I want to be left alone, Donnie. No more talking mutants in my life. I never want to see you again!"she said as she walk away.

Donnie look down and I ran after her. "April?"I said and she look at me. "Some things are just beyond our control"I said and she look at me then at Donnie. "Same go for you"she whisper, smiling then walk away. What?

"So what did April said to you?"Donnie said and I sigh. "She wished for us luck. Come on Donnie"I said as I fold my arm. He sigh and I chuckle. I poke his cheek. When he turn around, I kiss his lips. "Now smile. Frowning is not a good look for you"I said as he chuckle.
I was cooking  in the kitchen.

I decide to make some pizza gyoza to cheer Donnie up. I place ten on four dish and carry two in each arm. "Dinner is serve!"I yelled and each of them grab their plate. "Whoa, dude. This show, like, totally paradoxes your life. Kinda owie in the corazon. That means heart"Mikey said.

I taught a little bit of Spanish because he was watching a show in Spanish. "It's "parallels", and it does not, okay? It's just a cartoon"Donnie said as he glare at Mikey. I put my hand on his shoulder and he smile softy at me.

"Besides, the Princess has quit the team, like, 27 times. She always comes back"Leo said. "Yeah, but let's face reality. April's gone for good. We'll probably never see her again"Raph said, sadly and Donnie sigh.

"I'll be in my lab"he said and I follow him. "Donnie"I said as I close the door. He look at me. "We should to be positive. You just need to wait"I said and he hug me. I smile as I hug him back. He pick me up and I squeak.

"Thank you for trying to make happy"he said and I smile. "I hate seeing you frowning and upset"I said, warping my arm around his neck. "But you don't have to do this for me"he said as our forehead touch. 

"But I want to"I said, giggling. He smile then I saw it. "Oh, no. The Kraang communicator"I said and he put me down. "How long's it been going off? Guys, we have a problem!"Donnie said as he pick it up.
"From what I could translate from the orb, it seems the Kraang are building some kind of advanced heavy weaponry"Donnie said as Leo drove.

"Any guess what it could be?"Leo said. Mikey raise his hand. "Ooh! Lasers disguised as burritos! Yes! It all makes sense now"Mikey said. "It does make sense. You have the brain of an avocado!"Raph said as I giggle.

"All right, guys, stay focused. We find the weapon, and we destroy it. And then we get Mexican pizza"Leo said. "Oh! I want some mexican!"I said and he sigh. "And some Mexican food for Alison"He said as I cheer.
"There's our entry point. We just need a distraction"Leo said as we look.

"Dude, I got the best plan!"Mikey said. "Why do I feel slightly nauseated?"Raph said as Mikey bend a light pole. "Check it out. I been practicing"Mikey said and made a rabbit shadow puppet. "Kraang, creatures known as rabbits have infiltrated Kraang's lab"One of them said.

"No, Kraang, clearly a small but obese pachyderm has breached Kraang's security"said the second one. "Kraang are both wrong. It is a belly dancer wearing what is known as a flamenco dress"said the thrid one then I threw three elertic ball at them.

"Wow, Mikey, you've got mad shadow puppetry skills"Leo said as I check the door. "Like a turtle do"Mikey said and I look at them. "Lock"I said. Raph went on his knee and help Donnie to the window. He help the other as I float up.

We sneak in and stop when we saw a room full of kraang. "I'm guessing we just found the secret weapon"Donnie whisper. "All right, Donnie, we need you to shut that thing down"Leo said. "No problem"he said then someone phone vibrated. "Dude, you're vibrating"Mikey said. 

"It's April! Ahem. Hi, this is Donay Diner Dono Dano Dinomi-" Donnie said as I giggle. He is so cute when he act nervous. "Donnie, Alison said sometimes things are out of our control? She was right. Aah! Things are really out of control right now!"April said.

"She needs me, guys. I gotta go! Hold on, April! I'll be right there!"Donnie said as he walk away. "Donnie, we need your help"I said then he left. "He ditched us?"Raph said then the alaram rang. "Alerting of one known as the intruder"said a voice.

They began shooting us. "Turtles, attack!"Leo said then he look at me. "And Alison"he said and I smile. I transform then I ran toward them. I bit some of their head off then howl. One started to aim toward me and I threw my dagger at him.

"Who next?!"I scream then ran toward them. I caught the mini ship with my teeth. I threw it toward the wall. How dare Donnie left us! She made him upset and hurt him so much! Does he love April that much!? What about those cute little moment we have before?!

Does they matter to him like it matter to me! "Alison!"A voice said as I started to shake. I howl really loud. I ran and rip the robot apart. "Alison!"said another voice and hug me. I shook and started to cry. "It okay Sis. We got you"Mikey said as I wipe my tear away. 

"Thank you"I cried and I hug him tight. "Alison, I think you need to let go of having a crush on Donnie-boy"Raph said as he went on his knee. How does he know that? I nod and Mikey pet my hair. He help me up as I sniff.

"Whoa, that thing is awesome! In an evil kind of way"Mikey said as I look up. The thing beep and the wires let it go. "Um, guys, giant freaking robo-ninja just finished charging"Leo said. "You don't look so tough"Mikey said.

He ran toward it and it took out a whip. "Mikey!"I yelled as it hit Mikey to the wall. I ran toward him. I went on my knee and touch his head. "Please wake up"I said and he groan. "What happen?"he said and I smile.

"You are going to be fine"I said and I kiss his forehead. I got up, running toward the big guy. I fought him with my dagger. He stop and pull me up by my arm. It threw me to the floor and I close my eyes.

Nothing. I open my eyes and saw I was close to the floor if it wasn't for my magic. I smile as I gently put myself on my feet. I used my magic to help the turtle until my stomach was hit. I fell to my knee and hold my stomach. "Alison!"Leo yelled as he was warp around by the whip. 

"It good here"I said then saw a red bruise. That is a bad mark. "Let me go!"Leo said then it start beeping. "Subroutine program taking over. Target April O'Neil located"it said, letting Leo go and flew off. "Did it said April?"I said.

"It's going after April! Come on!"Raph said, helping Leo up as we ran off. "Too awesome!"Mikey yelled and something begin to shoot us. We look back and Mikey drop it. "Let go!"I yelled and we ran off.
"Left, Leo! I'm getting a signal!"Raph said.

Leo drove right and knock the robot down. "Oh, yeah! Firing manhole covers! Eat it, Chrome dome!"Mikey said, firing manhole cover at it. The robot used laser beam and cut it in half. It grab Mikey and threw him away.

It ran toward us and flip the shellraiser. We got out and look at the van. "Aw, I just waxed her, too"Leo said. We look back and saw Karai, fighting the robot. "Dude, I so want plasma chucks. Donnie, can you hook a turtle up?"Mikey said.

"Guy, I think I know how we can take that thing down"Donnie said and I glare at him. "Oh, are you on this team?"I said, folding my arm. "Yeah, way to ditch us, dude"Leo said as Mikey stick his tongue out at him

"Go easy on him, guys. If it wasn't for Donnie, I would have ugh!"April said as she was push down. "Sure whatever"I said as I took out my dagger. "Alison"he said but I look away. "I don't need that stupid robot to finish you"Karai said.

"April!"Donnie yelled. "I'll help April. You guys take down-"Leo said but Mikey said. "Chrome dome!". We all look at each other and I shrug. We glare it and ran toward it. I grab his hand and pull it down with all my wolf might.

Donnie pull it cord and it stop. "Error, error, attach"It said then spin us around. We scream as I hang on tight. I try to bit it's head but it was too hard. I jump up and landed on the ground. The other fell down as I stood up.

Mikey grab the sword and stab right in the chest. It fell down and I smile to myself. Mikey took it out and smile.  "Whoa. Can I keep it? Can I keep it?!"Mikey said and swing it around.  doge it and they glare at him.

"That wasn't too difficult"April said. "You all right?"I said and she nod. "Easy does it, April. It's over now"Leo said as he help her up. "I just need to catch my breath. Thanks, guys. I just wanted to say Oh, my gosh! I forgot about Casey!"She said then ran out.

"That's what she wanted to say?"Donnie said. "Let just go home"I said and I grab the whip. Maybe I can use this. "Alison your shirt"Donnie said as I turn around. "Why do you care? Worry about April instead"I said, walking away.
I was sketching of a girl, falling down.

"Hey, guys, Alison"April said as she enter the lair. "April"Leo said. "You're back!"Raph said. "What up?"Mikey said. "Hmm, it is very good to see you, April"Splinter said as I smile at her. "I missed you, Master Splinter. I hope we can start training again soon"she said.

"Of course. Whenever you wish"Splinter said. "It nice to see you here again"I said. "It is. I also hope you got close to him"she said and I sigh. "I didn't. Instead I decide to let it go"she said and she hug me.

"I never got a chance to tell you guys that I'm sorry for everything"April said as she look at the guys. "You're sorry? But we were the ones that screwed up"Leo said. "It was an accident, and more importantly, you're my friends. I don't ever want to hold a grudge ever again"She said.

Glad she is over it. "You da best, April. To mark this day, I offer you the slice of eternal reunion"Mikey said, giving her a slice of pizza. "Mikey, sweetie, It has lint and dead bugs all over it!"I giggle.

"I know. I just found it under my bed. It's eternal"Mikey said as he hug it then ate it? "Mm, good"Mikey said as she walk toward Donnie. "Thanks, Donnie, for always being there, even when I didn't want you to be"she said then hug him. 

I smile but it fade away once she kiss his cheek. He smile as I turn around. "Um I need to go"I said and I walk away. I went to the top and transform back into a human. I went to the park and sat on the swing.

I look at the moon and sigh. "I remember those day from long ago. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were mine. You seen all that fine But now you are gone"I sang as I push my hair back. "Do you know what Raph said, when he caught me hanging out with you"I sang as I got up.

"He said, "I know you have your eyes on him but he doesn't have his on you" You and your word have flooded my thoughts. Our moments had left me defenseless. I still don't know how to get you to not see right through me"I sang and climb on the slide.

"I'm remember of all our moments. I still don't understand why you fallen for her. This all seem so wrong and yet it feels like it's not, You made my heart burn. And I feel like I must burn"I sang as I went down the slide. I skip a little and turn around.

I saw a purple flower and it remind me of Donnie. I went on my knee and touch it. "I was always there beside you. I watch you through all your struggles. I knew I can help, but why didn't I help? Why won't you just let me help you?"I sang.

I let the tears fall down on the flower. "Do you know what Leo said? When he caught me, crying during a mission. He said, "He will only break your heart. Just abandon all that you think"I sang as I stood up.

"Your and your thought are obsessed of saving your princess. You feel like you should be the hero. Do you not realize that there is another princess. That love you till the rest of her life, life, life, life"I sang and something fell down.

Rain? I sigh as it ran softly on me. "I'm stepping back from what I've always been. I'll pretend that it is never hurt me. Is that what you want? Is this what you want? Well it's not what I want..."I sang as I spin myself around.

I took off the gift Donnie gave me and grip on it. "I'm watching myself, burn. Why must it all, burn. Burn. The world is only unfair. The mission does not give us a break. It only decide my own fate and if that fates is without you"I sang as I threw it away.

I gasp when the gem fell out. I went toward it and grab it. What have I done? "Then dammit I'll change it! I'll just forfeit the rights of my heart. I'll just forfeit the place in your head. You don't seem to understand that no matter what happen, I will always love you"I said as I touch it.

"I hope I won't burn!"I sang louder and place it in my pocket. "Alison?"said a voice and I saw Raph. "Raph!"I said and hug him. He pet my hair as I sniff. "Come on. You are soaking wet"He said and we walk away, not knowing someone else was there, listening to my song
Not my song it is someone else. All I did was change the lyrics a little.

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