Coffee Shop (Camila/You)

By camrenkordied

893K 28.7K 11.4K

Based on the one shot/Imagine, Coffee Shop (G!P) In which Camila starts working in a nearby coffee shop on th... More

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13.2K 375 41
By camrenkordied

"Don't you fucking dare-"

"Camila!" Y/N screamed loudly as I playfully ran and pushed her harshly.

Her body flew back slightly and she caught a little air as she fell back into the water. I laughed deeply as the hot sun shined down on us. My sunglasses perched on top of my head now that I flipped them up there. Y/N groaned to herself as she let herself float on top of the water.

Her dumb self acted dead which only caused me to start running to her. My legs slowing down each time they went deeper into the water. It splashed wildly causing Y/N to flinch and slightly sink. She giggled deeply as she quickly grabbed my waist just to quickly peck my lips.

I held the sunglasses in my hand so I wouldn't lose them and as she kissed my lips she tilted me into the water. My scream was cut off when I was submerged with water and I felt Y/N drop me completely. She swam away to an ever deeper area of the Washington Lake and I tried my best not to draw any attention to us. I hated when I caught stares but I still dove after Y/N's legs.

I heard a couple laughs as Y/N squeaked as she tried to paddle away faster. I breathed heavily as I laughed loudly while I finally just stayed in one spot. I watched her freak out as she continued to paddle away. I tried to whistle after her and when she turned her head she finally realized I wasn't coming after her anymore. I chuckled deeply as I leaned back so I'd float like she did.

I closed my eyes and smirked to myself as I felt her presence getting closer and closer. I heard children in the background screaming and lots of chatter. It was packed but it was nothing like Miami Beach. We had spent the last two days here and trying to explore as much of Seattle as we could. Her internship was ending within the next two days and we had to go back to Portland before classes started up again.

After the dumb argument we had she drove me to the Hamilton Viewpoint park and it just reminded me how in love I was. We finally talked it out throughly and I knew I was overreacting with the jealousy thing. Jasmine is a beautiful girl and I knew her enough that she too wouldn't do anything to or with Y/N. While Y/N would never in her life be unfaithful to me and I truly believed that.

Attraction didn't mean anything because we could be attracted to anyone we wanted to. It wasn't like we'd act out and feel romantically inclined to them. I understood that, I really did, I just didn't like the way I saw her eyes advert from me to someone else. She understood that too. We both recognized our wrong doings and actions and worked it out. Quite easily when it was just us and had no pride in the way.

She is the love of my life and I knew that in the pit of my stomach but I didn't share that with her. It was for me to know and I knew it wasn't the raging hormones. It was this very weird feeling that washed over me when she fell asleep against my shoulder. After the calm conversation about us, the past, and the Jasmine jealousy incident. As I watched the skyline and felt her soft steady breaths against my neck, I got it.

It wasn't like some movie moment or I felt some shocks or tingles I just felt this very calming sense. It was more like an idea, a very good idea and I could see it unfolding right in front of me. In two months it would be a year since our first date and in one month it would be the first time I saw her. That feeling of crushing on her was still very much there and it was somehow a constant reminder.

I was more gentle with her now and I really didn't know why, our souls were intertwined. Not just our bodies. I was almost convinced that no one had felt this good before. I was experiencing a whole new type of love and I knew in my heart we were going to grow old together.

"Don't freak out." She whispered but I didn't at all, I didn't even flinch.

I knew her presence and I knew how safe I felt in it, I opened my eyes as her hands softly pressed against my back. Keeping me afloat and I smiled softly, "Hi." I hummed feeling the sun warming us up.

"See, I'm not as mean as you." She mumbled with a cute smile and I lightly puckered up my lips as a hint.

"Oh yes, I will kind sir." She said in a British accent and I smiled as she tried to kiss me without messing with my balance.

But it didn't really work, maybe it was the weight of my heart due to it swelling. I quickly gripped onto her and she held me protectively as she giggled. I caught a couple looking at us as if they were shocked. Yet, I still tried to ignore them. It wasn't the first time I've had stares like that when I was with Y/N. She held me dearly and close to her while I just kept myself attached to her.

"My precious baby." She giggled as she swayed us in the water while my hands locked together against her back.

I felt the scar underneath my fingertips and I sighed lowly before leaning back.

"I'm hungry now." I simply stared and again I had to stop myself from going too deep into the food topic.

I couldn't let her think that, that's all I think about even if it was- well besides her.

"I'm more thirsty, actually-"

"Ice cream?" She perked up and I smirked as I wrapped her up in my arms.

"Fuck. Yes." I said in between kissing her lips and she breathed out a giggle.

We ended up walking out of the water as we adjusted our swimwear since the weight of the water tugged on us. We continued hand in hand walking without a care in the world as I looked around my surroundings. Being with Y/N, everything was just so beautiful and I loved everything I took in. It was like she had the power to make me like anything I saw when I was with her. She turned everything... just good.

I got my summer romance aesthetic these past couple days and it was enough for me... for now.


Our stay at the beach or the lake and having the time of our summer romance life was something else. Holding hands up and down the streets as we felt free in our own skin and with each other. The way she'd pretend something was on my face to peck her lips across my skin. The way we'd end up joking around and shoved the ice cream into each other's closed mouths. The way the mangers warned us to behave causing us to laugh through our sincere apologies.

It was heavenly, she was heavenly. Her laugh was like my favorite song on repeat I don't think I'd ever get tired of it. We ended up watching the sunset fall over the lake before deciding to head back to the dorm. One more night in a comfortable bed where we didn't necessarily have to worry about the closeness of everything. One thing Portland didn't have was nice, spacious rooms.

Soon enough morning came and since our bags were already packed Y/N just loaded them into the back. We said our goodbyes to the very few people we got to know - like Jasmine. We all had previously exchanged numbers but I definitely wasn't gonna have a long term friendship with her. We didn't really connect on that level like Y/N and her did. Then again Y/N had a natural ability to have people be drawn to her.

We got into the vehicle before rush hour hit and we were almost out of the city when it hit. We were yelling at everyone and we were cursing at ourselves since we didn't stop somewhere to pick something up. I swear I'd turn into a blimp if we didn't exercise so much.

After a long, long and I mean long drive we finally reached Portland around four pm. It was odd, stopping by for gas and a break was a better experience than the actual driving. I-5 wasn't much but a one way highway, honestly the only thing that was nice about it was the trees and coming into the two cities. Seattle or Portland. Y/N had the same opinion, it was much less stressful driving when it wasn't so damn packed.

I followed her up to her apartment and when we walked in we were met with Dua making out with some guy I hadn't met before. They gasped and had jumped up trying to regather themselves. Y/N had simply just grimaced, greeted Dua with a small wave and walked down the hall with me. It was almost as if she was expecting me to unpack in her room.

Before she entered her room Willow had come out of her room when she heard my girlfriend's voice. Eventually the rest of the girls had a meeting in the damn hall as they decided they wanted to go out with her. I understood that they wanted to take her out so I just took it as if they wanted her for themselves. I knew it wasn't personal. I walked into the room to grab my bag so I could walk back home but they followed me.

I guess I had read it wrong and invited me with, something about me being apart of the family. That I was most likely gonna have Y/N's babies one day anyway so might as well get used to being with her for good. So, we all ended up walking up to a bar up the street which I had no idea why. We weren't 21- none of us were and I thought we'd all be kicked out if we asked but Willow had her ways. She served us with freshly brewed beer and honestly, I wasn't really a beer fan; but it was surprisingly good.

I had a small vision of this being my life from now on and I was okay with it. I felt like an actual young adult. I didn't feel that crippling anxiety that I usually did in high school. I really couldn't believe how well I've grown just by being on my own and having understanding people around me. Time really was a bitch.

As we all walked back home I knew I had to unpack my clothes at my own dorm so Y/N came with me. I learned that the guy Dua was making out with was her boyfriend from back home. Isaac. He was in culinary school and was visiting for the summer. But it all didn't mean much to me when Y/N walked with me to my dorm.

When we unlocked the door and opened it up I immediately saw Shawn talking to his phone. It didn't take long for me to realize he was on a live stream. He turned around as he kept his excitement in and smiled softly at us.

"Hi guys- how was the trip?"

"Amazing." I sighed out as I collapsed on my bed while Y/N put my bag down by my dresser.

"And all her clothes will be staying in her bag until they're all dirty." Shawn chuckled trying to make light of the situation that we were all still somewhat in.

I turned my body and patted next to me and Y/N crawled over me with a smile. He went back to his live stream with a quick sorry and Y/N kissed up my cheek cutely.

"I have no idea when classes start-"

"We have a week or so." She mumbled as her fingers treaded into my hair.

"Stoppp worrying please." She read my mind and I just wrapped my arms around her to pull her closer to me.

"I just wanna sleep forever." I whispered and she smiled against my forehead as she slipped next to me.

"Oh, I know, we'll be fine though. What're you doing tomorrow?"

"You act like I'm not stuck up your ass twenty four seven." I joked and she laughed against my head shaking hers lightly.

"I'm being serious."

"I'm gonna have to go into the coffee shop and hope I still have a job." I breathed out and let myself be in her arms.

"Oh no, the short one is my roommate, Camila. The taller one is her girlfriend." I heard Shawn speak to his camera and he read a comment as he started to laugh a bit.

"You're already an iconic couple hm." Shawn read out and I leaned up to look over the computer desks.

"Uh what?" I questioned and he pointed at the phone.

"They're commenting- not me." He cleared his throat and I got up to walk up to his area.

I smiled before seeing more people start to comment and say how pretty I was or how great Y/N and I looked. Then one saying lesbian icons and I laughed to myself before leaving back to Y/N who was sitting up right on my bed. I then pointed at her causing her cute smile to appear. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to her causing us both to giggle.

"We're going to a waterfall when you don't have anything else to do tomorrow." She whispered as she continued to hold me tightly.

"Okay." I whispered back not gonna disagree with her anyway.

She always wanted something to do and I definitely wasn't complaining. More dates with her just meant more down time with her when we started to relax. We eventually got back up and went back to her dorm so we'd have our own privacy.

Even if we tried to get intimate the day caught up to us and we both knocked out before we could even try and initiate anything. Feeling her heartbeat as I drifted off into a dream I knew I probably wouldn't remember was the best feeling. Feeling so safe in her arms feeling as if she'd do anything in her power to protect me. She was magic.


Omg AND an update on this too?? OOF im on a fucking roll watch my emotions dive off a cliff now after I say this 💀

Hope y'all enjoyed and if you didn't then 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Have a great day or night beautifuls x

- Maddie


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