By tatiann24

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Have you ever wish you can make someone disappear into the thin air without a trace? If your answer is yes th... More

Authors Note


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By tatiann24


Please Vote and Comment, Mama Chocolate will appreciate it :D

Hey my babies I will really like some feedback on the chapters to know how I am doing with the story so far, and the word ‘UPDATE’ is not exactly feedback, even though I am happy that everyone is very excited about what is going to happen next, I will really like some real thoughts on the story and the chapters, if you all can do that it will be really helpful, thank you *deep bow*

Zion’s Point of View:

Here's the thing, I escaped from my house about and hour ago so now I have to hurry back before my family send the army to find me, and they will do it trust me on that.

So now I am walking quickly trying to get out of the cold and to my apartment before they get there and I am missing, they will loose it if they find I am not there especially in this weather, its has really been a long Winter this year, most of the time Winter is over by February, but it is March and its still snowing heavily.

I like the cold, but I really want and can use some sunshine right about now to warm my half freezing body, I know I should have not come out the day after a snow storm because it be colder than the actual snow day.

Everything turns to a slippery ice that you have to walk on with care or you will find yourself on your ass in two seconds, especially on the sidewalks where people don't clean their snow, it is really cold, but not even the cold could have stopped me from sneaking out of my apartment and hour ago, but I should have stayed home because its snowing again.

I had to slip out without my family knowing because they would have a cow if they knew where I am right now, especially if they know that I slipped out to buy sweets and other crazy things to calm my cravings.

If they find out that I have been doing this for the past months all hell will brake loose, my dad will be the first one saying “How can his cute baby son be out in the cold with his precious grandchild all by himself without protection?” don’t even get me started on what my brothers and Grey would say.

My mom on the other hand would pinch my body in any place her hands can reach and then after she gets enough of punishing me, I will be cuddle withing an inch of my life and fed a big bowl of food, which I never turn down.

They act as if I am a two year old who needs constant supervision, attention and care, maybe if they had watch me like this before I would have not end up with a bun in the oven.


Who am I kidding? They have always watch out for me and treat me like a baby, even now that I am pregnant they still treat me like a child and they watch me like hawks so that is the reason I had to sneak out of my own apartment.

Can you believe it?!! But that’s my family for you, I can’t help but love them more.

Speaking of my family I feel bad that I cannot give them the answer they are looking for. After the first excitement in my dad’s clinic when I got the news that I was pregnant, soon after my dad and brothers could not stop asking me for the father of my bun-bun.

And even though they have steadily ask me over and over again, I have not told them about Dmitry, thank God I did not present him to my family, because I am sure they would have been hunting his ass down, believe me I would have love to give him to them on a silver platter but the bastard is so rich he can destroy my family before they even touch him and I would never put them through that.

I know my family is rich, but he is richer and I don’t want them to ever mix in problems together, thankfully he is out of bun-bun’s and my life, and it will remain so.

Yes I loved him with everything I had and I still feel a little twinge in my chest when my mind wonder towards him, but I am so focus on getting everything ready for bun-bun’s arrival that I am slowly pushing him out of my mind, and soon he will be fully out of my heart.

The hurt was great, the cut was deep like the song that says ‘The First Cut Is The Deepest’ but I have survive it even when I thought I couldn't I did, its really true that time heals everything even though the scar itches from time to time.

I know that it will take me a while to allow another person in my life especially with me being able to get pregnant, but maybe in a few years time I will try again with more caution, but for now all my attention is on my bun-bun.

Damn its cold!!!!

Shivering I wrap my scarf one more time around my neck to conserve the heat, its practically freezing outside right now but I really had to go to the convenience store for my current crave, which are snickers ice cream bars, sour patch kids, bananas and cookie dough.

That cookie dough is so, so, so, so good and I get it so cheap at a little corner bakery own by an Italian patissier he really make its so good that I can just sit down and eat gallons of it, I am practically drooling right now at the thought.

Hurrying my steps I huddles my body more into the coats and jackets hugging my body as I walk over the crisp icy snow; looking down at the bags in my hand my mouth waters, I can’t wait to get home to mix everything together in a big bowl and stuff my mouth full of yummy goodness, while I watch TV.


Don’t judge me people, I eat healthy but sometimes I crave and want to eat the strangest things you can imagine, my bun-bun is very imaginative when she wants something, like the other day I just had to have plantain chips with mustard and lemon smothered on top and chocolate chips with sprinkles.

Disgusting for some people I know, but it was so delicious when I was eating it that I had about three big bags of plantain chips, but soon I was throwing up everything in my stomach promising all type of things if I could feel better.

When I am throwing up I am like the drunkard who promises never to drink again, in my case I promise never to eat crazy things again, but when the cravings come I forget that promise and succumb once again.

But its all bun-bun’s fault, the little devil has the biggest and weirdest appetite, I am always eating, now I know why I used to always see pregnant women with food in their purses, because its a constant necessity.

I can forget any and everything, but I can never forget food and water, they are vital to me now a days and I make sure to take extras all the time whenever I go out.

Also I have developed a new craving and its name is Borscht, Russian Borscht, I had never had it before Dmitry used to always offer it to me but I would always turn him down, so it was very strange that one day while I was passing by a Russian restaurant I got that craving becuase of the smell of it.

The scent had made my mouth watered and my stomach had growled in anticipation, so I went inside and order their special which happened to be their red meaty Borscht soup.

When I had my first taste I was in heaven and I did not stop eating until it was all gone, now its something I have to have nearly every single day, if not bun-bun get into a tight ball in my belly until I get it in my system and then everything is calm because she is happy.

Nothing can substitute when bun-bun wants something, and I always give in, I guess she knows that she is half Russian and want to get some of the food in her system too.

Yes my bun-bun is a girl, I found out a few weeks ago when my dad did his 2 week check up, and I have been even more over the moon than I already am to find out she was a little girl.

Being four months and weeks has my belly growing bigger, thankfully I can still walk, but the back pains and cravings are terrible, also I still throw up, but they are less frequent than before.

Now bun-bun moves around almost nonstop until I get sick of it and slap my belly, then she quiets down for a bit, or she hits back by kicking me harder, the stubborn little wench, but I could not love another huma being more than the way I love her.

I seriously can’t wait for the nine moths to come so I can finally meet her face to face.

Smiling at that thought I continue walking down my block then I feel a familiar chill run down my back, I immediately turn around to see if I can see anyone paying any attention to me, but everyone is just like me, hurrying to get themselves out of the cold.

So how come I feel like I am being watch?

For some time now I have felt like that, someone has been following me I just know it, I can never see them but I can feel they are there, I don’t know if I am being paranoid but I can feel it.

I have been experiencing for weeks that funny sensation of the hair on the back of my neck prickling and standing up and right now its the same thing.

I can sense them but I still can’t see them, and it is pissing me off; why the heck is someone following me, I have not done anything to anyone for them to be constantly watching every move I make.

I cannot leave my apartment without sensing them close by, I have tried everything to see the bastard who has been watching but all I get are hooded figures walking around, its the Winter after all so everyone is covered, but I am really getting sick of it.

Hearing footsteps behind me I begin to walk faster trying not to trip or slide on the ice, looking back I see a tall hooded man walking really fast towards me his eyes full of intent, my heart start beating on overdrive, and I speed up more, still trying not to fall.

What the heck does he want with me?

Dammit!! I should not have leave my apartment, but I really wanted the food, I know its crazy to blame it on the food, but I had to have the.

My family had warn me time and time again about going out by myself, but no......... I did not listen, saying I can take care of myself, but this man is big, and I really don’t want to be cornered by him, because there is no way I will be able to defend myself.

Dammit!!! I am screwed.

Walking faster I begin running holding my belly, murmuring reassuring words to calm bun-bun down as I did, I run faster and I begin to feel a pain in the bottom part of my belly and my side, but ignoring it I continue to run, there is no way that I will be catch.

I cannot let them hurt my bun-bun, I could never live if anything happen.

The footsteps are getting louder and closer, oh my gosh!!!! Did someone found out about my pregnancy? Impossible!! I have been taking lots of care for no one to find out.

I have quit my job, I rarely go outside in rush hour, I always go when its getting dark so no one can see my pooch, even though I know I should not be hiding because people can think that I am just fatter than before; but I am scared of what might happen if someone know that I am carrying a child, when I am a complete man.

Panting I continue to run, doubling the corner at a break neck speed I hit into a wall, and down I go, but before I can hit the concrete and ice on the side walk hands grab a hold of me, pulling me upright,

“Zizi why are you running in this snow? Further more, What are you doing outside at this hour?” ask the wall, looking up, I see the wall is my brother Storm.

Oh thank God, thank God!!!!

I am so happy to see him, throwing my arms around his big body I hold on tight for dear life, and with the damn hormones raging through my body I begin bawling my eyes out in the middle of the street, people are passing by looking at us, I know I should calm down but I can’t control it.

“T-t-thank G-God y-you a-a-are her-her-here, th-thank G-God, th-thank G-God” these are the only words that are coming out of my mouth in nervous whimpers.

Tears are flowing freely while I cling to my brother as if my life depends on it, I am really scared right now, my body is trembling and my belly is in a tight painful knot.

I feel a jap of pain hit me, gasping out I bend over clutching myself to somehow try to ease the pain clawing inside of me.

“Zizi what happen, are you in pain? Zizi talk to me, I need to know where it hurts!” exclaim my brother, grabbing a hold of me again,

“My belly hurts, it hurts really bad Storm, something is wrong with bun-bun, something is wrong!! I cry out louder as another sharp pain hit me, yet I begin murmuring words to my belly,

“Calm down for dammy bun-bun, its ok I am right here, we are safe baby, uncle Storm is here so please calm down” I plead rubbing the little hard bundle on my side over and over again, until I slowly feel the knot loosening up a bit, yet before I can straighten up, I am swing upward and into the arms of my brother,

“You should have no come outside with this type of weather, but your belly hurts because your fright and running scared bun-bun, but soon it will start to feel better, while that happen I will carry you, because I don’t want anything to go wrong” he say as he begins walking with me protected in his arms, yet I still feel embarrass by it.

“Storm I can walk, please put me down,” I mumble out, still rubbing my belly looking down at the corner where the man is standing semi hiding in a way behind the shrubs there.

“You are not feeling well and I have to get you and bun-bun out of the cold, and when we get the apartment I want to know what or who were you running from” he says this pulling me back from my observation of that tall stranger.

I am grateful that he is walking quickly down the street towards my apartment. Risking another glance behind him, I look over his shoulder and the man is still there on that hidden corner looking at our retreating backs from the area.

He is talking on his phone but his eyes is following us, but soon enough he turn around and disappear with everyone else who is trying to get out of the upcoming storm, now I am even more scared for mine and the life of my baby.

Who is that man? And what does he know about me and my bun-bun? These questions rage in my head as I try to think about any possible answer without freaking out.

Whoever he is does not matter, because he give me the scare of a life time.

I have to do something about it and fast.

Hey my choco babies, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, please Vote, Comment and recommend to a friend if you like the book so far, Mama Chocolate will really appreciate it.

I hope you all enjoy the other chapters that are coming up too ^_^

Chocolate hugs and kisses to you all with love :D

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