I Won't Break My Promise. (RW...

By HeadCanons

56.4K 1.4K 1.1K

An amatuer RWBY Bumbleby fanfiction. (-Contains MATURE themes- I'd say 18+ Ever watched Gen: Lock? Exactly. T... More

"It's Complicated"
"A Much Needed Talk."
"Godammit, Sun."
"Party Favors"
"Tired of Running Away"
"Tired of Running Away" Part 2:
"Bees Under The Trees" Part 1:
"Bees Under The Trees" Part 2.5: Light
"Bees In The Trees" Part 2: Dark
"The Bird & The Bees" Pt 1
"The Sun, The Sea, and The Bees"
"Now THAT'S A Katana!"
"Menagerie" Pt 2
Menagerie Pt 3
"Mischief" Pt 1 1/2
"Mischief" Pt 2
"The World Is Still Spinning."
A Monkey, A Crow, A Cat, A Lizard and A Dragon (oh and Neptune)
"Up In Smoke"
World of Remnant: "War Isnt A Good Bedtime Story"
"Poked The Bear"
"It's Not Time To Say Goodbye"
"The Atlasian Station"
It's Not Goodbye (Prolouge to HomeSweetHome)
"Home Sweet Home" ?
"This'll Be Fun."
"The Chapter To Get The Next Chapter"
Intro: "Date Night!" Pt1
"A Small Favor"
"Guess What..."
"Back In The Day."
"A Start Of A Reunion"
"A Start Of A Reunion" Pt 2
"The End of a Reunion"
"Incoming" Pt 1
"Incoming" Pt 2
"Danger Close"
"Danger -Very- Close"
"Fired Up"
"Painting The Town Red"


1.5K 42 28
By HeadCanons

"Well excuse me for thinking the blond party girl wasn't loyal."

"Shut up, Mercury. Blake has faunas ears, you're gonna get us caught."

"Pfft, we've been pick-pocketing unsuspecting people for years. I think I know how to be sneaky." Mercury said as he rose from his crouched position.

Emerald mirrored his actions as they shadowed the girls as ordered to make sure they were informed in case they left the island.

They watched as they entered the Belladonnas' house.

"I am so fucking bored." He groaned.

"Yeah well, it's either this or hanging around Salem and her creepy experiment with Adam. You don't want that, trust me."


"He gets into your head. He's not psychically there but you can almost feel him. I don't know what Salem and Doc Watts did but I'm glad I'm not the one who has to talk to him."

He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

"Last job Merc, you'll live. The rest is up to Neo and her guidance from Adam. Then we can go with Cinder to look for the other relic."

"I do wish I could stay and see her face when she hears his voice." A maniacal chuckle left his lips.

"Bigger fish."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Mercury said, disinterested. His dark grey eyes scanned his scroll.

"Did you even listen to what they were saying?"

"Yes! Get off my d-"

Emerald's foot touched back on the ground and she proceeded to walk away after kicking Mercury in his manhood.


Later in the day, Ghira returned from another meeting and treated his wife to dinner for his absence. Returning from said date, they stumbled upon Blake and Yang asleep on the couch with the tv still playing.
Yang was laying on her back with Blake on her side, partially laying on top of her.

Ghira gently closed the door behind him.

"You think I should wake them up?"

"Let them stay. They'll wake up eventually..."

"..and honey?"


"Do they really have to sleep in the same bed?"

"What is Blake gonna do, Ghira? Get pregnant?"

"What? No-"
They both paused as Blake squirmed around. She would definitely faceplant on the floor if she kept that up.

They looked at each other for a moment, then Ghira walked to the couch and picked up his daughter with ease. He climbed the stairs, smiling at a family photo hung on the way up. Careful not to wake her, he made his way to her room and opened the door with his foot.

He gently laid her down and looked at her. His whole world.

Both parents knew her squirming around meant she was having a nightmare. She did it as a baby. He hoped he didn't trigger any bad memories.

He passed Kali on the way to get Yang too, and a ping of guilt ran through him.

He may be an overprotective dad but he felt like he could've worded what he said to Yang better. He actually liked her, and would rather have her around than that Sun boy. Kali liked Sun but he could tell that she approved of Yang as well.

He exited their room and stretched, feeling quite tired too. He closed the door, even though part of him wanted to leave it open, and headed to bed.

The next morning Sun awoke to the annoying sound of a ringing scroll. Seeing a picture of a beautiful girl with amber eyes, he immediately answered the call.

"Blake?" he spoke, his tiredness very much present in his voice.

"Hey there."

"Uhh don't take this the wrong way, I'm glad you called, but did you need something or..."
He trailed off as he read a text notification that popped up.

"I'm outside? What? What does that-"

Ding dong

He paused, looking at the text and the direction of the front door multiple times, curious.

Being only in boxer shorts and wanting to quickly clothe himself, he got out of bed and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants along with a black hoodie that was on the floor.

He walked down the hall, passing Neptune's room where loud snoring was heard behind the door. Upon opening the front door...he was a bit confused.

There stood Blake, putting her weight on one leg with a hand on her hip.

"Are you going to invite me in or what?"

He definitely planned to do that. As soon as he got his eyes to unglue themselves from her.

...He didn't.

Blake groaned and pushed past him, not waiting on an answer.

Baby blue eyes watched her move, enthralled, shamelessly checking her out. Couldn't help himself, especially with her fashion choice. She does take care of herself and seeing her in shorts topped it off. He was used to the crop tops by now but shorts were rare.

"Who the hell dressed her? Yang?"

Speaking of Yang...

"Wait, aren't you supposed to be in Menagerie?"

She smiled cutely at him.
"Obviously I'm back."

"That was fast." He added, scratching the side of his head.

"I know people."

"Sooo, why are you here?"

Blake walked up to him, glancing at the abs barely hidden by the open jacket.

She looked back up at his taller stature and ran a finger down his chest.

"Do I need to take you to a hospital or are you just high?" He asked as he waved a hand in her face.

She laughed and grabbed his waving hand. "I'm perfectly fine."

Sun paused again, looking down at his clasped hand. She interlocked their fingers and he was absolutely bewildered.

"I am very confused."

The fridge slamming broke him out of his trance.

They both turned their heads to the cause of the sound. Neptune waved as he downed a bottle of water.

"Don't mind me, man. I saw nothing."

Blake wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled, bringing his gaze back to her.

He felt the devil on his shoulder, telling him to just go along with it.

Suddenly, he found himself being pulled away and Sun's breath caught in his throat as he glanced at his blue haired friend. Neptune continued leaning on the countertop and only responded with a thumbs up.

"None of my business."

Yang draped herself on the couch, blonde hair hitting the floor as she watched tv upside-down. Her boredom only grew every minute Blake was out at some meeting with her parents.

The sound of their huge door shutting caught her attention and she heard boots hitting the floor up until a pair of legs invaded her vision.

She didn't even have to look at her face to know who it was.
"What are you doing?"

"Oh, you know..just hangin' out."

"Is that right?"
Blake crotched down, giving her a kiss then rose just to fall out on the couch beside Yang.

"You seem tired," Yang said as she raised her arms.

"I am tired." She grabbed her arms, helping her lift up. She had great upper body strength but didn't feel like using it. "I'm tired of seeing my own kind still try to push Adam's teachings on everyone."

Yang let her head fall back on the couch and looked at her. "What happened to your dad promoting peaceful protest?"

"He does. Honestly, Yang, it didn't change much. Humans in some places still think we should be 2nd class citizens, killed, or just forced to stay in Menagerie. Doesn't mean we're gonna stop, though...it's just frustrating."

She leaned over and rested her head on Blake's shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"The worst part is dad wants me to take over at some point. I don't know if I could lead them and be responsible for more death when some people literally want to ban humans from coming here."

"So they could treat us like dirt because that's how we all treated you your whole lives."

"Yeah. Do you know what this one guy said?"


"That you all should be shot on sight upon stepping foot here. They shouldn't have the right to autocratically try to enforce some type of martial law."

"Well, that made me uncomfortable."

Blake sighed. "I missed my parents but all of this stuff is stressing me out. I'm not ready to deal with it right now or lead The White Fang and people keep bringing up Adam and my past-"

Yang pulled her into a hug, gently rubbing her back.

"I know. I'm ready whenever you're ready to go home, whatever you wanna do. Whatever you do, I'll support you."

Blake was leaned in on her shoulder, calming down in her embrace. She always made her feel better with her genuine words and actions. Trust was a big thing with Blake and Yang had all of it and vice versa. She trusted her enough to be vulnerable.

"I love you." She admitted with a smile. Even though Yang couldn't see it, she knew she meant it.

Yang's eyes widened for a split second, but it wasn't a bad type of surprise. It was just the first time she heard it from her. Yang really only said and heard that to and from her family. Her other relationships never got that deep. Blake could say the same given she never said those words to Sun and definitely not Adam; Even before he started treating her horribly.

Adam did say those same words to her, though. He damn sure didn't show it. It was just a way to play with her mind, to make her come back, to make it Blake's fault, a way to beg for forgiveness just to do her wrong again the next day. A way to act like he cared even though Blake was on the floor, trembling and beaten.

Yang hugged her tighter.
"I love you too." She replied, with little to no hesitation.

That, she was sure of.

Emerald watched in disgust as Mercury downed a plate of food and belched three whole times.

He rubbed his stomach and leaned back in his chair, putting his feet on the table and his arms behind his head.
"Mhm. These animals aren't bad cooks."

"You're disgusting."

He scoffed. "You love me."

"Don't make me vomit." She rolled her eyes before her gaze landed on his scroll on the table.
"How did you even get the monkey boy's number?"

"Easy. I swiped the girl's scroll and got it. Then I used this little guy." He held up his scroll. "To spoof the number so it'd show up as her."

"Didn't know you were such a tech geek."

"I kinda have to be to take care of these." He patted his leg.

He looked at his scroll again to check the time.
"We probably should be getting off the island and go meet with her now."

They both rose out of their seats and walked to the door. An older waiter tapped Mercury on the shoulder, stopping him.

"Hey, you have to pay for that, son."

Mercury looked over his shoulder and smirked at Emerald. He turned back to face the old faunas man and roughly grabbed him by his shirt.

"Oh, I think not." He slowly cracked the bones in his other hand and tightened his grip on his shirt.

He took his time taunting the scared waiter before quickly punching the old man in the face. He released him as he fell to the ground, out cold.

"That was fun."
They both stepped over his limp tail and exited the restaurant, laughing as the other patrons tended to him, with some yelling insults to the two uncaring humans.

This only made the faunas angrier. Three humans came to Menagerie the same day and one of them just punched a well-liked member of the community.
An elderly member at that, one who just wanted the job to support his sickly wife.
The other, waltzing in their town with an Atlas-made arm. Atlas, the most racist out of all the kingdoms.

Oh, there will be hell to pay. This has been a long time coming.

A brick was thrown through a window of the Belladonnas' home. The sound of shattering glass instantly made Yang and Blake jump from their seat on the couch.

Blake had her hand on the hilt of her sword, a fast reflex that came with the job.

Keeping a hand on Gambol, she walked towards the door and Yang peaked through the blinds of another window. She spotted a group of faunas outside and they looked pretty mad.
"Uh, it's just a bunch of faunas."

Blake released her grip on her weapon and opened the door. "What is going on?"

A man separated himself from the mob and climbed up to the top step, shooting daggers at Blake.
"Your father keeps letting humans in now on a daily basis."

"So you throw a brick through our window?"

"Your family's attempt at peaceful protest gets us nowhere. You want to help the humans and be a neutral force. You're just apart of the problem now!"

"This will get you nowhere. You're better than this, we're better than this."

Someone in the mob threw a festive animal mask near Blake and it dropped near her feet.

"If they want animals..then we'll give them animals."

The group all simultaneously pulled down an assortment of animal masks over their faces. This was planned and apparently the incident today was the straw that broke the camel's back, no pun intended. They finally snapped.

The self-appointed leader of the mob
"This is your one and only chance to side with us."

Blake shook her head and a frown formed on her face. "No...I want no part of this. This isn't going to encourage change, can't you see that?"

"Then I suggest you leave our home. You aren't really one of us. You're a sellout."

Someone in the group spoke out too.
"Traitorous bitch!"

Blake stayed silent as her ears flattened against her skull.

Yang knew if she went out there too that it'd probably only escalate the situation, but she heard enough.

She breezed past Blake and stood right in front of the leader. Her eyes narrowed at him and crossed her arms.
"Try saying that bullshit to my face."

Blake stood beside her. "Violence won't solve anything, Yang."

"Who said I was gonna hit him?"

She put a hand on the man's shoulder and stared at his masked face.
"I guarantee if you say anything else to her..it won't end well."

He stared at her through the eye holes as her hair put off a faint glow. The burning pain he felt on his shoulder slowly but surely convinced him that she was dangerous.

He tried to remove her strong grip on him, only to burn his other hand. Beads of sweat formed on the side of his neck.

"Do we have an understanding or do you want a demonstration of what else I can do?"

The leader nodded vigorously and she released him. He groaned and turned around only to see that most of the group already ran away.

He retreated with his tail literally between his legs.

Yang turned to face Blake.
"Yeah...we probably don't need to be here."

"I told you. It's only gonna get worse."

Hours later, Yang and Blake were entering the house.

Yang scanned around searching for signs of life, but mainly her sister.

"Guys?" She took a couple of steps forward and called out. "I'd say honey I'm home but Blake's already with me!"

Not too long after, Ruby zoomed down the stairs leaving behind a trail of rose petals.
"You got me something right?"

Yang smiled at her doe-eyed little sister. "Well hey to you too...and I couldn't find much so I just got cookies before we came here." She bent down and grabbed a pack of cookies out of a backpack.

"Thanks, Yang!"
Ruby grabbed the bag and trudged back up the stairs as she started eating them.

Yang turned her head to Blake, who was looking down at her scroll. She held a confused expression as she scrolled through it.

She swiftly swiped it away and held it up in the air, using her shorter height against her.

The scroll beeped a couple of more times and Yang brought it back down and began typing a message to the culprit: Sun.
"I'm gonna tell him to fuck off."

Blake attempted to make a grab for it, making Yang hold it up again.
"Do not do that."

"Aw, why not?"

"He's already being weird as it is, I'm trying to see why he's blowing my scroll up. He might not reply if you do."

"Ughh, fine...but" Yang put an arm around Blake's back and the other at the bend of her knees, lifting her up. "You said you were tired so he can wait."

Yang smiled at her surprised face, showing her pearly whites and began carrying her upstairs.

They looked up to see Nora at the top of the stairs.

"Hey, you're back." The red-head said, stopping them.

"Yeah." Both girls answered at the same time.

"Blakeee...what about our shopping date."

Yang glanced at Blake. "Huh?"

"Oh yeah,...you're right."

"I thought you were tired?"

"It's probably some type of jet lag, I'll be fine."

Nora nodded. "It's best to walk it off."

Yang eyed both of them suspiciously before putting Blake down.

"Okay...I guess. I'll walk halfway with you, I'm planning on stopping by the bounty place anyway."

The trio made their way downstairs and out the door.

The weather has been crazy lately; with white fluffy clouds crowding the sun, that didn't make it any less hot. To windy days producing chilled wind that shed the trees.

Blake walked beside Nora, shielding her eyes from the sunlight as Yang lagged behind with her head in her scroll.
Seeing she reached her destination, Yang about to bid them goodbye but instead came face to face with a familiar girl on her way inside the small building.

The girl from Menagerie.

She sported sunglasses and a tank top, along with some very short shorts. She was attractive and she knew it.

As much as she flaunted her body, Yang was disinterested.

Violet removed her sunglasses, letting it sit atop her brown locks.

"Fancy seeing you here."

"Yeah, I could say the same. What brings you out here?"

"Oh, I'm originally from here."

Yang nodded.

Violet gave her a smile before speaking again.
"So you're doing bounties today, too? We c-"


Before Yang even had a chance to look at Blake, she was being pulled away.

"What about the boun-"


"But Blake-"

"New plan, you're going with us."

Nora chuckled.
"Somebody doesn't like Ms. Hottie With A Body."

Yang, who was still being dragged, looked up at Nora.
"I mean I wanted the money but I like it when she's feisty."

Not too long after, they entered a local store. They sell everything.

Nora quickly went towards the other side of the shop with Blake, leaving Yang by herself. She shrugged and walked around for a bit.

Meanwhile, Nora brought Blake into an aisle then turned around to face her.
"What the heck, Blake?"

Her ears flattened. "I know...I'm sorry, but I'll just find a way to keep her distracted and you can hide whatever you get in a bag."

Nora sighed.

"Alright. I just really don't want this out right now."

"I understand."

"...and I appreciate your help. I know you don't like lying to her."

The redhead paused upon seeing a certain someone walk behind Blake.

Nora walked over and hid behind the huge wall of supplies. She peeked her head out and watched the girl approach Yang in the far distance.

Her eyes stayed on them as she made a gesture, beckoning Blake to come closer.
"Check this out."

Yang wasn't really looking for anything in particular. She picked up a box of Pumpkin Pete's cereal and frowned at the redheaded girl with those soft emerald eyes on it.

Shaking her head, she turned around and saw Violet bent down looking at makeup, pretending she didn't notice Yang.

Yang almost greeted her but then she thought of Blake's previous reaction.

"Yeah. I'm not touching that with a 10-foot pole."

In lieu of being polite, she began to walk away.

Seeing this, Violet quickly spoke.
"Hey there. Bounties aren't available today, by the way."

Yang turned around.
" 'preciate the heads up."

Before she turned back around the girl got up and walked over to her. She handed Yang a note.

"They'll be offering jobs again once the mission boards are up." She looked Yang up and down. "You planned on going alone?"

"I dunno, maybe?"

She stepped closer to the blonde.
"Well, you look like you can handle yourself." She seductively commented.

Yang looked at her apprehensively.

Violet gazed downwards, looking at her hands which were in the pockets of her jacket. She boldly put a hand on her bicep.

"You should show me what you can really do, sometime."

Yang rapidly un-pocketed her hand and grabbed Violet's wrist. "The thing about that is..." She gently removed her hand from her bicep and released the girl, stepping back. "I don't think my girlfriend would like that very much."

She spun on her heel and walked-more accurately ran away.

"Fuck that."

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