Happily Ever After: A Christi...

By thatsmyswift

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Sequel to True Love: A Christina Grimmie & Bobby Plizak Fanfic - this is mainly an extended epilogue. With a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Update (A/N)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Author's Note - Info on Third Book Included
Third Book!

Chapter 39

249 7 0
By thatsmyswift

I didn't even remember getting up, yet I woke up next to the toilet. I must've had a mishap last night. Sometime after the pickles, obviously.

The real question I had was how did I get Bobby to let go of me?

I glanced into the bedroom and, sure enough, he was sitting up, awake.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked.

"I just fell asleep by a toilet is all," I said. That was when I noticed it was dark out.

"So after throwing up for fifteen minutes you slept next to the toilet for another ten?" he asked.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my eye as I came into our bed.

"3:24," he answered.

"What happened? I don't remember anything," I said and laid down.

As he got situated he started telling me what happened. "Well, you were really trying to get out of bed, but I was, of course, holding you in here with me. So you got me up and practically sprinted to the bathroom. When I tried to come in you freaked out and said you were fine. After about fifteen minutes of that the vomiting seemed to have stopped so I sat here and waited for you. I was guessing you were trying to be sure that you didn't need to puke again, but I guess you fell asleep."

"Why don't I remember anything?" I asked.

"Well, you were probably still half asleep. It's early, and you barely slept tonight."

"Why do you hang on to me so tight?" I asked after I felt his arms around me as usual.

"I don't know; it's just an instinct," he answered.

"What if I couldn't have woken you up?"

"You would've puked all over the bed and the floor," he answered.

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it. "You really need to work on that."

"Why?" he asked. "Are you planning on making an escape in the middle of the night?"

"No I just want to be able to get out of the bed if I have to pee or get a drink of water or if I'm about to puke without needing to wake you up," I answered.

"If I minded I wouldn't grab you so tight," he said.

"It's not that I worry about you minding it's that I want you to get sleep even if I'm awake," I replied.

"What if I don't want to sleep if you're awake?" he asked.

"Although that's very nice and cute and sweet, I'd rather one of us gets a decent amount of sleep than both of us not getting a decent amount of sleep," I answered.

"That's too bad, my dear. You're my wife and you're carrying our third baby and I'm going to stay up with you whether you're vomiting everywhere or you're singing on a stage or you're getting the mail," he said.

"When would I be getting the mail at 3:30 AM?" I asked.

"I don't know; why would you be puking at 3:30 AM?"

"Because I'm sick and pregnant," I answered.

"Touché... But I'm going to sleep now. And don't be mad at me if you can't get up for a few hours unless you wake me up," he said.

"I love you," he finished.

"I love you, too."

"Thank God," he said quietly.


"Lucas?" I mumbled through my sleep. Someone was in our room, I heard them walk in. They woke me up.

"Not Lucas," I heard a familiar voice.

Lucas is in the hospital, that's right...

"Who is it?" I mumbled, too tired and lazy to open my eyes, also not awake enough to determine who it was by voice.

I didn't hear an answer. "Am I dreaming?" I mumbled.

"Nope," the voice answered.

"Who is it?" I said louder this time.

There was no answer, so I asked multiple times after but they never answered. I decided that they must've left, and I'd figure it out when I was right in my mind.

What didn't seem like long after, I woke up in a panic. I was moving.

"Bobby?" I asked and flailed my arms to the other side of the bed. I felt him, but he didn't seem to have his arms around me, and he wasn't cuddled in close by me.

"I'll be in the living room with Sarah and Lauren, babe. Keep sleeping, don't worry about us," he whispered and kissed the top of my head.

"Don't leave me," I whined.

"Honey, you need your sleep..."

"I don't wanna sleep aloooooone," I continued whining.


"I want you to staaaaaay," I sang. That sent me to a flashback of when he had to go to work one day a while ago. I begged him to stay and he finally gave in slightly and said he'd get off early to spend more time with me.

"We have guests."

"It's only Sarah and Lauren. They can manage on their own, trust me," I said.

"We gotta visit Lucas soon."

"Then I'll get up," I said and started getting up.

"No, no, hon-"

"Yes. If everyone else's gonna be awake and see Lucas then I'm getting up too," I said.

"If I stay in here with you?" he asked.

"Then I'll end up kissing you," I said.

"And what's wrong with kissing me?" he asked and stood in front of me.

"Then I won't be sleeping," I answered.

"What if you kiss me and then you sleep for a while?"

"What if I kiss you for a while and then I get up?" I asked.

He seemed to be thinking it over.

"What time is it anyway?" I asked before glancing at the clock. "10:27? Bobby I can't sleep any later. We have to go see Lucas. What if something went wrong?"

"If something went wrong they'd call us," Bobby answered.

"Okay, but still, we have to go get him. I don't like him being hurt and away from the house," I said.

"Fine, let's go then," he gave in.

I changed in what should've been record time. I brushed my hair and teeth quickly before swiping on some mascara and eyeliner and waiting in the kitchen for Bobby.

Sarah and Lauren were in the living room, watching TV and eating bagels. We talked as I waited.

"Odd the happy couple slept in so late? And didn't even come out until after they were dressed?" Sarah said, giving me a hard time.

"You guys have some obsession with thinking we mate like mice. If you must know, I got up last night twice. Once to eat pickles and another time to apparently throw them up. And when Bobby woke up he wanted me to stay in there alone, but I talked him into getting Lucas now," I replied.

Before they said anything else, Bobby came out. "Ready? Okay good," I said quickly before practically heading out the door.

"Wait. Did you have your medicine?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, Mom," I said as I got out the pills and some water.

"I just don't want you to be freezing in the hospital before you vomit everywhere," Bobby said.

After taking the pill I opened my mouth to show him I had it and we headed out, calling our goodbyes to Sarah and Lauren as we left.

"You must really want to get Lucas," Bobby said as I buckled up.

"Well, yeah. Why?"

"You didn't even kiss me this morning."

"I wouldn't want to get you sick," I replied and stuck my tongue out.

"Would you just kiss me?" he asked.

I leaned over, about to kiss him. "What?" he whispered when I didn't lean in farther.

"Kiss me," I whispered back.

He silently closed the tiny gap between us. He kissed me slowly and gently, before picking up speed and pulling away quickly. He acted as if we hadn't kissed as he started the engine and we left.

Most of the ride was silent. We both got out without a word once we arrived at the hospital. It wasn't even like we didn't want to talk to each other, it was just that I was still quite nervous about Lucas. I didn't know what Bobby's reasoning to not talk to me was, but I considered the fact that he knew I freaked out when big things like this happened. I realized he probably knew I was extremely nervous and that's why he wasn't trying to stir up any conversation.

As we walked in he grabbed my hand and when I opened the door he squeezed it lovingly. After we'd walked in and figured out the room number, we went down the hallway and looked for Lucas's room. I was trying to go quickly, walking at a faster pace than I usually did, but Bobby pulled me back to walk normally. He pulled me back to walk slower a few times, and I finally caught on before I noticed we were right by his door.

I brought my hand to the door, ready to knock. Bobby leaned down and kissed the top of my head, whispering "I love you," and squeezing my hand before I knocked on the door.

I didn't wait for an answer, just walked in directly after knocking. He was my three year old son with a broken ankle; I didn't expect him to get the door.

"Hey, little munchkin," I said as we walked in. I ruffled his hair and kissed his head. "How are you?"

"My foot hurt this morning, but I ate something yucky and then it was better," he explained. He called his ankle his foot, which was understandable for a three year old.

"Well, it's nice that they took care of you while Mommy and Daddy were gone. Even if your medicine did taste bad," I said. It was then that I remembered I was sick. How would I manage both boys while I was sick and Lucas couldn't even walk?

Bobby must've noticed a somewhat worried look on my face because as he talked to Lucas he squeezed my hand again.

After a little talking to Lucas and the doctor, we got a little collapsible wheelchair and put him in it, pushing him out of the hospital with a cast on his leg.


"What honey?"

"Why are they always with us?" Lucas asked as he pointed at a few people with cameras.

"Just cause they wanna see us," I answered after glancing at Bobby.

He squeezed my hand another time after Lucas had asked. We continued on our way to the car. After the hospital we made our way to my parents' house. We'd called on our way there so they had Ness ready to go right away.

Since Lucas had to be lifted into his carseat and back out and into a wheelchair he stayed in the car and we made our visit short. With both boys, we headed where I thought was home at first.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Bobby didn't turn the right way.

"I figured Lucas has had quite the weekend and we can go out to eat. Sarah and Lauren are on their way," Bobby answered.

"Where are we going?" Lucas asked excitedly.

"It's a surprise," Bobby answered with a wink.

I put my iPod on, playing possible songs for the next album, and that's the only noise that we had for the rest of the ride.

As I realized where we were going, I smiled out the window and turned to Bobby. He squeezed my hand again and I immediately got goosebumps. Don't tell me the medicine's wearing off now, I thought to myself.

"You okay?" Bobby asked just below a whisper.

"Did you bring the medicine?" I asked.

"No, but I asked Sarah if she could grab it before they left. If she remembered, you're in luck," he answered.

I smiled up at him and leaned my head into his shoulder a little. Our hands were growing sweaty, but I was afraid that if I took mine away he wouldn't grab it again.

As we pulled in to the Olive Garden parking lot I smiled up at Bobby.

"Okay, you guys ready?" Bobby asked and looked at the boys.


Author's Note:
You were so close to having no chapter today! I was about to sleep when I remembered :)

(I edit each chapter the night before I post it. That way the chapter is ready right away in the morning.)

Soooo... lots of people got back into their fanfiction updating this week and I can't explain to you how excited I am! Reading fanfics is something I can't put off, I read and reread chapters all the time. Now you know that if I read your fanfiction, I probably obsess over it ;)

Comment your thoughts & vote if you're enjoying! Update Sunday

- thatsmyswift xx

P.S. I can't explain how happy I get when Christina tweets something about Bobby or vice versa. If you're missing out on this stuff, you shouldn't. It's my favorite part of a lot of days (even the really good days).

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