My Happy Ending [MIA]

Oleh Haruki0w0

43K 1K 630

"We met by pure chance, she seemed to lived an interesting life and I was drawn to her by first chat. When we... Lebih Banyak

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519 13 38
Oleh Haruki0w0

RogerG👨: U really have some explaining to do

RogerG👨: Selena's PR company is scrambling trying to dispell the rumours of her being bisexual

RogerG👨: the latest song she released was supposed to spark rumours between her and Beiber but somehow it was linked to you

CamilaC💗: I have no idea what you're talking about

RogerG👨: she said your name by mistake in the last interview

RogerG👨: are we having problems?

CamilaC💗: oh give me a break

CamilaC💗: whatever, let it float. It's gonna die anyway since I'm not a free woman

RogerG👨: just talk to her

RogerG👨: u know how fragile that girl is as well

CamilaC💗: ik and I will


Lauren smiled with full confidence while having her arm wrapped firmly around Camila's waist. They were wearing black dresses that complimented them well as a couple.

Waited so long to use this picture.

They were attending an award ceremony, the AMAs because Camila was nominated for 8 awards. She was also going to perform and this was the first time she had the chance to show off Lauren as her date. Often it was Selena and it was a nice change.

It didn't mean that her ex wasn't here though, they competed each other with 4 other nominations and that made the press rejoice. Somehow it also floated around that they were in a feud.

Chelsea, a regular interviewer stopped them with a big smile. It wasn't a secret that she supported the couple like crazy and she carried the burden of asking questions all the fans wanted the answers of.

"How is the red carpet so far guys?" She asked while looking at the couple with glee.

Camila let herself relaxed beside Lauren and she gave Chelsea a genuine smile, "It's great, we saw Dua and Selena earlier when we arrived and they looked stunning."

"And how about you Lauren? This is your first time isn't it?"

Lauren nodded, "I'm not that uncomfortable since my job requires me to pose for cameras 24/7, but I guess being able to show the public that I support my girlfriend helps too."

Camila elbowed her and Lauren winked at her, "I'm here for the cameras baby, you're always gonna be second."

When her girlfriend pouted, Lauren laughed and kissed it away, "I'm kidding, I'm happy to be here beside you and we both know that."

The glow that the happy couple made gave everyone around them a good vibe.

"You guys are so cute!" Chelsea gushed. She cleared her throat, "How does it feel to be one of the artists with the leading number of nominations Camila?"

"It's surreal definitely, I haven't released an album since last 2020 and I thought that was enough to bore my fans. I guessed wrong it seemed."

Chelsea chuckled, "And are we getting the album this year?"

Camila laughed and she winked, "Oh yeah, and because I love you so much. I'll tell you a clue."

She gave Lauren the most lovesick look, "It's all about the love of my life, every single song on it is based on her and our wonderful relationship."

"Is it the reason why you haven't released the album yet?"

Lauren held a bit tighter and Camila gave her a reassuring smile, "Partly yes and no. Lauren's my first serious relationship and I guess I just wanted to cherish it. It's no secret that I'm a workaholic and while I love my work and my fans, I've never had the chance to truly enjoy the process of song writing. Lauren made me realize that it wasn't a job, that it was my passion and that I should learn how to feel it. On my first three years, I've released 3 albums. Each year there was a new one and while singing new songs were fun, it didn't give me a chance to engrave something deep into my music. It was all bubbly. That's why in my 4th album, the genre is all over the place. You will hear Latin R&B, ballads, of course the usual pop and some rap even. Each song is related with my emotions and my feelings and I wanted to make sure that it would reach the people who took a listen to it."

Chelsea fondly listened attentively, she knew what the singer was talking about. Even she felt that the first 3 albums were too happy and too non personal, and while it was mainstream, she and every other fan wanted to hear Camila's heart.

"That's why when I release it this June, on exactly 6/27, I hope each one of you will hear my message."

Lauren's eyes widened, she didn't know it was to be released on her birthday. She felt herself smile giddily and Camila gave her a cheeky grin.

"What about the song you're performing tonight?"

It was the last question Chelsea had, Camila answered it with ease. "It's a song that will never be released as a single, nor be part of my album. It will never have a studio version and even if my fans begged for one, I won't. Simply because it's from my personal diary and from my past. I'm sorry in advance."

Chelsea hugged the couple and they made their merry way inside.


Two other performances and already 4 nominations called with Camila holding 2 awards in her arms, it was time for her to perform. The cameras were trained on them all night, twitter already trending with the couple's every reaction. Lauren took the trophies from her and pulled her in for a sweet and slow kiss. The camera definitely got that. And so did everyone else.

Selena watched her ex with a lace of sadness featuring her expression, she missed being her public date. Nevertheless she was happy for the couple.

Lauren wasn't aware what song Camila was going to sing and while she was frustrated, she understood that Camila had a good personal reason why. Selena didn't know what the song was either and everyone else eagerly anticipated it. Camila had made it clear that the song was never going to sang again and that made it all the mysterious.

The whole room darkened and when the lights opened again, there was a grand piano on the stage, a guitar, a bass and a drum player accompanied Camila who was standing in the middle wearing an elegant white dress that had purple flowers complementing it. The stand of her microphone was decorated with white and purple roses. And the intrument players that were with her were wearing white tuxedos with a purple dark tie. They looked like they were about to perform for royalty.

She's so fucking cute I'm just ajskskss.

Camila delicately adjusted her mic and gave everyone a sweet smile.

When the music started, her smile dropped and was replaced by a serious expression.

When you hold me in the street
And you kiss me on the dance floor
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Clean and strong, that was Camila's voice as she sang. It was the right amount of deep and high.

We keep behind closed doors
Every time I see you, I die a little more
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls
It'll never be enough

Camila had her eyes closed as she held the mic close to her lips as she sang. The beat behind her was also low and gentle, her powerful voice filled the air more.

It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly
Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep
But I'll never show it on my face

And then she opened her eyes, but her line of sight wasn't directed towards Lauren. No it was someone else behind her girlfriend, someone who was frowning as she heard the lyrics.

But we know this.
We got a love that is homeless

The beat dropped, and Camila sang even more passionately.

Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Camila was staring at Selena the entire time, her gaze sad and determined in one.

She left the middle of the stage and started walking towards the pianist who actually had a mic attached to his stand.

She sat beside him as he unexpectedly sang,

When you're with him, do you call his name
Like you do when you're with me? Does it feel the same?
Would you leave if I was ready to settle down
Or would you play it safe and stay?

Camila's old thoughts and feelings. It came crashing down on Selena who was watching intently, everything fit. Everything fit.

Girl, you know this.
We got a love that is hopeless

The singer leaned against the guy who matched her voice perfectly, they both looked serene. Like lovers who were trapped.

Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Their voices melded and you could feel the emotion seeping out. The desperation for each other. Camila was standing now, her arms covering her chest as the guy stood up and followed her to a black curtain drawn st the other side of the stage. She disappeared behind it, and the guy followed.

And nobody knows I'm in love with someone's baby
I don't wanna hide us away
Tell the world about the love we're making
I'm living for that day

The beat slowed down and they sang together again, the curtain was only revealing their silhouettes now. They were hugging each other.

Why can't I hold you in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that we could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
[Camila, highest pitch]
'Cause I'm yours, I'm yours

The curtain dropped down just in time when Camila finished her belt, it revealed the two seem almost kissing. They both looked at the audience and they jumped away from each other. Both looking and acting distraught.

Oh, why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

Camila was looking down and the man behind her was struggling to keep his distance away. They were so close yet so far from each other.

Why can't I say that I'm in love?
I wanna shout it from the rooftop
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
'Cause I'm yours

All the emotions were spilling, Camila was near tears and the man behind her looked like he was about to cry as well from the power of the song.

The last note was sang softly by the girl who had dropped to her knees.

Why can't we be like that?
Wish we could be like that

Another curtain dropped but before it hid Camila, they were shown her shrugging off the man who had tried to help her up. She stood up on her own and gave a bow before they disappeared.

The applause competed with the cheers. It was one of Camila's most amazing performance.

Selena was already crying and she excused herself for a moment, completely gone for the rest of the show.

Camila returned to her seat afterwards and she spent her time comforting Lauren who looked like she was crying. She realized the story behind it all, and she felt sad.

She felt sad that Selena had a chance but she wasted it.

She also felt sad that Camila felt that strongly, that she felt that alone and abandoned at the time.

"Did you really love her?" She whispered softly. She was sniffling.

Camila kissed her ear, "I wrote that song when I was 19, I was in too deep with being her comfort but I wanted more. I wanted to be shown off. I think I just wanted her to acknowledge me properly, that I wasn't meant to be just her secret."

"So did you?"

Camila laughed and she extended her arm to hug Lauren's neck, "You goof, didn't I tell you that you were the first woman I've ever loved this strongly? I'm in love with you."

"I care and love Selena, but I was never inlove with her."

Lauren smiled and she poked Camila's cheek, "Then why did you do all that shazam?"

"I wanted her to see my side of the story. She released a song basically saying I was replacing her. Selena needs to remember what she did."

Camila looked up and blinked, she won another award and people around were laughing at how startled she was.

Lauren laughed along with the rest and pushed her girlfriend to the stage.

At the end of the night, Camila had won 5/8 of her nominations and instead of going out to celebrate, Lauren had taken the girl home.

It had been a long night and they both needed to relax.


RogerG👨: oh great

RogerG👨: now ppl are wondering if you're having an affair

RogerG👨: damn, what am I gonna do?

CamilaC💗: Oh suck it roggyyy

CamilaC💗: we're never releasing that song so shoooo

RogerG👨: ur so cruel to me! I'm your manager!

CamilaC💗: Nope

CamilaC💗: As long as they don't ask me, I'm not gonna embarrass myself okay?

RogerG👨: better prepare then

CamilaC💗: bringing Lauren with me

CamilaC💗:  mwah 😘

RogerG👨: god

[May 26,2020]

Camila was uncharacteristically sobbing at the other side of the door she was stubbornly blocking and locking it. Lauren felt like kicking it open but she was scared it would trigger a relapse.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" She called out instead. She couldn't stand the heart wreching noise.

Camila replied incoherently and all she could understand was 'you never'.

"Mi amor.." She kneeled in front of the door,  pressing her ear against it.

"You would never get tired of me right?" Camila asked, it was difficult to hear her clearly but Lauren heard it.


"No! Don't call me that!" Camila pounded the door and it scared the shit out of her girlfriend.

"Why not?"

Camila's sobs grew louder and so did Lauren's want of kicking the door open. She hated hearing Camila cry.

"J-just don't. Not right now. You sound like those guilty guys trying to butter up their crimes."


Camila nodded then shook her head when she realized Lauren couldn't see, "Y-yeah. Like cheating."

Lauren tapped the door softly, "Please let me hold you? I'm so worried mi amor."

It took atleast 30 seconds before Camila opened the door, just slightly enough for her red eyes to be seen. It broke Lauren's heart seeing her usual bright eyes so dull.

"You're not tired of me right?" She asked with a small voice.

Lauren quickly replied with a 'no' and realized it was already reflex for her. Camila stared at her uncertainly and when Lauren smiled, her special smile only ever reserved to be given to camila, the one she used to make her feel better, sweet with her eyes twinkling, did she open the door and jumped into her girlfriend's arms.

Lauren rocked herself back and forth as she cooed and peppered Camila in her arms, she gave her neck little kisses.

After 10 minutes of constant comforting and neck kisses, Camila finally spoke. "Did you hear Sam Smith's new song?"

Due to her being a mainstream popstar's girlfriend, she had to step out of her usual genre. It helped that Sam was gay though, so Lauren nodded. "I'm not the only one, right?"

Realization spread across her face and she tilted Camila's chin up to give her a tender kiss. "Camz.. We will never reach that stage."

Camila eagerly kissed back, pulling Lauren closer to her by wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's neck. She hummed as Lauren probed her mouth with her tongue.

"B-but I'm so complicated!" Camila protested.

Lauren laughed and she had to lean against the wall, Camila wiggled in her lap. "I'd be the biggest idiot to waste this chance. You're worth every single complicated thing. Princess.."

Camila listened to her with her doe brown eyes looking expectant, "We went through a lot these past few years you know? It's a miracle we didn't grew distant despite being able to only see each other physically every few months for 2 days. I didn't give up remember?"

Her girlfriend nodded, and she continued, "And then that stalker thing happened and I still stayed. Then we had that weird 2 months, where you grew really distant from me but I waited didn't I?"

Again Camila nodded, but she still looked anxious. "Then you kept pushing me away, we had to through you doing that over and over again, but I'm still here aren't I?"

"Why didn't you leave?"

Lauren hugged her close, "I'm in love with you. I can't see myself without you in my future. I'm yours."

Camila relaxed and she let Lauren's calming scent and presence wash over her, "You're mine. I'm yours."

"That's right. We belong to each other. We'll be old and cranky and grumpier than we are now but I wouldn't leave and replace you with someone else. Not now, not 50 years later."

Lauren felt her shoulder getting wet again and she pulled camila away, just to see more tears spilling down her face. She wiped them away gently, "They're happy tears."

"Happy tears?" Lauren smiled despite the continues crying going on.

Camila nodded and wiped her cheeks herself, "I'm so fucking lucky to be that wrong number you texted. I'm so lucky to have been drawn to your shitty ass and ignore my schedule just to text you. I'm so lucky I met you Lauren."

"We're both lucky."

Camila scowled, "Don't steal my thunder by activating your Jauregui charm. Imma slap you."

Lauren's laughter boomed and Camila smiled happily. She was stupid to think Lauren would ever leave her for someone else. She was the person that broke Lauren's badass facade and made her laugh and smile like a big baby.

Lauren stood up and princess carried Camila to the living room. Camila didn't budge as she sat down on the couch and only tightened her hold on Lauren's neck.

They turned on the TV and Gordon Ramsay was busy screaming his head off at a poor man who made soup that Lauren was convinced the fish was still alive when camila spoke again.

"Lo.. Are you capable of giving birth at least 6 times?"

She choked and she looked at Camila just to see that she wasn't kidding. She looked deadass serious.

Lauren stroked her hair and replied in the most calmest way possible. "I can give you 3 Camila. I'm fucking serious when I say that's my fucking limit."

Camila melted in her arms, "I love it when you curse."

Usually Lauren didn't swear around her, she was way too soft to do it.

She practically purred when Lauren started to stroke her sides with the tip of nails scratching at the skin.

"Lo, I want a dozen kids with you. I want your beautiful eyes, your beautiful face and your beautiful mind passed onto the next generation."

Lauren laughed at the sheer seriousness st Camila's tone. "Camz.. I don't think I'll be able to do a dozen. 3 honestly, just 3."

Camila pouted, "6, I want 6 then."

"Camzzzz.." Lauren couldn't stop herself from giggling. "3 just 3."

The girl on her lap wiggled out of her dress, "I'm horny."

"Oh god, your period is coming isn't it?"

Camila nodded and she ripped Lauren's black tank top off, "Thank you for understanding me."

"Well, the sex makes up for it."

"It better does. Or else we're gonna need to find a bitch for you to fuck."

"Before you kill her?"

"Nah. You'll develop a kink in necrophilia."

"I'm inlove with your crazy ass."

"I guess that kink works too."


Selena: When are u planning to talk to me

Camila: When you get a break from that show

Selena: So tomorrow?

Camila: I love you, you know that right?

Selena: Ofc i do. We're just gonna talk

Camila: Not tomorrow, we'll talk at Mani's birthday. Lauren's kind of insecure rn

Selena: I understand

Selena: I'm sorry for making things awkward

Camila: Ik u are

Camila: We'll fix it. Like always

Selena: Like always



I'm not capable of stirring up drama. Camren rn is so peaceful despite what the general fandom thinks so I'm going along with it .

Seriously, adult Camren is so mature and just simple in a way that's the right blend of love and understanding

Is it obvious yet that my Camren here is developing a stable and happy relationship? With effort and not just relying on natural connection.

My other book, Your Beauty and Beast probably updated too and it isn't as short as my earlier chapters. Werewolf AU if ur into that  =)

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