The Barbie Doll.

By crownmekay_

106K 3.3K 7.3K

Do you believe in Magic? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Pt.1)
Chapter 4 (Pt.2)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 7

4.1K 124 171
By crownmekay_

Shawn's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm around 7:10. I stretched then walked to my bathroom and did my daily hygiene. Afterwards, I walked to Joi's room to wake her up.. but she wasn't in there.. so I figured Bey had gotten her up already. I walked downstairs and it was quiet and dark. I crept to the guests room and there laid Joi on top of Bey's tired body. I smiled and went over and tapped Joi on her back. I guess she was already up cause she immediately looked at me and smiled. She stretched her arms up, and I picked her up then quietly closed the door back so I wouldn't wake Bey. I brought Joi back upstairs to her room and laid her on her bed after kissing her cheek.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept good daddy. How about you?"

"Great. When did you go in the room with BB?"

"Last night."

"How come?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I just wanted to sleep down there with her." Shawn nodded his head and opened her closet.

"Go brush your teeth and wash your face while I pick out your clothes." She hopped off her bed and ran to the bathroom.

Shawn rummaged through her closet, and after a few minutes, he finally picked out a pair of light denim shorts, a short sleeve orange shirt and black sandals. She came skipping back in a few minutes later smiling as she sat on her bed and kicked her feet.

I chuckled. "What are you so happy about?"

"I'm 5. I'm always happy daddy." She said as she stepped into her shorts.

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"What's that?"

"It's like.. using irony in order to mock or convey something.." She stared at him with a blank look.

"Ugh daddy.. you and all these big words." She said as she shook her head and put her shirt on.

I chuckled. "You want me to explain it more?"

"No.. it's okay. Do you know where my orange flower headband is?"

"In my bathroom, on the sink."

"How did it get in there?"

"You tell me."

I giggled. "I don't know daddy.. that's why I asked you."

I chuckled. "I don't know either Joi.. that's why I can't tell you how it got in there."

"You're so confusing." She said as she walked towards the door.

"Where you going?"

"To get my headband."

"Put your sandals on first, then meet me downstairs." She nodded her head and did just that.

Shawn walked into the kitchen and pulled out some bacon and eggs. Joi walked in a few seconds later and grabbed the Froot Loops.

"Daddy, I want cereal."

"You sure?" She nodded her head. He put the bacon and eggs back, then grabbed the milk and a bowl, along with a spoon. "I'm going to take a shower, you gonna be okay?"

"Yes daddy. I'll be fine."

"Alright. Don't wake up BB.. let her sleep. Just come get me if you need anything." He said as he kissed her forehead.

She nodded her head, and he walked upstairs to his room where he stripped from out of his pajamas, and got into the shower. Afterwards, he went into his closet and picked out a white shirt, camouflage shorts and black nikes. He put on a silver chain and brushed his hair, then walked downstairs where Joi was standing on her stool, at the sink. She looked back at him and smiled as she got down.

"I'm finished!" She shouted.

"Shhh." He said as he put his finger to his mouth. "You ready to go?"

"Yes. Can I say good bye to BB?"

"Go ahead.. but don't wake her up."

She walked into the guests room and quietly walked over to Bey. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed her cheek then whispered "I love you." She waved then tip toed over to me and gave me a thumbs up. I chuckled and nodded my head as I grabbed her book bag, then headed out the door and to her school.

"Daddy, turn up the music please."

"Is this good?" She gasped and nodded her head.

"This is my favorite song!!" She said as she smiled wide. "My anaconda don't My anaconda don't. My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun. Boy to-"

"Okay!" Shawn shouted as he changed the station.

"Daddy no! I was bout to get it! change it back!"

"No. You don't need to be listening to that. How do you even know the words?"

"It's not hard to learn the song. And why can't I listen to it?"

"Because Joi.. it's inappropriate for you to be singing."

"So you or BB could sing it?"

"I don't know the words."

"So how do you know it's inappropriate?"

I chuckled. "Cause, I know what it means."

"Daddy.. don't you know her?"


"Nicki Minaj."

"Yeah. I've ran into her a few times at my restaurant and the club."

"Can I meet her?"

"I don't know Joi. I haven't spoke to her in a while."

"Do you have her number?"

"No. Enough about her.. come on." He said as he parked on the curb of her school. He helped her out of the car and kissed her head. "I love you."

"I love you too. See you later." She said with a smile as she walked away. "Tell BB I love her too!" She shouted. I smiled and nodded my head then got back into my car and drove home.

Shawn's P.O.V

When I got back, I put my keys on the table, then peeked in the guests room to check on Bey. She was still sleep. I was a little hungry, and I figured she'd be too when she woke up, so I went to the kitchen, and made some waffles.

I ate mine, then sat on the couch and watched tv. A little while after that, I heard Bey come out of the room and walk towards me. I smiled as she rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning." She said.

"Good morning. You must've had a good nap.. it's 2:30 in the afternoon."

I giggled. "Shut up, no it's not. And I slept very well."

"I can tell! I was an hour late getting Joi to school, cause I thought you were getting her ready."

I gasped. "Oh my gosh Shawn, for real? I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, so she had to stay home."

"Is she upstairs?"


"So then where is she?"


"But you just sa-"

"I was playing with you." He chuckled. "Your waffles are in the microwave." She scolded him then smiled as she stood up and walked into the kitchen. She came back with her food, and sat on the couch.

"So what are we doing today? I mean, we could stay in, but.."

"We can go out. Where you wanna go?"

"How about go karting?"

"That's cool with me. We'll leave when you're finished eating." Bey nodded her head and finished up.

After placing her things in the sink, she walked back to the guests room and brushed her teeth then washed her face. She walked to the closet, and got dressed in a light pink crop top, along with matching shorts. She put her hair in a ponytail and left out her bangs, then grabbed her gold sandals and threw them on.

Shawn's P.O.V

While Bey was getting dressed, I flipped threw the channels even though we were about to leave. I selected Wild N' Out.. then my phone rang.

Phone conversation.


"Hey honey."

"Good afternoon darling."

I giggled. "How are you?"

"I'm swell. How about you?"

"You sound extra happy today. What went down last night? did you sleep with her Shawn?"

"What? no I didn't sleep with her. Why would you ask that?"

"I'm just curious.. but what are you doing?"

"About to head out."

"Head out where?"

"Go karting."

"You've never take me go karting."

"You never asked."

"Should I have to?"

"Duh! I'm not a mind reader."

I laughed. "I guess. So.. are you busy tonight?"


"On what?"

"It depends."

"Do you wanna go out?"

"I thought we did already."

"Shawn.. I mean out! do you wanna go somewhere?"

"Oh." He chuckled. "Yeah, where you wanna go?"

"Maybe we could go to the movies.. then out to eat."

"Alright cool.. I'll pick you up around 7:30."

"No.. I wanna come over there. I'll leave my car at your house."


"Because.. I wanna see Joi."

"Oh alright. Well come around 6:30 or 7:00. I love you."

"I love you too." Shawn smiled then hung up. A few minutes later, Bey walked out and headed towards the door.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yeah." Shawn said as he flashed her a smile. "You look.. cute." She blushed.

"Thank you."




Shawn's P.O.V

We walked into the go karting place, and over to the counter where you pay and get your helmets from. A short lady walked over to us smiling.

"Hello.. my name is Lisa. Welcome to Funplex. What can I help you with?"

"Hi. 2 for go karting please."

"Will that be it? you know there is more to this building on the other side."

"What else is in here?" Beyoncé asked.

"A pool, games and rides." Bey's eyes lit up as she looked at Shawn. He smiled.

"Alright.. we'll get on some rides and play games." The woman smiled.

"Okay.. your total comes to $45.04. Which would you like to do first?"

"Go karting please." Shawn said as he handed her the money.

She put it into the cash register then gave them 2 helmets. She walked them into the go karting area, and gave them these yellow masks to put on.

"What are these for?" Shawn asked.

"They're just extra support for your face, so that the smoke from the engines aren't too strong, and get into your body." She explained. He nodded his head as Bey looked around.

"You alright?" Shawn asked. She ignored his question and looked at the lady.

"Where's cart number 4?"

"Somebody's in it."

"What about number 44?"

"These only go up to number 40."

"Where is that one?"

"It's broken."

"Well do you have any empty carts that has a number 4 in it?"

"Is that your favorite number or something?"

"Yes." She smiled.

"I have 14."

"That's perfect." Bey said as her and Shawn followed the lady.

Shawn sat behind Bey in cart number 30. They put on the masks and helmets, then someone came around and was taking pictures.

Bey threw up the peace sign with her other hand on the steering wheel. Shawn wasn't paying attention. She looked back at him and smiled.

"Ready to get beat?" She asked. He chuckled.

"By you? nah Ma.. you got it all wrong. You're the one who's gonna get beat." He said as he drove his car next to hers.

The guy stood in front of everyone with two big flags. "On your mark-"

"We'll see about that." Bey said as she winked and stepped on the gas.

"Get set.. GO!!" The guy shouted.

They all took off and Bey was in front of Shawn. He tried to speed up some, but the car in front of him was moving too slow. He shoved them over, then drove up behind Bey. He hit her bumper on the left side and she turned her head to look. He swerved to the right and got in front of her. Her jaw dropped as he laughed at her.

Now, they were on lap 2. Shawn was way ahead of her. She stepped on the gas harder and almost caught up to him, when someone cut in front or her. "Are you serious?" She asked. She went around them and rolled her eyes as she caught up with Shawn. He was crusin' thinking he was good.. until Bey sped past him.

He caught up to her, and now they were on their last lap, driving at the same pace. Bey pressed on her gas pedal a little harder and Shawn slowed down. He was way behind her. She looked back to find him, and when she did, she slowed down a little so he could catch up. He pulled up on the side of her as they almost reached the finish line.

"What happened?" Bey shouted. "I think it's running out of gas. Did you see the cup holder?" Shawn shouted back. "No.. where is it?" "Under the steering wheel." Bey was dumb enough to look under. Shawn smiled and took off as he reached the finish line. Bey had realized what he had done, and got mad.

She rolled up and evilly scolded him as she took off her helmet and got out. He chuckled and pulled her into a hug. She bit his chest.

"Ouch!" He shouted with a chuckle. "What was that for?"

"You cheated! asshole." He laughed again.

"You're mad gullible. Since when do they have cup holders in go karts? they don't even allow drinks in here!",

"Shut the hell up." She said as she crossed her arms and looked over her shoulder. "Come take a picture of me." She said as she pulled him over.

She took off her shoes and stood on top of this riser, that had the numbers 1,2,3 on it.. She stood on top of number one, and held her helmet under her right arm, while holding her ponytail in the air with the other.

She bent her left leg in, and made a kissy face. Shawn snapped the picture then stared at his phone. She smiled and walked over to him.

"Lemme see it." She said as she grabbed his phone. "Damn, who dat? she cute." She said as she flipped her hair. Shawn chuckled and put his arm around her shoulder.

"She aight." Bey rolled her eyes and smiled as they walked to the other part of Funplex.

They got on the motorcycle ride, and played other little games. After they got off the roller coaster, they sat down on one of the benches. Bey was smiling while Shawn was breathing hard.

"You cool?"

"Yeah. But that shit was scary as hell!"

"I couldn't tell. You were screaming like a little girl!"

I chuckled. "Oh please. You wish." Bey shook her head.

"Where's the bathroom at?"

"Over there. Come on." Shawn said as he stood up and walked to the restroom.

He leaned against the wall and waited for Bey to finish. She walked out with her hands behind her back. Shawn twisted his eye brows.

"What's behind your back?"

She put her arm up to her face like she was about to sneeze. "A-a choo!" She shouted as she 'sneezed.' It got all over Shawn. He stood there in disbelief as his jaw dropped and he looked at her.

"That's fucking disgusting." He said as he wiped his face. She laughed her ass off.

"It's water!! relax bruh. I wouldn't sneeze all over you like that." She said as she smiled. Shawn looked at her as she stared back at him. He broke into a smile and grabbed her arm.

"Come on." He said as he walked back over to the bench. "You hungry?"

"Yeah, a little. What's here to eat?"

"The food court is over there. They have pizza, fries, chicken tenders, chicken nuggets, shrimp, onion rings, hot dogs.. hamburgers, ice cream, drinks. Lots of stuff." Bey licked her lips and nodded her head.

"Let's go." Shawn chuckled as they basically ran to the food court.

They stood in line and waited until it was their turn. Finally it was.

"Hi, what would you like?" A guy asked.

"I'll have a cheeseburger and fries with a small sprite." Bey said.

"I'll have the same thing.. but with an orange soda." Shawn said.

"That'll be $10.48." Shawn handed him the money.. and a few minutes later they got their food.

They sat against the wall by the big window and ate. "Thank you." Bey said with food in her mouth. Shawn chuckled. "No problem."

They made small talk and laughed, until Shawn's phone rang. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID.

"Uh oh."


"It's Joi's school." He said as he answered. "Hello? Hi Ms. Simmons.. is everything alright? She what?! Thank you.. I'm on my way." He said as he hung up.

"Shawn.. what happened?" Bey asked.

"Joi.. she cut some little girls braids off."

Bey busted out laughing as she covered her mouth so none of her food would fall out. Shawn sat there looking at her trying not to laugh himself. She sat back up and wiped her eyes as she calmed down some and sighed.

"Oh shit. That was fucking hilarious bruh. You said she cut off someone's braids!" She said as she began to laugh again. "I'm weak. You know that was funny Shawn. Stop fronting."

He smiled a little, then sighed. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah." Bey said as she stood up.

They threw their things away, then got in the car and drove to Joi's school. Shawn parked in the parking lot, then grabbed his ID. "I'll be back." He said to Bey before getting out.

He walked inside and went straight to the principles office. There Joi sat besides her, with her head down, playing with her fingers. She looked up when she saw feet standing in front of her. She saw the look on her dad's face, and looked back down.

"Hello Mr. Carter.. may I please see some ID?" He nodded his head and handed it to her. She gave it back to him, then sat on the front of her desk while Shawn leaned against the wall.

"Joi.. do you wanna tell your father what happened?" She shook her head no. "Why not?" She didn't say anything.

Her principle looked at Shawn and he sighed. "I'll talk to her at home. Thank you." He said as he grabbed Joi's hand. "Is she suspended or anything?"

"You're welcome.. and, she's usually good. She's never been to the principles office before, so no. She's good. She can come back tomorrow."


Shawn walked Joi back to the car and strapped her in. The ride back home was completely silent. No one said a word. He got her out, then walked inside the house and put her down.

"Go to your room. I'll be up there in a minute." She slowly walked upstairs and Shawn shook his head as he placed his keys on the table..

Bey went into the kitchen and Shawn walked upstairs where Joi was sitting on the edge of her bed, looking at the floor. He sat down and looked at her.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked.

"Well let's see.. you cut off a girls hair.. so yes, you are in trouble."

"But daddy, it was an accident!"

"So explain to me what happened." She sighed.

"Okay.. we had just came back from recess, and then we went to art! So during recess, when we were about to line up to go inside, this boy Haden tapped Diamond on her shoulder and ran ran, so when she turned around, she thought it was me because I was standing behind her. I looked at her then she turned back around, so we were walking and then he ran back up to her and tripped her. She fell and everyone started laughing and once again, she thought it was me.. so I went to the back. When we got inside, I sat next to Amiah and Chris, and Diamond came and sat next to me! so we were doing our work and I was drawing. I got up to get some paint, and when I came back, there was scribble scrabble on the bottom of my paper! Amiah was like "Diamond did it." So I looked at her and she said it was an accident. She took my paint and I told her to ask before she takes my stuff..whoa, ask before you take stuff. Then this girl, drops the paint all over the table.. and it got on my paper. I was like "Diamond! you're so stupid." She was like "no I'm not." I was like "yes you are." Then she got mad and put paint on my face and a little got in my eye. I looked around for something to grab.. and all there was, was a pair of scissors! so I grabbed them, walked behind her and cut 3 of her braids off!"

I stared at my daughter for a long time, trying to let every single word that she had just said, sink in. She's too funny.. but I'm not going to laugh because I want her to know that I'm serious.

"Joi.. instead of you cutting her hair, you could've told the teacher! you know scissors are dangerous and I don't want you using them unless you have to."

"That was a perfect time for using them!"

"Joi." She sighed. "You're becoming very bad lately and I don't like it. You're 5 years old.. stay in a 5 year olds place. Stop trying to be big and bad because that just ends you up getting in trouble. What you did was very wrong, and tomorrow when I drop you off, I want you to apologize to Diamond."

"Do I have to?" He gave her a look, she pouted and looked down.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Crystal and I are going out tonight, so you're gonna stay here with BB okay?" She gasped.




I chuckled. "Don't think you're off the hook yet, little mama." Shawn said as he kissed her head and walked out.

He walked back downstairs and sat on the couch then closed his eyes. Bey walked out of her room and stood behind him.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine.. just.. worn out." She placed her hands on his shoulders and rubbed them.

"Is Joi alright?"

"She's fine.. I put her on time out."

I giggled. "Was she mad?"

"Not really. That feels good." Bey smiled.

"You feel tense."

"I probably am."

"I can fix that." She said as she began to massage his shoulders.

She moved her hands down a little bit and massaged his back. He laid his head back and sighed in relief. She giggled as she moved back to his shoulders and then his neck.

"Do you mind.. watching Joi tonight?"

"Where you going?"

"To the movies and out to eat with Crystal."

"Oh not at all. We'll have fun while y'all are having fun." He smiled as she finished up.

"Thank you." He said. She bent down and kissed his cheek.

"No problem. Do you mind if I go watch tv in your room?"




"Shawn!" Bey said as she walked in front of him. "Are you- are you sleep?" She asked as she opened his eye. "Damn bruh.. you're slumped!" She said as she laughed and walked upstairs.

She quietly opened Joi's bedroom and checked on her. She was sleep too. Bey smiled and went into Shawn's room. She laid at the bottom of his bed and watched tv.




3hours later-

Crystals P.O.V

I just got back from dropping off Tyler at my moms. After putting my things down, I stripped out of my clothes and took a shower. I walked to my closet and put on a short sleeve black shirt, red skinny jeans and black flats that were cheetah print in the front. I put my hair in a low ponytail and put on a pair of gold earrings. I sprayed some perfume, then sat on my bed and dialed Shawn's number. He didn't answer. I called him again, and he picked up after the 5th ring.

Phone conversation.



"What? why you yelling?"

"Are you dressed?"

"Dressed for what?" Crystal didn't say anything. She just sat there and let him figure it out. His eyes widened and he hopped up. "Oh snap.. uh, I'm ready. I just gotta change."

"I'll be over there in a few."


End of phone conversation.

I shook my head and dropped my phone in my purse as I turned off my light then walked downstairs. I set the alarm, then got in my car and drove off to Shawn's.




Shawn's P.O.V

I got up from off the couch after talking to Crystal, and walked upstairs to my room. I jumped a little when I saw Bey laying on my bed. She was watching Good Deeds.

"I didn't know you were in here."

"Yeah.. I asked you but you fell asleep on me. So I helped myself."

I laughed and walked into the bathroom where I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walked to my closet and picked out a denim button down shirt, with matching jeans and my timberlands. I was about to change right there, but Beyoncé interrupted me.

"Whoa. You're not gonna go in the bathroom and do that?"

"For what? I'm not bothering you."

"Tuh.. you got me messed up." Bey said as she got up and walked out. She closed the door and stood there until he was finished.

"I'm done." He shouted. She walked back in and rolled her eyes as she laid down again. "Crystal will be here in a few Bey."

"Okay." She said as he walked out. He went and looked in on Joi, then by the time he reached the last step, the doorbell had rang. He opened it, and there stood Crystal smiling. He smiled back.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." She said as she walked in and hugged him.

He closed the door behind him, and sat on the couch. "What are you doing?" Crystal asked.


"When are we leaving?"

"It's only 6:30. We'll leave in 30 minutes."

"Okay.. well where's everybody at?"

"Upstairs. Where's Ty?"

"My moms." Shawn nodded his head as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

Crystal walked up the steps and ended up at Shawn's bedroom door. She twisted her eye brows when she saw Bey.

"Hello." She said. Bey rolled over and smiled.

"Well don't you look cute."

"Thank you. What are you doing in here?"

"Watching tv."

"There's a tv downstairs."

"And there's also one in Joi's room. Your point is?"

I giggled. "I just.. don't understand why you couldn't have watched it downstairs."

"I just understand why it matters where I watch tv at."

"You're very sarcastic Beyoncé."

"And you're very annoying.. Crystal. But you don't see me complaining."

"Okay.. well um, Shawn and I are going ou-"

"Yes Crystal, I know. I'm very aware that you guys are going out tonight." Bey said with a fake smile.

"Beyoncé, I don't know what I've-"

"Crystal. Why are you still having this conversation with me? Shawn is downstairs. Shouldn't you be with him?"

"Yeah.. but I was just coming up here to look around since I didn't get to the last time. But the reason I'm still having this conversation with you is because you're in my boyfriends room, laying on his bed. I don't know if you see anything wrong with that picture.. but I do! like.. do you not understand? do I-"

"Crystal." Bey said as she sat up and chuckled. "Don't talk to me like I'm dumb. Like I'm still a Barbie doll. Okay? I know how to cook, sing, dance, count money, read, write.. and I also know how to whoop some ass, so don't test me, alright? now I don't wanna have any problems with you.. cause your Shawn's girlfriend. I get it! you think you're the shit now! I've been there.. done that. But don't try that mess on me. You're now dismissed..." Bey said with a smile.

Crystal rolled her eyes then turned around. She was about to open Joi's bedroom door, when Bey stepped in the hallway and looked at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to check on Joi."

"She's fine. She's sleep." Bey said as she stood in front of her. She walked over to the rail and looked down. "Shawn?"


"Crystal is coming down right down, alright?"

"Uh, okay." Bey stood back up and smiled as Crystal slowly walked down the steps. Bey went back into Shawn's room and laid back down.


"What took you so long?"

"I was.. talking to Beyoncé."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah.. everything is cool. You ready to go now?"

"Yeah, I've been ready. Let me just go say bye to them." Shawn said as he stood up and walked upstairs.

He went into Joi's room and kissed her head. She woke up some. "Daddy?" She whispered.

"Yes baby girl?"

"Your leaving now?"

"Yeah. I'll be back later, okay?"

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." He kissed her again, then walked to his room and over to Bey. "I'll be back later." He said as he grabbed her chin.

She smiled and sat up, then gave him a hug. He pulled away and kissed her cheek. "Thank you." He said before walking downstairs. He grabbed Crystal's hand then walked to the car and drove off.

They arrived at the movies and got their tickets and snacks, then sat at the top. The movie began 10 minutes later.





"Yes Joi? I'm in your dad's room." She ran in and climbed onto Bey's back. I giggled. "You had a good nap?"

"Yeah. Did you take one?"

"No.. but your dad did."

"He's always taking naps."

I giggled. "Yeah.. you hungry babe?"

"Yes. What's for dinner?"

"I don't know. Let's go see what's down there." They got off the bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. "You want the rest of your fathers cheeseburger and fries?"

"When did he get it?"

"Today." She nodded her head. Bey heated her food up then set it on the table. Joi sat and began to eat.

"BB.. what are you gonna have?"

"Some left overs from last night."

"The steak and stuff?"

"Yup." Bey said as she took her food out of the microwave. She sat across from Joi and began to eat also.

"Can I take my bath after this?"

"Of course you can."

"Are you gonna take one too?"

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"Can I take a shower?"

"Does your dad let you?"


"So then you have to take a bath."

"But he's not here BB." I smiled.

"So you wanna break the rules?"

"Yeah!" She shouted.

"Well I would have to watch you if you take a shower."

"You can take one with me."

"I'll take one when you get out. Just take a bath okay?"

"Okay BB." Joi said as they both finished up their food.




"Did you like the movie?"

"Yeah, it was cool. Thank you." Crystal said as she kissed Shawn's cheek.

"No problem pretty lady. Where do you wanna go to eat?"

"It doesn't matter to me.. did you eat lunch?"

"Yeah I had a burger and fries."

"You wanna go to Friday's?"


They got into the car and drove off. They were immediately seated, then ordered their drinks. The waitress came back over a few minutes later.

"What would you guys like to eat?" She asked.

"I'll have the Friday's shrimp and coleslaw." Shawn said.

"I'll have the shrimp pasta." Crystal said.

"Your order will be out shortly." She said as she walked away.

"So when are you gonna come over babe?" Crystal asked.

"When ever you want me to."

"What about tonight." She asked as she bit her lip. Shawn smirked.

"Not tonight baby.. Bey is watching Joi.. and-"

"Exactly. She's watching Joi.. so, you can come over! please?"

I sighed. "Fine.."

"Yes!" Crystal said with a smile.

"But I'm not staying over. I have to get her ready in the morning for school."

"That's fine. I just need a few hours." She said in a low seductive voice and she squeezed his hands. He chuckled and looked away.

"Did I tell you what she did today in school?"

"No.. what?"

"I had to pick her up early because she cut off this little girls braids."

"Really? why?"

"She said the girl threw paint on her, and that was the only thing she could grab."

I giggled. "She's a character."

"She's just like her mother." Crystal stared at Shawn and smiled.




Bey's P.O.V

Joi and I walked upstairs to the bathroom, and I ran her bath water, then put her in. I wet her hair and began to shampoo it.

"So what happened at school today?"

"This girl Diamond messed up my art work that I was trying to do, and put paint on my face. So I got upset and cut her braids."

"How many?"

"3." Bey laughed and Joi smiled. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just funny. What happened after that?"

"She screamed and started crying then the teacher ran over and asked what happened, and saw the scissors in my hand and her hair on the floor.. then she took me to the principles office. And she called daddy then he came to get me."

"Oh gosh Joi. You can't just go around and do that babes! instead of cutting her hair, you could've put paint back on her, or told the teacher."

"That's what daddy said."

I smiled. "What does this Diamond girl look like?"

"She's Crystal's color, she has dark brown eyes and she's not chubby, but she's not skinny. She's like in the middle. And her hair is." Joi made a funny face. Bey laughed.

"It's messy?"

"Yeah! it was time for it to come out anyways.. so I shouldn't have gotten in trouble. I was actually helping her." Bey smiled and shook her head.

"BB.. can you teach me how to wash myself?"

"Right now?"


"Okay. Grab the soap and your rag and wet it.. then rub it together like this." Bey said as she demonstrated. "Now wash your body.. but wash your face first."

"Okay." Joi said as she followed.

"Joi." Bey said as she giggled. "You have to close your eyes.. you don't want the soap to get in them okay?" Joi nodded her head. "Now wash behind your ears and your neck.. then your arms and your underarms."

"Mmk.. now what?"

"Now your belly." Bey said as she tickled her. She laughed. "Now come, stand up."

Joi stood up and held onto Bey's shoulders as Bey held her waist.

"Now wash your legs and your feet. Make sure you get in between your toes good." Joi giggled.

"Is that it?"

"Nope! you have to wash your tush and your booty." She giggled.

"You said booty! and what's a tush?" Bey smiled.

"Soo.. everybody has one! and a tush is your private area."

"This?" Joi asked as she pointed to it.


"So daddy has a tush?" Bey laughed.

"No baby. Daddy has a..." Bey smiled. "You have that talk with him, okay?" She giggled.


Joi finished washing herself, then Bey helped her out and moisturized her body.

"Thank you, for helping me!"

"You're very welcome!"

Bey put Joi's purple Minnie Mouse pajamas on her, then carried her downstairs to the living room and sat her down on the couch.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back okay? call me if you need anything."

"Okay." Joi said as she watched Dog With A Blog.

Bey grabbed her things then took her shower. She dried off then put on her pajamas and walked back into the living room.

She sat on the couch next to Joi, and Joi climbed into her lap and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"I love you BB." She said as she kissed her cheek then smiled.

"Aw, I love you more Munchkin!"

"You do?"

"Of course! why wouldn't I?" Joi shrugged her shoulders.

"I thought you said it, just to say it."

"Like I don't mean it?" Joi nodded her head. Bey pouted as she pushed Joi's head against her chest and rocked her. "I do mean it Joi. Every time I say it, or every time I have said it.. I meant it okay?"

"Yes." Bey smiled and hugged her.




"Thank you for dinner."

"No problem.. So you wanna go back to your place for a while?"

"Yeah. You know how to get there from here right?"

"Of course I do." Crystal giggled and 10 minutes later, they pulled into her driveway.

They got out, and walked inside where Crystal gave him a tour of her house. She changed into a long, silk black night gown, that had a matching robe. She laid on Shawn's chest as he laid on her bed. She put her leg on top of his and rubbed his stomach. He chuckled.

"What do you want?"


"Yeah you do.. what is it?" She looked at him and bit her lip.

"I want you Shawn." She whispered.

"Mmm.. that's why you wanted me to come over?" She smiled and climbed on top of him.

"Maybe, maybe not." She said as she bent down and began to kiss his neck.

He rubbed his hands down her back and onto her butt as her lips traveled towards his. He tugged on it and she let his tongue in. Their tongues fought and she began to undress him.. and vise versa. He laid her on her back leaving soft trails of kisses.. as he made his way down.




Bey's P.O.V

Joi had fell asleep in my lap while we were watching The Little Mermaid for the 3rd time tonight. I carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed. When I was about to walk out, she woke up and called out for me.

"BB." She whined.

"Yes Joi?"

"Where you going?"

"To bed babe. It's late."

"Is daddy home yet?"


"Can you please stay until I fall asleep?"

"Okay." Bey said as she laid besides her.

She climbed onto Bey's stomach and laid her head on her cheek with her arms around her neck. Bey placed her hands on Joi's back and yawned. She tried to stay awake until Joi was sleep.. but she failed. They both fell into a deep sleep.




Shawn's P.O.V

I left Crystal's house at 11:30 and got home at 12:00. I put my keys on the table then peeked into the guests room.. but didn't see Bey. I walked up the steps and quietly opened Joi's door to see the both of them sleep. I chuckled a little because of the way Bey's feet were hanging off the bed. She knows she is too big for it. I kissed both of their heads, then walked into my room and sat on the bed. I called Crystal since she wanted me to, when I had gotten back home.

Phone conversation.


"Hey hun.. I'm home."

"Okay, good. What you doing?"

"Laying down. I'm exhausted." He said as he laid back.

"Mhm.. I put you to sleep didn't I?"

I chuckled. "Yeah right.. you was half sleep when we were finished."

I laughed. "It was just so damn good.. how could I not?"

"It was good huh?" Shawn asked as he closed his eyes and bit his lip.

"It was more than good. It was everything. I haven't felt anything like that since Tyler was born. And that was 5 years ago!" She smiled and sighed. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"I'll come get my car some time tomorrow."

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you more baby."

End of phone conversation.

I tried to get up and take a shower, but I just couldn't. I laid there on my back with the light still on.. and to be honest, I really didn't care. I finally closed my eyes, and fell right asleep.



✨👄Thank y'all for 1.3k. I love all my readers👄✨

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