heartbreak girl | s.m.

By justsimplymaggie

176K 4.9K 3.2K

"i could pull the stars down from the sky and give them to you, and you would still find a reason to say no... More

cast & author's note
1 | a girl like that
2 | honest
3 | one and the same
4 | tell me something i don't know
5 | wishes
6 | saying sorry
7 | not enough
8 | secrets
9 | flickers
10 | make your move
11 | the moment
12 | are you happy now?
13 | natalie all over
14 | sad
15 | on my mind
16 | tired
17 | bobby flay
18 | save me
19 | letting go
20 | realizations
21 | questions & confusion
22 | hurt
23 | silent treatment
24 | just breathe
25 | blurry
26 | déjà vu
27 | lost in venice
29 | nonetheless
30 | caught
31 | a million reasons
32 | all i want
33 | nyc
34 | since day one
35 | home
36 | a good night
37 | five more minutes
38 | hbd
39 | easy, real, & nearly perfect
40 | if only
41 | extraordinary
42 | the one
43 | greatness
44 | big deals
45 | proud
46 | feelings
47 | as good as it gets
48 | temporary bliss
49 | off
50 | unavailable
51 | things are different now
52 | change
53 | old habits die hard
the letter
54 | the gemma standard
55 | september
56 | october
57 | november
58 | december
59 | january
60 | february
61 | just a funk
62 | the one you've been waiting for
63 | not even close
64 | such a shame
65 | the new normal
66 | yours forever
67 | in denial
68 | unhinged
69 | hope
70 | why not now
71 | fighting for you
72 | dreaming
73 | catching up

28 | soulmates

3.1K 89 54
By justsimplymaggie

chapter playlist
• roses - mackenzie bourg
• lucky - jason mraz & colbie callait
• slow dancing in a burning room - john mayer



gemmaclark even though she's getting married, she'll always be mine. brad, you got one of the good ones. i love you more than anything edith marie jones & wish you two the best marriage in the whole freakin world

wedding day
shawn mendes >>>

I'll spare you the details of the ceremony. It was long and sweet and all too perfect, in typical Brad and Edith fashion. They got married. Gemma cried during their vows; I saw her. They were very sweet, in her defense.

She was an important member of the bridal party, where I was just a lowly resident of Table 12, with Connor and some of Brad's other close friends. I watched her laugh up there next to Edith, and we'd catch each other eyes occasionally. She'd smile or wink or whatever, and I would too, and I wondered if anyone else noticed. I didn't care, but I wondered. At least our separation gave Connor and I plenty of time to catch up, which was actually nice.

There were all these formalities, like the dances and dinner and toasts (Gemma simultaneously made everyone laugh and cry with her speech, because, obviously, she's incredible) before she was basically free of her maid of honor status.

"Look out, I think your girl's coming," Connor said. I turned my head and sure enough, she was coming.

My girl.

He doesn't even know.

"Yeah. She is," I replied, watching her. I swear, no one has ever looked better. "Don't say it so loud."

Loudly, Gemma would say. Adverbs or whatever.

She put her hand on my shoulder as she walked over, a little touch that made me want a little more.

"Hey," she said with a smile, sitting in the empty chair next to me.

"Hi," I replied, suddenly feeling content. "How are you doing? Your toast was amazing."

"Was it? I thought Ben's killed mine," she said, leaning her head against her hand. Ben was Brad's older brother who gave the Best Man speech. But hers was way better.

"Oh come on. It wasn't even close. Yours was ridiculously superior," I told her honestly. She smiled a little.

"Was not."

"Not to eavesdrop, but yours was ridiculously superior," Connor interjected, making Gemma laugh a little bit.

"Thanks," she said a little shyly. She was always a little shy around people she didn't know, I've noticed, but it's weird, because she was never really shy around me. I don't know, maybe she was. Didn't seem like it, though.

"I don't think you two have ever even met," I said, looking from her to him. Have they? I can't recall a time. Seems weird that they'd never met, after all this time.

"I don't think we have either," she said, tilting her head to the side. "I've heard him talk about you so much that I feel like I know you, though."

He laughed a little. "Funny, I was going to say the exact same thing about you."

"Well, even though you both know each other vicariously through me, Connor, this is Gemma; Gemma, this is Connor."

"Nice to meet you," she said, and they shook hands. Her smile was so electric, I almost smiled too. If Connor wasn't Connor and I wasn't positive that she was in love with me, I would be sort of jealous of this interaction.

"Nice to meet you too," he replied, smiling with equal enthusiasm. "You guys can get back to your conversation that I totally interrupted."

She laughed a little, and it was super charming and I looked at him to make sure he wasn't falling in love or anything. He didn't look like it. "Thanks," I said.

She looked back at me and smiled. "You look nice." She lowered her voice quieter than when she was talking to Connor.

I smiled too. "You already said that this morning. And you're the one who looks nice. Well, a lot more than nice. The other bridesmaids don't stand a chance."

She looked down at her dress, a sort of burgundy color that looked really pretty on her. Well, any color looked really pretty on her, but for some reason, especially this one.

"Well, it's not a competition, but thank you," she said, a bit of laughter in her voice. "How are you doing?"

I shrugged. "Fine. Just hanging out," I replied. "I'm glad that I can finally talk to you."

She nodded. "Agreed. I can't take the separation," she said with a grin.


We each didn't say anything, and I heard Lucky by Jason Mraz playing, a song which Gemma has expressed her fondness for in previous conversations. As if on cue, she gasped.

"I love this song," she said, her voice soft.

I smiled amusedly at her excitement. "This would make a good duet."

"I can play it on the guitar," she told me. "If you're looking to sing it with me, or something crazy like that."

"That's exactly what I'm looking to do," I replied. "Don't let me forget."

She nodded as she smiled. Neither of us said anything, she just hummed along to the song for a little bit.

"We should get married," she said lightly, out of the blue, a bit of a smile dancing on her lips.

I felt my heart stop beating for a second, as if she was actually serious.

"Yeah," I replied. "We should."

Then we both laughed a little bit.

"Imagine that. Nobody even knew we were together and then we just announce we're engaged," she said, resting her chin on her hand.

"Or we just don't even say that we're engaged and just get married."

Can you imagine?

"I know we're just joking around right now, but it's like, sort of tempting," she said, making me laugh.

On one hand, getting married is the last thing I want to do, but on the other hand, getting married to Gemma Clark is the only thing I want to do. I would never have the guts to do it though, and I don't think she would, either.

"People do that, you know," I said. "They're together for a month or so and just know that that person is the one, so they just get married. Or, I guess they think that person is the one."

She smiled a little bit. "The one," she said, scoffing as if it was an absurd idea. "Do you believe in 'the one?' Do you really believe in soulmates?"

Jeez, I guess she doesn't.

I shrugged, reluctant to disagree with her. "I don't know. I think I do. I think there's a person out there that you're meant to love, who's meant to love you."

She nodded. "Yeah. I guess. It's just...seven billion people in the world and I just happen to cross paths with one person who's perfectly made for me? The math doesn't add up; the odds are too impossible. The whole concept just seems a bit far-fetched to me."

I smiled, amused by her skepticism. I mean, most girls easily buy into stuff like that, but of course, she thinks about it more deeply. She does the math.

"I don't know. I mean, I guess it's sort of a spiritual question. Like, is there some almighty power who creates two people to be perfect for each other? I don't know," I said. "But I do think everyone has a purpose in life and a path in life, and I'd say finding your "person" is part of that path. I don't know about soulmates, as in one perfect person out there who's made specifically perfectly for you, but maybe. Something like that."

She tilted her head the side, as if she was just trying to wrap her head around the whole concept.

"But like...how do you know? Like, is your soulmate your only option? Can you have more than one soulmate? Can you be happy and love someone who isn't your soulmate?" she asked curiously, as if I had all the answers.

I laughed a little. "You're asking the wrong guy, Gem. I don't know anything about anything."

She smiled. "I know. I just like getting in your brain. Getting to know what you really think," she said, keeping her grin. "I like hearing you talk about things. What you think about the world. The deeper stuff, I guess."

I nodded, smiling a bit. "I know you do. I wouldn't even attempt to get inside your brain. It would probably be filled with things I know nothing about."

She chuckled, but shook her head. "Probably not. Probably be filled with you," she said. "And some random trivia. Maybe like...the quadratic formula."

I gave her a look. "I have no idea what the quadratic formula even is."

"B plus-or-minus the square root of B-squared minus 4 times A times C, all over A times 2," she recited.

I shook my head. "That's just annoying."

She laughed. "How are you going to know how to solve any quadratic equation if you don't know the quadratic formula?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"The next time I have to solve a quadratic equation, I'm calling you," I said with a smile, and she laughed again.

"Sounds good," she replied. We were both contently quiet for a moment.

"What were we even talking about?" I asked, and we both laughed. I didn't even know.

"I think this all started from me suggesting we get married," she answered. I know it's a complete joke, but every time she says get married, I swear my heart stops.

"Oh right. I'm still down for that."

She smiled. "Ditto."

She became preoccupied with something behind me, then let out a groan. "I'm being summoned," she said begrudgingly. "Save a dance for me, please. And then we can continue this riveting soulmate debate."

Soulmate debate. She smiled and I could tell she was satisfied with that rhyme.

I smiled. "Sounds good, but you're going to have to fight off all the other girls who are begging me for a dance."

She shook her head, but that earned a smile out of her. "Shut up and just do it, okay?"

I nodded and smiled satisfactorily. "You've got a dance, Gem."

She smiled and leaned in close to me, as if she was going to kiss me, but pulled away quickly, her face turning red. "Forgot where we were for a sec," she said, simply patting my shoulder. "I'm going to walk away before I make a fool out of myself."

"It's probably too late for that," I told her, and she rolled her eyes.

She walked away and I felt myself still smiling.

When I turned my head, Connor was looking at me incredulously.

"You two are totally dating!" he said, a little too loudly.

"Shhh," I said, praying that nobody saw Gemma's little move right there or heard Connor yell that we were dating. Great.

"But you are, right?" he asked, grinning.

"No, we're not," I told him.

"She suggested that you two get married," he said. "And you talked about soulmates for ten minutes. You're definitely dating."

"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked.

"It's not eavesdropping if you're talking loudly enough for me to hear," he said matter-of-factly, and I couldn't argue with that. "She also said you looked nice, and insisted that you save a dance for her. Oh, and she just almost kissed you."

Damn it.

"Okay, fine. We're not dating," I said with a sigh. "But we're...we're something."

"Is this a Natalie thing again?"

I quickly shook my head. "No, no; it's not like that at all. I'm...I'm really in love with her. She's in love with me, too. I mean, she says she is. She acts like it."

I watched as a grin grew on Connor's face. "What? How long as this been going on? Why didn't you tell me?"

I couldn't help but smile at his excitement. "About a month."

"A month?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Right now you're the only other person who knows; Edith doesn't even know, so you can't tell anyone. We want it to be a secret, at least for a little while. Just so we can keep it between us without everyone else's opinions. It's just easier if we're the only ones who know."

"Wow, I'm the only one who knows. I feel so honored," he said, leaning back in his seat. I rolled my eyes. I didn't bother mentioning that Gemma told Jake a couple weeks ago during their odd interaction, because I think he likes it better this way.

"That's incredible. I can't believe you actually got her. Not because she's out of your league or anything like that...it's just, you've been talking about her like she's the best thing since sliced bread for months. Now you're really together. That's so great," he said, sounding genuine.

I laughed a little. "Thanks. It is great."

"And she seems great," he added. "Really sweet. Charming."

I nodded. "She is. She's incredible. She's funny, and caring, and just so...captivating. She's so interesting and intriguing; just learning about her and what she loves and hates and thinks is the most amazing thing. And obviously, she's beautiful; the most beautiful girl I've ever met. And she's smart. So smart, it blows my mind," I said. I felt myself just going on and on. But nobody knows about us, so nobody's ever asked me about her like this. I've never had this conversation with anyone. I liked it.

"But she doesn't brag about it; she doesn't brag about any of it. She just...she's just her, and she's amazing."

He just looked at me with this smile, his head tilted to the side. "Man, you really are in love with her."

I felt my face get hot. "Yeah. I guess I am."

"So, why aren't you dating?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Just haven't asked her."

"What? Why not?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "I don't know how. I don't know when."

"Now!" he said. "There's no time like the present."

I shook my head. "I don't...I don't even know what to say."

"Yes you do. It's easy," he said, making me roll my eyes. "All you have to say is: Gemma, I'm in love with you. Wanna be my girlfriend?"

I laughed a little, shaking my head again. "That's awful. She'll never say yes."

"I think she'd say yes to anything, honestly," he replied. "I mean, she just said she'd marry you, for crying out loud."

He has a point.

I looked over to where she was, taking picture after picture. Outshining everyone else in the picture.

Is he right?

"I don't know. Maybe," I said. Maybe I will.

He crossed his arms, slouching in his seat. "Jeez. She's really in love with you. That's crazy. I need whatever superstar magic you have to rub off on me."

I laughed. "It didn't come easily, you know. This was like, months in the making."

"I guess I can't really blame you for ditching me now," he said. "Even though you're still the worst."


"And you're not worried about that one?" he asked, nodding towards someone talking to Brad. It was Jake.

"Not really," I replied. "What's there to be scared of?"

Connor grinned. "That's the attitude. Wow, you're a changed man. I'm so happy for you, for real."

I laughed a little. "Thanks."

I looked back over at her to see that she was looking at me. She smiled and motioned for me to come to her. In the middle of all these people, she was standing alone, looking like she needed someone.

"That's my cue," I said, and Connor turned around to see Gem. He smiled a little.

"Have fun. Go get her," he told me.

We met somewhere in the middle of where we both had come from.

"What?" I asked.

She shrugged. "They're playing One Direction and you're sitting over there like a loser. Unacceptable."

I smiled a little. "Sorry. I didn't—"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Edith. She put up a "one second" finger to Gemma.

"Slow Dancing In A Burning Room, up next," she whispered. "Her favorite song. Tell her how you feel or something."

As if I didn't know her favorite song.

And why is Edith trying to set us up on her own wedding day? She really never stops. Her persistence is admirable, I guess.

"Can you go get married or something?" I told her with a smile, and she laughed as she walked away. I felt all this pressure looming over me now. Edith doesn't even know about us, and she said that. It's a sign. I've gotta do it.

"What was that about?" Gemma asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Your best friend is crazy," I told her, and she laughed.

"Yeah, she is," she agreed.

And in that moment, What Makes You Beautiful was ending. I felt a knot forming in my stomach.

The first few seconds of Slow Dancing In A Burning Room played. She noticed immediately.

"I think this is the dance I saved for you, Clark," I said with a smile, and she looked at me a little suspiciously, but took my outstretched hand nonetheless.

"Did you tell them to play this song?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"Nope. Maybe the DJ just shares the same affinity for John Mayer as we do," I replied with a smile. She smiled too, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her heels made her a little closer to my height, so we were closer to eye level with each other, which for some reason, made me more nervous.

"Do you think people are onto us?" she asked.

I smiled a little. "Frankly, I don't think anyone cares as much as we think they do."

She laughed, then nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"Connor knows," I said. "About us. He sort of heard our whole conversation earlier."

I glanced over at where he was still sitting. I kinda felt bad; we used to be in the same boat, both sort of hoping that we would meet someone but pretending like we weren't worried about it. It feels like I've abandoned him.

"I figured he would," she said with a smile. "It's only him. He won't tell anyone, will he?"

I shook my head. "Nah. Anyone who saw you try to kiss me might, though."

She laughed. "Shut up. I didn't try to kiss you. I caught myself halfway."

"Whatever you say," I said, smiling too.

She started to sing along as the chorus came, making my heart happy.

"My dear, we're slow dancing in a burning room," she sang softly, smiling at me. I felt her fingertips grazing the back of my neck, although I didn't know if she was doing it on purpose.

"Kind of a sad song for a wedding," I said, and she laughed lightly.

"A little bit," she replied. "A great song for a slow dance, though." She was right.

The second verse came along, and I knew I had to make my move soon.

"Listen, Gem," I started. I didn't even know what I was going to say. Why did I just start talking? Oh my God I've never been this nervous.

Okay, this is the girl who was talking about marrying me ten minutes ago, and I'm worried she's going to reject me asking her to be my girlfriend. That's absurd. I've got this.

She looked me right in my eyes, making me even more nervous. "I'm listening," she said, a small smile forming on your lips.

"Getting to know you over the past four months has been my favorite thing," I told her, and she grinned.

"Stop," she said, blushing.

"Seriously. I knew from the first day we met that I was going to fall in love with you, even if you were a crying mess. And even if things weren't always...ideal between us, and even if it took this long for us to get here, I wouldn't change it. It was all worth it," I said, and she was smiling. The words were coming from somewhere (my heart?) and they weren't too terrible. She's smiling, so it can't be that bad.

"I loved being your friend, and I love being...whatever we are now, but I think I'd love being your boyfriend the most," I said, feeling like my heart was in my throat. "So, if you're up for it, I'd—"

She broke out into a grin before I even finished the sentence, pulling me into a hug. Our dancing posture was similar to hugging posture, thankfully. My arms hesitantly wrapped all the way around her. She was clutching into me. She smelled like perfume and hairspray.

"I'd absolutely love to," she replied, her voice muffled in my shoulder. I laughed a little, relief flooding through me. She did too.

She pulled away from me, and we both acted like that was completely normal.

"Sorry it took so long," I said sheepishly, and she shook her head.

"It's perfect. Everything is perfect, just the way it is right now," she replied, smiling still. "It still blows my mind that you'd even want to be my boyfriend, but I'll happily let you."

The song ended, but I wanted to stay in that moment forever. It felt like we were the only two people in that whole place.

"I think...I think I could use some fresh air," I said, and she grinned.

"Now that you say that, I think I could as well," she agreed.

We walked towards a door in the back, and the moment we stepped outside, she kissed me, one hand on each side of my face. Her eagerness made me smile. I should have asked her way sooner.

"I sort of wish we weren't here," she said, her breathing a little staggered. Her eyes were bright.

"Yeah? Why's that?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist. She kissed me again, as if that was an answer.

"I'm completely in love with you. Crazy about you. God, the fact that you even give me a second glance is insane. Maybe soulmates are fake or whatever...but right now, in this moment, you're mine," she told me, eyes a little wide and bright.

"You're definitely mine too," I told her with a smile. I didn't know if she was my real, full-time soulmate, because how do you know; but I do know that I want her to be. I want her for a very, very long time.

For a few minutes, we stood out there and talked, the breeze feeling good compared to the crowded space inside. It was beautiful outside. She was beautiful. Things were falling into place, it felt like. At least for now.

"I know it," she said when we were about to walk back inside.

"Know what?"

She looked at me as if it was obvious. "My least favorite thing about you."

I frowned. I did not think the recent events would lead her to that particular epiphany. "What is it?"

She smiled sympathetically. "You're going to break my heart one day, and I'm still going to be a total fool for you."

gemma clark <<<

I fumbled with the key to the door, cursing under my breath at it. He chuckled, placing a few kisses on my neck from behind me. I finally figured it out, opening the door and turning around to kiss him again. We stumbled clumsily into the dimly lit room, not wanting to put any space in between us.

He laughed again, which made me laugh. "Stop laughing," I told him as I laughed, which made him laugh again, and he closed the door behind us.

"Sorry. You're just—you're always you. And I just...well, I'm just infinitely fond of you everyday," he said, making me smile.

"Shut up," I replied, knowing I was blushing. Him, infinitely fond of me. It seems unthinkable.

Somehow, in the past few hours, he's partially restored my hope in soulmates.

He grinned and kissed me again, so thankfully, the conversation was over. I pulled myself closer to him, breathing him in; I could still smell his cologne. His touch warmed me, but everywhere where he wasn't felt cold. I was still wearing his jacket from after the reception, when it had gotten oddly chilly outside, but a part of me was still shaking. I couldn't tell if it was him or if I was cold or if it was just Classic Anxiety, or maybe all three. I don't know, but I wasn't completely worried about it. I was worried about what I knew was going to happen tonight.

Not that I didn't want it to happen, because I've never wanted something to happen as badly as I want this. But...I'm just nervous, I guess? Nervous I'll mess it up, and nervous he won't feel the same afterwards. Nervous that he'll be disappointed. I can't tell him that, because then he'll spend hours convincing me it's not true, and I don't really want that. I just...I don't know. He likes me. I know he does. We're actually dating now, for crying out loud. I just...I can't not be nervous. That's probably why I'm shaking.

I felt as if he could read my mind, because he took my shaking hand in his and squeezed it, making the shaking stop.

"God, it's so hot when you calm my anxiety down," I joked breathlessly, making him laugh a little. I felt his fingertips on my exposed shoulder, brushing my hair out of the way. His lips trailed to my neck, where he let them linger, giving me a new intoxicating feeling.

"If you give me a hickey, I swear," I said, not finishing the threat. I was only half-joking.

He stopped for a moment to give me a look. "This isn't the tenth grade, Gemma."

I chuckled.

"I might give you one now, just because you said that."

I playfully shoved him, and we both laughed. I sort of regretted saying anything, because I definitely slowed things down.

But he kissed me again, bringing it back. It was undoubtedly electric. Everything began to move quickly, and I liked it. I liked how I could barely think, and how I couldn't really catch my breath. I liked it all.

It's just like...I want him closer. I want more. I guess he just doesn't feel it like I do. The inches between us don't have to be there, so why are they there? As close as I can get him to me, that's what I want.

Maybe he read my mind, because things picked up. I tried to pull off his jacket I was wearing, which was making me hot, but I wasn't really getting anywhere. He noticed my struggle and pulled it off my arms with ease, letting it fall onto the floor next to us. I didn't get any less hot, for some weird reason.

Take the hint. Take the hint and let's just do what we've wanted to do for months now.

He loosened his tie, so it hung sloppily around his neck instead of nice and neat. I used it to pull him closer to me, and he seemed a bit taken aback by my uncharacteristic urgency.

"Stop teasing me, you jerk," I said breathlessly. "You know I want you. Stop fucking around."

He laughed a little, his eyes meeting mine. "Just had to hear you say it."

My fingers quickly untied his tie all the way, as if I had been waiting for his approval, then found a random button on his shirt and quickly undid it. I quickly unbuttoned all of them in a haphazard fashion, and he took it off in the most attractive way I have ever seen. Jesus Christ. I had to catch my breath.

I suddenly became even more insecure, because he was perfect, and I'm just not, and probably every girl he's been with has been perfect as well. I used to feel the same way with Jake, but if he ever did one thing well, it was make me feel confident in my body. Maybe he only did it because he wanted my body, but it felt genuine enough. I'd like to think a lot of our relationship was pretty genuine.

I probably should have thought about this before my big "let's just sleep together" soliloquy, but I have a history of not thinking before I talk.

He seemed to notice my hesitation.

"Slowly," I said, the word seeming to get stuck in my throat.

He nodded. "Slowly," he agreed.

"I've only ever known Jake. He was my first...well, everything. I don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing, or if it's just a thing, but it's the truth. I just have this irrational—yet  justifiable—fear of disappointing you."

And I knew he was going to say something like, you couldn't disappoint me even if you tried, but I have to wonder how true that really is. Because what if he's just pretending to not be disappointed, and I don't know the difference? I don't know how to know. I'm intelligent in all facets of life except for the ones that matter.

"Impossible," he told me with a grin. "Besides, I don't care if you've been with one guy or a million...you're with me now. And I'm going to make you forget that there was ever anyone else."

I chuckled, and he kissed my forehead. "There's nothing to worry about, Gem. Really," he told me, speaking in that ever-comforting way. I nodded. "Just...whenever you want, we'll stop."

I knew I wouldn't want to stop, but his words still brought me comfort.

"Slowly," he said, kissing my lips gently. Jeez. My whole body was weak.

I nodded and smiled.

"Sorry. I brought the tempo down substantially," I said, my smile turning into a frown. "I just felt the need to...elucidate my inhibitions."

He chuckled, brushing that strand of hair behind my ear. "I like you because you say things like "elucidate my inhibitions" in situations like these," he said, smiling down at me. "You're too goddamn charming for your own good, Clark. Frankly, I'm not sure how I even got lucky enough to be in this situation."

I smiled a little, most definitely blushing. I tried to not become too transfixed on his exposed chest, although it was terribly hard. But then I looked at his eyes and became transfixed there, too...he was a constant complex. There were too many beautiful things to look at.

His eyes met mine, and for a quick second, we were both trapped in our gazes. Then he grinned, kissing me once more and making it last. It was a fall-in-love-with-me type of kiss.

We started up again, and I seemed to regain my confidence. I reached for the bow where my dress tied in the back.

"My dress ties in the back...I'm pretty sure I tied it very tightly," I said, my fingers finding the little bow around my waist. I couldn't undo it, due to my weird angle. He laughed.

"May I?" he asked, and I nodded. I turned my back to him and moved my hair to one side.

I felt his fingers mess with it, and after a second, it loosened pretty quickly. My heart raced.

"Magic touch," he said as an explanation, making me chuckle.

"Um, there's also a zipper, if you know how to use one of those," I said, a little jokingly.

"Not sure if I'm familiar with this zipper you speak of, but I guess I'll give it a go," he replied, making me laugh a little.

And, shockingly enough, it worked flawlessly.


The next morning, we woke up due to the sunlight coming in through the curtains. But, thankfully, waking up is not equivalent to getting up, and we remained laying there for a gracious amount of time.

"I was right," he mumbled, his voice a little lower and rougher than usual, making me feel some type of way.

"About what?" I asked, opening my eyes just for a second to look at his face. His eyes were still closed, and his hair was all disheveled and he was so gorgeous; a picture of perfection, this whole scene was.

"I do love being your boyfriend the most," he said, referencing what he said last night at the wedding. When I opened my eyes, his were open too, and he was smiling as he looked at me. I laughed softly, my heart beginning to race.

Me too. More than anything.

woooooow what a fun chapter. we love a good successful wedding and some good successful relationships flourishing. love that for them.

wow thanks for reading (wow it didn't take me fourteen years to update! yay) please comment and let me know if this wasn't the ~worst chapter ever~. if it was, spare my feelings and don't tell me.

➡️ what are we bopping to lately?

hm for me, i've been jamming to "everytime" by ariana grande (we stan a legend) and everything by the 1975. that's what's up

thanks for reading you're the best hope you have a fab day :)


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