The man on the end of the lin...

By Sarah1990B

148K 4.3K 2K

*completed* When Ella is short on money she sees an advert for phone sex girls and decides to give it a go, w... More

"I wanna piss in your mouth.."
"What's your star sign?"
"Men are strange"
"You've never been fucked?"
"I kissed someone"
"You're a horny fucker"
"What are we doing!"
"Controlling obsessive prick am I?"
"Give me a chance"
"Evening lads"
"I'm a dangerous woman"
'I'm in deep fucking trouble'
"On the end of the line"
"Just touch me"
"No, we are nothing"
"So we are dating"
"What are you afraid of"
"...Spread your legs"
"So fire me"
"You're so bossy"
"Yes sir"
"I think im falling in love with you"
"Oh that's sweet"
"This will never be over"
"Love you Tommo"
"What if he's shit?"
"What like up the bum?"
"I was a fucking bet?"
"You've broken me"
"I'm begging you"
"I wont let you down"
"What if you fly?"
"...Be a nun"
"Two more tequilas!"
"Do you love her"
"No one likes a beggar"
"She's my everything"
"I'm her boyfriend"
'It's always going to be him'
"I'm back"
"...well he's gay"
"I am a dick"
"You've taken me all, baby"
"Last warning, i said no"
"That was eventful"
"I need him as much as he needs me"
"I'm here for you, now and forever"
"I'll be your friend forever"
"We were fucking gay, weren't we"
"You are my perfect"
"Paradise, baby"
"Yes ma'am"
"You infuriate me"
" this too perfect to be real?"
"Help me Louis.."
"I'll fucking kill you"
"This is the end of my fairytale"
"Go on then jump!"
"Take me home"
"Always and forever"
"You deserve it all, brother"
"I love you"
"I can't believe we are getting married"
"Alright, keep your knickers on"
"I love you Harold"
"Thank you for everything"
"I just want you to be happy"
"You may now kiss the bride"
"This is our forever"

"Happy birthday princess"

1.6K 50 9
By Sarah1990B

Ella's POV

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday bitch, happy birthday to fucking yooou" Hayley bounces into my room and launches herself on to my bed.

"Argh what time is it?" I moan.

"I dunno, I haven't been asleep yet" Hayley grins. She's been with Jake, she finished her shift and went back to his for the night.

I roll over and pull my phone from my bedside table, "Hayley it's 6.30 in the morning. Go away!" I shove her off my bed and roll over pulling the covers over my head.

"No! It's your birthday and also may I remind you it's Christmas Eve! It's officially fucking Christmas" she jumps around my room.

"Ok! Ok I'm fucking up now thanks to you and plus I do need to sort myself out. I haven't done one bit of Christmas shopping" I slowly sit up in my bed.

"Ew, that makes me feel kind of sick. All my presents are wrapped and stored in my cupboard" she looks at me with narrow eyes "expect yours, yours is not there"

I laugh and roll my eyes, "I won't go snooping don't worry. Have you cooked me a full English breakfast then since you've woken me at this time and it's my birthday?"

"Don't be silly. I don't cook. I'll do you some toast and a coffee though. I'll be right back" she hurries off to the kitchen.

I lay back and unlock my phone, I know Louis doesn't normally celebrate his birthday but we have decided it's time for a change. I text him a simple 'Happy birthday' message. He'll be asleep so hopefully I won't wake him up.

As soon as I put my phone down my message alert pings.

Happy birthday princess. Why are you up?

I reply instantly.

Hayley woke me up at this time! Why are you up?

As I send the message Hayley walks in with some toast and coffee. I smile and thank her as I place the coffee on my side table and the toast on my lap.

"So it's nothing huge but here" Hayley hangs me a small bag with a card.

"Hayley, you didn't have to get me anything" I gratefully take the bag. I know how annoying people have found my birthday being the day before Christmas. I normally get an all in one birthday and Christmas present.

"Your my best friend, as if I'm not going to buy you a birthday present!" She crosses her legs on my bed.

I open the card and read the thoughtful message and place it on my table. I pull out about a tonne of paper she's stuffed in the bag and finally get to the presents.

In the bag she's brought me, a Yankee candle; vanilla my favourite. I pull out some make up from my favourite brand, a new top and some fluffy socks. The last thing is a new pandora charm.

"Thanks Hays. I love them all" I move the bag out the way and give her a tight hug.

We chat for a while before she decides she needs to go to bed and get some sleep. I moan at the fact she's woken me up early and now fucks off to bed.

When she's left I drink my coffee when my phone rings, "Hello"

"Why the fuck haven't you text me back? I messaged you ages ago" Louis moans down the phone.

"I was busy with Hayley. Stop being so needy. Anyway why are you up so early?"

"Well you'd know if you had read and replied to my message" he snaps. He then changes his tone, "Sorry. Well you know I don't really celebrate my birthday and also I never have a good nights sleep the night before, I always end up remembering the past and what not"

"Don't Louis, we've spoken about this now, this is a new chapter for you. Onwards and upwards. I love you and I'm telling you now we are celebrating your birthday this year and every year from now on. No arguments and no throwing toddler tantrums!"

"Wow I've never had someone tell me what to do" Louis sounds like he's got the hump and I can't help but let out a small laugh.

"Oh really and how does that make you feel, you know being bossed around by someone" I laugh.

"It makes me feel like I want to come round right now and spank the hell out of your arse. Let's not forget who wears the trousers in this relationship" he snaps.

I know this is one of his attempts to be controlling and cute at the same time and it makes my heart melt.

"This is true, I mean I'm only wearing a tiny little thong right now" I laugh as I look down at my big knickers that have really seen their best days.

"I will come over so don't tease me"

"No teasing boss. So what a the plan for today?" I lay back and rest my head on my pillow.

"I'm glad you asked. You have exactly half an hour to get dressed, pack some clothes and wait for me to pick you up. See you in half an hour princess"

"Woah Louis wait I-" I stop speaking when I realise he's already hung up. Why does he do this to me, I jump up and start to panic. I have no time to shower or barely get dressed if I'm to pack for a few days away. What the hell do I pack? Where are we going? It's fucking Christmas for god sake.

I start pulling clothes out of my drawers and quickly fold them up in my suitcase. I take jumpers, jeans, shorts and bikinis because who knows where we are going. I've learnt to live on my toes with Louis around and I have to admit I kind of like it.

I have ten minutes to spare once I'm packed and I chuck on a hoodie and jeans along with my uggs since it's freezing outside, I'm hoping we are going somewhere hot with a pure white beach but I won't hold on to that thought.

I rush my make up and pull my hair into a messy bun and wait by the front door for Louis' obnoxious knock. Right on time and not a minute late he thumps on the door.

"Ok ok!" I shout as I fumble to get the locks undone and open the door. Louis as always takes my breath away in a smart grey suit and black jacket.

"Ready?" He questions looking at my bag.

"Erm, I think so. You didn't really give me much time to sort myself out" I sigh feeling rushed and like I'm forgetting something.

"Good. Let's fucking go" he storms off down the hallway and I shrug my shoulders and quickly follow him.

Just before we get to the stairs he stops dead in his tracks and turns to me. Taking my head in his cold hands he presses his lips against mine, I taste the mint he's obviously just had and I suck in a breath at his cold lips.

"Happy birthday princess"

As soon as the words leave his lips he turns around and starts walking down the stairs at his usual quick pace again and I laugh following him.

We've been in the car for an hour, the traffic is horrendous with last minute Christmas shoppers.

"Right finally we are here" Louis looks around as the car comes to a halt. I look around and instantly know we are at the airport.

"We going on your fancy plane again?" I smile getting excited.

"Indeed we are going on my fancy plane. You have no idea the surprise I have in store for you" he winks.

"Oo is it fancy?" I laugh as I get out the car.

"Fucking fancy? It's fucking insane. Buckle up cupcake you're going to be blown away at the shit I've got planned"


Guys I can't believe this took so long to update. I hope you haven't forgotten about me! It's a short chapter but I promise it won't be as long as this for the next update. Please vote or comment I love reading them and also I have a new story in the works which I hope to share with you all soon.
Much love x

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