You can't plan everything (Je...

By scobidoo

294K 6.4K 1.5K

What if you had everything you wanted? What if all your dreams came true? Jade Thirlwall. Worldwide known pop... More

You can't plan everything (Jerrie)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
The End

Chapter 43

3.8K 98 28
By scobidoo

Jade´s POV

I woke up because someone was knocking at the door, I opened my eyes, to look at the time and saw that it was 9 o´clock. Why would there be anyone at 9 o´clock? I tried to ignore the knocking and smiled as I looked next to me. Pez was laying there, fast asleep, a content smile on her face, the blanket wasn´t fully covering her, letting me see her boobs. I smiled proudly to myself, when I saw all the marks, I left yesterday.

The knocking got louder and louder, annoying me. I gave up and yelled a, "I´m coming" which made the knocking stop, but I knew that I had to get up anyways, so I got out of bed, tripping over something on the floor, landing with a loud boom. Confused I looked around, looking for the sourche of my fall, but couldn´t find it, because the knocking started yet again, making me groan in annoyance and quickly slip an oversized shirt on.

"What?" I asked annoyed as I opened the door only to reveal Jesy and Leigh.

"Someone´s moody" Leigh muttered, I rolled my eyes and saw that the camera men all of them instantly walking into our bedroom, sure no need to ask, just walk in, feel at home. It´s not like there is something called privacy.

"Man, Poopey, I knew that Perriewinkle was fit, but damn, girl got boobies" Jesy teased as she sat on the bed and looked at my girlfriend´s boobs. My knuckles turned white from the force I used to ball my hands in fists, my jaw clenched and Leigh just laughed along with her, obviously checking her out as well. I knew that they wouldn´t make a move on her, because they are too happy with their own relationship, but I´m just very jealous and I don´t like anyone else checking my girlfriend out.

They are here for probably 10 minutes and already piss me off, I sprint over to the bed and pull the blanket fully over her, making sure that only her face was now visible, her smile still on her face, I had to smile as well and kissed her cheek lovingly.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and noticed the toy laying next to the bed, still from yesterday, so that´s what I tripped over this morning. I quickly shoved it under the bed with my foot, so that noone would see it. I don´t need them teasing me about that as well, they saw all them lovebites 100% and they aren´t stupid they always know when we did it and when we didn´t.

I glared at them, "Stay away from my girlfriend"

Both of them raised their hands in surrender, "I got my own girlfriend, I don´t know what you´re talking about" Leigh told me, smiling innocently at me.

Jesy turned to the camera man and asked them to leave, because we need some privacy, they nodded and left, closing the door.

I smiled at my sleeping girlfriend, light snores leaving her mouth and I got under the blanket cuddling with her again. I placed a tender kiss on her forehead, taking in her beauty. Untill someone cleared their throat, I looked up to see Jesy and Leigh staring at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked confused.

"We saw all them lovebites on her boobs and neck and jawline, basically everywhere. And we can see the one on your neck, it´s huge. So how was it" Jesy asked with a raised eyebrow.

I blushed furiously and looked down, but acted like I don´t know anything, "I don´t know what you´re taking about"

"You can´t lie and you know that. So tell us all the dirty details, I saw that strap on, how long was that?" Jesy asked, causing my blush to turn an even darker shade of red.

"Ok, you´re right, we had fun. And yeah maybe 10 inches" I mumbled the last part, but they seemed to catch it.

"Are you serious? 10 fucking inches? Poor Perriewinkle no wonder she´s all tired" Jesy exclaimed shocked. I blushed even more, if that´s possible, they must think I´m a crazy maniac now, but oh well, they already know me. But there was a question in my head, why were they there for, there has to be a reason.

"Why are you even here?"

"You really forgot?" Leigh asked, skeptically.

"What, is it important?"

"You must have fucked pretty hard yesterday when you forgot" Jesy muttered, earning a slap from her girlfriend. Leigh turned back to me, "Today is the Victoria´s Secret fashion show, you´re performing there, remember?"

Then all of it made click. The fashion show, I´ll perform there, there will be hot models, including Cara. Who has a crush on my girlfriend, who wants to be with her, my girlfriend. I could feel my blood boil inside my veins at the thought, I have to make sure that Cara can´t even look at her, she needs to know that she is mine.

"When do we leave?"

"As soon as you´re ready, you should probably wake sleeping beauty"

"Alright, thanks for telling me, we´ll see you later"

"See you later" they called out before leaving me alone with Pez.

I start to shake her, "C´mon Pezza you need to get up"

she mumbled something, that I couldn´t catch. I got and idea, I straddled her and kissed her passionately, holding her nose, so that she couldn´t breathe in anymore. Her eyes widdened and I let go of her nose, so that she could breathe. Her eyes softened and she gave in and kissed back.

We eventually pulled away and Pez glared at me again. "Did you plan on fucking killing me?"

"No I just woke you up" I told her and kissed her again, lovingly.

"You´re happy I love you, or else I wouldn´t have forgiven you so easily" I giggled slightly and told her to get up.

"Why? Can´t we just stay in bed all day and cuddle?" she asked adorably, her face turned into a slight pout and her mesmerizing blue orbs, staring right into my soul, asking for permission.

"I´d love to, but I have a performance today and it´s pretty big and I want you to be there, so you´ll have to get up and get ready.

"What performance is it then, when it´s big"

"Victoria´s Secret fashion show"

Her eyes widdened and she seemed to be stiff, I waved my hand in front of her face, to see if there would be any reaction and there wasn´t. "What´s wrong, princess?"


"I know there is something bothering you, you can tell me" I told her as I kissed her cheek. She sighed and nodded her head.

"It´s just, there are a lot of attractive models there, in basically nothing. And they will try to make a move on you or something and what if you realise that I´m not good enough anymore and and.." I could see her eyes glass over and they held sadness and fear in them. So that´s what´s bothering her, funny how the same is bothering me, even more because of Cara´s crush on her.

I pulled her closer to me, kissing her cheek tenderly, "Hey, there´s nothing to worry about, have you seen these girls? They are basically bones and skin, I would never go for one of those. And if someone would have to be worried, I´d be me, because have you looked in the mirror lately? You are a goddess. And don´t ever doubt that. And more importantly I would never leave you because I love you too much, don´t ever forget that"

She nodded, a slight smile on her face, "You always know what to say, I love you"

I smiled at her, hearing these words coming from her mouth is the best thing in this world, "I love you too" she smiled and we both leaned in to kiss, our lips meeting halfway in a passionate kiss.

"Now I guess we should get up" she nodded and got up first, standing on her legs shakily, she slowly made a step forward and instantly landed on her bum, causing me to laugh slightly and my idiotic friends to erupt in loud laughter as well, already guessing what happened.

I rushed to my girlfriend´s side, immediately picking her up and sitting her on the bed. "Careful there, princess, how about I bring you your clothes and you stay here and just sit?" She nodded, being slightly embarrassed because she can´t walk.

I picked out some sweatpants and underwear and one of my shirts, because I know she would steal mine, if I´d give her one of hers. I brought her the clothes and quickly got changed myself, my stylists are at the set there and they will give us other styling anyways, so I didn´t bother with makeup or something like that.

I walked over to the bed and saw Pez getting changed, she already put on the pants and was just putting on her bra when I walked over to her, sitting next to her. "You look better without clothes though" I whispered, causing her to roll her eyes and put on her bra.

I pouted and she quickly kissed my pout away, causing me to shoot her a toothy smile, which caused her to giggle slightly. Gosh I love her giggle so much, it´s so cute and light and innocent and god, I could ramble on about her giggle all day but we need to get going. I looked at her again, smirking when my eyes landed on all the lovebites from yesterday, but all too soon she put on her shirt and the show was over.

"Let´s go then, you ready, princess?"

"I can´t walk really, so"

"That´s no problem" I told her as I got up and carried her down bridal style.

"Aww how sweet she´s carrying her downstairs" Leigh gushed, being the clearly more romantic one.

"C´mon she´s only doing it because she fucked her too hard yesterday and now Pez can´t walk" Jesy exclaimed, yeah Leigh is the clearly more romantic one.

Pez blushed hard and hid her head in the crook of my neck, like she always does, she´s so adorable, "Anyways, let´s get going now shouldn´t we?" I asked trying to change the subject. It seemed to work as we all got in the car and noone said a word about it.

Pez sat next to me, her head on my shoulder, both of us slowly dozing off, finally falling asleep.

"But they look so cute together, sleeping. We can´t wake them" I heard Leigh´s voice say.

"You already took a gazillion pictures and posted one on twitter, what else do you want to do?" Jesy asked her, "Could you please shut up" I said, my eyes still closed. "C´mon and wake this one up then, we need to go get ready"

I nodded and woke Pez, which was surprisingly easy. "Should I carry you again, or do you think you can walk on your own again?" I asked her concerned.

"I´ll try to walk on my own" I nodded and got out first, paps were waiting there but I didn´t care I watched as she slowly got on one foot, her hands gripping the door, her second one slowly following, she realeased her grip from the car door and tried to walk, but ended up stumbling right into my arms.

"I guess I´ll carry you then" I said as I picked her up, "I´m just too good" I whispered in her ear, causing her to giggle lightly and nod her head, "Yes you are"

We got in the building and my stylists were already all over us, "Jade dress and then hair and makeup, Perrie hair and makeup and then dress" they told us and I sat her in the chair, kissing her forehead tenderly, before being shoved to the other side of the room.

Before I knew it I was in a beautiful white dress, my hair and makeup done and I made my way over to my girlfriend. As soon as I saw her I couldn´t believe what I saw. She was in a beautiful white dress with black parts on the shoulders and a black belt around her waist, and black high heels. Her hair and makeup was done to perfection, the lovebites covered with makeup skillfully, I could hear my stylists cursing because of how many of them there were. Oops, sorry not sorry.

Anyways, she looked gorgeous and I couldn´t believe that she was actually mine, I´m so lucky to be with her and call her my girlfriend. Pez spotted me and checked me out her jaw dropping, "Wow, baba, you look amazing"

I went over to her, putting my arm around her waist, "You look gorgeous, princess" I told her and was about to kiss her, when someone shouted, "No kissing, you´ll mess up all the makeup" I glared at my head stylist, but he only shot me a glare back, which said, don´t you dare go there. So i didn´t, I can kiss her later, it´s just about the red carpet and all that.

Not like we would have had a lot of time anyways, we were rushed into the car, so that we could get to the fashion event. Pez still had trouble walking straight, so I held her waist the entire time, holding her up, when she was about to fall, she would always send me a smile, which thanked me and I would melt every time she did so.

Her smile is like the opening to my heart, it was the first thing that made me properly fall for her, sure her eyes played a huge part as well, but I spotted her marvelous smile first, and every time I see her smile a little part of me melts and I´m putty in her hands instantly. I would do everything to see that smile.

I sat next to her in the car again, holding her hand the entire time, we soon arrived at our destination and I got out after a bodyguard did. I was blinded by the flashing of the cameras, but turned back to the car, helping my girlfriend step out. She looked a bit stunned by all the flashing lights, but calmed once she felt my arm wrap around her waist, a smile appearing on her face, as did on mine.

We posed for the cameras, sharing glances at each other here and there, untill they wanted a kiss. "Sorry my stylist doesn´t approve of this" I yelled, everyone bursted out laughing and we moved on. An interviewer instantly ran up to us.

"Let me say this first, you ladies look absolutely gorgeous tonight"

"Thank you" 

"So you guys are known as the number one hottest couple in the world right now, how does it feel to be called this?"

"Wow, I had no idea we were called this, but we´re just happy that everyone accepts us and more than joyed to have each other and that´s the important thing in a relationship. I guess it´s good to be called that, but it´s only a bonus, so yeah" Pez answered, saying all that needed to be said.

The interview went on and we had some other ones, before we had to get inside, I went to Pez´ place in the crowd next to Lesy. "Screw the makeup" I told her and cuaght her off guard when I crashed my lips on hers, instantly feeling her kiss back. I felt the sparks in my body, she´s the only one who can give me these tingles.

I was about to deepen the kiss when someone pulled me away from her, breaking our kiss. I glared at the person and saw that it was some staff member, who told me that I have to get ready because the show starts soon. I shot Pez one last smile and an air kiss before leaving, to get ready.

"And here she is, this year´s performer and worldwideknown superstar Jade Thirlwall" the host announced as I got on the runway and started to sing my newest single "DNA", yeah the one I wrote for Pez. I always smile when I sing it, because it reminds me of her. I love everything, even the way she says DNA and it sounds like "Danny" because of her accent.

It´s in her DNA D,D,DNA

And she just takes my breath away

b-b-breath away

I sang as the models walked down the runway next to me, I sometimes walked with them together or danced with them, when they passed me, but when Cara walked on and sent and airkiss to Pez, I felt myself get angrier and angrier. I had to controll myself, so that I won´t murder her right here and there.

After DNA, I performed, "Salute" and "Really Don´t Care", one of my favourites of the album, I think I´ll release it as a single soon, because I love the message and the fans seem to love it as well. Every time I´d perform it, they would go crazy and sing along even louder than in other songs.

The show came to an end and everyone walked out again, bowing and thanking everyone. I went backstage and an interviewer immediately asked me questions about today, the performance and other things.

After some other interviews, I went to look for my girlfriend, she told me she´d come backstage after my performance, so she has to be around here somewhere. I soon found her, a big smile immediately forming on my face, when I spotted the blonde beauty, she really looked gorgeous today, she always does, but today she looked extraordinary beautiful.

But what I saw was something I never wanted to see, my smile immediately turning into a frown. I couldn´t believe what I saw. It was...


And sorry if the chapter was boring or anything like that, hope you enjoyed it anyways :) xx 

See you on the next update <3 xx

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