The man on the end of the lin...

By Sarah1990B

148K 4.3K 2K

*completed* When Ella is short on money she sees an advert for phone sex girls and decides to give it a go, w... More

"I wanna piss in your mouth.."
"What's your star sign?"
"Men are strange"
"You've never been fucked?"
"I kissed someone"
"You're a horny fucker"
"What are we doing!"
"Controlling obsessive prick am I?"
"Give me a chance"
"Evening lads"
"I'm a dangerous woman"
'I'm in deep fucking trouble'
"On the end of the line"
"Just touch me"
"So we are dating"
"What are you afraid of"
"...Spread your legs"
"So fire me"
"You're so bossy"
"Yes sir"
"I think im falling in love with you"
"Oh that's sweet"
"This will never be over"
"Love you Tommo"
"What if he's shit?"
"What like up the bum?"
"I was a fucking bet?"
"You've broken me"
"I'm begging you"
"I wont let you down"
"What if you fly?"
"...Be a nun"
"Two more tequilas!"
"Do you love her"
"No one likes a beggar"
"She's my everything"
"I'm her boyfriend"
'It's always going to be him'
"I'm back"
"...well he's gay"
"I am a dick"
"You've taken me all, baby"
"Last warning, i said no"
"That was eventful"
"I need him as much as he needs me"
"I'm here for you, now and forever"
"I'll be your friend forever"
"We were fucking gay, weren't we"
"You are my perfect"
"Happy birthday princess"
"Paradise, baby"
"Yes ma'am"
"You infuriate me"
" this too perfect to be real?"
"Help me Louis.."
"I'll fucking kill you"
"This is the end of my fairytale"
"Go on then jump!"
"Take me home"
"Always and forever"
"You deserve it all, brother"
"I love you"
"I can't believe we are getting married"
"Alright, keep your knickers on"
"I love you Harold"
"Thank you for everything"
"I just want you to be happy"
"You may now kiss the bride"
"This is our forever"

"No, we are nothing"

2.7K 73 23
By Sarah1990B

I lay in bed and ponder everything going on in my life, which actually is only louis. We shared such a private moment together over the weekend. I didn't go to work yesterday as Louis said to have the night off. I'm trying not to read to much into it. Maybe he's thinking the same thing, I know he's not the type to have feelings from what Summer has suggested. Has he even had a girlfriend before? Does he regret the other night? So many questions I have that I know I'll have to work hard to get the answers out of him. But for me I know I want to maybe see where this goes.

"Can I come in?" I hear Hayley's voice on the other side of the door.

"Sure" I say as I move over on my bed allowing her space to crawl in next to me.

"How are you feeling?" I look at her swollen red eyes. I wonder if she's stopped crying since Jake told her he wants to end it.

"Shit" She cuddles into me.

"Have you spoken to him?" I play with her greasy hair. She's obviously not had a shower in the past forty-eight hours.

"He won't answer my calls or respond to my texts"

"Well you'll see him at work tonight, maybe pull him aside and talk to him. Obviously you like him because if you didn't you wouldn't be in this state" I softly say.

She sighs a long and deep sigh "I'm just scared. It was fun before all this. Once it gets serious that will all go. And what if he treats me wrong? I can't deal with that again" she cries.

"He won't. He's not like that. I don't think he would ever treat you wrong."

"Maybe" She sits up.

"I'm going to have a bath" she gets up and leaves my room. I've never seen her like this. Well apart from when she broke up with Aaron after finding out he cheated on her. It really effected her but I hope she realises that not every man is like that. There are a few good ones amongst the dick heads.


After I see Hayley out and wish her good luck for her shift I decide to go and have an early dinner out for once. I've got all this money and I haven't spent it. I choose a nice restaurant close to home so I can walk and have a few glasses of wine.

Once I've ordered my steak and chips with a glass of wine. I play on my phone waiting for my food to arrive.

"What a sad picture, a girl like you sitting on her own" I look up and see Harry standing there.

"Oh hi" I put my phone down and smile.

"Can I join you?" He sits down before I have a chance to answer. This is not going to end well. Louis would kill me if he found out.

"You weren't at work last night. I was looking for you" he picks up his larger and takes a sip.

"You were?" I question.

"Yes. I was going to ask if you wanted to have dinner with me at some point" he smiles. His eyes perfectly green and the dimples in his cheeks sweet.

"Oh" I look round. I hope I'm not caught out by Louis.

"Don't worry he's gone away for a few days" Harry sees my worry.

Louis' gone away? Why didn't I know this? Where has he gone and who with?

"Oh I see. Where has he gone?" I try not to sound to desperate to know.

Harry smiles at me "Oh I don't know he's meeting a girl"

Was it only me who heard my heart crack? I try to shake any feelings away from me. I don't need Harry picking up on them.

"Oh right. Great. That's good" I smile. I definitely just failed at the 'I don't care attitude'

"Oh shit you weren't a thing were you? I haven't just landed him in it, have I?" he runs his hands through his hair. He either knows what he's doing or is being honest with his smile and beautiful green eyes I don't know which one he's playing.

"No we are nothing" it hurts to say.

Thankfully our food arrives and we eat in mostly silence. Only speaking when one of us asks a pointless question.

I decide against desert since I don't feel overly hungry now. My mind is going over all the possible things that Louis might be doing with this girl. He is having sex? Is she prettier than me? Better than me? Does he like her more than me? Obviously that's a given since he's gone off to meet her.

"I'm going to go home now, was nice sitting with you" I stand up and gather my bag and phone off the table.

"I haven't upset you have I?" He stands with me. He looks worried he may of said something he shouldn't have.

"No of course not" I gulp down the lump in my throat.

"You know louis isn't the boyfriend type? I hope you're not wasting your time on him because there is someone better suited to you. Someone who knows how to treat a girl right, how to be the best boyfriend" he winks and points to himself "me" he laughs. I guess he is trying to lighten the mood but it's not happening. I can't get louis out of my head, he is all I'm thinking about day in and day out.

"I'll keep that in mind" I turn on my heel. Before I can go anywhere Harrys pulls me back towards him.

"Seriously Louis is not the man for you, he is no good and will only cause trouble. Trust me I've know him ten years. I know his games" He looks at me with meaningful eyes. The eyes that make it seem he could be trusted.

"Yes. People seem to tell me that" I look down. Am I chasing something that will never work? Will it all end in tears. Will I be a victim of the dickhead man.

"I'll see you tomorrow night." I say and watch Harrys eyes light up.

"At work" I remind him.

"Oh yes..yes of course. Louis will be back then so maybe you should have a chat with him" he collects his wallet from the table.

"Yes I'll do just that" I leave he restaurant and walk quickly back home.


After an awful nights sleep I wake around one in the afternoon. I heard Hayley come home but didn't want to deal with her man issues when I have my own going on at the moment.

I decide to stay in bed and watch The notebook, you know just to make me feel one hundred times happier. By the end of the film I'm sobbing like a child. When I look at the time I rush to get ready for work. I'm a little nervous to see Louis, I need to ask these questions about his time away. We may not be in a relationship but I need to know if anything could possibly happen between us.

Once I'm ready I get my keys and head for the door, maybe now I'm earning I could buy a car. I passed my test when I was seventeen but when I decided to move to London my parents took my car off me, just trying to make my life that even more difficult for their own amusement.

I get to work with minutes to spare since I couldn't get a taxi and had to take the tube in rush hour. I slowly walk up to louis' office and for once I knock.

"Yes?" Louis shouts from inside.

I open the door and walk in, standing in front of his desk waiting for him to say something first. He seems busy on his computer.

"Do you need something?" He doesn't look up.

"Where have you been?"

"Away for business" he still types away on his computer.

"With anyone?" I ask.


"Did you meet anyone there?" I know I sound like a crazy obsessed person but maybe I am.

"What is this one hundred questions?" He finally stops what he was doing and looks at me.

"I just- I don't know. I'm taking an interest in you" I lie.

"No you're not. You're digging" he says knowing me too well.

"I just heard that you'd gone away and wondered why you hadn't told me" I play with the cord at the bottom of my hoodie.

"I don't need to tell you anything Ella. What I do in my spare time is my business and my business only" he sounds annoyed. But if he hasn't got anything to hide why wouldn't he just tell me what he's been up to?

"Well ok. I just heard you'd gone to meet a girl and thought after the other night-"

"You what? Thought we were dating? Thought because I shoved my fingers in You it gave you the right to know everything about me?" He cuts me off. Yeah..he's annoyed now.

"Wow. Ok I thought it meant something, just a little something. Obviously I'm mistaken" I turn on my heel to leave.

"And who have you been talking to, to hear that I had gone away?" He stands up.

"No one" I lie again.

"Don't fucking lie to me. You've obviously heard shit from someone and I want to know who is feeding you all this crap" he takes a few steps towards me.

"No one!" I feel my heart racing.

"Summer?" He questions.

"No!" I shout.

"Harry?" He looks even more annoyed.

"I-I saw him at a restaurant-"

"So you went out on a date with him and have the nerve to question me what the hell I'm doing" he screams, pinning me up against the wall.

"No it wasn't a date. He saw me there and sat with me and he sai-"

"He said I was out fucking someone" he pushes himself away from me. And walks back to the desk.

"Not exactly" I feel like I'm about to cry.

"Leave" Louis stands facing the hall, looking out of the window. I don't fight him. He's angry and I've not been involved with an angry louis yet. I leave the office and make my way to the bathroom where I can cry in peace.

                      Louis' POV

The nerve of that son of a bitch. I pick my phone up and dial his number.

"What the fuck are you playing at?" I say as soon as he answers.

"What's up louis?" He smiles down the phone at me.

"You know what's up! Why are you fucking with her like that. You know where I was. You fucking took me there." I run my hands through my hair, shaking my head.

"I didn't lie" he sniggers through the phone.

"Don't fuck around, Harry. You know what you were doing. Leave Daisy out of this" I hang up.

That fucking dickhead, how dare he put ideas into her head. Making her think I'm out fucking some bird. When it's far from that! He's going to ruin the best thing that could quite possibly happen to me before it's happened. How the hell am I going to explain this?

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