Broken (Nalu Fan-Fic)

By Tartoros_Demon_13

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Lissanna comes back from the 'dead'. Everyone is so excited they throw a huge party.... That lasts 6 months... More

Chapter 1 Mission
Chapter 2 Gone Forever
Chapter 3 Natsu's Grief
Chapter 4 Four years
Chapter 5 Veronica
Chapter 6 Training?
Chapter 7 A Talk
Chapter 8 Visitors
Chapter 9 Ambush!
Chapter 10 Lucy?
Chapter 11 Letters and Tears
Chapter 12 Guilt
Chapter 13 Talking out feelings
Chapter 14 The Guild
Chapter 15 Don't be sorry
Chapter 16 Lilly
Chapter 17 Forgiving
Chapter 18 Decisions
Chapter 19 Explanations and Scents
Chapter 20 Home Again
Chapter 21 Fairy Tail
Chapter 22 Power?
Chapter 23 A Battle
Chapter 24 A Party!
Chapter 25 His Nightmare
Chapter 26 A Meeting
Chapter 27 The Asteria
Chapter 28 You are weak
Chapter 29 A Heartfelt Moment
Chapter 30 A Dinner Together
Chapter 31 Raven's Eye
Chapter 32 Questions
Chapter 33 Thorn!
Chapter 34 Fights
Chapter 35 The Rescue
Chapter 36 Screams
Chapter 37 Guilt
Chapter 39 Shiko and Cupid

Chapter 38 Yami and Hikari

615 8 14
By Tartoros_Demon_13

Thorn's POV~
I open my eyes to hear Rose's scream, something I wish I would never hear again. I try to get up but find I am tied to my bed- damn it! I quickly conjure a dagger and cut the rope holding me down. Once cut I jump out of the bed and run out of my room and to that room next to mine. I try and open it but find it's locked, she must've been asleep! I hear another scream, this one is more out of pain than fear. This makes my senses jump and before I can stop myself I summon a large, electric blue battle axe, and then I strike down on the door. I do it over and over again, then finally it comes off it hinges. I let the battle axe disappear before kicking down the door. It easily lands on the floor with a thud. But as soon as I see my sister I don't feel happiness or joy at seeing her alive.... I feel a familiar fear.
That shadow monster is looming over my sister's bed with a knife to her throat. I could faintly see a long red line going across my sister's jaw. The monster turn it's head to me, it's blank eyes and that smile edged into the skull. "Well, well, well! I never thought you would break out of my Master's spell~!" The thing says in it's demonic and terrifying voice. "B- Brother! Run!" I hear Rose say in the loudest I've ever heard her use. "Shut up! I liked you better when you were screaming!" The monster turns to Rose and goes to plunge the shadows into Rose. Something suddenly clicked in me so I ran to my sister's aid. I quickly summoned an energy sword, and blocked the attack. "Don't hurt my big sister!" I yell angrily. Lilly might be gone but I still have my sister, and I won't let anyone hurt my sister! "Oh? So brave~" it praises, the smile edged into the skull becoming more wide and nightmarish.
"But that bravery will get you killed~!"


No One's POV~
Outside everyone had been fighting with a member of the Serpents, but Natsu was still defending Wendy from some of them. "Done! Natsu, you need to go find Lucy and their hideout!" Wendy instructs as she jumps up. "Got it! Happy!" Natsu is immediately picked up by Happy and zoomed away. Wendy noticed a certain boy having some difficulty against a zombie like person. It was Romeo and he didn't seem to have enough time to attack while dodging all of the attacks that was flying his way. Wendy looked at the now healed Lilly, who was still unconscious but stable. In the end Wendy knew what she needed to do.


Romeo couldn't believe who he was fighting. It was a man, around Erza's or Natsu's age, and he was a zombie like person. He had dusty brown hair,  dull green eyes that was almost grey, and tan skin that was trying to be a pale color. There were dark bags under his dull eyes, like he hadn't slept in years. The man wore rags that clung to his shoulders and seemed like he was zombie. He didn't move a muscle only his right arm and hand. And that was to control rocks that flew at Romeo left and right. Romeo was too busy dodging to form an attack. Suddenly a large boulder came flying out of no where. Romeo didn't have enough time to block so he raised his arms in a futile attempt to block. Then a voice rung out, "Sky Dragon: Crushing fist!" And like that the blouder what turned to little pebbles. Romeo looked up and grinned at his rescurer. "Thanks Wendy, I would've been as crushed as that boulder if it wasn't for you!" Romeo says as if he didn't almost get pummeled by a rock.


With Natsu and Happy they weren't having much, if at all, luck finding the Serpent's hidout. Happy was flying at max speed and they still couldn't find it. They needed to find it and fast, Natsu was starting to worry that they might never find her. "Faster Happy! We need to find Luce!" Natsu demanded worriedly. Happy was about to bite back but picked up on the slight tremor in Natsu's voice. "I'm going as fast as I can Natzu, but I can only go so fast. Natzu you have to trust Lushee, she has gotton stronger!" Happy encouraged. "I- I know buddy but- what if that Serpent girl wasn't lying?" Natsu says, letting his worry slip into the open. "Natzu, that girl is a lier, Lushee is strong!" Happy said hopefully though it was clear that Happy was scared. They flew silently for a few seconds, too worried for talking. Then Natsu caught something in the corner of his eye. "Happy! I think I see it! Over there!" Natsu said quickly while he pointed in the direction of the building he saw. I'm coming Luce Natsu said silently to himself.


Thorn sat there, tied to a chair that had been brought from the dining room, bloody and beaten. He had tried to fight off the monster but it hadn't been affected by his attacks. When he cut Yami all it did was heal itself with the shadows. Now Rose's bed had been turned into a "operation" bed. It was lifted by Yami's shadows to give Thorn a clear view of his sister. Rose was being held down by her wrists, the shadows were wrapped around her wrists and ankles. The shadows were piercing Rose's skin, like knives cutting through her. Yami circles the room while watching the terrified teens. It seemed to be deciding what to do first. "What should I do first~" Yami contemplated aloud, "How about helping the girl out of those hideous rags!" It says eerily. Before Thorn could even blink the shadows came up and started tearing the nun-like clothes from Rose. She kept quiet but was obviously hating this. The shadows sometimes ripped her clothing a little too much that it gott her skin. Finally, when Rose's clothes were now just cloth clinging to her shoulders and luckily same of ot draped to cover some of her skin. But when Yami was done and the shadows went back to their home, everyone froze. Rose hung her head in shame as her brother and a monster saw the millions of scars on her. The scars were so large in number that there was no clear patch of skin, the only place void of the scars were her face. Thorn felt his heart stop and his stomach drop at the soght of these scars.... It was a reminder of the time before Raven's Eye. "R- Rose...." Thorn just couldn't believe whar he was seeing.... She- She lied- "Oh so someone already has played with you~? That's no fun! I bet you love being tortured!" Yami yells angrily, apparently hating when someone already has scars on them. "Leave her alone! She didn't do anythong wrong!" Thorn yelled at the monster as it prepared to attack Rose. "SHUT UP!" It thundered back as whips of black shadow started to whip and slash at Rose. All the while Thorn was trying harder than ever to escape. Rose didn't make a sound through all of the pain she was receiving, she was only making small squeaks and whimpers. Finally Thorn got the knot on the rope loosened. He jumped up and lunged at the monster. He summoned a sword and attacked her straight on. But the monster didn't scream or cry in agony, it simply looked behind and glared at Thorn. "Didn't I warn you~ I said to SHUT UP!!!" Yami says in a shrill demonized voice. The monster turned and attacked Thorn, having the shadows become weapons that would plunge into Thorn.... Until they heard a voice say, "Leave him alone, I am your toy.. Not him." Rose reminded, not wanting to have he little brother be in pain. "No!!! Rosie!!! No!!! NO!" And with that he watched as his sister was beaten and torchured...


Romeo dodged right in time for a rock to be landed eight where he was standing. Wendy had been trying to help but she was now being attacked by an onslaught of pebbles. "Ow!" Wendy whined as a pebble hit her back but then suddenly they started hitting her head, "That's it!" She jumped into position and stilled the wind around her, "O swift winds that dashes through the heavens! Vernier!"
And just like that Romeo felt his bidy become as light as a feather and dodged the rocks easily now. Just as the zombie man was about to throw one right at Wendy, who was focussing on keeping the spell going strong, Romeo practically flew in and socked him right in the jaw. "I'm your opponent!" Romeo called put as the man stumbled back. His thin hair covering half his face as he looked up at Romeo. Those dead, lifeless, green eyes stared at him blankly. For a second Romeo thought the man would speak but he didn't, all he did was close his eyes and smile a sick and twisted smile. Like he had a dark secret and no one else would ever know it. Romeo gulped at this but stood strong as his body still glowed a red mixed with purple light that danced along his body just like his flames. This was his essence, his power, this showed that Wendy's magic was going strong. And as long as Wendy would stand Romeo would be there with her.


"Bud! You rest here, I know your tired from flying so fast.." Natsu said before laying Happy in a bed of carefully hidden leaves. All he got in response was a simple nod the head and some snores. Natsu chuckled before running into the fort that was where his Luce was trapped....

Rose was silently sobbing in pain as the new cuts and wounds trickled with blood. She felt weak and completely useless but during the whole thing she did not scream or yell... She accepted her fate, Thorn did not deserve being hurt. But now Thorn had to warch in horror as the girl he remembered as a quiet but strong little girl but bug sister cry in pain quietly. Whimpers of pain sometimes coming out, it wasn't until Yami stabbed her right in the leg did she cry out in pain. Soon sje was screaming bloody murder as Yami quickly stabbed her legs and arms so she couldn't move. Rose felt herself getting a bit tired but kept herself awake and looking at anywhere other than the monster and her brother's faces. When Thorn finally couldn't take it anymore he summoned that last of his magic power to create a small dagger and cut the rope. Yami was too focused on Rose and Rose was staring at the ceiling so no one noticed when he got up. "I SAID SCREAM LOUDER!" Yami yelled as she plunged another piece of sharp shadow into her right hand. Rose croed out even louder which made something ignight in Thorn. He tackled the monster and caught it by surprise. The dagger piercing it's mask and making Yami growl. It turned so quickly that Thorn went flying off and hit Rose's once solid and beautiful mirror. "HOW DARE YOU!!!! I SPARED TOY AND YOU DECIDED TO CRACK MY SKULL!?!?!?! NO MORE MERCY!!!" It thundered out before it seemingly towered over Thorn.
It advanced, the shadows now pooling around her.... Meaning that Rose fell to the ground with the shadows pinning her down and hilding up the bed. Rose groaned in pain but stopped when she saw Thorn.... Bruised and beaten but still standing and fighting for her....
They will win


The zombie man got up, his body bending unnaturally. When he stood again his pupils had dilated like he was waiting to reach something amazing. "Uhhhh Wendy are y- you seeing this?" Romeo says as the power up he got from Wendy disappears as her concentration breaks. "I- It- that's not possible-" Wendy stutters out, horrified from seeing such a sight. Then man became more hunchback like, his dusty brown hair becoming more whisp like before and grey, his dull green eys sparking like electricity. The next thing the man does is surprising, "I am Hikari, nightmare of sleep, and I will be the one to give you the peaceful embrace of sleep." The man croaked out in a husky and sleep deprived voice. The earth rumbled as a giant rock monster erupted from it. "Damn it." Romeo grumbled as he lit his palms with his rainbow fire.

The ground started to shake, like the most powerful earthquake was arising. But it wasn't an earthquake, no an earthquake would've been better than what rose from the ground. A monster, made from purely rocks, came up from the ground like coming out of water. It towered over Romeo and Wendy, but neither cowered in fear. Though both were worried for they hadn't fought something this big, but they stood tall together. Then the monster attacked, bringing a fist down as quick as lightning. Romeo just barely managed to dodge. "Let's see if you like fire!" Romeo said as he shot purple "bullets" of fire at the monster. But it just bounced off and hit to ground, causing dust and pebbles to spring up into the air. "Romeo stop!" Wendy called just as the pebbles that Romeo made fly up became sharp rocks that came flying at Wendy. "Ah!" Wendy dodged up into the air and decided to try attack. "Sky Dragon's Claw!" Wendy yells out as she attacks the huge monster. But all that happened was that she went flying off it. "Oww!!!" She whined as she held her foot, it was in pain from hitting such a hard surface. It could almost be comedic if it wasn't for the monster latching it's giant fist at her. "Wendy!" Romeo warned a second before the impact, maybe he could prepare her. Romeo and the zombie man expected it to immediately crush her, sonce she was so small.... But the opposite happened. The fist crumbled as Wendy had decided it would be a good idea to let a sliver of her dragon force out. The proof being the wind that had picked up and her hair had lost its silky touch to be traded with a more rough texture.
This was when the real fight begins

Rose's POV~
I watched as my brother- my little brother who I was supposed to protect save me... He is fighting a monster, with the little strength he has left, without magic. I bet he has no more, but I still have plenty. But my magic isn't made for offense, only defense! Only Mommy could do defense and offense, but I can not.... So I try and think of a way, any way, of protecting my brother. I tried to stand, or even lift my hands, just so I can make a shield.... But then I remember that I have wounds and I almost cry out in pain. I force myself not to, though, and just bite my lip. That's when an idea comes to my head.... It is dangerous and could kill it- and me...... But I do not care about this risk so I decide to take it.

I slowly and carefully stand, my legs burning, and look at the monster. It now has it's shadows around my brother's throat, and I can see his face growing pale. So I lift my arms in front of me and clasp my hand together. My eyes fall close as I try and think of the good memories I have had in my life.....

My mother, who was cast out from the bandit camp and into the wilderness.... I remember when she would take me into that very same forest and collect berries, herbs, and many more plants. We never harmee any animal- but then she left into that forest- No! Good memories!!!

How about my brother? Who stuck by my side throughout these years, who stood beside me as I watched our mother walk off, who watched as I was tortured- Not that memory....

I try and go through every name in my head till it lands on one. Ember, she is the only one who attended my wounds when I refused to heal myself so long ago. She is the one who fed me and kept me warm, who let me sleep in her bed when the storms came and lightning flashed through the skies. She is a good memory

I smile at the times we spemd together and I feel a warm feeling pass over me. It is then that I know that the spell is working..... The warmth travels to my hands and I feel the noises stop. I hear gasps, that belong to the monster and my brother.... "You- what are you doing?! Tell me little girl! ANSWER ME!" The monster squeals in terror at the feeling of my magic that is now filling the room with it's light.
Slowly, I open my eyes to see a light green color that is unlike the usual electric blue of my magic. I look up, with the pain of my scars leaving my body. The wounds it affected on me heal and close, like they were never there..... I see the monster send the shadows near me, but they are burned immediately when they get close. Finally, I feel my magic reach my eye, the eye I cover, the eye with the scar, the eye which is blind. In a blink I can see with both eyes, and I am happy with my choice. My magic builds as I open my hands. Brother quickly scrambles away as I aim my hands at the monster. And as my words echo out I know that I am happy, "Purify the darkness in which this monster dwells in, for the gods never be in favor of the evil. Let this spell cleanse this unholy demon, as I will sacrifice my life and will." As I complete the chant an amazing light apears and bursts from my hands and straight at Yami....

Her screams of agony fill the air, and half of me is disgusted and pity it but the other half is happy and content that brother is safe. My sweet younger brother... As the spell slowly comes to a stop, I fall to my knees. This is the end of my story....

No One's POV~
Outside is much more brighter than in, Wendy quickly turned the tide of battle. As her dragon force quickly made the rock monster fall to its knees. Wendy stood tall as the winds picked up, making plants come out of their roots and Romeo had to make sure to hold his ground well. "Sky Dragon Wave Wind!" Wendy yells at she flies at the rock creature, which makes a tornado appear next her. "Romeo! Add your fire!" Wendy yells to the boy. He nods and quickly obeys by putting purple fire into the tornado. Wendy outstreches her hand and commands the tornado to go straight for the target. But it passes the rock creature..... "Wendy what are you doing!" Romeo yells at her, she completely missed the rock monster! But then the fire tornado hits the zombie like man. His focus drops and so does the rock monster. The tide of battle is finally on out side-
Or is it?

I am so sorry it took so long! I wanted this to be absolutely perfect! This chapter is around 3354 words, which is one of the longest things I have ever written, not to mention I have had major writers block as of late. And if you live in America then Happy Thanksgiving! Anyway! I hope you all have a wonderful day or night wherever you are in the world! Bye my little Demon's!

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