By tatiann24

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Have you ever wish you can make someone disappear into the thin air without a trace? If your answer is yes th... More

Authors Note


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By tatiann24


Please Vote and Comment, Mama Chocolate will really appreciate it my babies :D

Hey my lovely chocolates, I hope you all enjoying the book so far, I also hope you enjoy this chapter, if you have anything to say about it, please let me know, it will be great to hear from you  ^.^

Zion’s Point of View:

Slowly the thick darkness left me, leaving me with a bitter taste in my mouth and a funny weird feeling in my body, I describe the feeling as funny, because I really don’t know what the hell it is, its just crazy the way I feel.

One minute I feel like breaking down and cry, the other I feel like beating the shit out of anyone who crosses my path, I wonder if the break up really did such a terrible number on me, but deep down I know it has nothing to do with the break up, that is why I have been so scared to go to a doctor, because I really don’t want to know that I have some uncurable disease.

I slowly stretch out myself burrowing my body even more into the soft bed, then I turn over on my back breathing out gently, taking my sweet time opening my eyes, when they are fully open I am greeted by a familiar scene of a green forest,  focusing all my attention on this ceiling, I know immediately that I am at  my dad’s clinic.

Great! Just great! Grey had to bring me here of all places, so I can get the tongue lashing of the century for neglecting my health, I will get you for this you slimy Grey you.

Laughing a bit at his ingenious plan, he never wants me to win, anytime I win, he always finds a way to get me over to my dad, so they can gang up on me, but today I am really not feeling it, so they better don’t push too much.

Sitting up I tried to get out of bed, but is immediately hit again with giddiness that force me to remain very still, dammit, what is this shit, I swear if I feel better, I will go to the doctor tomorrow, but please let me feel better today, please Lord let me feel better, I beg you.

A noise came from the left, turning my head that way, I open my eyes, landing them on my father Phillip and my brother Storm, that are the spitting image of each other, they both have light caramel skin, they both are tall, my dad standing at 6’2 and my brother at 6’3, they both are handsome, my dad has honey color eyes frame by long lashes, he has a straight nose that is gentle flare at the bottom, a wide bow shape lip that is slightly pink, square cheek bones, clean shaven only has a very sleek lock around his mouth.

Picture my brother the same way, only with more of a five o’clock shadow and nicely done Rasta braid in his hair, also he is not graying as my dad, as I stare at them walking towards me in their lab coats, I cannot stop asking myself why I don’t look like them, I would have love to look as elegant and handsome as they both are, but instead;

I am short, very short, standing at 5’6 with a curvy body, I even have legs and ass to go with it, anyway you get the idea, I am curvy, people say fat, I say curvy, my face is round, with upward slanted eyes frame by long lashes, they are honey in color like my dads, going down to a small upturn nose and then small plump heart shape lips, my mouth is what I love best about my face, I think its sexy, I also love the dimples I have in each of my cheeks, compliments of my mom.

I would have to say that I look more like my mom, more on the feminine side, I got tease quite a bit about that when I was younger, because I have a big buff dad, two big buff brothers, and there I was, the curvy princess of the group, even though my brothers used to beat the crap out of anyone stupid enough to bully me, my eyes are the only features that make me sure I am not adopted, because we all have those honey colored eyes like my dad.

But anyway enough about that, if Storm is here, this is going to be crazy, I swear he and my other brother Xavier has mayor brother complex, and my dad has a son complex, if anyone had witness the mayor tantrum they threw when I moved out.

That person would have thought that I was on a suicide mission or something, by the way they acted, especially my dad, he was all ‘my baby oh Lord, my baby’ in our front yard, my mom finally had had enough of them, she put her foot down and send them inside, where they all proceeded to sulk looking out the window, even now I smile remembering it, my mom Greta is short just like I am, but she is a force to be recon with, I got my temper from her.

It has been a year since I moved out, and they still bring me groceries and food, my dad and Storm being doctors makes it all the worse, everything is hand selected by them, while Xavier will come over and clean my already clean house just as an excuse to see how I am doing, my mom tags along just so they don’t over do it, but sometimes she falls right in with the pack, fussing over me.

But I love my family just as much as they love me, and I know that they will protect and stand by me through any and everything, that is why I did not tell them the details of my break up with Dmitry, because I am sure they would have hunt him down and beat the shit out of him, I really could not let them go to jail over something so silly, so I told them that we had just split.

“Zizi!” they both exclaim, before I am cover in muscles.

They both reach over to me, pulling me in their arms, hugging me in between the two kissing my cheeks, deciding I guess to make a ‘Zion Sandwich’ out out of me, I am use to this, but right now I am feeling sick and irritated, pushing their hands which didn't budge, I wiggle until I got out,

“Why did you do that?” pouts Storm as he try to pull me in his arms again, dodging him,

“Because you and dad are smothering me, again, and I feel too light headed to have my breathing circulation cut off” huffing I find a seat and sit down,

“Sorry Zizi, it just that we have not seen you for so long, that’s why we hug you like that” my dad pipes in, while Storm nod his head vigorously,

“Dad you, Storm and Xavier, saw me last night” I say incredulously.

“But that was 13 hours ago, so it does not count” my dad defends himself, 

“Yeah! It does not count” Storm hurriedly add, looking at both of them my mouth agape, I try to calm myself before I scream,

“Really, if anyone see you guys act like this, they will have a hard time believing that you are professionals”

“Why is that?” ask Storm, with a confuse look on his face

“Because you act like kids, with me being the ball between all of you, I wonder where is the other kid is rig....................” I did not even finish the sentence when my other handsome brother Xavier, burst throw the door in a suit, looking around frantically, he is also the spitting image of my father, he and Storm looks like twin, but in reality they are two years apart, when he spot me, his face lights up, and I wait for what was going to happen next,

“Zizi baby bro, don’t scare your big bro like that again, I run out of a meeting to get here” he cry out as he picks me up hugging me tightly, just as my dad and Storm did earlier, I really do hate that I am small, because this is what happens, I begin to wiggle again to get down,

“What is wrong with Zizi dad? Why is he wiggling like that?” he ask in a worried tune, is he really asking that? When he is cutting off my air supply, pinching his neck hard, I am able to get free,

“Of course I was wiggling, you were cutting off my air, God, you guys are unbelievable!” I gasp out, he leans down picking me up again, sitting me in the chair,

“Sorry Zizi, big bro is very worried about you” he says with a puppy face, I always fall for that face, pulling at his hand until he come down in front of me, I reach out and hug him,

“Not fair, I want a hug too” Storm whines, gesturing him over with my hand, he too came over and kneel down in front of me, and I hug them both, I vaguely heard click after clicks, when I look up my dad is taking pictures like crazy, while mumbling,

“My sons are so cute, Greta is going to want to see this, she will be so happy” he is fluttering around, clicking, clicking away, my dad consider us all cute, even if Xavier and Storm are big buff mens, I am not big, but by no means am I cute, try telling that to my dad though, he believes we are still little and cute in his eyes.

But this is my family for you, overly loving and affectionate to one another.

After about 5 minutes, I let go of their necks, they both went over to my dad,

“Zizi looks so cute in that one dad! Mama is going love it!” exclaim Xavier

“I know right!” My dad agrees noddind his head shifting from side to side, crazy don’t even begin to describe them, I am the only normal one, I swear to God I am.

The strange thing is that they are only like this when we are all together, if you ever see them outside, they are quite normal, people would always describe Xavier as cold in his business, I wonder what they would say if they see him acting like a five year old on a sugar high, lets not forget  the colleagues of my dad and Storm, who believes the sun rise and set on them both.

Shock would be an understatement, if those people ever witness this scene.

Clearing my throat,

“Dad I know you run test on me while I was out, I also know you made me sleep a lot more, because, it was around 1:30 pm, when I passed out, now its after 3 o’clock, so what is wrong with me?” I ask in a shaky voice, they continue to ignore me,

“Dad I am not playing, tell me what is wrong, please” I plead, him and Storm exchange looks, but stayed quiet, I know now that it is something terrible,

“Daddy you have to tell me, I know I should have gone to the doctor sooner, I know I should have told you all that I was feeling very sick, but I was scared!” I cry out, now I am shaking, fearing the worst, my brother Xavier runs over and hug me, I hug him back for dear life,

“Baby, its not so terrible, its something that will be out in nine months” my dad says softly,

“What? Do you mean, my cancer will be over in nine months” I whisper yell, holding on tighter to Xavier,

“Basically, yeah” pipes in Storm while rubbing his neck, then he continue “But you will love this cancer, its going to be cute, cuddly, kissable, lovable, Xavier and I are going to be uncles, dad is going to be a grandfather, mom is going to be a grandmother, Grey and Jaime are going to godfathers, we are..................” before he continue rambling anymore, I pull away from Xavier cutting him off,

“What in the world, are you talking about? How can a cancer be cute and cuddly? How will it make mom and dad, grandparents, and you and Xavier Uncles? You guys are talking as if I am pregnant or some crazy thing like that” after that little rant, everyone is deadly quiet, not looking at me,

“Stop playing! Guys I am serious here, really what is wrong with me?” I ask in a serious tune,

“You just said it Zizi” this comes from Storm again,

“What? That I am pregnant! Hahahhahaha so funny, you guys really got me this time” I look at all their faces and no on is laughing, they are serious,

“You can’t be serious! Storm you and dad are doctors you know this is impossible, a man can’t get pregnant, even I know that!” I practically scream this at them,

“Apparently you can baby bro, and we are going to be uncles” say Xavier with a smile on his face, gesturing from Storm to himself, I feel like my head is going to explode, how can they be so calm about this when I am freaking out, this is fucking impossible, there is no way.

Sitting I try to process this, thankfully they are all very quiet.

Thinking back, I did have all of the symptoms of a pregnant person, food and smells constantly made me sick, I vomit a lot, I had morning sickness, I had back pains, heart burns, I had cravings, my body had become extra sensitive, I had mood swings, I was irritated and bitchy one minute, then wanted to cry the next for no good reason the next.

Remembering this morning about the tightness of my jeans, I thought it was just me gaining weight, but now I know differently, sliding my hand up from my legs I touch my stomach, there I feel a slight little bump, nothing mayor, but still a firm little bump.

Gasping I move my hand away quickly, standing up, pacing the examination room,

“Son.....” my dad begins, but I hold up my hand for him to stop, while I continue to walk, thinking about my crazy situation, for many woman its a joy to hear the words ‘You’re pregnant’ for a man, those words are downright weird, lets just say, as a man when you go to a doctor, you do not expect those words to come out of your doctors mouths.

I know I am freaking out right now, and the only way to calm down is for me to walk around, I should have never let Dmitry fuck me without a condom, but how would I had known that this was going to happen? I mean how does a guy get pregnant anyway? All these questions are clashing around in my head, giving me a headache, yet I continue to pace around I guess that a good amount of minutes had pass, before I stop and sit down,

“Are you better now son?” my dad ask in a concern voice,

“How can I be better when I am pregnant dad!” I practically yell at him, then I feel sorry for doing something so disrespectful to my him,

“So you would have prefer to be sick!” yell back my dad, I am irritated now, I can see Xavier stepping back from the upcoming fire,

“What I want you to tell me dad, is how the hell did I get pregnant?!” I practically scream at him

“Oh you know, the usual way, why are you asking me that now? I could have sworn I talk to you about the birds and the bees when you was thirteen” my dad answer back incredulous tune, as if he cannot believe I had asked that question.

“Dad you did not talk to me about no birds and bees! Plus I am not a girl to get pregnant” I hiss out at him, suddenly he gets up walk over to his desk pulling out and old looking journal and begins leafing through it, as if he has no care in the world or that his son is pregnant and having a nervous breakdown.

“Aha” he says in a booming voice, overjoyed as if he had found what he was looking for, staring back at me he walks back over hurriedly reading,

“November 6th of 2003, on my cute son Zion’s 13 birthday I talk to him about the birds and the bees, then made breakfast, where we all give him presents, after that he went of with his older brothers Xavier and Storm, while I went upstair and made love to my beau.......” He trail of coughing, before he start again,

“See! Your daddy is not lying, so stop accusing me falsely, the truth is right here written in truthy” he says this triumphantly, walking over to me hurriedly he showed me the page.

“Dad that was the regular birds and bees, you did not tell me about this particular birds and bees” I growl out to him, smacking me upside the head with his journal,

“Stop screaming its not good for my little grand son, I bet he is going to be so cute” he start mumbling already writing in his journal again, going into his dream land,

“Dad what if its a girl?” ask Xavier excitedly,

“Oh my God! I never thought of that, I have gotten so use to each of your cuteness, it never cross my mind that it can be a cute little girl” my dad answers back, the excitement in the room grows.

Can you believe, that they are excited because me a man, a son, their brother is pregnant? I really want to scream right now.

“We need names for........” I cut Storm off, I know its rude to be cutting people off, but I am the one with a baby in his belly,

“Just shut up all of you! Do you even hear yourselves? How can you be so excited about this?!” I scream my question at them

“How can you not be!” shouts back Gray from the door, oh God! Not another one, when the hell did he get in anyway?

“Oh Grey, come over here son, so we can plan somethings out, I will call my beautiful Greta” my father continue as if I had not had an outburst, they all are ignoring me, which is fine for now, because I really need some alone time.

Getting up, I decided to leave them to their plans, I slip out of the examination room, closing the door quietly, then I begin walking rather quickly towards the entrance, after I got outside, I loose myself in the crowd, waking aimlessly, until I reach a park.

There I sit in a chair, looking over a lake, as I think about the future.

My God! I am going to be a mom, in a way, and I will need to provide, love, support and protect my child, I will be the father and the mother of my child, I will be his Dammy (a play between daddy and mommy), even though I know I will have lots of help, from its grandparents and crazy uncles, I cannot forget Grey and Jaime.

But I still want to be the number one person in my baby’s life, I want to be the one it looks to whenever it need comfort, love, affection, a kiss, a hug, or even a spank, I will be there.

No one is going to take that away from me, my baby will never know what type of man help me fathered it, Dmitry Zharkov’s name will never come up in my house, it will be as if he had never existed, and that is they way I want it to be, placing my hand on my stomach I gently rub the little bump there,

“Dammy will protect you little one, now and forever” I whisper into the breeze,

And I swear I could feel a gentle jump under my hand, as those words slip past my lips.

Hey my beautiful choco babies, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I hope you love Zion’s family as much as I do, with all their sweet craziness, please tell me what you think, I will be waiting to hear from all of you :D

Lots of Chocolate Love I am sending your way, enjoy ^.^

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