Tourtured Soul [Completed]

By wildflower0217

6.9K 165 73

A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Athens Riddle. Daughter of Tom Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort. She hates her father a... More

The Message
Leaky Cauldron
Sirius Black Pt. 1
Sirius Black Pt. 2
James Potter?
Quidditch World Cup
Lost and Found
The Goblet of Fire
More Truth, Less Lies
When Slytherins Party, They Party Hard
Figuring out the Golden Egg
The Very Late Welcome Prank and the Argument of the Year
The Last Task
The Death of The Twin
Dumbledore's Army
Another Death, But Are They Really Dead?
The Death of a Great Man
2 Lockets And A Warning
Telling the difference
The Café
A Broken Nose and Some Fire Whiskey
Godric's Hollow
The Destroying of a Horcrux and a vist to the Lovegood's
It's about time
Aberfourth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts
Too Many Feels and The Battle of Hogwarts
The Finale
A few announcements.......
They're back: Sneak Peek for next book?
One Shot (Basically another chapter)
My Reaction After 2 Years
The Malfoy Affair

Can you stop?

70 4 2
By wildflower0217


"That treacherous old bleeder! Is
there no one we can trust!" Ron shouted.

"They’ve kidnapped Luna because he supported me. He was just desperate." Harry said softly. Ron says nothing, then spit, clearing the grit from his
teeth and peers toward the river. Unlike the raging force it was the last time they were here, it is little more than a trickle now.

"I’ll do the enchantments." Ron said, he takes out his wand... when Hermione raises her hand, stopping him. Her eyes rise. Her breath catches. Ron, Harry and I look. Clinging to the branches of the trees
above, almost as if a part of the trees themselves, are snatchers. A wand blooms above, illuminates the face of Scabior. Hermione’s red scarf, now faded and filthy, dangles from his neck. He presses it to his grimy nose, inhales and grins.

"Hello beautiful." the snatcher says to Hermione then looks at me, "Look what we have here, your father will be please to see you." He smirked at me. Then we all run through the forest quickly. We freeze briefly, then the clearing explodes with light as spells ricochet. They hit the ground. The Snatchers closing in. Harry looks to Hermione. The tip of her wand glows and her face blooms in the darkness, looking mildly demonic. She reaches out, takes Harry's glasses from him, then points her wand... at him. A burst of light strikes him in the eyes. As her wand goes dark. Harry's face was swollen and then Hermione turned to do the same to my face.

"There is no point in doing it to me, her already knew it was me." I told her and she nodded. People emerge
from the trees. Ron is shoved to the ground next to them. Scabior strips Harry, Hermione and I of our wands.

"Don't touch her!" Ron shouted then punching Greyback.

"Stop it!" Hermione shouted.

"Your boyfriend’ll get worse than
that if he doesn’t behave, lovely." Scabior said, "But, I doubt it becuase of this one here." He pointed the me then took ahold of my jaw.

"Don't make me kill you where you stand." I hissed at him.

"How are you going to do that, when you don't have your wand." He laughed as he let go of me.

"I don't need magic to kill you." I smirked at him. He then ignored me and looked at Harry.

"What happened to you, ugly?" He asked him, Harry then felt his face and felt the lumps. "What's your name?"

"Dudely. Vernon Dudley." Harry awnsered amd I almost wanted to laugh.

"Check the list. And you, ginger?" He asked Ron.

"Stan Shunpike." Ron awnsered amd I rolled my eyes.

"Like ‘ell you are. We know skinny
Stan. Try again." He told Ron.

"Weasley...Barney Weasley." Ron awnsered.

"Weasley, eh? Wouldn’t be related
to that blood traitor Arthur
Weasley, would you?" He asked.

"Piss off! Arthur Weasley’s ten times the wizard you are!" Ron shouted.

"Worth ten times you if I can find
him. Wasn’t you that tipped him
off, was it?" He asked then turning to Hermione. "How ‘bout you, lovely? What do they call you...?"

"Penelope Clearwater. Half-blood." Hermione awnsered. Scabior strokes the nape of Hermione’s neck, then takes her hair in hand, sniffs it.

"You smell like vanilla, Penelope. I think you’re going to be my favorite." He said and made me cringe.

"Scabior, you know what you can tell me." I began and he looked at me.

"And whats that?" He asked.

"Is Samara Riddle still alive?" I asked him.

"No, she isn't. They made someone drink a polyjuice potion just to freak you out." He awnsered.

"There’s no Vernon Dudley on ‘ere." A snather told him. Scabior then turns way from me and to Harry.

"Hear that, ugly? The list says you’re lying. How come you don’t want us to know who you are? Hm?" Greyback told Harry.

"The list is wrong. I told you who
I am -- " Harry began but Scabior puts a finger to his lips, silencing Harry, his wand probing Harry’s face more closely.

"Change of plans, boys. We won’t
be taking these there to the
Ministry we takimg all four of them to the same place." Scabior told his boys.

"How sweet." I began with a smile and Scabior turned to me, "I didn't know you could even count."

"You're lucky your father wants you alive." He hissed at me as I smirked.

Malfoy Manor

The snatchers escorted us the gate of the Manor. Up ahead, on the other side of the gate, Mother dearest, Lucius and Narcissia approach. Scabior grabs Harry’s arm, pushes his face up to the iron bars. Bellatrix steps close.

"Oh, look who it is. My blood tratior of a daughter. Come to join us?" She asked me.

"Like hell, I will." I hissed at her.

"No snarky comment? That's a first." She laughed.

"She was full of snarky comments on the way here." Scabior told my mother.

"No surprises there." She laughed. "Anyway, show me the boy." Scabior reaches out and pushes Harry’s hair off his forehead. Bellatrix points her wand, illuminating the skin. Slowly, she smiles. Despite the swelling, one intriguing feature can be seen. A scar. In the shape of a lighting bolt? She smiles and leads us inside. "Get Draco." She told my Aunt amd my Aunt walks off.

"Why Draco?" My Uncle Lucius asks. He looks like literal hell.

"Just sit back and watch, Lucius.Hm? Pour yourself another glass of wine." She told him. Then we were in main room. "So, where did you find my daughter and her trio of friends?"

"In the north forest." Scabior told her.

"So, Athens dear, what happened to your friend over there?" She asked me pointing at Harry.

"He was stupid and angered a swarm of bees." I lied as I watched Peter Pettigrew come in to the room.

"Lovely scarf, Scabior. Though I’m not sure it’s your color." My mother told him.

"It's not mine." He told her.

"You don't say." She said and her eyes catch him looking at Hermione. "Fancy her, do you, Scabior? Can’tsay I blame you. Maybe we’ll work out a little reward for you, hm? That is, assuming all is as it appears. Ah, Draco. Come here,darling." Draco came into the room from the shadows his eyes on me.

"Hey Draco." I smirked lightly at him, I was worried. He was paler the he usally is, he looks like he hadn't gotten rest in weeks. He was also skinner then he usally is.

"Athens." He simply said.

"My friends here say they’ve got Harry Potter. Seeing as he’s an old school chum of yours, I thought you could confirm the fact for us." Mother dearest told Draco. Draco stares at Harry. "Well, Draco?"

"I can’t... I can’t be sure." Draco awnsered.

"Look close Draco, If we’re the ones who hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will beforgiven. Do you understand." My uncle told him.

"Now, we won’t be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr.Malfoy." Scabior told him, oh this is going to be fun.

"Of course not." Mother dearest said her eyes hardening slightly. "Narcissa. Tend to your husband." My dear uncle went back to my aunt. "Don’t be shy, sweetheart. Get up nice and close." Mother dearest nudged Draco towards Harry.

"What’s wrong with his face?" Draco asked.

"I'll repeat my awnser." I said, "He was stupid and angered a swarm of bees."

"Who said you could talk?!" She yelled at me.

"I did." I smirked at her.

"Are you sure it wasn't a stingin Jinx my dear daughter?" She smirked at me. She then steps closer to Hermione and smirks a little more. "Was it you, dearie? Give me her wand. We’ll see what the last spell was." Hermione looked alarmed sonwas I but I kept my cool. A snatcher stepped forward, he was holding the sword of Godric Gryffindor. "What is that?" Her tone was murderous. She pushes past Scabior and Greyback, steps before another Snatcher. Hermione’s beaded purse dangles from one hand. In the other, he holds the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. "Where did you get that!"

"It was in her bag when we searched her I reckon its mine now." The snatcher said. Quick as lightning, Mother dearest stund the snatcher and catches the sword as it drops.

"Are you mad?!" Scabior asked.

"Yes, in matter of fact she is!" I told him becuase it was true. She stared at him, and casts a spell on him making him fall to his knees.

"Go! Go!" My mother ordered him in a murderous tone of voice and the snatchers left. "Wormtail-" I cut her off.

"Don't touch them. I am the one who found the sword, tourture me not any of them." I told her.

"Wormtail put the other three in the cellar. I want to have a mother to daughter conversation with this one." She smirked at me. Pettigrew then takes them down to the cellar. She stroked my jawbone with her wand. "What else did you and your friemds take from my vault?"

"You and I both know that I do not have access to your vault." I told her. "We found it in the middle of the woods."

"Bellitrix, stop this. I might be able to get the awnsers you need. She trusts me." Draco told her.

"Draco, no. Leave." I told him.

"Draco, I have this. You should listen to your cousin and scram." She told him. He sighed and left. She then pushed me down, getting on top of me. "I am going to ask once again. What else did you and your friends take from my vault?!"

"Nothing. We didn't even go into your vault!" I told her. She then lifted up my shirt and coat some, exposing my stomach and took out her knife and smiled then craving something into my stomach. I may be used to pain but I let out a loud cry of pain as she cut my skin open. It took forever but it hurt so much, especially since in was right under my rib cage. Tears ran down my face, from the excruciating pain. I was close to passing out becuase I am losing blood becuase she may have cut a major artery on my side, when I heard her say something to Wormtail about getting Griphook but before he got him, I died.

When I woke up in 'the light' or a pure white version of the Great Hall, Death was standing over me. "Can you stop?"

"Stop what?" I asked him.

"Dying, for god's sake. It's like every other day that I'm seeing you." He told me.

"What? I've died maybe three times." I told him.

"Time travel fasts here, but you need to go so you can get out of Malfoy Manor." He told me.

Harry's POV

We saw Athens laying in a pool of her blood and her eyes clouded over. Athens was dead. "Athens!" Draco said coming back into the room. Then we came into the room, wands a blazing.

"Expeliuamus!" Ron yelled and Bellitrix's wand fell right into my hand.

"Stupefy!" I shouted. Somehow she got a hold of Hermione.

"Drop your wands!" She ordered, "I said drop your wands!" But before we could the tiger patronus reveal itself. I smiled and I saw that Ron, Hermione and Draco were too. Bellatrix loosened her grip on Hermione and Hermione came over to us. "What is happening?" Bellatrix said, confused.

"Athens is returning." Draco said with a smile on his face. Then the tiger laid down on Athens and the tiger was absorbed in to Athens's dead body.

Athens POV...

I woke up to a chandelier and slowly sat up to see my mother looking at me. "Stupify." I casted without my wand and mother dearest went flying back, I got up and ran to my friends. Dobby then appeared and apparated us out of there but not before my mother could throw her knife landing in Dobby's chest.

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