Broken (Nalu Fan-Fic)

By Tartoros_Demon_13

45.7K 1K 164

Lissanna comes back from the 'dead'. Everyone is so excited they throw a huge party.... That lasts 6 months... More

Chapter 1 Mission
Chapter 2 Gone Forever
Chapter 3 Natsu's Grief
Chapter 4 Four years
Chapter 5 Veronica
Chapter 6 Training?
Chapter 7 A Talk
Chapter 8 Visitors
Chapter 9 Ambush!
Chapter 10 Lucy?
Chapter 11 Letters and Tears
Chapter 12 Guilt
Chapter 13 Talking out feelings
Chapter 14 The Guild
Chapter 15 Don't be sorry
Chapter 16 Lilly
Chapter 17 Forgiving
Chapter 18 Decisions
Chapter 19 Explanations and Scents
Chapter 20 Home Again
Chapter 21 Fairy Tail
Chapter 22 Power?
Chapter 23 A Battle
Chapter 24 A Party!
Chapter 25 His Nightmare
Chapter 26 A Meeting
Chapter 27 The Asteria
Chapter 28 You are weak
Chapter 29 A Heartfelt Moment
Chapter 30 A Dinner Together
Chapter 31 Raven's Eye
Chapter 32 Questions
Chapter 33 Thorn!
Chapter 34 Fights
Chapter 36 Screams
Chapter 37 Guilt
Chapter 38 Yami and Hikari
Chapter 39 Shiko and Cupid

Chapter 35 The Rescue

327 7 1
By Tartoros_Demon_13

Natsu's POV~
I keep banging on the wall, Erza and Gray standing behind me. They are probably looking at me like I'm crazy but I know this is Luce's room. "Luce! Please open the door!" But there was no answer, not a sound. I pick through my brain to remember what the password was. Something to do with light.... Is it- Light is near? No- Open up the door with light? Ugh!!! So frustrating! Why does she have to be so beautifully smart- Not the time! I start to get nervous as ideas fill my head of the possibilities of the passwords. It was- um- Oh yeah!!
"Angels be clear, Light is near, Come children of light, I am here?"
I say questionably, I'm kinda terrified what would happen if I get it wrong. But surprisingly the door reveals itself, making Erza and Gray gasp. "Wha-" Gray starts to ask but I quickly open the door. I am welcomed with an empty room. We all immediately start to look for clues. In the corner, on her desk I see a book. I slowly walk over to it to see it was a journal. Slowly, I open it to find the first page with little doodles of an angry Luce.
But it also had cute little scribbles for writing.
'Lucy's Diary!
It read. My curiousity got the better of me and I picked it up. Before I could stop myself I started to read it.
The first entry was just a year before me and Luce met...

Dear Diary,                                  X783

Today is the day that I will be running away from the mansion. It really hurts to leave, I will miss Sepetto, Bero, Ribbon, Aed, and so many more. I am hesitant to leave, only because of them and the precious memories I have here with Mom. But if she was here, right now, I know she would tell me to follow my dreams. So I am planning on leaving tonight, after curfew, bringing only the essentials. Maybe I might be able to bring a few books Mom left behind.

Speaking of Mom, I bet you are wondering how she died. Aren't you, my diary? Well, Mom was very sick... For as long as I could remember. I don't really remember much but I remember when I heard the docter say, "This child is draining you of your magic power." I think Mom was going to have a baby, that I was going to have a sibling.... They couldn't save Mom or my sibling... Who, I just recently found out, was a girl.... I remember Mom talking to me about baby names, how she wanted to have another child so I wouldn't be alone. Sepetto says that they were going to name the baby Luna.... I could've had a baby sister, and nicknamed her Lune! But.... Mom had to choose to save her or the baby. Father begged Mom to save herself, but before she could choose... She died.... Both Mom and Lune died.... Now I will run away and find a new family! Like Mom said; a guild is a place where people come together, like a family...
I have to go, my lessons with Bero is beginning soon.

I can feel tears welling up in my eyes, I never knew- I- I didn't- "What's wrong Fire breather?" Gray asks is an annoyed tone. "I- I-" I turn and hand the book to him. He reads over it quickly, shock quickly overtaking his face. "Oh my god-" Erza quickly snatches the diary from Gray, she reads it quickly. When she finished reading she dropped the journal. "I- We- didn't know..." Erza mumbles. When Erza dropped the journal a piece of paper slipped from it. I pick it up slowly and see what it says,

Dear to whomever finds this,

I will have left to go find Lilly. I might not come back, but I'm ok with that. At least now I can join Mom and Luna in the stars. If I do die I want you to tell my father that I forgive him and will always care for him. Maybe I should've talked to him in the years I was gone from Fairy Tail.... But I was afraid of telling anyone- no.... That's not it because I told Master and Ember that I was alive. Maybe it was because I afraid of facing my past... Having to go see him.... I heard that he lost his fortune and started to work at a guild.... I wonder where they put Mom and Luna's grave.... If I do come back then I will be with Lilly, then Ember won't be so mad... Just maybe....

The letter was in a rushed writing but it seemed to be so thought out... Just like everything Luce has ever written- it brought the tears from my eyes.
I rush back to where Ember was with the note in my hand.

Lucy's POV~
I hide in the bushes, watching as guards dressed in all black partol the walls and entrances. I think about the possible ways I could get in when I get an idea. Summoning a spirit would alert the gaurds so I decide to do a star dress a different way. I grab Virgo's key and hold it to my chest, "Star dress: Virgo form" I say in barely above a whisper. Magic washes over me and I'm in my Virgo form. I find an empty space of grass, and I breath in before digging underground.

In only a few mintues I reach the inside of the building. Keeping to the walls and the shadows once inside.
A few times I almost get caught but luckily they don't notice me. Finally I find stairs going down and into the dungeon. In guessing that's where they are keeoing Lilly. I let my transformation go in my excitement and run down the stairs. Not giving two cares if I get caught right now, Lilly is close. Once I get down the stairs I find cells with rusty bars lining a hallway. I look in each cell till I see the end of the hall. At the end is a metel door that seems to be unlocked. I push on it with my hand to find it actually unlocked, but it was heavy. Once opened I take in a sight I never wanted to see. Lilly is strapped to a table with her clothes in ruins and long cuts running along her whole body. Her eyes are open but are glossed over, as if she was sleeping with her eyes open. "Lilly!" I run to her, hoping and prating that she isn't dead. I check her pulse to find that it is there but faint. Before I could unstrap her I feel the room fill with a dark and unnatural aura. A laugh echos theough the room, and I turn to see a monster made of shadows.... With a thin skull mask.....
"I am Yami~ The nightmare of terror~ Welcome to my domain, Ms.Heartfillia!" The monster says in a demonic voice. "No... No!
I scream in pain as her shadows engulf me.... This is really how it ends.... I close my eyes and accept it... I guess I really did die Broken....

I cried so much while writing this chapter! Battle is coming soon, and with it means the ending of this story. But let's enjoy what we have for just a bit longer!
I love the idea that Lucy was going to have a sister, that makes sense for why her mom and dad got her Michelle, to practice on how she was going to have to treat her sister! Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful day or night wherever you are in the world!
Bye my little demons.

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