Boarding School Love.

By _jennyboo_

74.9K 1K 275

It's a classic case of girl meets player. Player meets girl. But will Harry be a player for long ? Will he fa... More

Boarding School Love.


1.4K 23 12
By _jennyboo_

Jenny's POV *A year later*

The last year has been extremely hectic for me. Ever since I left Harry, my world has turned to shit. So much has happened in the past 12 months, that my brain can hardly keep up. I had to start school in December instead of September. Luckily, I'm all caught up.

During the first month, I found out shocking news. My roommate, Sammy, the girl I met at the airport. Her fucking sister is the girl Harry cheated on me with. She came for a surprise visit, and well, she got a surprise. Sammy hates her. I know what your thinking, 'They're sisters. She can't hate her own blood.' Bull fucking shit. She was so happy when I sent Carolyn home crying.

During the second month, Harry called. A lot. I never answered. I couldn't bare to answer. So I just let it ring. It was probably just as heartbreaking for him, as it was for me. Considering I am still in love with him. I was nice and made my voice mail message thing, a lot nicer. So he can at least hear my voice while I'm being kind. I'm not even sure if he listened that long, but judging by his 'I miss you baby', 'Please come home. We can work this out', and 'I love you so much' texts, he does.

During the third month, everything sunk in. I was crying over Harry more than ever. I know. I could've gone back, but what would I look like if I did go back ? I would look like I needed him. Like I was weak. I've never been one to show how weak I am. I have way to much pride. During this month, I never left the house. I fell into this state of depression. I would barely get out of bed, and when I did, it was to shower, use the bathroom, or eat. Sammy made sure to keep the freezer full of cookie dough ice cream. She was there for me the whole time.

During the forth month, I got into a car accident. Gemma came down to visit me. I made her promise not to tell anyone of my state. Because I looked horrible, and Harry would probably fly down his damn self. And I didn't want that. I also got a criminal record. That car wasn't mine, I stole it. The owners didn't press charges though. Thank god. And I was driving under the influence. I didn't have to pay any damages back. Apparently, they got a fat ass check in the mail from someone who is related to me.

During the fifth month, Sammy got a boyfriend. And boy, did I hate him. That prick treated her like shit. When she wasn't around, he would hit on me. He was sleeping with the upstairs neighbor, who was supposed to be our friend. Then one day, I walked in on him hitting Sammy. I lost it. I hit him with a frying pan and broke his nose. Then I reported him to the police. He has jail time for assault, verbal assault, and rape.

During month six, I started to get threatening letters. They were from the guy that raped me. I was scared for my life and kept it hidden for the longest time. Until Sammy found out. Then it was her turn to go to the police. They had cops patrolling our every move. I felt like a mouse, and the cops were a hawk. I was suffocated.

During month seven, the nightmares started. I woke up screaming and crying. It was always Sammy to calm me down. She would rush into my room, wake me up, and let me cry into her shoulder. They were always about the man. That he would find me, and kill me. Just like he promised he would do.

During month eight, I started to get checks in the mail, and love letters. Both from Harry. I would send the checks back, but keep the letters. He would write one everyday. I didn't understand where he kept getting the money from. He would send me thousands of dollars. I was beyond confused and sent them right back. I keep his letters in a box, under my bed. There are hundreds of letters in there.

During month nine, I found One Direction merchandise. Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn formed a boy band. To say they were incredible would be a understatement. There is no possible way to describe how good they are. I would buy anything One Direction. Shirts, posters, headphones. It didn't matter what it was, I would buy it to support the band. I would even take pictures of myself with the stuff and post it online to show my support. This one time, I was wearing a Harry shirt with white knee highs. The shirt went down to mid-thigh. I posted a picture on instagram, and twitter. Harry went nuts and kept blowing up my phone. Saying how hot that picture was and how he misses me.

During month ten, directioners found out who I was. I was the girl who broke Harry's heart, and who he still talks about. I got so much hate at first. Then the boys took to twitter. I got less hate and more follows. After a few weeks, it was just a few tweets every hour about how I'm a whore and a whole bunch of other shit. I would always respond. I would be hella rude, and insult them back. Harry always tweeted the mean person and gave them a lesson about kindness.

During month eleven, the man was captured and my dad died. I made sure to fly home for those events. The court hearing went smoothly, and I was able to show that man, that I won. He tried to strangle me when he was sentenced to life, but I just smiled and waved as he was pulled away. My dad's funeral sucked. I suggested to Tristan that we just dump him in the river, but he said no. I had to give a speech and it was terribly mean. I had it recorded so I can watch it all the time. My favorite part was, "We're all gathered her to morn over my father. Many of you are his low life friends. I'm not sure who to feel more bad for. Him, because he knew such disgusting people. Or you, because you knew the abusive bastard, I'm forced to share blood with. I'm not morning his death. I'm fucking celebrating." I went on and at one point Kenny, Harry's dad, had to pull me off the stage. I kept throwing insult after insult. Harry was there. He showed up with his dad. I avoided him, and I was successful.The nightmares stopped after that.

That leads to the present day. Where the only thing I have to worry about, is fangirls who want to kill me. Every time a young girl approaches me, I tell them to get lost before I trash them on twitter. They leave quickly, knowing that the boys follow me. I get some mean tweets, which I respond meanly to. I get Harry's checks, and letters. And I post pictures of me supporting One Direction. I'm caught up in school, but thinking about ditching school in general.

I was offered to be a model. Apparently, my features blow everyone away. How cool would I be if I dropped out ? Harvard drop-out becomes model. Fucking mind blowing. So that's what I'm doing. I'm moving to California, and Sammy is transferring colleges. She hates Harvard with a burning passion. So she is coming with me to LA.

We're going to share a house with my brother. Well, Tristan is on some like mission in Africa, so it's really going to be Sammy and I. Not that we mind. The house is supposed to be huge. A pool in the back, huge yard, walk in closets. I'm excited. Sammy's excited. We're excited. It's like the taxi can't go fast enough. You know ?

"Is that is ?" Sammy gapes. The smelly taxi driver nods. He looks in his rear view mirror and smiles his smoker smile. I cringe and hand him money. We quickly get out with our bags and stare at the house in awe. It's bigger than we thought.

Harry's POV

New neighbors. Just what we need. Sarcasm intended. I thought that house was vacant. Guess not. They're girls too. I don't need them preventing my Jenny to return to me. So I think it's best to stay away from them.

My Jenny. Recently became a model. I always knew she was good looking, and her new job approved my thoughts. She moved here to LA, but refuses to give me her address. She doesn't want my letters or something. I just want her back.

"New neighbors ?" Liam asked coming up behind me. I nodded and we watched the girls run up to their house. "They're pretty. Maybe you can t-"

"Their not Jenny." I huffed. There was a blonde, and a brown haired girl. The blonde was slim and tall, and looked slightly familiar. I've seen her before, but I have no idea where. The brown haired girl was skinny and a little shorter than her friend. Average height. I couldn't see her face. They went inside and the brown haired turned around and smiled at the sky.

Jenny. She shouts something inside and strips off her clothing, leaving her in a black swimsuit. The other girl comes out with towels and in a swimsuit. They run to the beach, and I was quick to run up there. The lads shouted and ran after me. Her laugh echoed. Then she came into my view. Her tanned body was glowing. Her long brown hair blew in the wind. It was way longer than the last time I seen her. Her friend whispered something to her and Jenny looked off to the distance. Boys.

"Harry." The lads panted as they caught up. They looked to where I was staring. Jenny and her friend were talking to a group of guys. One leaned down to kiss Jenny, but she moved away. She glared at him and her friend started to yell at him. Jenny looked away and her eyes caught mine. She dropped the towel and it felt like time stopped. We stared at each other for a few minutes before she regained herself. She grabbed her friends hand and started pulling her away from me.

"Jenny !" I shout. I wasn't letting her get away. She looked back panicked and saw I was running towards her. "Baby ! Please wait !" Her friend looked back and saw me. She grabbed Jenny's hand and whispered something to her. Jenny nodded and stopped walking. She shifted her weight while I caught up to them.

"Hello Harry." She said looking away. I smiled and scooped her up in my arms. A little giggle escaped her lips before she pushed me away. "Will you take a walk with me ?"


Early update because it's Halloween ! Happy Halloween !!! Comment & tell me what your doing ?(:

Have a good day my lovelies.

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