Sea Prince (Sea Prince Trilog...

By Borntosingwithdrama

455K 15.8K 5.4K

The Giant War was over. Finished. Forgotten. But not by all. It still lingered in the minds of many. The Oly... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Pick Your Poison
Hey All
Want More?
I've Been Plotting

Chapter Seven

15.3K 559 244
By Borntosingwithdrama

"First of all, I want introductions. You can all hear about me after I at least learn your names." Percy stated stubbornly.

A blonde man spoke up, "I see nothing wrong with that. I'm Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America." Steve held his hand out and Percy awkwardly shook it.

"Wait a minute, how can you not know who we are? If you're a prince it's kinda your job to keep up with current events. And we are definitely in the current events." The same man from earlier waved his hands around.

"Ignore him. That's Tony Stark, Iron Man." Steve informed Percy. He nodded his head.

"Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow." The red head spoke. He stared at her for a moment while he processed her hero name. Spider.

He shook his head as a flash of blonde hair appeared in his vision. Don't even think about it right now.

"Is there a problem?" Natasha asked.

"No, sorry. Carry on." Percy reassured weakly. Don't think about it. Don't think about her. Not right now.

"I'm Bruce Banner, the other guy is called Hulk." Percy raised his eyebrow at 'the other guy' but thought nothing of it as he shook the man's hand.

"Clint Barton. Hawkeye." Clint stiffly shook Percy's hand, wary of the newcomer. There was this vibe about him...

Percy clapped his hands together and stood up. "So, instead of me prattling on to you, what do you want to know."

"Your name." Bruce started.

"He already told us that idiot." Tony said.

"Bruce wasn't sure if you could hear it over your ego." Natasha said offhandedly.

Percy stepped in before it escalated again. "I'm Perseus Jackson. When talking to me you really can drop the 'prince'. Just Percy or Perseus is fine. Next question."

"How old are you?" Clint asked next.

"Currently 21." That was, if you were going by how old he really was, and not the age immortality had frozen him in. Otherwise he was 18.

"You don't look it." Natasha said suspiciously.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I have an ID if you want to see it." She shook her head, deciding to believe him this once.

"What are you the prince of?" Tony demanded.

"A place." Percy stated. Telling them he's a Prince of the Seas wouldn't go down well with the whole 'keep your identity under wraps' thing.

"No shit, Sherlock." Tony deadpanned.

"Language." Steve muttered.

"I cannot tell you that much. My true identity here must be kept secret." Percy tried to explain as best he could.

"You got some bad guys on your trail or something?" Curiosity coated Bruce's voice.

"Not really. Our uh, land is just really secretive. Very few people even know where it is." Possibly because it's underwater...

"How can we trust you?" Clint demanded.

"Well, you put your trust in a person by-"

"You know what I mean." Yes, Percy did get it, he was simply taking the piss to avoid more awkward questions that he wanted to avoid. Maybe he should've just prattled on instead.

"I don't know." Percy admitted truthfully. "I understand that I'm not making it easy for you to trust me right now, and I've given you little reason to trust me. But I'm not permitted to go around sprouting all this classified information."

Tony scoffed. "The prince of his own land is unable to reveal its information."

"My father is not someone is recommend crossing." He is a god after all. "I'm not inheriting the throne either. That's my half brother's destiny and trust me, even if I were a contender he isn't given that up for anything."

"Half brother? So you're not eligible due to... being a bastard child?" Natasha asked cautiously and Percy flinched.

"Yeah, something like that." Percy mumbled sadly. He thought back to how he wasn't supposed to be born given the law among the Big Three not to have children with mortals.

"So you're a chuck-away?" Clint stated, careless of Percy's emotions.

Percy wouldn't like to think that was the case. But Percy also considered the fact that he was only made immortal because he'd helped Olympus before and they were scared of losing him. He'd been sent here on a mission and he was going to complete it. If he did that maybe they'd leave him alone. One last quest in exchange for his freedom.

"Clint." Steve warned. It was out of line.

"What? I just can't imagine why else they'd send us a prince of some land important enough to not even share it's location!"

Percy stood. He'd had enough of this conversation.

"I may be expendable, but I've been given a task and I will carry it out to the best of my ability." Percy said stiffly.

In exchange for freedom. To be finally free of the gods. To give them no reason to keep him chained to them any longer.

He would complete his mission.


Is it bad that I'm already plotting a sequel?

Wait, should I say that? Does that give anything away?



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