Stick Series: Castle (fan fic)

By theblackmailruler

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Stick Series: Castle (fan fic)
Chapter 2. Prepare For The Castle
Chapter 3. The First Look, Not So Bad, Second Look, Doom!
Chapter 4. The Big Room Of Freaks
Chapter 5. Luna the dark queen.
Chapter 6. The Forth Casino.
Chapter 7. The Red Bullet.
Chapter 8. The Third Castles Truth.
Chapter 9. What The...?
Chapter 10. Unlucky 13.
Chapter 11, Library.
Chapter 12. Special Eyes.
Chapter 13; Never Ending Screaming
Chapter 14, Dark Minds.
Chapter 15, Her Truth.
Chapter 16, Held Tightly.
Chapter 17, Blood Red Chaos.
Chapter 18, Bad Antics.
Chapter 19, The Third Book.
Chapter 20, Silent Struggles.
Chapter 21, Never Alone.
Chapter 22, Family.
Chapter 24, Difficult Route.
Military; Etrius.
Military; Boomer.
Military; Lloyd.
Chapter 25, Drag Me Back Out.
Chapter 26, Breaking Something.
Chapter 27, Resting On Empty.
Chapter 28, Too Far.
Chapter 29, Don't, Please.
Chapter 30, Begin Again.
Chapter 31, Broken.
Chapter 32, Good Times.
Chapter 33, Feel Better!
Chapter 34, Stop!
Chapter 35, Panic Room.
Chapter 36, A Long Road.
Chapter 37, Death Of A Beast.
Chapter 38, Life Savers.
Chapter 39, Choice.
Chapter 40, Your World.
Chapter 41, Found Again.
Chapter 42, Welcome Back.
Chapter 43, The Choice.
Chapter 44, Lost.
Chapter 45, Recover.
Chapter 46, Problems.
Chapter 47, Mind Games.
Chapter 48, Lost Friend.
Chapter 49, Dead Man.
Chapter 50, Better Together.
Chapter 51, Over What's Lost.
Chapter 52, Reunited.
Chapter 53, Given Up.
Chapter 53, As together.

Military; Beecher.

55 1 0
By theblackmailruler

This is made of fiction.


Beecher was sitting in a room alone, he grabbed the sniper rifle he brought from home and looked at it, the name painted on the handle still promenent, "Kimberly."

"Beecher." Someone said as they knocked, "Ready to go?"

Beecher got up and holstered his gun on his back, he then opened the door, another new recrute was there.

"Are you sure they'll let you keep your gun?" The newbie asked.

"Sure they will." Beecher said as he closed the door, "They won't have to supply me with one."

They began to walk down the hall, the newbie shook his head slightly.

"How were you able to keep yourself so fit?" He asked, "I barely passed the physical, yet I heard you passed with flying colors."

"When you're running around for hours on end through a forest you tent to stay fit." Beecher said, "Besides, Kim was the one who taught me to work hard."

"You always talk about her." He said, "What happened to her, by the way?"

"I don't know." Beecher said, "All I know is that I'm not letting her down."

They reached a small room and the newbie went through the door leading outside, before Beecher went out someone stopped him, General Adams was standing there.

"So you're nineteen?" He asked.

"Do you want proof?" Beecher asked.

"That would be nice." Adams said.

Beecher quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, he showed Adams a motorcycle lisence.

"Is that what you wanted?" He asked.

Adams let him go and let him go outside, he was put with some other soldiers and he spent his time listening to everyone, soon he noticed Boomer watching him, he gave him a hand greeting from afar, one Kim used to use, Boomer just looked confused and nudged someoen else, Etrius looked over to see Beecher, he did the same hand greeting, Etrius just looked at Boomer with a confused expression, Boomer just shrugged.

"Alright soldiers!" Adams said loudly, "I want to hear your forte!"

"Sniper." Beecher spoke up fisrt.

Adams walked over to him.

"You can work that gun?" Adams asked.

"Best sniper around." Beecher said, "Perhaps even the best in the world, but I'm at least second best."

Adams raised an eyebrow at him.

"Prove it." He said.

Beecher pulled his gun off his back and pointed at a target that was quite a ways away and flipped off the safety, without any hesitation he shot twice, he then flipped the safety back on and lowered his gun.

"Could have done better." Beecher said as he held out a pair of banoculars to Adams.

Adams took the benoculars and looked through them, soon he lowered the benoculars and looked at Beecher.

"Did you say that you could have done better?" He asked.

"Yes." Beecher said, "I was a centemeter off from getting a vital point on the headshot."

Everyone was just quiet.

"Damn it Beecher!" The one he was with earlier shouted, "You're too damn good! It's not fair!"

"I offered to teach you something." Beecher said, "Don't blame me for being as good as you could had been."

"Can anyone be as good as you?!" Someone else asked.

"If you were willing to give it a try maybe." Beecher said.

Adams was relatively pleased with Beecher, everything Adams gave him he did, he even broke up a fight between two people without causing any problems, soon everyone was allowed to go off and do their own thing, Beecher left quickly and no one saw him for the rest of the night.

For two days Etrius and the others kind of looked for him, Etrius wanted to ask him who taught him to shoot but couldn't get a hold of him, soon he went around a corner during a break and saw Beecher was alone leaning against a wall, he immediantly went over to him.

"Who taught you to shoot?" Etrius asked.

Beecher looked over at him.

"A friend." He replied, "She taught me everything I know now."

Etrius was quiet.

"Let me see something." He said.

Beecher puled off his gun and quickly flicked the safety off and aimed through the scope, he then shot, he quickly flipped the safety on and hid behind a wall, Etrius looked to see a sargent walking over.

"Etrius I swear!" He shouted.

"I know you do." Etrius said, "I'm sure one's coming out soon."

"Don't get smart with me, you ass!" He shouted.

"Told you so." Etrius said as he looked towards Beecher.

The sargent glared at him.

"I'll have Adams deal with you later!" He said sternly.

He walked away, Etrius looked back at Beecher.

"Sorry." Beecher said, "I've gotten used to hiding when in trouble."

"I don't care." Etrius said, "Adams won't do anything to me."

Beecher just nodded as he came out of hiding and put the gun back on his back.

"What did you hit?" Etrius asked.

"I shot the drink out of his hand." Beecher said, "I got a nice shot through the bottom."

Etrius nodded.

"Etrius!" Boomer shouted as he ran over.

"What's going on?" Etrius asked.

"Lloyd said he saw Sargent Clark talking with Adams and he looked pissed, Adams' looking for you now." Boomer said.

"Where is he?" Etrius asked.

Boomer began to lead him off as Beecher continued to do his own thing.

Later that day after dinner Beecher disappeared again, he was standing on top of a storage container, he was staring at another one that was about seven feet away from the one he was standing on, he began to take a few steps back until he reached the edge, he bolted forword, at the edge he used his legs to push himself forword at high speeds, he overshot the other container.

"Shit!" Beecher shouted as he tried to catch himself.

He hit the ground and ended up rolling slightly, he then laid there for awhile.

"What the hell was that about?" Boomer asked as he looked down at him.

"None of your business." Beecher said as he sat up.

"I just watched you try to kill yourself." Boomer said, "I think I need an explanation."

Beecher was quiet as he stared at Boomer.

"It was a friend." Beecher said, "I lost a close friend because of a fuisser that opened between us."

Boomer raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's more of a self goal now." Beecher said as he got up, "My goal is to jump over the one I lost her at."

"Makes sense." Boomer said, He looked at the containers, "But I think jumping on the containers is a bit too dangerous if you're jumping that far."

"You're right." Beecher said as he got up, "I need somthing farther away from each other."

Beecher went off by himself and ended training himself a bit more, he was now able to jump about twelve feet, of course he wasn't exactly sure how far the one back at home was he knew he must had been getting close now, soon he wass put with the highest ranking people, jusst below the elite team.

Everyone was getting ready to go out on a small mission, some of the resistance had left a bunch of vehicles near a ravine, Beecher was holstering his gun when someone walked over to him with a dog, Beecher looked down at it as it wagged it's tail.

"I'm guessing Dustin passed?" Beecher asked as he looked up at him.

"Testing him was an honor." The soldier said, "He was amazing!"

"Of course." Beecher said as he took the leash, "He was trained by the best hunting and fishing dog I knew."

After that they began to head off, they drove over in some trucks, it took about a day but they reached the abandond trucks and got out, Beecher took the leash off the dog and stood up.

"Alright Dustin." He said, "Go do your magic."

The dog ran off to the trucks and began to sniff the first one, he then barked twice.

"It's safe." Beecher said as he began to head over, just be careful with the other trucks while Dustin sniffs around."

Everyone began to wander over as Dustin continued to sniff the other trucks, they were opening them to see some old supplies, some of the things seemed to be expired.

"Maybe they were just getting rid of some stuff." Lloyd suggested.

"It's a possibility." Etrius said as he moved a cover on one of the trucks.

Boomer opened the back of a truck and looked in.

"This one's empty." He said as he closed it.

Beecher suddenly got a bad feeling, he looked at Dusting who was sniffing a truck, he should have moved on from it by then.

"Get away from the truck." Beecher said sa he stopped Lloyd from going over.

Everyone began to back away, Dustin then began to back away, he barked once.

"There's a bomb in there." Beecher said.

"Boomer?" Etrius asked as he looked at Boomer.

Boomer began to head over, Dustin whinned slightly.

"Hold on." Beecher said, "If Dustin's acting this way then something's not right."

That's when Boomer stopped, he began to back away.

"It's gonna blow!" He shouted as he grabbed Etrius and someone else.

Immediently everyone began to run, Beecher grabbed Lloyd and turned around, he ran but quickly realized the revine was right behind them, he held on tightly to Lloyd as they fell in, it was a straight drop to the bottom, Beecher forced the two of them against the side of the ravine to slow their fall, he was generally seccsessful on slowing them down, they hit the ground and Beecher was out for who knows how long, he came to looking at Lloyd, who was laying motionlesss on the ground.

He could hear everyone talking above them, he ignored them and made his way over to Lloyd, he looked him over and saw there was a large gash on his leg bleeding heavily, Beecher quickly and without a second thought pulled his shirt off and used it to try and stop the bleeding, he wrapped it around his leg and kind of cut of circulation to it, he then moved over to his head and gently moved his fingers along his neck, he was relived when he found it wasn't broken, he then began to check everything else, no broken bones, his skull didn't seem to be fractured, and he was alive and breathing.

"They haven't replied for half an hour." Someone said, "I don't think they're alive down there."

"Etrius." Beecher called up.

"You're alive!" Etrius said as he looked down at them.

"Somewhat." Beecher replied, "Lloyd's hurt bad and we're kind of stranded."

They were all quiet.

"Boomer!" Etrius shouted, "Get one of those tailgates off, everyone else, find rope, and lots of it!" He ordered.

Everyone began to run off, Beecher grabbed his throbbing leg and quickly found it was broken, but he didn't care at this moment, he began doing his best to care for Lloyd, soon Lloyd moved, he groaned in pain.

"Easy." Beecher said, "That was quite a fall, just stay put."

Lloyd didn't move and soon fell limp, although Beecher knew he was stil awake and aware.

"Beecher." Etrius said, "We're sending down a tailgate, we'll hoist you up."

"Alright." Beecher said, "But I'm going to have to do something with Lloyd's leg, so find me something to splint my leg and every medical kit you can get your hands on."

The tailgate was lowered down and Beecher began to get Lloyd on it.

"Do you think you can hoist both of us?" Beecher asked, "I don't want Lloyd hitting the wall."

"Just get on, bastard." Boomer said.

Beecher climbed on and sat near the wall, still keeping it as stable as possible.

"Take us up." Beecher said.

Everyone began pulling them up, Boomer was doing most of the work with his nearly inhuman strength, soon Beecher was up enough to get off, once off everyone had an easier time getting Lloyd up, some even letting go to help Beecher grab the tailgate and pull him up without letting it tip, once up everyone began handing things to Beecher.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Etrius asked.

"I've had to stitch up my fair ammount of wounds." Beecher said as he began opening all three medical kits.

He began going through them as Lloyd groaned in pain, he found a needle but no thread.

"I need either fishing line or medical thread." Beecher said, "Normal thread won't do anything."

Some people began to run off with Dustin, someone handed Beecher two flat boards, they were a bit shorter than his leg but he didn't care, he grabbed some bandages and began to splint his leg.

"You broke your leg?" Etrius asked.

"I've had worse." Beecher said as he finished wrapping it up.

He turned his attention to Lloyd again, he found painkillers and some disinfectant in the medical kits, he took them both out, one look at the lid of both of them was all it took for him to know that he couldn't gett them open, he handed them both to Boomer.

"Get those open." He said.

He looked at Lloyd who was doing rather well at biding with the pain.

"I won't lie to you." Beecher said, "This is definetly going to suck, all we have are painkillers but I think you'll want anything to make this more bareable."

Lloyd just nodded, Beecher was now fully in charge of the situation, he went through the medical kits until he found some more gause, he handed it to Etrius.

"Have him bite down on that." Beecher said, "He'll appreciate it in a minute."

Etrius handed it to Lloyd and he stuck it in his mouth, he bit down on it.

"He's going to want to squeeze something, so someone sturdy should sit next to him." Beecher said, "I'm going to need three bottles of water as well."

Some more soldiers got up and ran off to their trucks, Boomer sat next to Lloyd.

"My suggestion is to treat it like child birth." Beecher said.

"I'm guessing you know this from experience." Etrius said.

"I had a pillow so mine was a bit easier." Beecher said, "Once I get to stitching it closed someone's going to have to hold his leg down."

Etrius just nodded, some soldier came back with the water bottles and some fishing line, Dustin was sitting a couple of feet away from everyone, that's when beecher began to remove his shirt, the woon was bad and all full of dirt and rocks, one soldier had to look away.

"Give me that bowl over there." Beecher said.

He poked a hole in the lid of one of the bottles with the needle and tipped it over the wond, he then crushed the bottle using it to flush out the wound, he then opened the next bottle and poured it into the bowl, he held his hand out to Boomer.

"Disinfectant." He said.

Boomer handed him the now open bottle of disinfectant and he poured it into the bottle, he closed the bottle and poked a hole through it, then looked up at Lloyd.

"This is going to hurt more than the water." He said.

Lloyd bit down harder and braced himself, squeezing Boomer's arm tightly, Beecher then flushed out the wound with the disinfectant, once he was done he put some cloth into the bowl of water.

"Let me know if you need a break at all." Beecher said, "That goes for you too, Boomer."

Boomer just nodded, Beecher took the fishing line and threaded the needle, Etrius and one other held his leg still, he then began to stitch the wound closed, he used tweezers to tie it closed, after the second one Boomer stopped Beecher.

"Just give him a minute." Boomer said.

"Do you want the painkillers now?" Beecher asked.

Lloyd nodded, Beecher held out his hand to Boomer and he handed him the bottle.

"Do you take painillers often?" Beecher asked.

Lloyd shook his head.

Beecher poured out a few pills and handed them to Boomer, he then passed Etrius the last bottle of water, they helped him take the pills.

"They should kick in soon, since you haven't gained an ammune to any painkillers these should be quick." Beecher said, "But I can't wait until they kick in otherwise we face infection."

Lloyd just nodded as he put the gause back in his mouth, he bit down and braced himself again, Beecher continued to stitch the wound closed, after a minute Lloyd seemed to calm down, meaning the painkillers kicked in, Beecher quickly finished up and used the cloth he had sitting in the water to clean over the wound.

"There." Beecher said, "He should get some rest in a comfortable area while we wait for whatever it is we're waiting for."

Boomer picked up Lloyd, he then carried him off to the back of one of the trucks.

"What about you?" Etrius asked.

"I'll be fine." Beecher said, "I've been through hell and back, this is nothing."

Etrius just nodded and wandered off, Dustin went over and restedd his head on Beecher's shoulder.

"Wanna find some sticks?" Beecher asked.

Dustin quickly ran off and started running around the area, after about half an hour Etrius and Boomer began walking past where Beecher was resting.

"How's Lloyd?" Etrius asked.

"Quiet." Boomer replied, "As usual."

Etrius sighed.

"Has he said anything?" Etrius asked.

"No." Boomer replied, "Not even a sound since earlier."

"I hope he's not too hurt." Etrius said, "I'm sure he's fine though, he was responding to Beecher just fine."

Boomer nodded and they continued to talk as they walked out of hearing range, Dustin came over and set down quite a few sticks, Beecher began to use them to make a make-shift crutch, once his crutch was finished he got up and made his way over to the truck Lloyd was in, he looked into the back to see him laying on one of the seats, Beecher boosted himself up onto the tailgate.

"Are you doing alright?" Beecher asked.

"I'm fine now." Lloyd said, "But it was definetly painful."

"Sorry." Beecher said.

"It's what you had to do." Lloyd said.

He moved slightly and looked at Beecher.

"Where did you learn things like that?" He asked.

"From a childhood friend." Beecher replied, "The two of us would always get into some shit and have to take care of ourselves, just so my parents wouldn't find out."

Beecher smiled slightly.

"I remember the time she acctually showed me what to do." Beecher said, "We were in the living room of her grandpa's place with a needle and fishing line, we had to be quiet because it was two in the morning and her grandpa was sleeping."

"Sounds like you two were close." Lloyd said, "What happened to her?"

Beecher was quiet.

"I'm not sure." Beecher said, "We were in a forest that had caught fire and she got stuck under a tree, there was a ravine that opened between us and I tried to jump across to save her, long story short I fell in and never saw her again."

Lloyd was quiet, Dustin jumped up and laid on Beecher's lap.

"A couple days before the accident her grandpa died, he was her last bit of family and supposidly some family she didn't know was going to watch her." Beecher said, "Before I lost her she wrote her will out to me, so I got everything she had."

Beecher pet Dustin a bit.

"They had a dog named Fisher that taught Dustin everything he knows." Beecher said, "I own her old motercylce, her house, her guns and other weapons, everything went to me."

He looked over at Lloyd, he was quietly listening to him.

"Really, she gave it to me because I was the last one she had." Beecher said, "And I promised her that I would become the best Sniper."

He looked next to him o see his gun with Lloyd's sword, which was a relief, he picked up his gun and showed the handle to Lloyd.

"This was her own personal gun, and it's what I've been using since." Beecher said, "I feel it gives me good luck."

Lloyd just nodded, now understanding him a bit better.

"I think you should join the elite team." Lloyd said.

"That's you, Boomer, and Etrius, right?" Beecher asked.

"Yeah." Lloyd said, "I think you'd fit right in."

If you think so." Etrius said from somewhere near the truck, "He has my approval."

~Hurray! Yay! Hurray!~

Well... turns out Beecher's was longer than anyone else's, isn't that surprising?

Anyways, I'm really happy with how all the Military sequences turned out, I feel like it gives just a bit more... girth... maybe not girth but background... yeah, background to everyone.

Remember, this is made of fiction as shouldn't be taken seiously outside of this book.

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