Stick Series: Castle (fan fic)

By theblackmailruler

5K 94 110


Stick Series: Castle (fan fic)
Chapter 2. Prepare For The Castle
Chapter 3. The First Look, Not So Bad, Second Look, Doom!
Chapter 4. The Big Room Of Freaks
Chapter 5. Luna the dark queen.
Chapter 6. The Forth Casino.
Chapter 7. The Red Bullet.
Chapter 8. The Third Castles Truth.
Chapter 9. What The...?
Chapter 10. Unlucky 13.
Chapter 11, Library.
Chapter 12. Special Eyes.
Chapter 13; Never Ending Screaming
Chapter 14, Dark Minds.
Chapter 15, Her Truth.
Chapter 16, Held Tightly.
Chapter 17, Blood Red Chaos.
Chapter 18, Bad Antics.
Chapter 19, The Third Book.
Chapter 20, Silent Struggles.
Chapter 21, Never Alone.
Chapter 22, Family.
Chapter 24, Difficult Route.
Military; Boomer.
Military; Lloyd.
Military; Beecher.
Chapter 25, Drag Me Back Out.
Chapter 26, Breaking Something.
Chapter 27, Resting On Empty.
Chapter 28, Too Far.
Chapter 29, Don't, Please.
Chapter 30, Begin Again.
Chapter 31, Broken.
Chapter 32, Good Times.
Chapter 33, Feel Better!
Chapter 34, Stop!
Chapter 35, Panic Room.
Chapter 36, A Long Road.
Chapter 37, Death Of A Beast.
Chapter 38, Life Savers.
Chapter 39, Choice.
Chapter 40, Your World.
Chapter 41, Found Again.
Chapter 42, Welcome Back.
Chapter 43, The Choice.
Chapter 44, Lost.
Chapter 45, Recover.
Chapter 46, Problems.
Chapter 47, Mind Games.
Chapter 48, Lost Friend.
Chapter 49, Dead Man.
Chapter 50, Better Together.
Chapter 51, Over What's Lost.
Chapter 52, Reunited.
Chapter 53, Given Up.
Chapter 53, As together.

Military; Etrius.

80 1 3
By theblackmailruler

This doesn't really have anything to do with the book, nor is it factual, just something made by an overly pasionate fangirl and sounded like fun to wright, this "Military" Sequence will show exactly how everyone in the elite team met and why they got along, so enjoy, I guess. I made this based off this alternate fan-world I created, so don't take any of this really seriously except for in this book.


Etrius was sitting in the back of a high security vehicle, he was only sixteen but was already arrested a lot, they pulled to a stop and the back door opened, there were officers waiting to escort him, hey had large tazer sticks with them to keep him in check, he got out of the vehicle and his restraints were grabbed, he wasn't put in handcuffs anymore since he either broke them or somehow got out of them, he was dragged across an open field and to a man in a general's hat, he looked over as Etrius was thrown to the ground in front of him.

"So this is the trouble child?" This general asked. (Not the same general from in the series.)

"Yes General Adams." An officer said.

General Adams crouched down in front of him, reciving a dark lok from Etrius.

"So you're the kid that broke out of Juvy seventeen times and prison three times?" He asked.

"The reason we've brought him here is because he broke out of maximum security recently." An officer said, "And every other correctional facility we had broguth him to he caused problems at."

General Adams stood up again.

"He'll be well behaved soon enough." He said, "It's only a matter of time."

"Don't get too cocky." An officer said, "He'll pose a larger challange soon enough."

The officers handed Adams the key to the restraints, then left, Etrius got off the ground and held his hands out to him.

"Not yet." Adams said as he stuck the key in his pocket, "You'll have to earn your hands back."

Etrius scoffed as he looked away.

"You'll just want me dead too." He said quietly, "Not like you care."

"We'll just see about that." He said.

He lead Etrius inside the building, there were soldiers standing around and Etrius was put within them, they were all standing up straight and at attention, Etrius looked as if he didn't care.

"Stand straight, soldier." Adams said as he got into Etrius's face.

"No." He said.

Adams gave him a dark look.

"I see why you cause so much trouuble." He said, "Then have it your way."

For hours Etrius trained alone in a nearly black room, still with the restraints, multiple commanders from different military camps watched him in the room alone, they were mildly impressed when they saw he was able to shoot a gun with the restaints and even attempted to remove them, before he could get them off though Adams came in, he saw him sitting with a gun around the chain of his restraints, he was trying to blast the chain in half, he wasn't even able to use his hands with them.

"Have I 'earned my freedom' yet?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"No." He said, "You havent."

Etrius looked even more annoyed, and somewhat fought him as he took him out of the room, he was taken back to where Adams was staying just so he could keep an eye on him, he put him in his own room and locked the door, Etrius quietly sat on the bed.

"He's troublesome." Adams said from outside.

"Just give him some time." A woman said, "Eveyone has their own way to express themselves."

Etrius heard the two of them walk away, he got up and opened the window, then kicked the screen out, he looked down at the ground that was three stories down, he looked around quickly and saw a nearby tree, he hopped into it and ended up on the ground, he then wandered away, this was basically in the middle of nowhere but Etrius didn't care, he wandered around until it began to turn dawn, he sat down near a cliff and watched as the sun rised, he heard someone walk up behind him.

"Honestly." A woman started, "You had us worried sick."

"I don't care." Etrius said.

She went over and sat next to him.

"Why did you leave?" She asked.

"Why do you care?" He asked.

"Because I'm a mother." She said, "When a child needs help or goes missing I'm always there to help."

"Most parents don't care." Etrius said as he looked at her, "Exspecially about me."

"I'm not most parents." She said, "Now, why did you leave?"

Etrius silently looked away from her, obviously not going to answer, she sighed as she stood up.

"How about we head back to the house?" She asked, "I'll get you something to eat before you and Jack leave."

Etrius was silent as he stared at her.

"Do I have a choice?" He asked.

"You obviously haven't been making right choices so far." She said, "Do you really want to make it by yourself?"

He was quiet as he turned away.

"If you stay here, where else will you go?" She asked.

"I don't know." He replied.

"If you come back with me you will be taken care of." She said, "What benifit would you get from staying here alone?"

"Death." He said.

She was quiet as she watched him.

"Well." She said, "If you die now there will be many people who never meet you."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Etrius asked, "Because it isn't working, no one wants to meet, never-the-less be with me."

She was quiet.

"You never know." She said, "Being here you could save someone's life."

Etrius was quiet, she gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Will you come back for my sake?" She asked.

He was quiet but eventually got up, he followed her back to the house, Adams was there and was surprised to see Etrius was with Mrs. Adams.

"Where..." She cut him off.

"Like I said, dear." She said as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "All he needed was a little encouragement."

Etrius didn't say anything to Adams for the entire morning, after that they went out to train again, this time Etriu was more well behaved, as everyone was taking a break people were talking, Etrius was silent as he sat there listening, he really didn't like these guys, his head was low and he was seeming to mind his own business, they were pissing him off, fiinally he got up and walked behind them, they crossed the line when they mentioned Mrs. Adams being a bitch, he quickly used the chain around his restraints to begin to strangle one of the guys, everyone else began trying to pry Etrius off the guy as one ran off, soon Adams showed up and somehow got him off the guy, he was basically growling at everyone, Adams dragged him off and looked at him.

"What in the world are you doing?" He asked.

Etrius was quiet.

"I won't stand them." Etrius said, "If I have to be with them I'll go insane."

He gave a dark look.

"And someone will get hurt." He continued.

"Alright, alright." Adams said, "We'll figure something out."

He sighed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I can't just let you stay out of activities." He said, "I'll ask Eve when we get back, until then you go do something on your own."

Etrius walked away for some cooldown time, he wandered alone until he came across Mrs. Adams, she looked at him and smiled.

"Why hello." She said, "You are in a funny place right now."

He didn't say anything as he stared at her.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I nearly strangled a man." He said bluntly.

She looked mildly disappointed.

"Do you need more insight on your decisions?" She asked.

"Maybe." He said, "I think you were right about my decisions."

She smiled slightly.

"Well, it's a good thing to stay away from people you can't get along with." She said, "Instead of trying to tolerate them and just stressing you out."

"I can't just be lone, can I?" He asked, "Besides, it would have been pointless to come if I don't participae, I'd just end up on death row."

She was quiet.

"I think I can find a loophole." She said quietly.

"And that would be...?" Etrius trailed off.

"We'll put you on an elite team." She said, "Only the best can get into it, and from what I heard you qualify."

"Qualafy?" He asked.

"Yes." She said, "You have skills that are far better than any soldier so far, so you'll be the leader of this new team."

"Is this allowed?" Etrius asked.

"Why would you care?" She asked, "You'll be left alone then."

Etrius was quiet.

"That's fine." He said, "And what about the restraints?" He asked as he lifted his hands.

"We'll take carre of that honey." She said, "I'll talk with Jack about this."


I'm happy on how this turned out, but keep in mind you shouldn't take it to heart on the actual series, just a crazy little thing I made, this i just my version of Ertius and my thoughts on him, it doesn't mean this is anything true.

But yay!

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